A shopping trip for Lora
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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]
by Lora on November 8th, 2014, 3:14 pm
Timestamp: 38th, fall, 514 Striding across the beach, her arms swinging next to her, Lora looked up at the sky. It was a cloudy day, as usual during fall and Lora wouldn’t be surprised if it started to rain. This, although she did like rain, was not the cause of her good mood. She was going shopping. Shopping had always been an exciting endeavor for Lora. There were so many interesting things that people sold that Lora liked to look at. Sometimes she would just go to look in shops but not buy anything. Today, though, she had a mental list of things she was hoping to buy. She ran over the list, muttering the words silently. I need candles, a palette, a quill, a bottle of ink, and paper. It was a long list and Lora had no idea if she even had the money to buy all of these. For a while now she had been mentally storing up things she wanted to get and now she had finally decided to go buy them. In her pocket she had half of all the money she currently possessed. One of the best things, in Lora’s opinion, about Mura was that she could trust the people there. She didn’t have to worry about carrying around money for fear of being pick-pocketed. When she had lived in Syliras, though crime was rather rare, her mother had told her not to carry around lots of money because people might take it.
As Lora entered the town she looked around at all the beautiful buildings she. She saw them every time she went into the city but she could never quite get over how nice they looked. Everything was well designed and new looking. It was all shiny and gave off a very pristine look, much different of the dirty and somewhat chaotic sights of Syliras. There were a few people out walking to where ever they needed to go. Most of them were Konti but there were a few other races scattered about to. Lora was careful went she walked near people not to look them in the eye. This was not because of any kind of social etiquette but rather so she didn’t accidentally use her Konti gift, which, if she didn’t have the person’s permission, she considered a violation of their privacy.
First she was looking for candles. The days of Mura had become increasingly dark with clouds and rain and without any means of light Lora was often kept in the dark on such days. Walking around the city she looked in each of the shops she passes as she went by. It wasn’t long until she found herself walking into a candle shop.
The first thing Lora noticed as she walked into the shop was the over whelming sent of beeswax. The one wall was lined with door less cabinets. Each one was filled up about half way- some more, some less- with candles. There were a variety of sizes that filled the shelves. Having expected them to only come in one shape, this was a bit of a surprise to Lora. The majority of them were just long strait cylindrical candles-like Lora had expected them to be- but there were also ovals and squares and all kinds of other shapes.
A young adult Konti with short blonde hair they framed her face sat in a chair behind a desk on the wall opposite the candles. Upon opening the door, the bell that was tied to it had rung and the woman had looked up from what she was writing.
“Tell me if you need any assistance.” She nodded briskly at Lora smiling slightly. Lora responded with quick smile and a nod. Walking over to the wall of candles Lora was well aware of the woman watching her intently. Despite all the choices Lora still wanted the plain long cylinder candles she just needed to decide how many to buy. Noting a small sign next to the cylinder candles that read: ‘3 cm per candle’ in scrawled handwriting, she decided that 12 was a good number of candles, at least to start with.
“I’d like to buy 12 of these.”She pointed to the candles in front of her.
“Alright, go ahead and grab them.” The konti paused thinking for a second. “That comes to 3 silver and 6 copper.” Lora fumbled with her money a second before handing the woman the exact amount of money she had asked for. The konti nodded and gestured for Lora to go and get the candles. She walked back over to the candle shelves and started pulling out candles. 1, 2, 3 . . . Lora counted each of the candle as she pulled it out and tucked it under her arm. By the time she had all 12 her arms were full. Walking over to the door she had to push it open with her back because her arms were full of candles. She had thought that she would be able to buy all her things without going back to her cottage but now it seemed like she had no choice. As she started to walk back she wished she had a bag to carry her things in.
Just as she thought that she walked right past a store with nicely designed bags being displayed in the front. She stopped and back tracked a bit. This was what she was looking for. Excitedly she entered the shop ready to buy a bag to put her candles in. |
Last edited by
Lora on December 7th, 2014, 9:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Lora - Seer of Talent
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by Lora on November 12th, 2014, 9:54 pm
The store actually had a few people in it, as opposed to the totally empty candle shop. There were quite a few types of bags. Some were made of leather some with cloth; some of them had intricate designs some didn’t. There was just about any type of bag you could image.
Stepping inside, her hands still full with candles, she looked around. Eventually gravitating towards the leather satchels, she decided that was what she wanted to buy. They were all pretty much the same: a large compartment with covered with a piece of leather that attached to the front with a strap and a buckle. Some of the bags had pockets on the front-she couldn’t tell what was on the inside because she had her hands full and couldn’t look in it. Some of the bags had designs stamped into the front, top or side. After she had done some looking around a Konti –who Lora assumed was the owner of the shop- came up to her.
“Do you need some help with that?” She offered to take the candles that filled Lora’s arms.
“Yes, please.” Lora almost placed the candles in the woman’s outstretched hands but stopped just short and recoiled a bit. The woman-who had been expecting a load of candles in her arms -stumbled a bit. She look up with an inquisitive look at Lora. “Sorry, that would be rude. I can carry them.”
“That wouldn’t be rude in the slightest.” She offered to take the candles once more. After a second of pondering, Lora placed the 12 waxy figures in her arms. “Go ahead, then. Look around.” The woman nodded at the bags. Nodding in agreement, Lora walked over to the shelves. She was a bit self-conscious due to the fact she knew the woman was watching her but she browsed through the leather satchels none the less. When looking on the inside of some of the bags she noted that they had inner pockets.
Not wanting the woman to have to hold her things to long she quickly chose a bag. Turning to the woman she said, “I would like to buy this one.” She pointed to one of the leather satchels. It had two outer pockets over which the straps attached. On the inside it had two pockets as well. She liked the idea of having a multitude of pockets but what really drew her to the bag was the flower design pressed into the front of it.
“That will be 1 gold and 5 silver mizas, please.” The woman said, smiling. Reaching into her pocket, Lora pulled out the correct amount of coins. She tried to hand them to the sales woman; she realized she wouldn’t be able to take them because her hands were full of candles. “I’ll just put the candles in the bag then?” She asked ended the awkward silence that had followed the unsuccessful exchange.
“Yes, please. I think that would be best.” Lora nodded stepping out of the way so the Konti could get to the bag. The woman walked over flipped the top off the bag- luckily it was unlatched- and carefully dropped the candles into the bag. She held out her hand and accepted the money Lora was holding out to her.
“Thank you, the bag is all yours.” The woman smiled then walked off to assist another customer. Lora grabbed strap of the bag. Fitting it on her, she ran it so the strap ran diagonally across her body. As she walked out the door, Lora fastened the metal fixings on the front of the bag to the top piece stayed on. Continuing to walk along the street she started to look for a shop that sold the next thing she needed to buy: a real palette. |
Last edited by
Lora on December 7th, 2014, 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lora - Seer of Talent
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by Lora on November 14th, 2014, 11:02 pm
Lora felt slightly proud with her new bag swinging lightly by her side. After some walking Lora came across an art shop, which wasn’t surprising seeing as they were relatively common in Mura. Pulling the wooden door opened she entered the color full shop. It was full of various products from paint pigments to ink sticks. Immediately Lora located the section that sold the palettes. Previously, she had been using an old piece of drift wood as a palette. Needless to say, she was in need of a new one.
The palettes came in different sizes and shapes with various nicks and ways to hold them. Obviously who ever had designed them was excessively creative. Selecting a medium sized one; Lora noted the sign informing her it would cost her 2 silver mizas to buy. Pulling the palette from its slot on the shelf, she took it up to the checkout counter. There was a konti woman who was currently buying some ink vials and Lora had to wait behind her. Suddenly it dawned on Lora, she needed some ink vials too and if they sold them here it would mean one less place to go. If she was lucky she thought they might also sell a quill and paper here.
Leaving the line, Lora started to look around the store. She had to walk past paints, as many sizes of canvas as you could imagine and at 3 rows of paintbrushes until she eventually found the ink vials and, sure enough, right next to the vials were a variety of quills and a few notebooks filled with paper.
Lora very nearly gasped out loud when she saw the price of the ink.1 gm!? That was far more than Lora had expected and it almost deterred her from buying the ink all together. Despite this she did eventually come to the decision that she would buy the ink, the quill-which she found to be 5 copper- and a notebook-priced at 4gm. Picking up each of the items she balanced them on the stack of paper and returned to the checkout counter.
This time there was no one there and Lora could walk right up to the konti woman that she would be buying the items from.
“What can I get for you today?” The woman asked enthusiastically.
“I’d like to buy these items, please.”
“Oh, good! That’ll be-” She did some quick math in her head. “5 gold and 5 copper.” Reaching into her pocket Lora pulled out the some coins and paid the sales woman.
Taking her newly purchased goods, Lora placed them in her new bag. She was carefully put the paper where it wouldn’t get bent, the vial where the glass wouldn’t crack and the quill where it wouldn’t get broken. Mentally she ran through the list of items she needed to buy. Realizing she had all the items she had come to buy, she began to walk in the direction she knew would lead her to her house.
Beginning to walk down a street she had never been on before, Lora realized how hungry she was. The street was lined on both sides with quirky little shops small homes. From one of the shops a short way down she could smell the delicious sent of pastries. The sweet sugar filled sent wafted over her, making the temptation to stop for a bite to eat nearly irresistible to her hungry mind. Walking into the shop she looked around deciding what to get. |
Last edited by
Lora on December 7th, 2014, 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lora - Seer of Talent
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by Lora on November 20th, 2014, 9:18 pm
The store was a relatively small one room store. It had a counter with shelves in it filled with warm pastries behind which the shop owner, a young konti stood. There was no one else in the shop and when Lora walked in the woman looked up at her, smiling.
“Are you looking for a pastry?” She asked in a lighthearted tone. “Well if you are you have certainly come to the right place! If there is anything you’d like I would be happy to sell it to you!”
Walking over to the counter Lora looked at the various pastries as the shop woman talk some more about how she was just sitting in for her grandmother who usually owned the shop and about how boring it was, Lora only being the second person to come in that day. There was a large selection of pastries. Some of them Lora recognized and had eaten before, others she had never seen before in her life and was interested to try.
After waiting for a pause in the girls ranting Lora pointed to one of the pastries and said, “I’d like to buy that one.”
“Great! That’ll be,” The girl glanced down at a piece of paper she had sitting on the counter. “2 sm, please.” As Lora dug in her pocket pulling out the correct change, the girl reached into the shelf and grabbed the pastry Lora had pointed at, wrapping it up in brown paper. Lora handed the girl her money and the girl exchanged the wrapped up pastry for it.
“Thank You.” Lora smiled as she took the warm baked good .
“No problem! Hope you enjoy it!” The konti yelled after Lora as she left the shop.
Starting to walk down the street once more Lora unwrapped the pastry. It was a ball of dough covered in some sort of sticky syrup and topped with mounds of sugar. Lora took a bite of the desert. It was sweet. Her mouth was instantaneously filled with sugary bliss. Making her way back to her house Lora finished off the desert. She relished every bite of it. |
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Lora - Seer of Talent
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by Sira on January 24th, 2015, 1:15 pm
Grade Awarded
+1 Rhetoric
Always Careful not to Carry Money The Many Different Types of Bags The Price of Ink is Crazy A good Pastry makes a Happy Belly
12 Clyindrical Candles 1 Leather Satchel 1 Palette 1 Vial of Ink 1 Quill 1 Notebook
7 Gold Miza, 1 Silver Mizas, 1 Copper Mizas
Injury Report:
1 Cavity.. lol, just kidding. No injuries.
Additional Comments:
There wasn't really much I could give as far as skills go, but there usually isn't in shopping threads. Good work, looking forward to your next thread! I haven't seen many artist characters, maybe one day you'll become famous and I'll spend millions of mizas on one of your masterpieces. 
Please make sure to edit your post in the request thread to show that it has been graded. Thanks! |
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Sira - Player
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