Offering help

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This is the first step to starting a lore article. Please hold all conversations about lores here in this forum. No development takes place here ie Article posting. This forum is simply for threads that want to hash out what a lore should or shouldn't include as well as its merits and flaws. One can also gauge interest in new lore here as well. Polls are encouraged.

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Offering help

Postby Alija on January 25th, 2015, 9:15 pm

I would love to help develop Mizahar, whether it be plants, creatures, skills or anything else.
But I don't know what.
Any lore that needs to be developed?
Or anyone needs help developing it?
Or.. don't know what else to say. Hopefully you get the jist!

As in, I am offering help!
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Offering help

Postby Sayana on January 25th, 2015, 9:26 pm

I've heard that skills tend to have priority for developing. Maybe pick a skill that is empty that you have a bit of knowledge on, or would like to spend time learning about.

Or if you have a favourite place to roleplay (like a city or region) maybe ask the story teller of that region if they have anything that needs development?

Those are my two cents. I haven't done much development myself, but I get the impression that Mizahar likes people who take initiative and are interested their development projects.
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Offering help

Postby Nal'reim Qyan on January 25th, 2015, 9:30 pm

I agree with Sayana. Find something you really care about within the realms of Mizahar and work from there. Example, I love the summoning Magic. There is a lack of worlds, thus I write up worlds.
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Offering help

Postby Alija on January 25th, 2015, 10:02 pm

Thanks! I'm still open for suggestions, but will start looking into that!

Edit: How much interest would there be on fortune telling? For me it seems a very interesting topic, and I already know a little. I only think that it might not be very useful..
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Offering help

Postby Sedge on January 25th, 2015, 10:31 pm

Fortune-telling is a Konti racial skill. As such, it would be very useful to have written up.

If there's anything I can help you with along the way, please let me know!
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