![]() Sesshevoshtrassen Personal Infomation :
Birthday: 42nd Day of Summer, 403 A.V.
Age: 107 Years old Race: Dhani Gender: Male Physical Characteristics :
Human : 5'7" Dhani: 14'10" Snake: 13'1" The most obvious trait that sets him out is a condition called leucism that is prevalent in his Dhani and snake forms. Similar to albinism, his skin doesn't produce any pigments, resulting in a solid pale color over his body. His eyes, however, remain unaffected. Also, since he is still mastering his transformation into human form, the leucism can bleed through at times, leaving him deathly pale, altough normally his human form manages to retain the natural skin tones of a human. Personality Traits :
As a Dhani, Trassen feels that his life should be dedicated to following the goddess Siku, in any ways possible. Torture and killing wouldn't cause him to lose any sleep at night, nor any other action deemed "unfitting" in a civilized setting. That having been said however, he is smart enough to realize that if he ran around killing people left and right, alot more people would be trying to kill him, so he shows self restraint. He is very bigoted against the other Dhani subraces, believing that the rattlers are the closest to Siku's vision for the race, having been blessed with amixture of the strength of the constrictors, along with the agility poison of the vipers. It could be said that he has no morals, just as willing to steal from someone as he would kill them if it suited his needs. He does not hold the same biased attitude against other races that he shows against the other subraces, with an almost carte blache mindset. But those who cross him are going to live long enough to regret having ever been born, because it is no fun torturing someone who is already dead.
Character History :
(Still in development)
Skills :
Lores :
Inventory :
1 Set of Clothing 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week 1 eating knife Flint & Steel 1 Longsword 1 Shortsword 1 Tent, one-person 1 Bedroll 1 Blanket 1 Portable Poisoncrafting Kit 1 Bloody Winter Blanket Most Valued Posession :
![]() Ledger :
+500gm (Cash in housing) -183gm (Extra starting equipment) 417gm Thread List :