Solo From Bad To Worse

Brandon is summoned by Solomon Kriegsfelt again, this time for a peculiar job

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 20th, 2014, 5:45 pm


Day 59 of Winter 514AV

Winter had finally settled in, striking Lhavit with the occasional hailstorms, blizzards and gusts of wind Zulrav would be proud of. Morwen had chosen to hug the crystal city tightly and Syna had -while not averting her gaze entirely- lost interest in the city perched upon five peaks, her warmth having decreased and her rays touching the skyglass for shorter periods a day. Well, at least Winter did not hold the whole of Lhavit in a choke hold, freezing its ears off and cutting of its breath with windy gusts. Still, it was cold enough already, it was a good thing the second half of the season had already begun.

For so many days of the season having passed, Brandon could not believe this was one of the few times Kriegsfelt had summoned him, the times he'd been called could be count on one hand. Each and every time he'd met the man this winter though, he had seemed lost in thought, bolder than usual and grim even. What was up with that, the bat did not know, and he had no desire to guess, nor ask. Who knew it would trigger some sort of overdrive mode and the merchant would demand even more from him, just when he was enjoying the calm. No, he would avoid a situation like that as the plague.

Still, he could not help but wonder why Kriegsfelt had told him to come to his mansion -or rather, the messenger that was leading the way had. It was a strange thing indeed, for Kriegsfelt had never given Brandon a hint in regards to the location of his house and had insisted they'd meet at his stand at the Azure instead. Not that he minded, really, it was getting too cold to stand around in the falling snowflakes and freezing winds. On a whim he refocused his gaze on the messenger girl who had come to fetch him. He'd seen her a couple times before, each and every time she'd been standing in front of his house to state that Solomon Kriegsfelt demanded his presence. Of course, it hadn't always been this young woman, there had been around five or six different faces he'd had the pleasure -or displeasure given the underlying message in the words- of meeting when Mr. Black had summoned him.

“Oi,” Brandon called out, not knowing the messenger's name and not caring enough to ask, “Are we there yet?” She shot a hasty glance in his general direction, annoyed for he had been asking that question every five chimes since they'd started this hike. ”Not quite.” The answer was as cool as the mountain air and as vague as a scene cloaked in fog, it annoyed Brandon. That was obviously the aim of that reply, the tone of voice and the glance she gave him each and every time he repeated his query. It was almost like a show being preformed every five chimes, rehearsed and practiced to perfection, exactly the same no matter the how many-th time it was done. But what annoyed Bran the most was the way the young woman just stayed calm and allowed him no glimpse of her own irritation. He sighed.

The duo paced through the streets, turning corners and dodging people going about their business. Once more Brandon's eyes drifted towards the messenger, sucking up all details with his dark orbs. She seemed about the same age as he was, though human and thus probably a lot older, even if she didn't look like it. Warm clothes hid every possible inch of skin, except for her face, which still had her nose and forehead exposed, as well as the skin around her eyes. Her mouth was concealed by a bright purple scarf, which also hid part of her hair, the brown locks seeming to start at her shoulders and going down to her waist. The top of her head was covered by an equally purple hat and her hands were stuffed in warm woolen mittens. Add a coat lined with fur and a pants of wool and it seemed as if she had determined Lhavit would resemble Avanthal any time soon.

”Stop staring at me,” she snapped, having glanced over her shoulder to confirm whether the thief was still following her, a thing she never was sure of. There were multiple reasons for that; the first being that it was early morning and Leth still dominated the sky, the second that Brandon's steps were barely detectable for human ears as he had done his utmost best to diminish the noise he made ever since his early childhood, and the third that his habit of matching the other's pace and rhythm had taken control, which made detecting him even harder. The woman shuddered under her warm layers of clothing, wondering what Mr. Kriegsfelt needed such a shady figure for. There was no way he actually had connections to the underworld, Solomon Kriegsfelt was a respected and well known figure. She shook her head briefly, clearing her mind. She was just imagining things no doubt, appearances could be deceiving. True, this guy did not really look all that clean and he moved like a shadow, but there was no mistake he was an honest person; Mr. Kriegsfelt couldn't possibly have use for criminals. A naive thought, she admitted, but not everyone had to be a carefully built shell to deceive the rest of the world, right?

Soon, her boots trudged onto a path and through a huge iron gate, into the domain enclosed by high walls. A majestic manor stood in the middle, the path leading right up to the front doors. A couple of steps had to be ascended and she led the bat up there, onto a grey, stone platform underneath an overhang, right in front of the double doors. ”We're here,” spoke the girl, stating the obvious, ”Just pull the cord and wait for someone to open the doors.” That was all she had been instructed to do, without speaking another word she turned around and descended the three steps, passing the thief without a second glance. When she was halfway the path though, two words made her look behind her. “Thank you.”
”No problem,” she nodded coolly and continued her way, leaving the domain.


credit goes to Euthisa
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 21st, 2014, 7:27 pm


While the messenger girl took her leave, Brandon studied the building in front of him. It was rather big, which was quite logical seeing as it was a mansion and belonged to a successful merchant. However, it wasn't that big really, Elysium Hall was at least twice as large; though this manor did certainly not lose to the Hall in its decorations. The overhand where Bran was standing underneath was supported by marble columns, two life-sized stone Okomo stood a silent watch on either side of the double doors, sentinels to protect the mansion from trespassers. The doors themselves were a display of art too, having scenes of Lhavitian history carved into them, which made them resemble the Amaranthine Gate. The rest of the mansion was not as decorative, yet for one reason or another it did not really feel that way, the skyglass embedded in the walls and the elegant windowsills made sure of that.

It took the bat a moment to remember what he was here for, standing there while his dark orbs darted to and fro, scanning everything he could see. Then he regained his composure, gaze settling on the cord in front of him, which he pulled once. A bell could be heard chiming within the residence and hurried steps approached the doors, opening one of the two. In the door frame stood an elderly woman, hair already greying and wrinkles permanently etched into her face, dressed in a maid's uniform. She did not say a word, but just gestured the thief to come in and follow her through the hallways. Said hallways were not bare like those of the Hall had been, instead decorated with paintings and tapestries -the latter reminded him of Kalinor, where it was more common to have tapestries hanging on the walls than paintings. Another positive point was that the corridors did not echo his steps, mainly thanks to the carpet that was placed in the middle of them.

Soon, Brandon found himself in a room painted in warm colors, with a low table and lots of chairs and couches standing around. The cushions were a burgundy shade of red, with strands of gold woven through, which was mildly surprising. The bat had not expected Mr. Black -who just like the name implied usually dressed in black- to enjoy a room this colorful, but then again, a house was not the same as clothes. Kriegsfelt's weathered and obese face turned in his direction, his eyes flaring as he spotted the thief's figure. “Ah, Brandon,” the man spoke, swirling a deep red liquid around in a wine glass and gesturing with his free hand to one of the couches. “Have a seat.” Silently, the bat obliged, striding to the side of the table opposite of where Kriegsfelt sat, lowering himself in the cushions. Soft and pleasantly comfortable, Brandon noted, placing his hands on the armrests as if it were a throne. The maid gave him a displeased look with her mouth a small line, seeming to be discontent with Brandon's general scruffy self sitting in a clean chair, not having even taken off his coat. The Kelvic chose to ignore it though.

Mr. Black took a sip of his wine, closing his eyes while savoring the taste, noticing that the woman was still discretely standing at the edge of the room, obviously waiting for her master to offer his guest a drink. Nothing of the sort was done though, instead she was given a flick of the wrist to dismiss her, to which she responded with a shallow bow and leaving the room. Another sip of wine, and then the merchant let himself fall into a more comfortable position, placing his glass on a small table especially placed there to serve that purpose. He smacked his lips a couple times and sighed deeply. Then he straightened up, staring Brandon in the eye. “It has been a while, Brandon.” the man started, pausing to look to his drink but not reaching to grab it. The bat did not reply, guarding the silence and watching Kriegsfelt's every move, focusing on his eyes and face every now and then, not being quite as comfortable as he might have appeared.

“Alses is a though one,” the merchant began anew, stopping halfway to sigh once more and tap one his temples with his index and middle finger, staring down to the floor. “No, maybe I shouldn't be this straightforward and to the point yet...” he mumbled to himself, obviously troubled, he seemed unaware that Brandon could hear and understand his mutterings as clearly as if he'd been sitting right next to him. The man then raised his head, and beamed the bat a smile. The fact that his eyes did not reflect this smile did not escape the Kelvic, but he did not point it out. “How do you like my mansion?” Kriegsfelt queried, a strange shifting of topics. Idle chitchat had never been something that often transpired between the merchant and the thief, mostly because the latter did not like the former. Brandon raised an eyebrow and responded with a shrug. “It's a mansion. I've seen bigger ones.” He couldn't care less about the residence, in fact, he wanted to know his assignment and be out of here as fast as possible. Kriegsfelt had other plans though, forcing a bark of laughter. “There are bigger ones, indeed, but with only two people to manage it, a larger mansion would be a problem.” Another bark.


credit goes to Euthisa
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Brandon Blackwing
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 22nd, 2014, 8:33 pm


Only two? Brandon could not help but wonder, frowning his brow at the statement. The elderly maid and who else? … I did not see a butler roaming through the hallways... Now that you mention it, I found it strange it was so quiet and deserted looking... No wonder if there's only two staff members. It was valuable information, something Brandon stored in the vaults of his mind in case it might prove useful sometime. Meanwhile, there had another canyon of silence grown between the two men, and neither seemed willing to break it.

Kriegsfelt had reached for his drink, now swirling the red liquid around in his glass once more, watching the several drops pearl down into the fluid as he stopped, staring at it as if it contained memories of great times past. The merchant sighed another time, deeply, closing his eyes for a tick, then refocusing on Brandon's figure and setting his glass back on the table, not having taken a sip. Lips parted as he readied himself to speak, however cut off by the bat before he could even start. “So, enough with the dillydallying and beating around the bush,” the Kelvic spoke, clearly annoyed with the situation, wanting this to be over with as soon as possible. “I doubt you called me here to waste time discussing your manor or reliving fond memories whilst holding a glass of wine in hand.” The snark seemed to slap the merchant in the face, making him aware of his company and the nature of their relationship. The thief continued: “Tell me about the job and I'll be off, I have other things to do than loafing around here.”

Even if Solomon Kriegsfelt minded the tone used to address his person, he did not show it, blinking once to drag himself back to the present and scraping his throat to notify he'd start explaining the details of whatever it was he wanted of the bat. Still, he seemed as distraught as he had been before, rubbing his hands together nervously, as if they were sweaty. Another frown of Brandon's was the reward of the action. Kriegsfelt certainly wasn't behaving in his usual way, the bat could only hope it did not have anything to do with his assignment. However, the more he thought about it, the more likely it became and when Kriegsfelt wasted even more time to say “Hm, yes, I forgot you dislike idle conversation,” Brandon's doubts were thrown out of the window. There was no mistake, the thing that troubled Solomon Kriegsfelt was strongly connected with the Kelvic's next task and he knew he wasn't going to like it. Even less than usual, perhaps.

Animal instincts were rarely wrong, and combined with a keen eye for detail, Brandon could feel he was going to regret getting to the point. Perhaps it would have been better if he had let the merchant ramble for a while. “So, as I was going to say earlier; Alses is a though one.” There it stopped, the merchant reaching for his wine and gulping it all down, drinking in some courage before continuing. “While I doubt that your … actions did not have any effect, the Councilor certainly did not make it seem that way. She is a stubborn one, I'm afraid, threats won't work on her.” He paused for just a moment, steepling his fingers as he leaned closer, his mouth seeming to try out different ways to start the next sentence before he actually did. “So there you have it... I never really wanted to resort to this, but it appears I have no other choice. If she has too thick a skull to heed warnings and threats, then there is no other way.” Another sigh.

“Here's the thing, Brandon, you are going to kill the Councilor.” The Kelvic thief's brow lowered itself quite a bit as he narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean, 'kill the councilor?'” He wasn't sure if he had heard that right, Solomon Kriegsfelt was many things but surly not one stupid enough to be plotting treason? “Exactly what I said. Kill. Exterminate. End her life. Assassinate.” Apparently he was. While this sent Brandon in a spiral of doubt and unease, he did his best to appear as calm as ever, managing barely. “Do you understand what you are saying? This is treason. Maybe even high treason.” That comment did not please the merchant, some sort of rage flaring up inside his sockets. “Of course I do!” the trader hissed “How long do you think I've been playing with this idea?! Do you think I'd say something like this without giving it much thought beforehand?!” It lasted but a couple of ticks, then he reverted to his previous state. “I know it is risky, but I do not have another choice! She'll break Lhavit! She'll destroy it!”

Brandon could not wipe the frown from his face; this was ridiculous! Sure, Alses had done a couple of things that made the public -some of them anyway- dislike her, but actually destroying the city? Ever since the merchant had first mentioned that, Brandon had kept an eye on her activities, but destroying Lhavit was not one of them. Never mind that, if this went wrong, Brandon would be the one who's head would roll. … Wait, what was that? Heads will roll, eh? A grin could not be suppressed. If I manage to strike a deal with the Councilor instead of killing her, I could try to make a deal with her... To save my own hide, and Enggy's too... He eyed the merchant sitting opposite of him. The fact that I'll have to sell out this bastard makes it all the more attractive. Said bastard had misunderstood Brandon's grin however, and was now grinning too, probably believing his worries soon would be over. “Okay. One question though,” the bat spoke in reply, trying to change the situation so he could give himself as much time to negotiate with the councilor as possible. She was a politician after all, and discussing things with those folks was no easy task. “Do I have to do it in the Hall or can it be done some place else? I kind of dislike being pressured for time.

Kriegsfelt pondered for a bit, tapping his blubbery chins with a finger and then shrugged. “I don't see why not? How would you go about it then? Scare the living Hai out of her before ending her eternal lifespan?” Brandon gave a small nod. “Yeah, I'd bring her to a shack here in Lhavit, where I can be at ease and do what I want without having to fear her staff noticing and all.”
“Good plan. Serves her right for ignoring the warnings,” the merchant smiled, even though it was again a forced smile.


credit goes to Euthisa
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Brandon Blackwing
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 23rd, 2014, 8:45 pm


“A shack here in Lhavit eh?” Kriegsfelt muttered, contemplating. “There's still one of the houses I own which is empty, safe for a bit of furniture. You can use that, if you want. With your key you should be able to get in there, all of the houses I rent to people have the same lock.” Brandon nodded in thought,scratching the back of his head. “And where can I find it?”
“Its in the Northern outskirts of the Zintia peak,” was the reply, to which Brandon nodded again. “Good. That's all I assume?” the answer was affirmative. “Well, then I'll be on my way.”

His lines had barely left his lips as Brandon stood up, translating words into deeds. Kriegsfelt did not rise to see to it his guest would find the way back, instead remaining seated with steepled fingers, not even paying any attention to Brandon anymore, staring off into the distance. Turning his back on the merchant, the bat walked off with silent steps, pausing halfway through the hallway when he ran into the maid, who still held the disgust in her eyes when she watched him. Brandon stared right back, blankly, his black gaze trying to penetrate her own and finding out what exactly it was she disliked him for. Not that it had any use, the bat couldn't read minds, nor could he see anything except for the obvious dirty look she gave him. His gaze though, which had once been described as one that made it seem as if he stared at the very soul of the person in front of him, could not be held by the woman for long, intense as it was. Without a word she averted her stare and returned to her chase for dust bunnies.

Not speaking either, Brandon started striding too, heading for the entrance hall, where he'd find the exit. Somewhere along the way though, he decided he'd rather go back, to see what exactly Kriegsfelt was up to, the more information he had, the better of course. With a sudden change of direction, the thief spun of one of his heels, going back to the salon where he assumed he'd find Solomon Kriegsfelt still sitting there. The maid was gone, probably cleaning some other area, which was a good thing. Once he had reached the salon, Brandon pressed himself against a wall, taking a quick glance inside, expecting the merchant staring of in the distance, but there was no soul to be seen. He frowned.

A step took him inside, but still he saw no one, but that was exactly why he had set foot in the room again. What he heard however, was the sound of a door closing, somewhere near his left side. Less than a tick and he stood with the knob in his hand, checking his surroundings for anyone watching, then he opened it as quietly as he could manage, sneaking into the corridor that lied beyond. And there was Kriegsfelt, rounding a corner, the bat closed the portal carefully as not to alarm the merchant, then proceeding to follow him, sneaking closer with quick tiptoeing, checking before he turned the corners and making sure he kept enough distance between himself and the man.

Soon he found himself on the second floor, standing before yet another door, with his ear near the keyhole to eavesdrop on the conversation may be held there any chime now. Brandon's reasoning wasn't hard to understand. He deducted that Kriegsfelt was quite happy with him accepting his order to kill the Councilor. Since he had heard the merchant mutter to himself many a time when the thief was leaving the scene directly after having received his orders, Brandon concluded that it had to happen this time too. However, there was a chance that moment had already passed, while Brandon was holding a staring competition with the maid. Yet, there was one thing Brandon had always heard when Kriegsfelt was talking to himself; Whisper. It sounded like a name, since the man would sometimes say 'my sweet Whisper' or 'my dear Whisper' when speaking to himself. And always he had stated something like 'It is unfortunate I can't talk to you directly, but when I come home I will.' Whatever or whoever Whisper was, it had to be in this room.

It appeared he was right, a conversation started, words and mutterings flowing from Kriegsfelt's mouth, sounding euphoric. “I did it, Whisper!” came the voice, harder to understand than usual. Brandon focused a bit more on the words, ignoring whatever sounds were made in his immediate environment. “Brandon is going to kill the Councilor! Then we can move on to step two! … Yes, Aysel and Talora could be a problem... Zintila as well... Not that it matters though, I'll just have to dispose of them too. That's only if...” That was all Brandon could hear before he was roughly pulled away from the door, and thrown backwards. Coincidentally, the stairs were close by, and as things were proceeding, he would crash onto them back first.

However, that was only if Brandon was less competent an acrobat; instead of succumbing to that scenario, he threw his legs towards his head as violently as possible, turning mid-air and barely managing to touch down on the treads with his feet -mostly thanks too the slanted nature of the stairs. Yet, he could not prevent stumbling backwards and further down, balance off because of the momentum and the limited space to place his feet. Falling he did not though, instead descending rather inelegantly, desperate not to fall backwards. Fortunately, he reached the first floor before that happened, then landing on his behind because there were no more treads to descend. Eyes darted to the end of the stairs, looking for his attacker. A giant blue Akalak returned the gaze; Braga. Or was it Dragha? He couldn't really tell, the two were too much alike to know the difference. In any case, the Akalak laughed, cracked his knuckles and came down the stairs with surprising speed.

The thief cursed inwardly, having completely forgotten that those two annoying bodyguards could have been roaming around in the mansion too. What was more was that he had just done something to provoke them, or at least one of them, which was slightly better. Quickly Brandon crawled to his feet, using a backward somersault, also dodging the stomp which would have forced his face to kiss the floor. Adrenaline started to flow through his veins as Brandon assumed a fighting stance, one from which he could easily switch to the bounce step if needed, and stepped to the side when Dragha -recognizable by the greatsword strapped to his back- charged wildly, striking only air. Unlike a raging bull though, the giant managed to stop in place and turn around immediately, something Brandon had somewhat anticipated.

Truthfully, he hadn't, he had only planned to attack the Akalak as soon as he turned around. While the bat would usually go for the face in a situation like this, there was no way he could actually reach that height, not even when jumping -it wouldn't be an effective strike- so he had a different strategy. A knee came up with terrifying speed, raising higher and higher, gaining extra power by the bat's other foot launching him upward a bit, striking the Akalak's crotch hard. Bending over was what was the result, the Akalak slumping and in pain, and his ordeal wasn't over yet. Now his head was well within striking range and striking it was what Brandon did. A jumping kick to the head hit the blue male on the side of his skull, Brandon's toes only briefly touching the floor as he added another one and another, stringing his kicks together in some sort of spin kick pirouette combo. The constructive blows were not quite enough to make the giant fall though, only serving to make him stumble to the side a bit, as well as pissing him off big time.


credit goes to Euthisa
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 24th, 2014, 3:40 pm


An angry Dragha was not quite what Brandon had wanted to see, though on the other hand, it would mean that the Akalak's attacks would become fiercer, cruder and easier to dodge. However, the backhand slap stinging his cheek and sending him stumbling to the left he had not expected. Surprisingly, Brandon's mouth curled up into a grin; never mind the pain, it was payback time! Payback for that beating he had received last Summer, aching all over for several days afterwards. It was true that Brandon hadn't dared to provoke them, and that he would rather run than fight the two giant, but there was only one here right now, and the thief had had enough of this fear. The grudge he had kept demanded retribution, and he'd go to extract it right now. A sparkle of aggression flared up inside his black orbs, something that made Dragha curl his lips in an evil grin. “Good, I like that look! There's no fun in beating you to a pulp if you don't resist!”

Brandon did not react with words, instead rushing forwards with agile steps -bounce steps- and getting closer again, dancing around the huge man with swift motions, entering and exiting Dragha's striking range for brief instants to taunt him, which succeeded rather well. The Akalak's fists only struck the air where Brandon had been standing a tick ago, more often than not just failing to touch the bat's skin. Taunts alone wouldn't win a battle, Brandon knew all too well, and he sped up just a little, causing his foe to try and keep up, while he prepared himself to perform a certain strike. Against a foe this muscular, there was little he could do, but there were areas one couldn't train, no matter how much effort they put into it. The ankles were one of those spots. Lowering himself in a crouch, the bat used his momentum to power his sin, one leg extended and mowing away the legs that supported the Akalak's huge body. The bigger they are, the harder they fall! Brandon's mind reasoned, spiraling his body already upwards, arm with clenched fist raising up to smash itself into another area that couldn't be trained: the ribcage.

The combined force of the fall and the strike should be able to deal some serious damage, Brandon thought, which was the reason he had opted for this strategy. It indeed seemed to be the case, the Akalak roared in pain as he crashed into the marble floor, a huge hand carefully feeling the area Brandon had struck. Knocked out, the Akalak was not though, nor was he floored for good. The Sweep kick did no real damage, other than toppling opponents, and slowly the Akalak rose to his feet again, angrier than ever. If it wasn't the thief's objective to mock the giant, he wouldn't have allowed the behemoth any rest, attacking immediately once he was downed, however, for the sake of regaining his pride, he just bounced in place, gesturing the giant to try and touch him, a wicked smile splitting his face in half. Dragha's complexion was twisted in rage, one hand grabbing the hilt of his burly blade, unsheathing it quickly and staring at the bat as if he was going to kill him. The words he spoke translated his gaze into speech.

As a reaction, Brandon drew one of his daggers, holding it in the hand at the side he believed Dragha would strike next. Those ribs must hurt quite a lot, he figured, so the Akalak wouldn't use the swipes that needed him to twist his torso. Swordsmanship required the use of one's entire body after all, not just the arms; therefore, the thief guessed he'd be able to block the bodyguard's strikes, whereas otherwise he'd be no match for the giant's strength. Meanwhile, the foe had started moving again, aiming for the side Brandon had predicted. Unexpectedly though, one dagger was not quite enough to block it, the force Brandon put after his blade to slam the sword out of its trajectory nearly inexistent in comparison. The other hand joined to help, but it was no use, the thief could only stumble backwards in hopes to escape the blade. Fortunately, the impact was enough to knock him over, thus making the blade pass over his head. A new danger presented itself though, in the form of a foot that was going to stomp him. Quickly Brandon rolled for his life, feeling the shockwave of the foot even though he hadn't been hit.

He was back on his feet pretty fast, stepping back in order to evade the next swing of the sword. Dragha was quite fast for being such a huge guy, and Brandon found he had to do something about it. Utilizing the bounce step, the bat brought himself near the Akalak swiftly, a horizontal strike of metal came to greet him, one he could barely dodge by letting himself fall on the floor, the smooth marble allowing him to slide onwards for a bit, through the giant's legs. Once his shoulders were passing through, the thief swung his arm widely, the blade he held slicing through his opponent's flesh, a rather deep cut through Dragha's calf. With a scream of pain, the blue male fell down on one knee, wildly swinging his own blade in the direction the thief should be found. The tip of the sword grazed his cheek, a shallow mark that stung quite a bit and bled crimson drops. Brandon grunted in pain.


credit goes to Euthisa
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Brandon Blackwing
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 25th, 2014, 2:47 pm


“Tsk.” He had been hit, he had been wounded, it was bleeding. Not that it was that bad of course, it was but a minor cut, nothing compared to Dragha's gap in his calf. It did however serve to deliver Brandon a great deal of frustration; his fighting style -the hit and run style- was designed to evade attacks and deal a lot of damage over time, but not a lot at once. Disable the opponent's body to dispatch of him easier, and increase the chances of winning. That he had suffered an injury, though minor, was truly annoying. Did that mean he wasn't fast enough yet? That he wasn't skilled enough to unlock the style's full potential? Impossible! He had been able to beat Bowman with it, a guy as buff as Dragha and Bragha, though a great deal smaller. Bowman had been a lot more skilled than the Akalak though, at least in unarmed fights... This was an armed fight.... Hm.... The thief had to take the reach of the blade into account, it seemed, something he may have overlooked before.

From his kneeling position, Brandon got back up, feeling his cheek, instinctively retracting his hand when his fingers increased the pain momentarily. Blood clung to his fingers, he wiped them clean on his pants and watched with interest as Dragha struggled to stand back up, refusing to give up. The fighting spirit of this man was quite incredible. Rage burned brightly in his eyes, the fuel for his actions, probably diminishing the pain to a dull throbbing, seeing as he actually managed to support himself with his injured leg, be it with an expression of suppressed screams. Impressive as it was, it however failed to scare Brandon, who guessed that standing up was about as much as his foe could manage. Walking would probably be extremely painful and thus impossible; there wasn't much to fear anymore, only the sword.

No matter, no matter; the bounce step could take care of that with ease. Once again getting the rhythm down for his footwork, Brandon started moving swiftly across the marble floor, darting to and fro without losing momentum as he changed directions, dancing around the Akalak, who only followed him with his head, not moving his legs. Smelling a chance, Brandon closed in quickly from behind, noticing to his surprise that Dragha was shifting his position so he could swing his huge sword at the bat, which was done the moment Bran set foot inside his range. However, since the surprise was gone, the attack wasn't effective at all, easily dodged by stepping back for a tick, then to the side and back into he range, while the Akalak was still wide open because of his wild and wide swing. A swift slicing of air and flesh, the dagger bit into the blue giant's back, leaving a deep red trail which leaked crimson. A kick to the exact same region followed, hitting the fresh wound perfectly and sending the foe once again to his knees, yelling in pain.

This is it, I guess. Brandon thought as he walked away, still trembling due to the adrenaline, heading for the door. It swung open before he had reached it however, and a familiar huge silhouette passed through, stopped to observe the scene for a tick or two and then spoke with a deep rumbling voice. ”Picking on my little brother are we? That, I won't allow! Prepare yourself!” Brandon cursed his misfortune while once more assuming a fighting stance, holding one dagger in his hand as Bragha grabbed the greataxe strapped to his back. Another curse was uttered as the thief realized he wouldn't be able to block the axe's blade with daggers, the rounded edge would slip off his own blade, even if he managed to catch it with his double dagger block. In this case, all he could do was run and try to disarm his opponent before the blade severed his head from his shoulders. Or of course, he could attempt to talk himself out of this. He'd have to be fast though; Bragha came charging his way, axe heaved above his head, ready to strike down with immense force.

Acting on instinct alone, Brandon dove to the left immediately, leading his body in a tight roll as the axe hit the marble with a terrifying sound. Immediately the bat was on his feet again, backing away hasily. “Hey! Kriegsfelt still has need for me! You can't just split me in half! Hey! Are you listening to me? Wounding me will interfere with his plans!
“Like I care about my boss's plans! He never gave the command not to kill you!”

This was quite the predicament; Brandon was rather tired from his intensive use of the bounce step earlier, only adrenaline kept him going. He couldn't block, and the bounce step was meant for offense, not defense. All he could do was run, avoid being hit and run. He wouldn't last long without a means to defend himself. A horizontal swing of the axe came his way, aimed for his shoulder. Without thinking about it, the bat stepped back, and then jumped backwards, body arching down ads he did so. Hands touched down first, functioning as springs to launch him a bit further, where he once again landed on his feet, but with his back against a wall.


credit goes to Euthisa
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 4th, 2015, 9:09 pm


With cold marble keeping him from backing away further, Brandon believed he was perhaps facing the most dire pinch he’d ever experienced. Well, perhaps if one did not include the time five Shinya had pressed him against the ground with their wacky magic. Or the time a Shinya had overpowered him with his own combat skills and was about to arrest him. Well, at least they hadn’t been trying to end his life, like the Akalak in front of him was attempting to do. Whether it mattered what his biggest pinch had been or not, there was one red line he could trace through those adventures; he had escaped.

Though, both times had been due to pure luck; the guards willing to overlook his skirmish with Blackarm because it was the end of their shift, and a helping hand from a random woman who claimed to sympathize with his cause. Whatever cause he might have –or appeared to have. Brandon himself had no idea. Not important anyway, he had to find a way to escape this dangerous situation, and the axe of his blue opponent. The thief’s mind raced, going over solutions and risks, strategies to use and different possibilities of outcomes; everything he could come up with. Most were dismissed; some were too stupid to try and others were too risky. However, there was one thing Brandon decided on he could use. Probably.

Timing would be rather crucial –or should be to make the plan as effective as possible, but Brandon’s skill with his daggers was not yet very dependable. He could block, he could slice and stab, he could even throw, but everything was really crude and too… inaccurate for something like this. Even when throwing a dagger, he wasn’t sure if it would hit, and hitting the correct spot was really important here. Sure, he could cheat a bit and adjust his aim -a bit more to the right perhaps? Or left?- but that meant leaving this up to luck, and luck wasn’t always that trustworthy. In the end, Brandon decided to take aim of his slowly approaching foe, though only to use his dagger as a distraction, instead of hoping it would hit. It could at least buy him some extra time by making Bragha flinch… hopefully.

Sharp steel was flung as Bragha came almost within reach, aimed for the shoulder, but serving more as a distraction than a true attack. To avoid the blade, Bragha stopped his approach momentarily, stepping to the side instead, giving Bran the time to draw close swiftly, into reach of the axe-blade and directly exiting it, too close for the blade of the axe to hit him, though the handle still could –not that he feared getting hit by that. Of course, the Akalak swung his weapon immediately when he noticed what Brandon was plotting, but it was already too late. The wood was stopped by the bat’s arm, while the other stabbed with a dagger in the arm that held it. Bragha was no slouch in combat however, dropping his weapon and opting for grabbing the bat with his uninjured arm while the thief was retracting his blade. A large blue hand wrapped itself around his throat and lifted him effortlessly up in the air to stare right into the with hellfire blazing eyes of the furious Akalak. Free hand clawed at the vice-like grip, while feet franticly kicked and stomped and the bat even wildly sliced at the man’s arm with his dagger, but it did not seem to matter to the bodyguard, who instead raised his other arm to methodically and repeatedly slap the bat in the face, the corners of the Akalak’s mouth curling up in sadistic pleasure.

When the thief’s nose started spilling a stream of scarlet liquid, the brute did not stop his assault, slapping only harder, then after a while relocating his punches to the bat’s stomach. Of course this new tactic was a lot more effective than slapping Brandon in the face, the thief convulsing with each blow he received, pain spreading like wildfire. Each blow weakened the bat more and more, his struggle decreased in intensity and strength, though the Akalak’s hand did not quite choke him anymore, occupied the blue giant was with stomping him in the stomach.

The savior appeared in a form Brandon would have never expected though, and spoke with a voice the thief had not expected either. “Stop! I’ve had enough of this ruckus!” Kriegsfelt’s voice boomed, forcing the Akalak’s fist to cease its motion. “Bragha, unhand Brandon.” the Akalak let go of the bat’s throat, the Kelvic falling to the ground, slowly hauling his body up and rising to his feet once more, wiping some blood from his face with the back of his hand. “I don’t care if you morons want to fight each other for a little while! I don’t care if you end up wounded! However, not today! And not in my mansion! I need all of you alive and unscathed, you bunch of idiots!”
“But boss, he was-“
“I couldn’t care less what he was or was not doing! All I care about is whether my plan is a success or not! You!” he shouted, pointing at Dragha, “Go treat your wounds! You!” Kriegsfelt screamed at Brandon, “Out of my sight! Be gone! And you,” the merchant hissed at Bragha, “Clean up this mess.” And with that the obnoxious merchant turned around and headed back into his room, slamming his door shut in the process.

The Akalak brothers shot Brandon a dirty glare, one which the bat returned, and started doing what they were told, the older one supporting the younger as they went off to search for a first aid kit. Brandon on the other hand collected his daggers with a groan, a hand on his painful stomach and breathing rather heavily. His nose was bleeding, his upper lip also seemed to have been bleeding, and he felt miserable. All in all, it was a pretty failed act of revenge. A blob of saliva was spitted onto the marble floor as he thought about it, pushing his battered body through the double doors and out of the mansion. Outside he would walk as proudly and as straight as he could manage, as a man who fought and a man who had claimed victory, not as the one who lost. Whatever happened in there did not happen, as far Brandon was concerned, the event locked in the vault with bad memories, the vault he would never open deliberately, but where every now and then one escaped from and surfaced to haunt him.

Well, at least he’d forget about it eventually. This however had steeled his resolve to break his figurative chains for real this time, and Alses would help him, whether she wanted or not. A grim expression clouded his visage; indeed, if she wanted or not and he’d use any means necessary to accomplish it.


credit goes to Euthisa
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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From Bad To Worse

Postby Kelski on February 1st, 2015, 5:07 am



Dagger: +2
Unarmed Combat: +2
Acrobatics: +2
Stealth: +2
Planning: +4
Interrogation: +1
Observation: +5
Socialization: +1
Rhetoric +1


Elysium Hall: Solomon Kriegsfelt's Home
Elysium Hall: Managed By Two People
Solomon Kriegsfelt: Hiring Brandon To Kill Alses
Solomon Kriegsfelt: Displeased With Aysel, Talora & Zintilia
Solomon Kriegsfelt: One Key Fits All Rental Property
Solomon Kriegsfelt: Location Of One Of His Vacant Houses
Braga & Dragha: Solomon's hired Akalak guards


Nice little lore acquiring thread with hints at future rp. I liked the style. The only thing I did notice is that your PC had way to much time to think things through and plan before he struck or used planning in his actions. That didn't seem realistic. I'm glad our PC took light wounds. Interesting battle scene. :)
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