"Don't forget that ale's on the house for entertainers! Except for drunk fools dancing on tables." Autumn heard Sayana call out as she headed toward the bar. The musician let out a lighthearted laugh and turned back to respond, "I'll keep that in mind!"
Still smiling, she turned back and pushed her way to the edge of the bar. Two barmaids were working tonight to accommodate how much business they were getting. At first Autumn tried to just wait her turn until she would be asked what she wanted, but it was no use. Men were constantly bickering at the women, shouting out catcalls and asking for a continuous line of drinks. Autumn pushed herself forward on the bar, and held her hand out, trying to grab the attention of the barmaid closest to her.
It took a few waves, but eventually one of the barmaids noticed and, looking a bit flustered, came rushing over to her.
"Hello, what can I get ya'?" She was nice enough, despite all of the rambunctious going-ons. Autumn shifted a bit, remembering what Sayana said, her gea'tar obvious upon her back.
"Hi there, I'll be performing tonight for the dancer, Sayana. I'll just get a mug of ale." She said it as nicely as she could, with a polite smile. The woman nodded and went to work finding a cup and filling it with the delicious, dark drink. She set the cup in front of Autumn and with a wink said, "It's a tough crowd, good luck."
Autumn nodded her thanks, and grabbed the cup, trying not to spill it despite everyone jostling her elbows. She took a sip and felt the wonderful liquid start to warm up her insides. It was always nice to have a drink at the end of the day, even though hers was really just starting.
She turned back and started looking around for her dancer friend, which wasn't too difficult as her clothing was the most colorful thing in the room. The only difference was she was crouching down, her attention directed to something or someone on the ground. Curiosity overcame Autumn and she started to make her way back to Sayana, sipping at her drink as she went.
Upon further inspection, she realized that the thing that had grabbed Sayana's attention was a small dog that she was petting. Why is there a dog in here? She thought. Autumn stopped, standing next to Sayana and looked at the creature standing there. It wasn't just a dog, but there was a small person upon the dog. A Pycon! She recalled the name of the little clay creature that could be found in the city, running around with their energetic little personalities. This one had big ears, like wings, growing out of the side of her head and two tails with spiked ends. A very curious creature, that was for sure.
Autumn didn't want to seem rude for just staring, so she smiled instead. This definitely wasn't a sight she saw everyday. Grandma would be blown away by all the new people I'm meeting. First an Eypharian, and now a Pycon. Surely two races she wouldn't have thought to meet had she never left Zeltiva.
Sayana had just finished telling the little creature something, Autumn only knew that it was something about gardens. She didn't want to interject in the Pycon's answer, and was intrigued to hear what it's voice would sound like.