33rd of Autumn, 511AV The caverns were usually silent, the Symenestra were not loud people, and they hardly had to thump about like humans or other races. The swung freely, climbed silently, and moved lightly throughout the city. The loudest it seemed to be was near the center, but that was where many things were so it made sense. It was also the reason Sosicly was gliding along the edges. She had heard about the creature in Kalinor, something not brought by the harvest, and not suitable for breeding. Many words had been tossed around, like beast, trickery, pointless, and intriguing. None of them were positive connotations coming from her brother or his friends but it had been enough for Sosicly to want to see for herself. She assumed something with wings would need a bigger space, somewhere inhabited less or less frequently so that the city’s streets would not drag them down. The odd bat had been caught within the silk and plummeted to the bottom of the city. She shuddered at the thought of a winged creature and a Symenestra, they both might fall. But she was pushing herself a little too hard, and she looked for the closet place to stop off at so that she would not let her grip fail her much more. When she did stop, she noted it was at the ledge leading to the Blue Grotto. Light from the pool that rest below filtered soft and inviting, and she let her knapsack fall, watching the light splash on the walls of the cavern for a few seconds before facing the opposite way. It gave her a good surveillance of the city, and she scanned the darkness for any large flying thing, a small niggling in the back of her mind creeping forward as she looked. How exactly was she going to catch the attention of the creature if it couldn’t hear her. Silent laughter exploded out of her, and left her wheezing, she hadn’t thought this endeavor through as well as she should have. But she was leaving a few days and it was just her luck that a new creature would appear as she was about to leave and study new things. It would be disappointing to miss such a being. After a few chimes of debate Sosicly seen movement and the decision was made for her, she jumped on the ledge and waved her arms foolishly in an effort to attract the movement. |