Government and Politics
Zeltiva is a city that has strong ties to Old Alahea where bureaucracy was the very definition of government. On paper the city can be considered to be very democratic in terms of who holds official power but to anyone in the know that couldn’t be further from the truth. Knowing who is who and one’s status is vital in maneuvering through Zeltiva’s politics. Laws themselves don’t often change but how they are enforced and interpreted is as clear as mud and subject to those interpreting them. The truth of the matter is that the city itself is actually run by separate factions that manage different aspects of daily life. The actual government of Zeltiva is little more than a game of prestige and influence put in place to appease the public. Its only real job is to ensure that the overarching systems continue to flow smoothly.
Lord of Council- The Lord of Council is a publicly elected official. The title has changed throughout the centuries depending on whims of society ranging from Lord Mayor to Governor but the function has always remained the same. On paper the Lord of Council is the executive entrusted with the authority to enforce and preside over all of Zeltiva’s affairs when the Council is not in session.
The reality? It is far more common that the Lord of Council is just a puppet. He or she is put in place to further the agenda of one of Zeltiva’s various political factions. The role is defined by its occupant. A strong, skillful politician could in theory become the city’s dictator. By using their individual power and influence they could dominate Zeltiva’s politics. This has only happened a choice few times in the city’s history since the Valterrian. Having such an individual in power is in the interest of none of the city’s factions as it decreases their own influence. Regardless, the single most insurmountable law in Zeltiva is that the Lord of Council must be elected every three years. While it is not uncommon for the title to be maintained for multiple consecutive terms in these instances the factions often come together to oust a particularly powerful individual.
The Council of Zeltiva
The Lord of Council might embody the government’s authority as a whole but the actual day to day matters of running the city are handled by the Council and its individual ministers. When Zeltiva arose from the ashes of the Valterrian the wisest men and women came together to chart the course of their people’s lives in the wake of such ruin. Each member is charged with maintaining an aspect of city affairs they are the only government officials not directly appointed by the Lord of Council and are publicly elected just as he or she is. However, more often than not the candidates for each position are backed by the faction that dominates that particular aspect of Zeltivan society.
When in session, the Council holds absolute and unquestioned authority over all of Zeltiva. It has the power to write new laws, rewrite old ones, overturn any and all decisions made by individual ministers, it can overrule the Lord of Council’s authority, it has complete command of Zeltiva’s navy and militia and has the power to seize assets based on the needs of the city. It is for these reasons that the Council is rarely convened. The factions of the city work very hard to maintain a balance so as to eliminate the need for convening a full session of the Council. That much power in the hands of a single body of authority makes all of them nervous. All councilors are referred to as either Councilor, Minister, or by the title of their station.
Chief Magistrate- The Minister of Justice is charged with the maintenance of Zeltiva’s laws. He or she presides over Zeltiva’s courts and has the authority to overturn decisions made in lesser courts should the matter be brought to their attention. He or she is often backed by the Navy.
Lord Treasurer- Charged with the maintenance of Zeltiva’s coffers, the Minister of the Treasury is entrusted with the authority to levy taxes based on the needs of the city. He or she is often backed by the Merchant’s Guild. It is common for this individual to hale from one of Zeltiva’s wealthy families.
Chief Ambassador- The Office of Foreign Affairs spends most of their time presiding over Zeltiva’s trade agreements and serves as host to various diplomats from around the world. As Zeltiva’s chief ambassador occupants of this position are often in correspondence with other figures of influence in other cities. They are typically backed by the Sailor’s Guild.
City Architect- Charged with maintaining the integrity of Zeltiva itself, the City Architect is most often one of the more skilled craftsmen in the city. He or she is the individual who sees to it that buildings, common spaces, and city property are well maintained. This individual is most often backed by the Artisan’s Guild and often doubles as the Guild Master.
Archivist- On paper the City Archivist is the individual charged with maintaining the spirit of the city’s culture. They see to it that official events are properly arranged, that the citizen registries are maintained, and that Zeltiva’s records are properly tended to. The present Archivist, S. Cartsmith hasn’t been seen in so long that many doubt they exist. This individual is backed by the University. Presently the function is carried out by the Head Librarian of the Wright Memorial Library. Several times she has been approached about simply assuming the role of Archivist but Lisaelis routinely turns it down and the University never offers up nor supports another candidate when elections come around.
The Factions
Zeltiva is home to many factions each with its own agenda. All of them exist in a moderately peaceful balance as they manage the aspects of Zeltivan life as they see fit. Disputes between the factions are common but mostly take place behind closed doors away from the public eye. Below is a listing of the notable factions within the city.
Major Factions
The Sailor’s Guild- The Sailor’s Guild provides for Zeltiva its lifeblood, trade. They are charged with the maintenance of the trade routes and the outposts maintained by the city along those routes. Their presence can be felt at every level of Zeltivan society and indeed the world.
The University- The Sailor’s Guild might serve as the body of Zeltiva but the University is its soul. No aspect of a Zeltivan’s life can be experienced without the ideals behind them being shaped by the University. Were it not for the University’s scholars the knowledge of old shipbuilding might have been lost, the techniques for navigating the seas using star charts would have perished with the Valterrian, when it all comes down to it much of Zeltiva owes its existence to the thinkers who walk the University’s halls.
The Navy- The Zeltivan navy is without equal in all the world. It is due to the efforts of Zeltiva’s navy that the trade routes so vital to its survival are kept safe. While the Sailor’s Guild might ferry the goods along those routes they do not police it. It is because of the Navy and its lesser components that the city and its residents are kept safe.
Minor Factions
The Merchant’s Guild- Considered to be a lesser component of the Sailor’s Guild, the Merchant’s Guild is specific to Zeltiva and its influence doesn’t extend beyond the city itself. The Merchant’s Guild is the collective representation of the merchants in the city. Together they decide the price of goods within the city though often they are influenced by the Sailor’s Guild. They maintain the city’s warehouses and see to it that businesses within the city are allowed to flourish in a fair and competitive atmosphere. They have a great amount of say in how the city spends the money placed into its coffers.
The Artisan’s Guild- Falling largely under the University’s influence, the Artisan’s Guild sees to it that the city itself is properly maintained. The guild also sponsors artists, sculptors, and craftsmen and women from all manner of specializations. It is not uncommon for more prominent members to also be associated with the Merchant’s Guild if they own a business.
The Guard- Both the Wave Guard and the High Guard are considered lesser components of the Navy as both organizations receive their training at the Naval facilities. The Wave Guard is charged with maintaining the peace around the city itself and is made up largely of a volunteer militia force who receive basic training. The Zeltivan High Guard is a much more specialized force and serve as infantry aboard Naval vessels alongside sailors. They are the men and women who protect locations of interest to the city’s government.
The Martial Society- A faction that is largely independent of the majority of Zeltiva’s politics they nonetheless hold a modicum of influence as they are respectable sell-swords.
The Temple of Laviku- Faith is very important to Zeltiva. Laviku is both protector and provider as the city owes so much to the God of the Sea, His clerics are exalted and revered as holy men and women.
Crime and Punishment
On paper the city of Zeltiva holds its citizens to a well defined set of laws that are designed to keep the peace. All citizens, including government officials, are subject to the purview of the law. As is often the case however, the law bends for those with the power and influence to bend it. For the common folk however the courts of Zeltiva typically prescribe to the following procedures in regards to law.
High Crimes
All major crimes are overseen by the Zeltivan High Court presided over directly by the Chief Magistrate of Zeltiva. Three magistrates sit in judgement wherein all trials are reviewed in the finest detail. The accused will always be represented by an attorney and will always been given lengthy amount of time to defend themselves in the eyes of the Law.
Treason- Crimes against the people of Zeltiva must be proven in a Court of Law beyond a reasonable doubt. Should the accused be found guilty then the punishment is exile to the depths of the Labyrinth of Time. Upon being released to the darkness of the Labyrinth the guilty shall be provided no torch, 10 ft. of hemp rope, rations to last precisely 5 days, and a dagger. If after a period of 4 seasons the guilty manages to survive and exit the Labyrinth, they shall be relieved of the use of their tongue. The guilty shall then be exiled from Zeltiva under penalty of death.
Murder- To include any component of the intent to commit murder as well. The accused must be proven guilty in a Court of Law beyond a reasonable doubt. Should the accused be found guilty then the punishment is exile to the depths of the Labyrinth of Time. Upon being released to the darkness of the Labyrinth the guilty shall be provided no torch, 50 ft. of hemp rope, and rations to last precisely 7 days. If, after a period of 4 seasons the guilty manages to survive and exit the Labyrinth, they shall be relieved of the use of both eyes. The guilty shall then be exiled from Zeltiva under penalty of death.
Theft of Food- The accused must be proven guilty in a Court of Law beyond a reasonable doubt. Should the accused be found guilty then the punishment is exile to the depths of the Labyrinth of Time. Upon being released to the darkness of the Labyrinth the guilty shall be provided with a single torch, 50 ft. rope, and no rations. If, after a period of 4 seasons the guilty manages to survive and exit the Labyrinth, they shall be relieved of the use of one hand. The guilty shall then be exiled from Zeltiva under penalty of death.
Rape- The accused must be proven guilty in a Court of Law beyond a reasonable doubt. Should the accused be found guilty then the punishment is exile to the depths of the Labyrinth of Time. Upon being released to the darkness of the Labyrinth the guilty shall be provided with a single torch, no rope, and rations to last precisely 7 days. If, after a period of 4 seasons the guilty manages to survive and exit the Labyrinth, they shall be branded in a not easily concealed place as well as just below the navel. The guilty shall then be exiled from Zeltiva under penalty of death.
Slavery- The accused must be proven guilty in a Court of Law beyond a reasonable doubt. Should the accused be found guilty then the punishment is exile to the depths of the Labyrinth of Time. Upon being released to the darkness of the Labyrinth the guilty shall be provided with a well of ink, a journal, a quill pen, no torch, no rope, and no rations. If, after a period of 4 seasons the guilty manages to survive and exit the Labyrinth, they shall be relieved of all their worldly possession and released into the Wildlands. The guilty shall then be exiled from Zeltiva under penalty of death.
Low Crimes
All other crimes not classified as High Crimes are tended to by the Magistrate who presides over the district wherein the crime took place. While rarely ending in penalties of death or exile, the punishment for Low Crimes is often time in the Wave Prison along with a fine appropriate to the magnitude of the crime. All accused are guaranteed the right to defend themselves in a Court of Law either representing themselves or by an attorney. While this is not a comprehensive list, these are example of the consequences one can expect.
Theft (General)- A fine proportionate to the item(s) stolen. 15 days within the Wave Prison. Time incarcerated can be increased or lowered with reasonable justification.
Vandalism- A fine proportionate to the damage done. 15 days within the Wave Prison. Time incarcerated can be increased or lowered with reasonable justification.
Disorderly Conduct- A small fine. If any damages were accrued then a fine proportionate to the damages shall be made. 1 day within the Wave Prison.
Smuggling- A high fine to be lowered or increased with reasonable justification. Smuggling is to be considered a Low Crime unless that which is smuggled falls under the purview of what can reasonably be considered a High Crime. 1 Season within the Wave Prison. Illicit substances include but are not limited to the following: