Experience Points:
- +3 Acting
- +2 Investigation
- +3 Observation
- +4 Socialization
- +5 Spiritism
- +1 Wilderness Survival
- Acting: Playing a Basic Role
- Business: “Late Payment Penalty” Con
- Investigation: The Basics of Questioning
- Kenash: Basic Hazards of the Swamps in Kenash
- Kenash: Conspiracy in the Flower Shop
- Spiritism: Optimizing the Speed of Basic Soulmist Creation
- Spiritism: The Basics of Being Possessed
Additional Notes :
If you have any questions or concerns relevant to your grade, don't be afraid to send me a private message so that we can work it all out! Please remember to mark your Grading Request as Graded.
A shout-out to Ollic Rimesage, who was kind enough to make this template for me.