Hey there, Mizahar! I'm a little fuzzy on Drykas slavery. I know they practice it, at least to some degree, since they raided Syliras that one summer for captives and auctioned them off to families. But while places like Ravok, Kenash and even Riverfall seem to have concrete guidelines for slavery, I can't seem to find any Lore that touches upon the subject for the Drykas. I can assume from what there is that Drykas slaves are not bonded to striders, since bonded individuals are considered full Drykas citizens regardless of background. But how does slavery actually work amongst the horseclans? Do they treat slaves as Romans once did (objects) or more like pre-colonial Native Americans (lower-status house members, but capable of becoming one of the family?)
On that note, do Drykas actively participate in slave trade with nearby slaver-cities (Kenash, Riverfall) or do they take their slaves from the Kabrin Road, or another source entirely?