20th Day of Summer, 508 AV
Irriari had begged Hatred to teach her how to survive in the Wildlands for the better part of the last two years. Summer has rolled around once again and he finally agreed with an ever friendly:
“It might be hot enough to bake my balls to my wings, but at least I’m not toting you through the snow.”
While the acceptance was hardly kind, it was the way of Hatred to talk in such tones. Most of his life had been spent travelling from the colony to the Wildlands outside of the Sea of Grass. He hunted, gathered, and survived in the wild for weeks at a time and then came back with meat and bones for the clan. Rarely, Hatred unearthed something valuable or managed to pick off a lost merchant or bandit. The Elders tolerated his eccentricities and distaste for the colony life because he brought back more crafting materials in a season than the rest of the colony brought back in a year. Hatred had spent the majority of his two week tenure back in the colony avoiding Irriari. Finally, she had broken his will and he agreed, pending a few conditions that she had to meet. He had commanded her to ready her bow, quiver, and arrows. She would have to borrow flint, steel, a blanket, a canteen, and a sharp knife. Once she presented the items to him for his approval, Hatred would instruct her on how they were to set out on their journey.
Hatred awaited her at the colony exit. He began speaking as she neared him,
“I made sure you had these items because you need them all. The reasons for flint, steel, and your bow should be obvious. I sure how I don’t have to tell you why you have a quiver filled with arrows. Without a fire and a weapon you’ll starve or be forced to catch things with your bare hands. I don’t think you could manage that and you’re too fat to eat nothing but berries. The blanket will keep you warm in the winter when your fur won’t protect you from the harshness of the cold and snow. You’ll be petching happy to have it. You can also use it to start a fire if you’re away from twigs. The canteen is to hold water. When we find water you’ll drink to your fill, drink till you’re about to pop and then fill your canteen. I’m not going to have you passing out on me. I have hunting to do. Lastly, you have your knife.”
With the mention of his favorite tool, Hatred’s lips twitched. It might have been a gesture similar to a smile at some point, but Hatred didn’t really smile much in the colony and his expressions had warped to accommodate his lack of social interaction. He continued,
“Your knife is important. I guess it could work as a weapon in a pinch, but if you lose your bow you deserve to die anyways. It allows you to skin animals, cut sticks to make traps, or carve wood and bones if you get bored.”
It was no secret that many hours of Hatred’s time in the wilderness were spent carving and whittling bones and wood into various figurines. Many colony members had begged him to part with them but he was fiercely protective of his creations. The Elders even tried bargaining for some of the more ornate figurines that would trade well in Xy. The mere suggestion had sent Hatred in a rage. He didn’t return to the colony for a third of a season and when he did he brought back a single rabbit pelt as a token of his displeasure. Through gritted teeth, the Elders had apologized and promised not to touch his figurines. They needed the jerky, pelts, and crafting materials he provided and no one in the colony had volunteered to take his place.
Hatred stomped his clawed foot against the ground, rousing Irriari from her reverie.
“Get rid of one of the items. Drop it here, a slave will pick it up. It’s a good lesson. You won’t always have everything you need in the wilderness and you can’t expect that things will remain in perfect condition forever.”
The choice was simple to Irriari. She would have to choose between the comfort and fire starting properties of her wool blanket or the utility of her knife. Knowing that Hatred might skin her with the discarded knife if she refused to bring it, she dropped her tightly wound blanket onto the ground. The grouchy male in front of her nodded.
“Good. Its summer and you made a practical decision for once. There’s plenty of sticks to be found and you’ll need your canteen and blade far more than a comfy sleep aid.”
Ignoring his slight, Irriari examined his pack. A knife was tied to the side, hanging down via a thick leather strap that looped around a sheath. Rope dangled from the opposing side and a large piece of cured jerky stuck out the top. Resisting the urge to snatch it out of his pack, Irriari followed him out the exit, brimming with excitement at the thought of learning how to survive in the wild.
Irriari had begged Hatred to teach her how to survive in the Wildlands for the better part of the last two years. Summer has rolled around once again and he finally agreed with an ever friendly:
“It might be hot enough to bake my balls to my wings, but at least I’m not toting you through the snow.”
While the acceptance was hardly kind, it was the way of Hatred to talk in such tones. Most of his life had been spent travelling from the colony to the Wildlands outside of the Sea of Grass. He hunted, gathered, and survived in the wild for weeks at a time and then came back with meat and bones for the clan. Rarely, Hatred unearthed something valuable or managed to pick off a lost merchant or bandit. The Elders tolerated his eccentricities and distaste for the colony life because he brought back more crafting materials in a season than the rest of the colony brought back in a year. Hatred had spent the majority of his two week tenure back in the colony avoiding Irriari. Finally, she had broken his will and he agreed, pending a few conditions that she had to meet. He had commanded her to ready her bow, quiver, and arrows. She would have to borrow flint, steel, a blanket, a canteen, and a sharp knife. Once she presented the items to him for his approval, Hatred would instruct her on how they were to set out on their journey.
Hatred awaited her at the colony exit. He began speaking as she neared him,
“I made sure you had these items because you need them all. The reasons for flint, steel, and your bow should be obvious. I sure how I don’t have to tell you why you have a quiver filled with arrows. Without a fire and a weapon you’ll starve or be forced to catch things with your bare hands. I don’t think you could manage that and you’re too fat to eat nothing but berries. The blanket will keep you warm in the winter when your fur won’t protect you from the harshness of the cold and snow. You’ll be petching happy to have it. You can also use it to start a fire if you’re away from twigs. The canteen is to hold water. When we find water you’ll drink to your fill, drink till you’re about to pop and then fill your canteen. I’m not going to have you passing out on me. I have hunting to do. Lastly, you have your knife.”
With the mention of his favorite tool, Hatred’s lips twitched. It might have been a gesture similar to a smile at some point, but Hatred didn’t really smile much in the colony and his expressions had warped to accommodate his lack of social interaction. He continued,
“Your knife is important. I guess it could work as a weapon in a pinch, but if you lose your bow you deserve to die anyways. It allows you to skin animals, cut sticks to make traps, or carve wood and bones if you get bored.”
It was no secret that many hours of Hatred’s time in the wilderness were spent carving and whittling bones and wood into various figurines. Many colony members had begged him to part with them but he was fiercely protective of his creations. The Elders even tried bargaining for some of the more ornate figurines that would trade well in Xy. The mere suggestion had sent Hatred in a rage. He didn’t return to the colony for a third of a season and when he did he brought back a single rabbit pelt as a token of his displeasure. Through gritted teeth, the Elders had apologized and promised not to touch his figurines. They needed the jerky, pelts, and crafting materials he provided and no one in the colony had volunteered to take his place.
Hatred stomped his clawed foot against the ground, rousing Irriari from her reverie.
“Get rid of one of the items. Drop it here, a slave will pick it up. It’s a good lesson. You won’t always have everything you need in the wilderness and you can’t expect that things will remain in perfect condition forever.”
The choice was simple to Irriari. She would have to choose between the comfort and fire starting properties of her wool blanket or the utility of her knife. Knowing that Hatred might skin her with the discarded knife if she refused to bring it, she dropped her tightly wound blanket onto the ground. The grouchy male in front of her nodded.
“Good. Its summer and you made a practical decision for once. There’s plenty of sticks to be found and you’ll need your canteen and blade far more than a comfy sleep aid.”
Ignoring his slight, Irriari examined his pack. A knife was tied to the side, hanging down via a thick leather strap that looped around a sheath. Rope dangled from the opposing side and a large piece of cured jerky stuck out the top. Resisting the urge to snatch it out of his pack, Irriari followed him out the exit, brimming with excitement at the thought of learning how to survive in the wild.