Completed A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Thorns and Revelations

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Redd on February 13th, 2015, 4:41 pm

Date: Day 26, Winter, 514 AV
Location: Forest of Thorns

Redd paused within her steps, her singer golden hue focused upon the white hare in front of her, well, it appeared to be a hare. The red wolf slowly lowered her form so then she could observe the white body of the rabbit that also appeared to have thorns. Could she be imagining this? She asked herself as she had not heard of hares having thorns. It was then that she remembered Darien’s words from her first unsuccessful hunt. ’We don’t have the normal animals that you get around Ravok. For Sahova is a place for magical research and development, so we have animals that have been altered.’ Had they some-how placed thorns on a hare? Maybe they were soft much like its fur, she convinced herself as she turned her gaze to the thorn bush that the hare was currently residing beside. If it was one thing she knew about, was thorns especially on the bushes, but she had never seen a thorny tree before until she had come to Sahova. She guessed that that was why they had called the Forest, Forest of Thorns. Although, the thorny environment made it rather difficult to move around it. In fact, because of her missing right eye, she occasionally ran into the spikes, lightly pricking herself.

Remembering her missing eye, her tongue lashed out to lick her nose as she felt the occasional drops of blood begin to matt her red fur just underneath the eye socket. In fact, she looked just like any feral wolf, except for the fact that on her left paw sat the mark of Ravok. The half black sun stood out against her red fur. It had once been red, until the tattoo had been inked upon her skin. She turned her thoughts away from it and to the hare in front of her. There was no way that the hare’s thorns, well, they looked like thorns, were actually thorns. However, the forest was basically made up of thorns so she could be wrong. They just looked… Thin. The wolf angled her head for a moment as she slowly took one slow step towards her prey, making sure to place her paw down gently upon the ground underneath her, the old leaves making a soft crackling sound under her resting weight. The hare popped its head up because of this, its little pink nose crinkling as it sniffed the air and Redd was thankful that she was down-wind from the creature. However, its long ears was what made the young wolf freeze. She didn’t know how good its hearing was and so she held her breath.

Once the ears stopped twitching and returned to nibbling at a leaf, that that was the time that Redd decided that it was the time to strike. To dart out and attempt to kill this little beast, but she really had her reserves, especially considering that it had something that looked like spikes upon its back. Although, one thing that she did know, one didn’t get better or learn anything if they didn’t go out to find out for themselves just as to what the strange thing was. Even if it was hazardous for one’s health. Although, just in case, she would swipe the animal with her paw before biting. Because you always make such good decisions for yourself, whispered the voice that plagued her mind. That was what spurred her on as she suddenly let out a growl and pushed her hind paws into the ground, this pushing her form forwards as she darted forth. As soon as she gained enough ground, she lashed out with her right paw. The hare had noticed her presence the moment that she started forth and had started, attempting to move out of her way, but not fast enough. Redd’s paw connected with the back of the hare’s and just as a small yelp was about to come forth when the spikes pricked her paw, her whole body froze. The hare on the other hand darted off into the thorny bush and alarm suddenly spiked within her, why couldn’t she move?
Last edited by Redd on August 17th, 2015, 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Fallon on February 14th, 2015, 5:23 pm

There came a moment in Fallon's stay in the citadel that she could no longer bear the closed in walls and the cold stone. The stench of death had sunk its way in to her senses, consuming and wrapping tightly around her. It was smothering and detrimental to her ego, her mind unable to find an immediate level of calm and control. And it was perhaps now that she wished it was simply over and done with. And so, with the eyes and ears seemingly following her every move Fallon shifted. She rose up onto her feet, her equipment donned and her gaze set forward once more to the world beyond the stone walls.

It was uncertain at first, the steps leading her through the vestibule and her form floating deciding which direction would be best to take, but soon and quickly the stone and the watching eyes peeled away only to be replaced with something else. It was a seemingly opening expanse into nature tainted by magic that came before her now, the terrain warped and stripped. It was unnerving to feel the stench of nuit died away into something more primal. It was the testing grounds, she realised as she stepped ever closer. Her skin prickled, her gaze constantly shifting back and forth across the horizon, the dusty ground greeting her as she stepped ever inwards.

There was wariness, the dulled shapes barely picked out upon the ground. Her skin gave a prickle, the subtle shift and rise in pulse as she prowled ever northwards. But it was not a reaction of fear, not a flight or fight response that rested in the subconscious of all when faced with a potential danger. It was a humming cord of excitement and the prospect of adventure upon an island of dead mages and madness. Even as the gentle scrubland began to grow upwards, the crisped branches weaving ever together up into trees carrying their thorns did Fallon press ever onwards, the knowing and longing to leave the world of nightmares behind temporarily for something much more seemingly appealing.

Gauntlets pushed the branches aside when they came too close, thickening up into a forest with every step. Around her the creaking groan of moaning wood greeted her, the bitter scents of the land resting just beyond her senses. Her form stooped as she pressed on through, the kukri being grasped and being used for its truer purpose - a tool. The clunking hacks as she wriggled through the branches, that pause for breath as her form was wrenched through the tight space when no doubt an easier route could have been picked. Boots snagged, the further pressing of prickles away that looked to snag themselves within her clothing. The little breeze that there was blew against her, the gentle clink of steel marking her movement as she stepped, before she paused - gaze peering between the undergrowth and her eyes catching the different colours. For a moment there was a pause as she looked, body stilled and hunched in, her eyes watching the scene unfold and the hunter strike out upon the prey.

There was a tilt of the head when she caught the shape of the red wolf seemingly slumped to one side, the target - some white hair - bounding off to safety. Another tilt took her to frowning, the motionless form, the way the tongue lolled as if numbed and limp. It was slowly, that Fallon clambered out from between the branches - elbow first and arm raised in an attempt to protect her face. The questions however went through her mind, those curiosities that led her further - was it dead or alive? Had the hare done that - somehow - or was it too weak to continue the hunt? Her grip was still held tightly around the kukri hilt, she was not about to let her guard down just yet around a potential wild animal. Her eyes moved again further, this time to the neck, and then upwards to where two eyes should have been but instead, only spied one. Another pause, she stopped within the small space of a clearing a few strides away, gaze low and her eyes flickering back and forth and then resting just beneath the creatures own eye the tickling reminder of where she had seen such a beast before.

"The wolf Redd from the other night," she breathed, taking a small crouch in her inspections, "Seem a bit far from the citadel." Fallon paused then, flat of the blade tapping against her gauntlet in a constant rhythm, "Hunting with your... master? Dunno, master seems off." Another pause, her tongue clicking this time her form gently inching forward, "You alright there girl? You take a tumble? Come on, come on now. That's a good girl, not here to hurt you," She frowned then, "Is... blondy about? One you were with." She shook her head, "Anyway, easy now... just going to maybe, try and get a look at you."
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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Redd on February 14th, 2015, 10:59 pm

Redd hadn’t been sure just as to how long that she had been paralysed for, she did know that she could see a figure emerging from the thorny bushes. To say that she did remember the woman was an understatement, for she remembered that the woman before her had been called Mistress Redwulf and she wondered why. The stranger most definitely didn’t look like a red wolf, Redd should know, for she was a red wolf. Before she could ponder upon it more, Redwulf began to talk again and she mentioned a master, Redd’s master. She had even called him blondie, oh if only Verin had been around, that would have been humorous, especially considering that he hated being out of the city of which he resided in. The wilds was most definitely not his ideal of fun, he preferred to enjoy tinkling with his little glass vials and going out to do whatever it was that he did. That thought paused as her single gaze rested upon the blade that was clutched within the woman’s hand and suddenly her ears flickered back just as the paralytic poison began to wear off. Another alarm bell was sent off just as she began to feel her limbs once more and her frozen form sunk to the ground, her legs no more than like jelly.

A soft growl rose from the young wolf as she attempted to get her paws underneath her so then she could back away from the woman holding the blade. From her experience, the humans that did carry weapons only meant to do harm and her single golden hue tracked the human’s movements. She wanted a good view of her? To probably find a good spot to kill… Whispered the voice and Redd peeled back her top lip to reveal her sharp teeth, her ears pressing back against her head. The wolf wasn’t exactly having much luck on her endeavour in getting back onto her feet, so she stilled her movements, saving her strength so then when she did fully recover from whatever it was that the hare gave her, she would be ready. However, as she remained lying upon the ground, her legs tucked underneath her form after she had given up the pointless struggle, she went back over the woman’s words. She wasn’t here to hurt her? Redd knew how she looked, wild and feral, much like a beast. Well, that was exactly what she was, but this armoured woman, wanted to help her? The concept was strange to Redd, for no one wanted to really help her, they just expected that she obeyed.

After a moment’s pause, her growls died down as an ear flickered forwards. Finally she decided that she had to communicate to the woman and she couldn’t do it in this form. A pale red light surrounded the downed wolf and she felt the familiar borrowing of the human form. It was a fairly quick and painless shift, but as the light began to fade to reveal her human form lying upon her stomach on the hard ground, she realised that even in this form, that her limbs were still fairly weak. Her human form was pale, with many small thin scars criss-crossing her body from her time of living within the wilds. Slowly, Redd pushed her form up into a sitting position, tucking her legs underneath her form. The most prominent of the scars were the four jagged and uneven lines that trailed down the left side of her rib-cage and the line of teeth marks that surrounded her right ankle. All old wounds that had long ago turned into scars. The other prominent mark, was the half black sun that was tattooed upon the back of her pale left hand.

Instead of a golden hue that looked up at the stranger, it was a hazel hue. Underneath her sunken right eye socket, dried blood graced the skin and she lifted her right hand to rub at the dried blood before giving up. Her hand rested palm down upon the hard ground underneath, her red brindled locks settling around her bare shoulders. She glanced over the woman’s form, her head angled to her right, perfectly comfortable with her naked form. ”I’m not… Injured really. The rabbit did something… But I don’t think it’s fatal. It’s wearing off.” A frown creased her forehead as she tried to puzzle everything together, ”Verin, my master is not here… I’m here doing what I was tasked to do. Hunt.” The young wolf shifted her weight until she was sitting upright, her gaze shifting to view her right palm. Her left hand also lifted to rub at the small pin pricks that had been made by the thorny hare, a sigh upon her lips. ”Although… The animals here are more different to what I’m used to.” Her tone took a different kind of note at the end of it, a more wistful one. Mostly because hunting reminded her of a pack of wolves, a pack of wolves that she had once called family. Remembering that Redwulf was still there, she glanced back to her, ”What are you doing here?”
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Fallon on February 15th, 2015, 3:08 pm

It was the growling that paused Fallon, that long warning noise to keep away - intimidation and the act of it in its simplest form. Shoulders gave a roll, the leathers beneath and the fabric curling as she paused, eyes peering and inspecting carefully. There appeared to be nothing wrong she realised from the distance she had placed between them, but closer would result in an true answers. Perched, arms upon her knees she looked and waited for the creature to calm - watching the ears flicker, the thrumming cord of some form of understanding within the wolf's gaze before. She did not make true eye contact though, avoiding it where possible and letting the creature drink her in and understand. Slow, steady, there was no rush. She just had to be careful, slow movements to avoid giving any form of alarm, until at last the growling fell silent. The Scar Leader was just about to speak, mouth opening to produce sound before that distinctive red flash and tell tale sign of a Kelvic caught her off guard.

Fallon's cheeks flushed red, her entire form stiffening up as the eyes tore away from the face and down the bare flesh. Her jaw grew slack, this momentary boggling of the gaze as she took in those curves, the signs of development into adult hood. Scars, there was always scars - her own twitched in annoyance - but who these days managed to go through life without receiving some? But that was not what completely took her attention - instead her gaze was locked there, unable to immediately shift away from what was before her at first.

"Oh, okay then," she finally croaked, "I'm talking to a Kelvic... Nice..." There was a distinct feeling of such a scene happening before within the back of her mind, she could not yet place where however. She caught herself giving a slow nod to herself, lips having slightly curled before she caught herself. Gaze snapped away, the skin deepening in shade as she pulled off her coat in a mad fluster and promptly tossed it in the general direction of the Kelvic. Whether or not she took it was her choice, it was merely offered in the loosest sense possible - but the distinctive smell of Orvin no doubt clung to the fabric. With that, Fallon promptly turned so her back was facing the other, the clear embarrassment upon her form. With the arm giving a shake, she gradually slipped the kukri back into its sheath and focused her attention forward.

"You should cover up, or something," Fallon cleared her throat, shoulders rising and neck sinking downwards as she watched the undergrowth around her. Eyes bored into it, cheeks puffed as she fought for some form of self control and understanding, "Good, good. That the whatever the rabbit? Hare? Either or did is... wearing off," Her voice dipped into a nervous squeak, "Oh! A master, yes, yes, always good to yes... hunt? Food, yes, all the mortals here need to eat, you and your... Verin are no different," she paused then, giving a sheepish glance back from the corner of her eye - she could not get enough of a good view to judge the expression however, "He is living, right? Can never tell in Sahova."

She snapped her attention forward once more, her fingers lacing in front of her and twiddling. Awkwardness was quickly taking hold, that tapping out of a sudden conversation that she was not expecting to occur this day. Her gaze gave another sweep of the surroundings before her as she heard the posed question, "I was checking a man's wolf was not dead. Which she isn't. Good right?" She rubbed at her jaw then, metal still clinking as she held herself there, "Or do you mean out here? Nothing, nothing really. Escaping the stone walls. Looking for the urge to feel a touch more alive than dead. Escaping the judgement of the nuit kind and their magic." She shook the thought away then, a rock back onto her heels as she straightened out to her full height, "Still one piece, no rush. Can I look back yet? I mean... you decent? Covered. I mean, keep the coat on for the moment. Not appropriate and all that." A nervous laugh, "Though, Kelvic and all, doesn't bother you does it?"
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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Redd on February 16th, 2015, 9:04 am

The woman’s behaviour was strange, especially when she had blushed, turned around and tossed her coat at the young wolf. Confused marred her features as she wondered just as to why her nakedness would make the woman blush, especially considering that no one else had really cared much for her apparent lack of clothes. Slowly she reached out to grasp at the material of the coat, her limbs shaking with the effort for her arm felt like jelly filled with lead. The young wolf would then draw the material close, catching a whiff of the scent of the other wolf. A pang of loneliness was sent off and she drew the material closer, pressing it to her face to draw in the scent. Redd hadn’t smelled the scent of another wolf since the last time that she had killed one of her brothers and it brought back so many painful memories. Remembering that Mistress Redwulf was still standing there with her back to her, she slipped the material around her naked form, pulling it close. ”I have never known a human to be embarrassed at the sight of naked skin… It’s strange really.” A sigh graced her lips as her single hue flickered away from the standing woman, mostly to make sure that no other creature was nearby.

”Verin…” The word was spoken in soft, conflicting tones, mostly because she still didn’t know what to make of him, just that she had simply called him master for the sake of being compliant… For the time being. ”Yes, he is a human like you, he just came here for a specific reason. What that is, I’m not privy to. I just have financial worth, so he keeps me around to make sure that I don’t get executed by the officials of Ravok. He wants his Mizas back, or so he says.” She had forgotten for a moment that the woman had asked if she was decent and she blinked, brought out of her own thoughts for a moment. ”Oh… Yes I’m decent enough I suppose. Why should my nakedness bother me? You’re just the first that I’ve met that it truly bothered. The only thing that bothers me, is the fact that I’m a kelvic. Most just simply see the wolf, never the fact that-“ Redd cut herself off for a moment as she had begun to realize that she had just begun to speak to the woman as if she was someone that she had known for a while. It must have been the scent of the wolf that clung to the stranger's coat that made Redd drop her guard for the brief moment, forgetting herself. ”Well, it’s not that important.” She said, brushing the topic off with those simple few words.

Yes… Because no one cares about you, whispered that voice and she resisted the urge to growl at it. It kept reminding her of things that she already knew and it was beginning to press on her waking mind. She turned her single hazel hue to view the thorns upon a tree, anything to avoid looking at the woman. ”Anyway… I apologize for making you check up on me Mistress Redwulf. As you can see, I am fine and alive.” For the moment, came that voice again and the corners of her lips turned downwards. ”No need to worry about this beast.” Redd had essentially shut herself down, something that she was trying to work on. Be indifferent to most things, what did it matter right? Bit by bit, she was being ripped apart. Physically and mentally. All within the period of a year. The only thing that had been allowing her to keep a grip upon reality, was her anger and bitterness towards Venser, but Verin wanted her to let it go. How could she let it go when it was the only thing keeping her head above water? ”Oh… right, your coat.” Redd murmured as she remembered it suddenly and began to draw it away from her shoulders to give it back to the woman.
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Fallon on February 18th, 2015, 11:06 am

"I am a strange human," she responded, voice a croak as she heard the shuffling of fabric being pulled around a frame, "And easily embarrassed, and private. I... just get surprised. Easily. Very easily. When... bodies like that are... naked."

Fallon's pulse was still fast, her cheeks still aglow but slowly cooling. Hands had balled once more into fists, the long deep breaths serving as pause between the comments in an attempt to cool the mind. It was unexpected and that was what caught her off guard for the most part. But still, her ears strained, carefully pulling and listening to the sounds and the words being spoken - an attempt to garner a snippet of information, should any come her way. Her chin lifted, tilting back as the small confirmations were shared between. Her brow gave a raise, her lips pursing into a line as she gave a glance back to the now covered Kelvic, before only then beginning the process of slowly turning to face her fully.

She put the neutral mask on the best she could, her eyes watching for reactions. Slithers, the soft tone with the harshness there - was the wolf trying to cover up what she really felt about the man? Bitterness, the voice seemed to almost echo in the back as Fallon gave the smallest tilt of the head to one side, "Financial worth suggests you are a slave. Would I be incorrect?" It was an obvious question, but weighted in seriousness. There was nothing she could exactly about such a status right now, Sahova was not her territory nor did she feel the citadel would appreciate her acting out against another guest, "You do not seem to be... chained? Why do you stay with him when you seem to miss..." she pursed her lips then as if to think of the correct word, "Well, everything. If it is a poison to you, and you are allowed to stray beyond his watch... why be here?"

"Never the fact what?"
she asked as the other trailed off, trying to make some quick excuse to cover up some line of thought, "I guess your own nudity would not bother you, it is your body. But..." there was another pause before she turned her gaze upwards and in the direction of the sky, "I know of some people that cannot even stomach the notion of being so, let alone having another's gaze fall upon them. They writhe, they hate it and feel like... filth." Or more over, that was how she felt when caught in such a state - with perhaps one single exception, her innards glowed warmly at that thought before it once more died down. The smallest gesture, "Continue if you wish, I will not push you. I have no right to."

"No harm done,"
Fallon's lips gave the smallest of curls, "And it was the least I could do. That is... also good?" Her fingers scratched the back of her head, catching that pang of defeat and the slow suffocating of the light of freewill. She had seen that look, she had seen the end result that came from such beings that truly surrendered - little more than broken minds and bodies that would soon collapse afterwards, absent even of the simple, primal desires. She shuddered at the thought, taking the smallest of perches down to the ground and idly drawing swirls in the limited surface. At least, of course, that was until the coat was offered back.

"No no, keep it on!" Fallon objected, hands waving wildly before her. The blush came back once more, "I mean, unless you need to go on. Hunt and kill and practice an art form. I will not keep you. Just, maybe, gather your bearings? Know where you are, what your next plan is..." she gave a shrug then, "Those hares, you said they made you... numb? Collapse?" She cleared her throat, "I saw that either way. Perhaps maybe a way to deal with them? A plan of action?" Teeth flashed, "I do like plans. More so when they come together."
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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Redd on February 19th, 2015, 9:06 am

Redd had to agree that the woman was indeed a strange human, everything that she did was… Unusual and the young wolf was not used to it. It had caught her very much unaware and she was left silent for a few chimes, her single eye watching the woman with blonde hair. Hair that was shades darker than Verin’s. Even her reactions had been odd, not cold and calculating like she had gotten used to. There was… Something to it, something that made her so unique and the wolf couldn’t quite put her paw on it. Whatever it was, she figured that she would eventually find out. A slight shake of her head was given as she was pulled out of her mind for a moment and with the scent of the wolf surrounding her because of the coat, she simply spoke. ”Yes… I guess financial worth does mean that I am a slave. You humans have so many different words to call things, it gets… Confusing after a while.” She drew in a slow breath, her gaze closing as she angled her head downwards, almost in thought. One full of many complications. ”I am not chained no, but at first when Verin first became my master, I had been collared. I wasn’t... Well… Useful in human form, as I know how to be a wolf better then how to be human.” She knew that she wasn’t useful because she couldn’t hunt and she was basically defenceless in her human form. Other than her elongated canines that was.

”I stay with Verin because… Well, other than the fact that I hope he leads me to his brother eventually, I have no idea… It’s strange really. My first master told me that I needed a master and that I had to obey. Now, I have a habit of thinking such a thing even though it makes me so very lonely.” A sigh fell upon her lips, in fact it was mostly just a breath that caressed her lips as she exhaled with a heavy heart. ”Not only that, but I hope to one day to take revenge upon the one that took my eye… The one that haunts my dreams and shadows my reflection with his memory.” She lifted her right hand to gently settle it over her missing right eye and she felt the harden blood upon her skin once again. The wolf would have to clean up once she returned back to the Citadel. ”And I hope that Verin leads me to him, for he is Verin’s brother. After that… Death is certainly waiting for me, but I don’t think that there is much left for me anyway. I’m unwanted wherever I go.” Redd lifted her head, her gaze opening to view the woman before her once again, while her hand dropped away from her face. ”But of course, that is not very important. What is important is the fact that the hare got away.”

Her hazel hue viewed the swirls that had been drawn into the ground that had not been covered in the strange leaves of the Testing Grounds. The swirls were strange and seemed... Out of place, much like the human that was close by, but they were comforting in way, comfort that she had once found within wolves. Blinking she realized that she would need to get moving if she had any chance of tracing and tracking the scent and whatever scant footprints that would be available. She drew in a slow breath and planted her right palm upon the ground, using that leverage she slid her legs back under form and she pushed upwards so then she could straighten out into a standing position. She paused long enough to make sure that the coat covered her naked form, her left hand keeping it tightly closed within its grasp. It was weird that the poison acted so strangely and she glanced at Mistress Redwulf before she lifted her nose to scent the air. ”First, I need to track it. Although, with the head start that it had, I’m sure that it might have gone into hiding or something.” Slowly, her bare feet began to slide along the dirt and leafy covered floor as she turned around in a slow circle, shifting through the many scents now available. The other wolf scent was distracting, but because it also had a musty smell, it indicated that the woman hadn’t interacted with the wolf recently.

”It had thorns which I should have realized was thorns considering that this is the Testing Grounds of Sahov-” She paused as she found the scent once more, but was faint considering that it had sped off with such speed, not to mention that the current scents within the area were powering on their own. Mistress Redwulf’s scent reminded her of a sweet musky scent mixed in with the tang of salt and bitterness. She also smell faintly of death, but that was because of the odour that clung to everything. Something that was very hard to ignore. ”So, I could either aim for the neck, or flip it somehow where the soft stomach is. I’m thinking that if I just bite down hard behind its neck and so when that freezing thing happens again, the hare will be trapped in my jaws, slowly dying as I stay frozen for a bit. Then, when I unfreeze, it should be dead. I hope.” A shrug of her shoulders was given at this, ”That’s all I have,” She said softly as she began to follow the faint scent. ”I learn through trial and error, I used to have a pack of wolves to show me how to do things… but that was a long time ago.”
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Fallon on February 24th, 2015, 7:11 pm

"Practice makes perfect," Fallon tapped her fingers against her jaw then, eyes blinking as the wolf Kelvic seemed to almost verbally feel her way through the conversation, "Like learning to read, or write, or run or hunt, or any manner of things." There was then a shrug, "Then again, could always argue that a human would never make a good wolf. Sometimes we're just better at some things naturally." Still she maintained the face of patience, her perch now found as the other tried to find some sense of footing beneath. Simply drumming her fingers now, she peered about her, watching and eying her surroundings with curiosity.

"An odd predicament you find yourself in there. Staying with someone despite the cost it carries. No free will, no want or desire, the slumming and surrendering to little more than nothing, less than an animal - a creature chained to the whims of another," her voice almost purred, the words dancing back and forth in the air, "Yet, it seems you have a record of allowing yourself to buckle to another. Maybe you would be better off then answering to those who push you down and pose themselves above you... unless you wish to correct me on such assumptions?" She still did not stare directly, but it did not mean she missed the covering of the eye in an attempt to hide what was missing. It was slowly, and firmly Fallon spoke as she pushed herself up. Words oozing out as the meaning settled upon her.

"Revenge is a poison that only breeds more hatred and revenge," she spoke bluntly, "Hurts will always come, and hanging onto such will only fester and turn it into an obsession. And what will be done when an obsessed mind as finished one goal? One will not die, one will not find peace. No, the mind will turn and look for another fault, another slight against the self. And... the cycle will repeat until one is little more than bitter, cruel and alone." Swiftly, she took the steps away clicking and stretching. She knew the sensation of revenge, she had seen how it could control and command people in a whim, how it could almost posses the seemingly most iron of souls and taint them with the ideal. No, it was better to let it go, to let the burning nature be converted and turned into something more constructive - justice would come eventually in its own special way. All one had to have was patience.

"Death is a very finite prospect," she brushed her hands together and then let them rest upon her blade pommels, "Everything comes to a close, the curtain falls and then there is nothing. Just an inky blackness and a void to greet you," her foot brushed the swirls away before she gave a step away, the crunch of weak twigs cracking from beneath her soles, "Why end the performance when the show could go on and a fabulous tale could be weaved? Always will there be an adventure to be had," Her hand gave a flick at that point, and waved away the thought, "But, you are right. The hare has obvious more importance."

The conversation shifted, her brow rising as the Kelvic worked her way around the small clearing. Not a word was spoken, just the sea green orbs staring upon the other, patiently watching and waiting for a glimmer of insight as to the next direction to be heading in. Sniffing, snuffling, the characteristics indeed of a canine - it made her think slightly of Orvin and his behaviour, trying to follow things and decide where people had since gone. Curious creatures indeed, or perhaps wary, she could not decide on which.

"Well, let's say it has not gone into hiding," Fallon turned her head in the general direction she vaguely remembered it speeding off in, "Could always be like a cat. Swat it hard from the side up and onto its back. Only need to quickly lunge it then, no?" She rubbed at her jaw, "Or, you could always chase it into a trap, have a net ready to grab it and deal - or be the one waiting." There was no comment to the low, lonely tones that hung there. How did one comfort a memory? Did they lie and say it would be alright, or did they try to bring one to focus upon the present? Lips were licked, and the gaze turned away once more. In the end, all she could say was, "I see."
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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Redd on March 1st, 2015, 11:32 am

Redd listened to the human talk in silence while she spent her energy on trying to track the hare. So far, she relied heavily upon her sense of smell, because she didn’t have one hundred percent vision. It was something that she was trying to not focus upon too hard, but with the words that tumbled from the woman’s lips, it was hard not to. So as she was tracking the hare mostly by scent, because of the leafy covered ground, her foot rolled off of a small stone beneath her. It made her stumbled forth and her right hand reached out and due to her lack of sight on the right side, she grasped a hold of a thorn that protruded from the trunk of a tree. While her hand had mostly grasped it from the side, the edge of her hand just grazed the tip. She shoved herself from the tree, pausing briefly to glance at her hand without a wince. She had felt it break the skin, but she hadn’t really felt the pain that followed. Perhaps it was because she was so used to the pain and it made her realize that her pain tolerance was rising.

The young wolf slowly fisted her right hand as a sigh caressed her lips and that hand dropped back to her side. ”You humans never get it,” she finally said after a moment’s pause and she returned to the scent of the hare. The words spoken by Fallon about revenge, had also been spoken by Verin. It was as if they were the voices inside of her mind, telling her to give up. Why not? There is no such thing as home for you, whispered that voice and she snarled softly at it, her head angled to the right as her hazel hue peered ahead at their path. Redd pushed forwards once again, pausing only for a moment to crouch down and brush the leaves out of the way a little. Only just so then she could peer at the partial print that reminded her of a hare’s paw. ”Anyone that I’ve met or once knew, have left me or chased me off because of who I am, what I am. Even the pack chased me off once they knew what I really was.” She lightly touched the print in the dirt before she rose to follow the scent once more. ”I’m alone and all I have is revenge to keep me going. If I stop, give up my hatred, my anger, I will lie down and accept the loneliness that plagues me.”

A shake of her head was given as she stopped after a few more paces, sniffing the air as she listened intently to the surrounding forests. A rustle of the tree leaves above sent her gaze skywards to view into the tree tops. Suddenly, a pale white bird that looked semi-translucent, settled down upon a branch, tucking its wings in close and a frown creased her facial features. It was unlike any bird that she had seen before, but it reminded her of vultures. Vultures that used to fly over-head of the dead beings that she used to feast upon when she was a pup. When she had been hungry, she had searched the skies for such birds. ”Death follows the hare that we are tracking, much like death follows me as I’m sure that it is angry with me for having survived its grip so many times.” The woman angled her head as she watched the bird when it began to make its sounds, although the sounds themselves were unnerving to the wolf, almost as if it was telling her to run. Perhaps it is death’s true form, came the mocking tone and her lips turned downwards as she looked back at the stranger, confusion colouring her features. ”I don’t know why a human with the name Mistress Redwulf wants to help me. It’s beyond my understanding, for no one wants to help one such as I. However, I will stress that the hare’s body is covered in those prickly thorns. I don’t have a net but swatting it might work… If I’m careful enough.”

Her gaze returned to the bird as she tried to search her memory, to see if she had indeed seen one before. However, she had no such luck and she nodded her head towards it. ”Mistress Redwulf, have you seen a bird such as this?” Redd didn’t know exactly what it was that set her mental alarm bells ringing. It was smaller than a vulture and was a pale white, but perhaps it was because of the likeness that made her think of death as she watched it. No... It didn’t remind of her just a vulture, but what else, she wasn’t exactly sure, it was definitely half and half of something. For now, the bird seemed to just be content on watching them, but its simple vocal noises made a shiver slither down her spine. ”Strange bird,” she said softly as she looked ahead and continued on with following the hare’s scent, still very much aware of the bird’s eyes following their steps. ”I hope you don’t mind if I ask, but how did you get the name, Mistress Redwulf? I ask, because you're not an actual wolf.”
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A Thorny Revelation [Fallon]

Postby Fallon on March 3rd, 2015, 11:50 am

"And I am supposed to know such personal information about yourself without being told how exactly?" Fallon peered at Redd from beneath her brow then, "Not getting what? That a pure single obsessive focus bent only on survival? To have pure instinct consume one down onto a single thought because that is the only thing one can seemingly grasp onto?" It was with slower steps that Fallon followed behind - not as steady in her footing as the hunting creature was as she went after. Feet pressed against roots, shoulders rolling down as she pressed the thinner branches to one side with her gauntlets. She did not interrupt the hunter where possible, her chin lifting and peering down at her inspection as she went about her work and found a trail once more.

"And so you give yourself up to such a life, you allow your ego to wither and die before allowing such a flower to develop and grow. Such a bitter creature you are, dragging oneself down with only darkness and self tortures. Shall I condemn you forever to darkness? Shall I steal away such an opportunity for all you have worked for to simply disappear and return to dust?" There was a step forward, closer then. The expression darkening, the low rumblings of a growl reverberating up in her throat. What would the reaction be? Would she flinch, stare? Retaliate? Shrug the words off and discard them as little more than pointless words? Her own however, continued to pour forth, "Death follows all, and everyone dances with Dira on a daily basis. By simply bringing self up from a slumber in the morning, by simply stepping out of the door one is challenging Dira in a battle of life," Her eyes narrowed down then, "I simply just turn round and tell her, not today. But, what will you tell her, I do wonder, when she comes knocking on your door."

She came away again, dipping around through the clearer gaps. There was a constant flicker of the gaze to judge her position, but it was focused upon the Kelvic now, lips having pulled round and up, "Revenge is only for those who insist that they are owed something. Revenge only proves to be its own executioner in the end and the best form is to be unlike the one who performed the injury to begin with. It is forgiveness that is for those who are substantial enough to move on," she gave a chuckle then, low and rolling out from her core, "But what does this human know of such ordeals? I know nothing after all on such matters."

Her eyes gave a small flicker up to the mentioned bird, gaze sharpening down upon it. It certainly did not look natural, the whispering words caressing her ears. Lids gave a pinch, "Have you considered that one simply wants to help because that is simply the way they are?" The gaze swooped back down, "No, I have not seen such a bird before. But... I think we should perhaps move away from it as quickly as possible. It is work of Sahova, and for the most part they are nothing but trouble with their machinations and creations."

She eyed it carefully, then slowly continued to peel her way onwards the gaze settling and focusing down upon the woman as she continued onwards with her tracking, she took the moment to answer the question, "Redwulf, it is a breakdown of a title I earned in Sunberth. The Red Wolf. The Wolf I earned because of mannerisms and the way I fight, prowling, fast, snapping and circling around ones prey," she summarised simply, lips tugging into a wolfish smile, "The Red factor is not from the clothing, nor for the hair. It is from the colour of blood. Though, I am sure you can work the rest out yourself ."

With another tentative glance she looked upon the white bird, lips twisting into a line as she viewed it with only suspician. It was watching indeed, staring and studying them in their actions, and in response her skin only prickled and shuddered. She gave a glance back to Redd then, "Does that satisfy you as an answer?"
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