Quest Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

There are a myriad of dangers for those that tread in the wilds, and they come in all forms

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

Postby Traverse on January 27th, 2015, 3:04 pm


Blazing a Trail
25th of Winter, 514 A.V.

It had been three days since the procession had left Taloba. One cow Tskanna (Saya) led the procession, four of a fang flanking her, one scout ahead. One bull Tskanna (Reibo) took up the rear, another four of the same fang flanking him, and four Tskanna trainers hung somewhere between the two beasts, sometimes flitting here and there to to tend to them, the procession stopping for a bell at a time to allow both Tskanna to forage before moving on, not pausing their trek till it was fully dark, and starting it as soon as the landscape lightened even a degree.

For Quzon it would be the first time he had been assigned on a long term assignment like this since he began work at the yard. He had accompanied the Tskanna before, but only in routine maintenance around the edges of the walls, keeping up on the Kudze vines and other fauna that threatened to destroy the range of view that the Myrians lorded over any who would dare approach the city.

The pace was hard, but all were used to the rigors of the military in some way or another. Though there had been a bit of hunting, everyone (save the Tskanna) were outfitted with enough supplies to last both on the journey there and back.

The work itself was quite simple. Two Tskanna following each other along a path generally outlined by one of the workers, the scout making sure they followed it, trampled everything they passed over, creating a clear discernible trail to follow. This was the first step, widening the path that was already at least slightly there. They would pause for the bell of break at particularly dense sections, allowing the Tskanna to trim back somewhat. This process would also be repeated on the return home. It was not the fastest way to make clear trails, but even one time with these two Tskanna would make a lasting path for future fangs traveling to the Basin, whether to cross it to reach the barricade, or ply trades such as fishing, gathering, or hunting. This trail, still not fully recovered from the resurgence during the Djed Storm, was important to the entirety of Taloba. Soon it would be tread upon by many feet going to gather Winter Fruits that fed off of the Basin's water source, reinforcing the trail with sporadic Tskanna care and sheer activity.

At Midday they took their first bell break at a rather thorny copse of bushes, kudzu vines, ferns, and other foliage that obscured the path the scout had been laying out for them. Hayti of the Night was present just as she had been upon the day he had gotten a job at the Training Yard, and directed her fellow workers easily as always.

"Rekti make sure that Saya gets some water, at the stream nearby before we go. Quzon just watch Reibo around the thorns, if he gets his nose scratched he'll be a nightmare for the rest of the trip. Trait..." Her voice faded away as she turned from the half Myrian to direct the others.

And so it was. The fang fanned out, reclining against trees and keeping watch while the two Tskanna got to eat.

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Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

Postby Quzon on February 1st, 2015, 3:53 pm


25th Day of Winter, 514 A.V.

Quzon met Hayti's command with a short curt nod, turning heel to focus his full attention onto Reibo. Bright , stern emerald orbs narrowed as he lifted the back of his hand to remove sweat that had accumulated along his brow. The jungles winter humidity clung to the mixed bloods pale blue skin left unprotected by his vest, backpack, loincloth, or chakram that he wore around his neck. It was humid, but not overly so for Quzon. Just enough to warm his lungs with every intake of air as he moved towards the Tskanna bull. He stood the side of Reibo front leg, sliding the palm of his hand along it as he kept a cautious eye on what the large bull was eating.

Quzon's eyebrow quirked briefly as there was in the air the unique scent of moist earth and dampened vegetation. It was a smell he had grown to love after his father swept him away to Sultros when he was still a child, missing the scents of jungle life when it was replaced by the burning smoke of isur metalwork. His thoughts drifted to the Isur Kingdom, wondering what his father was up too. The man had a particular need for secrecy that confused him as a child. Quzon chastised himself internally for thinking of Sultros; a quick, sharp, mental kick for the self-centredness of it. He was working, not there to indulge in personal reflections.

The thought focused his attention as he placed his right hand onto the head of his hand-axe that he kept holstered between his belt.

Last edited by Quzon on February 10th, 2015, 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

Postby Traverse on February 5th, 2015, 5:26 pm


Though a curious, and oft mischievous bull, Reibo gave Quzon no cause for concern on this bell of break. Both the Tskanna pleasantly foraged in peace, their chewing and stomping simply adding to the cacophony of noises the jungle provided.

When the Bell of foraging was over, they began again, the place they had stopped, a good sight clearer than it had been before they arrived. The same formation that Quzon was becoming quite familir with at this point was formed again, and the day continued thus.

The Tskanna had very few natural predators in the jungle wilds when compared to most of the other fauna that inhabited the jungles, but despite their size and strength they were cautious herbivores, and many things could spook them or send them into a frenzy which was why at least one fang generally accompanied the trainers depending on the number of Tskanna on a particular job.

This fang, Quzon had begun to learn, was fairly new, with a very veteran fang leader, but relatively green recruits, and they did not take kindly to babysitting the giant elephants, though their complaining was mostly in the form of looks and stances rather than risk the wrath of their fang leader.

Hayti, who had been on a number of these journeys in her time looking over the Tskanna, was quite content that everything was going smoothly, and the day continued, hot and steady until the shadows lengthened and the sky darkened to such a degree that there was no easy way to follow the semi-marked trail that led to the basin.

They paused in a small clearing, allowing the Tskanna to make more room for themselves among the foliage while a campfire was set up and the fang was given their patrol assignments, a loose ring around the camp, the main scout perched up in the foliage to watch and listen for any signs of approaching creatures.

One of the fang, a slight male who favored the longbow and gladius, had sighted some fresh tracks he believed to be some small hogs, and sought the fang leader's permission to go find them before night settled in completely. She pursed her lips in thought.

"We need most of the fang back here to make a good perimeter around the Tskanna, you can bring one other person with you to hunt, I don't care who."

She waved him away, several heads turning to glance at the Myrian male, who was in turn searching the faces of those in camp for someone willing to accompany him on a small hunt. They had all the food they needed, but fresh meat of course was always a welcome addition to their dried rations.

oocThe choice here is totally yours on whether to hunt or not :)

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Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

Postby Quzon on February 10th, 2015, 12:06 am


Now, as much as it pained him to admit it, Quzon found the Rekruts lackluster attitudes towards protecting the Tskanna appropriate. Once upon a time, he battled alongside his fang ready to answer the call to arms; ready to fight 'barbarians', Dhani, and Yukmen vermin. And although he himself loved the Tskanna since he was a child , would have joined them in there begrudging ways if he were a Rekrut. However, he was no longer in the military. He had finished his mandatory years of service two years prior and was having a great day.

Quzon found himself at Reibo's side, absently watching the beast as it moved. The Tskanna Bull never quite stood still, always moving. Either by flapping its ears, sweeping its tail, or using its trunk to throw dirt. The mixed blood took them all as signs that Reibo was in a good spirit. He ran his hand along Reibo's side, feeling the contradictory texture of its body. It felt thick, but was at the same time soft and moist. He circled around Reibo keeping an eye our for any type of injury that he might have missed. As he checked the elephants body a rain of grass fell onto him from the sky.

He arched a brow at Reibo and blinked a couple of times before chuckling to himself. The large creature had thrown dried grass it had gathered with its trunk, and played with it by throwing the grass over its body. With the excess of fresh vegetation around, Reibo did not seem to care about wasting his time on withered food. Quzon brushed the scattered grass off of his head; his attention turning to the fang member who wished to hunt.

With Reibo in good health, Quzon nodded his head slightly in feigned acquiescence towards the longbow wielding Myrian. "I will join you."

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Blazing a Trail (Quzon)

Postby Traverse on February 14th, 2015, 11:16 pm


There was the briefest instance of a look that Quzon was all too familiar with. A look that sized him up, not in the typical Myrian way, but in a way that judged the half of him not Myrian. To be fair to the male, it was only the tiniest portion of a tick compared to many others who had judged the Half-Isur more harshly, but it was still there. Then he nodded. "Come on then, I think they're still close by if the Tskanna haven't scared them away with their ruckus."

The male introduced himself a Gerak, and that was the only information he supplied as he scrutinized the fading ground, swallowed in shadow and the coming dusk. If Quzon offered any aid in tracking or noticed any markings, he would find Gerak a gracious hunting partner, and willing to examine anything Quzon might have espied. They moved quickly across the ground, sacrificing some stealth for the sake of time, but finding several clear and fresh signs of the pigs, tusk marks, droppings, and a consistent line of low level broken foliage.

It was nearly dark when Gerak placed a hand upon Quzon's shoulder to make sure he stopped, the both of them able to hear the tell tale sound of snuffling, snorting, and rooting that revealed they had caught up to their prey, the swine probably sorting out a good spot to rest for the evening and eating a bit more before they bedded down.

The male drew his longbow and sidled to the left, having not the time to discuss a strategy with the half breed. His only sign of a plan was him pointing to a single arrow and displaying that he would shoot it into the thick of the pigs, and then Quzon should make his move, whether using a ranged weapon or not, then a few moments later he held up four fingers to display how many of the creatures there were.

He drew around as far as he dared, about 30 or feet so from Quzon's location, his form barely visible as everything darkened to point of slightly darker and slightly less dark objects, but even if Quzon could not see the arrow fly out of the bow, he could hear its whistle as it hurtled through the night, and the squeal of a small hog as it hit its mark, not quite fatal by the long drawn out cry that escaped the creature's mouth afterwards.

Quzon would also be able to hear his companion surging through the undergrowth, not trusting another shot to the darkness, the sound of metal leaving a scabbard revealing that the gladius was drawn as Gerak raced into the panicked and surely about to flee pigs.

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