Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Shakaar on October 22nd, 2010, 11:14 pm

52nd of Fall 510AV

“He’s afraid” “Look at the way he walks. He’s another idiot thug, and he knows he is outclassed" mentioned Ahajji. “How can you know for certain?” Shakaar replied.
Look at his lips, and his eyes. You must look carefully to determine the thoughts of your opponent.. I don’t have time for your smooth talking crap a the moment. Now is the time for RAGE! As Shakaar finished his rebuttal he lowered his head, watching the man in front of him raise his blade. Shakaar laughed in merriment. Then said slowly “Come to us, Human...” clearly pronouncing the word human. “We shall hang your head upon the gates”

The man then sparked, and charged. Sword flailing in the rush. With a roar, and a leap Shakaar was upon him. Weaponless, and fearless as a beast. Shakaar took the blade in his hand and wrenched it from his opponent. As he stepped back he spun in a tight circle sending the handle of the sword crashing into the mans temple. With a roar of triumph he watch the man crumple under the blow. Relishing his final stroke he turned the sword, and smote the fallen man’s head off his torso. Dropping the sword in disgust on the man's defeated body. “Well fought my brother” “It was nothing, I beat him as a man would beat a cur” laughed Shakaar.

“Your a mess....” Ahajji stated sacastically “Why can you never think before you grab something. You are aware that swords are sharp I assume.” Well I don’t see you voluteering to fight.” retorted Shakaar. Well then maybe I’ll go ahead, and take the next kill” Muttered Ahajji sullenly. “Whatever” laughed his brother soul

He began to walk out of the ring, but stopped to rip two pieces of cloth off of the mans tunic. Shakaar then continued out, and rested against a barrel in the main street. Looking around disinterestedly he started to wrap his bleeding hands. While he wrapped he watched a man being robbed, and a woman being paid for a presumably less than wholesome deed. He also heard a man yelling, judging by his words it was directed at some sort slave. As he was watching this a mental shift occurred. The soul of Ahajji took control over the body that he and Shakaar shared.

Ahajji simply sat, and thought over the simplicity of his current life. Simplicity covered by hate, rage, and torture to any sense of ethics he, and Shakaar claimed ownership of. He was in this state of meditation when he heard a voice from behind him.
OOCI leave it the discretion of the ST who awards this thread whether or not I get the mans sword.
Last edited by Shakaar on October 25th, 2010, 2:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Verduth on October 23rd, 2010, 4:24 am

Ever since he'd left the Pyve, every day had produced something new. Every corner of Sunberth seemed to hold something interesting. Wandering the way he was now, he'd chanced upon fated meetings with unique souls, collecting them, introducing them, giving them encouragement. To gather together as they were, he felt that they shared a dream, a dream of being more, and all of it was coming together back in a little camp on the outskirts of the city.

But they were more than just a group of individuals that he had collected. They were becoming his family and he had a duty to continue searching for more. The little clay man was feeling more and more like he'd found his purpose in life, the reason Harameus had breathed his soul into his body, and he couldn't ignore that feeling.

Thus it was that today had been another wandering day for Verduth. He had resolved himself to wander every street and alley in Sunberth, until he had gathered all those that he was fated to meet.

The area of town that he was currently in didn't seem very reputable. He stayed close to the walls whenever possible, generally staying out of sight as he moved swiftly down the streets. Though he was made out of clay and had little that these larger creatures would value, he wasn't stupid. Occasionally, someone would be using the wall he was traveling along, or to be perfectly clear two somebodies would be using the wall. At these times he'd dart across the street as surreptitiously as possible where he'd continue along the next wall.

He carefully observed the people that he passed, either against the walls or wandering the streets, but no one here seemed to be calling to him. Finally, he stopped behind a barrel, feeling the need to rest for a moment. Perhaps it was time for him to turn around and head back to the camp, go back to his people. Wandering areas as dark as he had tonight made him feel the need for the presence and personalities of his troupe members.

With a last look around, he found himself pushing away from the barrel. No, no one was calling him tonight. It was time to go home, but before he could depart, someone stopped in front of his barrel. This wasn't any kind of hindrance, Verduth could easily move along the wall and wouldn't likely be noticed, but something caught his eye.

Perhaps, it was the moonlight that cast such a strange hue on the gentleman standing there, but he hadn't noticed it doing the same to anyone else. His curiosity was sparked now. He slipped his fingers in the barrel's rings and carefully climbed to the top where he could see the back of the man better. It wasn't the moonlight. this man was actually...

"Blue! My word! Are you really? Is that paint?" He began prodding at an exposed bit of flesh, checking his fingers to see if the color came off. It didn't. "Not paint! Are you ill then? What a curious condition! But it doesn't matter, makes no bit of difference to me at all. I like it very much in fact." He smiled widely up at the blue man. "I believe I've found you!"
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This character has been abandoned. Please consider any open threads with him to be finished. I'm sorry but I haven't found the time to finish them.
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Shakaar on October 23rd, 2010, 4:09 pm

Ahajji's body tensed, and whirled in a circle ready the destroy anything in his way. But when he about faced there was nothing to see. The voice, and poking had presumably come from thin air. "Show yourself..." he muttered.

But as he was saying this he managed a small glimpse of movement. Looking down he saw a... umm... thing. Completely forgetting the question posed to him, Ahajji just stared. His mouth loosed quickly however, and he began asking questions in the style of a three year old. "Who are you? No, I mean what are you? Or even better where did you come from, and why are you so small?" The questions flowed ceaselessly, and without pause. Eventually stopping for breath, he leaned forward to hear the little man speak.
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Verduth on October 23rd, 2010, 5:34 pm

Verduth's grin only widened. Someone who was as curious as himself! How exciting!

"My dear blue man! I am Verduth, the littlest ringmaster," he gave a sweeping bow. "I am a Pycon, beloved race of the god Harameus. I am small because that is how he made me, besides... that would be a lot of clay if I were your size, and personally, I like it the way I am. I can do this..." He closed his eyes and seemed to be concentrating, suddenly his legs started to melt into a blob that pooled around him. He raised his arms. "Tada!" He didn't really wait for the man's reaction before continuing to speak.

"I was standing behind the barrel when you walked up. Now why are you blue? I've never seen anyone who was blue before. Usually they're kind of pinkish." He started to reform his legs, wishing he'd brought a bit of clay with him to munch on as he was now feeling a bit exhausted.
Avatar by: Can't remember, trying to find it.

This character has been abandoned. Please consider any open threads with him to be finished. I'm sorry but I haven't found the time to finish them.
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Shakaar on October 23rd, 2010, 10:19 pm

Ahajji struggled against laughing at the little man's antics. Barely coping a strangled sound came from his throat. Covering it quickly he added "I am pleased to be acquainted my little man."

"Why are you talking to the little bastard? Just squash him, and leave!" interupted Shakaar. "I'm talking to him because I am at least somewhat cultured, unlike some Barbarian brats I could mention" Ahajji retorted.

As the mental dispute occurred, Ahajji watched in shock as the clay man seemingly melted before his eyes. Cutting off his brothers coming remark Ahajji exclaimed "That's amazing! I've never seen anything like it!" His astonishment grew to new heights as his legs came back together. Apparently without any harm done.

As the little man, Verduth continued speaking. Ahajji remembered his questions he was asked, the repetition spurred it along nicely!

"I am blue because I am of the Akalak people. Proud warriors of Riverfall. We are often shades of blue, sometimes we are even green or red."
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Verduth on October 24th, 2010, 4:51 pm

"Well that must be quite a sight! I say! It is such a pleasure to meet such an interesting individual." He was having a hard time not bubbling over with his excitement. This was definitely the individual he was supposed to meet.

"I say, my dear fellow, if you aren't terribly tied down here, I have a bit of a proposition for you. You see, I am collecting a group of interesting individuals, such as yourself. We have great plans to travel throughout the world entertaining people. Oh, it is so nice to see everyone together! You'd like to join us wouldn't you, you'd fit right in! And they'd be so pleased to meet you!" He was practically bouncing now with his excitement, continuing to stare up at the blue man, his classic grin stretched across his face.

A blue man. What a wonderful find!
Avatar by: Can't remember, trying to find it.

This character has been abandoned. Please consider any open threads with him to be finished. I'm sorry but I haven't found the time to finish them.
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Of Clay and Of Swords (Verduth, Closed)

Postby Shakaar on October 25th, 2010, 12:28 am

Ahajji smiled as Verduth spoke to him, but his smile faded quickly as he heard the mans proposition. He turned his head away, and clenched his jaw. Ahajji hated slavery, he was a natural born leader of men. Not a dog to be set upon anyone his master saw fit. But alas he had been caught as a young child. Taken by many master, none would keep him. His temper, and brutality didn't make him appealing for many slave owners. Only the Bull understood his potential. But he must tell the little man... "Verduth" he said "I am a slave to the blood pits. I am afraid I cannot follow you."
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