Aventis/Atticus - The Non-Sequitorial

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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Nivel on February 23rd, 2015, 7:06 pm

definitely more info, what's there isn't really too bad. I mean I just found out that pycons can feel the affects of caffeine and alcohol, this whole time I though they could only eat clay and missed out on so many cool things I could do. It would also be nice to add info on Pyconia, and the different things that place offered the race.
We could explain how pycons can see things, what a nexus actually looks like (not that it really matters since no one really sees it), gem fashion (and other cultural means of decoration...we should totally make more some up)
I just feel like people are very confused by pycons so more clarification is needed.
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Archailist on February 23rd, 2015, 7:15 pm

Biggest issue - skills that cannot apply to Pycons. Limitations of the race.
Things like how Flux relates to Pycons, if at all.
How Bodybuilding relates to Pycons, if at all.
How Endurance relates to Pycons (it says that it allows a person to take more blows.. does it mean a Pycon will take more blows before its shape deforms, or it will be able to return to its original shape faster?).
How Sculpting relates to Pycons (I had one quest where Arch changed his shape and he got sculpting lores from it. Does this mean that Pycons with higher sculpting are able to change the shape of their body faster?)
How Morphing relates to Pycons (Can they take on flesh-like bodies? Can humans take on clay-like bodies?!)

I mean, a lot of them have been talked about.. nothing is in the lore though.
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Garland on February 23rd, 2015, 9:14 pm

Also the lack of information on how baby Pycons are made, its not a big deal, but it has been bothering me.
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Aventis on February 23rd, 2015, 9:19 pm

Through happy times. When a mommy and daddy Pycon love each other ifyaknowwhatimean.

But it this happened I would be happy to pitch in.

Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Garland on February 23rd, 2015, 9:36 pm

Do Pycons have sex organs or something? Do they lay eggs? Do they like take a bit of clay from mommy Pycon and Daddy Pycon and use magic to make a nexus?
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Piper Quinn on February 23rd, 2015, 9:49 pm

they fall off the mother pycon or that's how it used to be and the mother experienced a lot of pain
Last edited by Piper Quinn on February 23rd, 2015, 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Aventis on February 23rd, 2015, 10:00 pm

It's in the lore, actually. If you want in depth knowledge about how living statues reproduce I have the number of a therapist you can use.

BUT I LOVE THIS. Guys. I want to help with this.

Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Nivel on February 23rd, 2015, 10:03 pm

The only thing thats wrong with the write up is that it uses months instead of seasons but it's pretty clear on how babies are made and how long they're babies.
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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Estrellir Konrath on March 4th, 2015, 3:35 pm

Here's a little present!
Hope you get your laptop fixed soon.

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Aventis - The Non-Sequitorial

Postby Aventis on March 4th, 2015, 8:48 pm

The Pinnacle of Rock Bottom

Recently, in my English class, we had that fun assignment everyone eventually has at one point or another. We were to recite a soliloquy from Romeo and Juliet. Everyone has done this. I was excited, personally. I like poetry. Poetry is my writing background. This was an easy A.

So I worked hard at memorizing, and I did it well. I can now recite with near perfect diction, cadence, and tone the "But soft! what light through yonder window breaks?/It is the east! And Juliet is the sun!" soliloquy. I was proud, still am. Really proud. And I was proud in the moment I stood before my class and began reciting. But something went wrong, and I didn't know about it at the time, but my entire class was laughing at me to no end.

Now, folks, I'm a big boy. I can take a joke. So I said something to the effect of "Thanks for the respect, guys." and smiled. I then continued to recite. Good news? I got a 100 A+. But they kept laughing.

I didn't know why until I sat down. And looked south.

My fly was all the way down.

So to recap: I recited Shakespeare nearly perfectly, in my opinion, to my class, acted well, got a 100, and did it all with my briefs in plain view.

This is what pure, unadulterated geekdom feels like.


Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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