Common Vani Nari
Upon entering the room, Gale had noticed the bench that had obviously been flipped over by the raging man. The seat was now facing the floor and the legs stuck out, reading to hit someone in the thigh and leave a fat bruise. But it wasn't the legs of the bench that managed to leave a mark on the day, or even the floor for that matter.
It was blood, anger, and tears.
Although it had taken Ricky a few seconds to even do anything at all besides breathe, though in all honesty, Gale would hardly describe it as breathing, he knew exactly what was coming as soon as the man had turned around. The whole process of his fingers curling up, his swift turn around, and his aggressive approach all pointed to one unhappy ending. An ending in which Gale didn't know how to dodge.
As a matter of fact, his attempt to avoid it made it worse.
While Ricky probably would have only hit him on his shoulders or his jaw if he would have just taken the hit like he probably should have, Gale flinched downward, and as a result, the hefty knuckles landed in the craves of his nose. Instantly blood had spattered as a loud crack echoed inside his nose hallow and dazed head. As the blood dripped from his nose, the dizzy man stumbled against the door, practically falling into it with another loud thud. Having been able to use the door as a relatively steady support although, he managed not to topple completely over, but simply bent over, his hands clasping the now crooked nose.
Gale tried not to scream, but he moaned loudly at the instant head ache, Ricky's words blaring in his ear like a trumpet playing a sour note. There was a point where Gale tried to interrupt the man by adding,"Dammit Ricky, I don't anymore!" But he simply did the same as Gale would have done if he was standing in his own shoes. Just went on. He had the right to ramble on anyway.
Well was said an done however, Gale no longer felt upset at himself for not telling the truth, or for trying to commit suicide. He was furious in his whirling thoughts that Ricky had completely lost the point of anything he was trying or did say. And it didn't make much sense to him at all why he would be yelling at someone who could very possibly be suicidal. That was the worst idea in the history of the planet aside from being tortured and sliced up by a petching woman with an outrageous accent. He could understand that he was mad and upset, with reason, but what made Gale mad was that Ricky had always told him that he would be there for him, and as soon as Ricky could have helped, he chose a completely different route. The route that included breaking his petching nose!
"Okay! Okay, okay, I petching get it, dammit!" Gale said through his bloody hands. "I get it! I'm a liar, I'm selfish, I'm an idiot, I'm a bastard, I'm a petching psychopath! I'm a terrible person, I'm a petching monster. " After all these years, he finally admitted it. "Petch it all, I'm a monster!" By now, Gale had let his hands down, not caring if any blood got on the floor or his shirt. "But petch you Ricky, I'm not like that anymore! Do you still see me standing here?! Have I not been here when you were gone?! Huh?! " Pointing over his shoulder, as if to point outside somewhere,"When that damned woman saved me, she flat out told me that I could jump right back into the water if my petching bloody soul pleased and she would leave me be, but you want to know why I didn't? You want to know why?!"He screamed up at the man, the taste of iron now in his mouth as it dripped over his lips. "Because I swear to Laviku if you say yes and then hit me again, I'll leave and you'll never see me again." Gale's tone went grave, his brows creased firmly.
He didn't know if Ricky would call his bluff.
But he didn't wait for his answer either."I suppose you don't though because all your petching mind can think about is the wrong! The one bloody petching thing! But fine! I'll tell you while I lied! I'll tell why I didn't tell you!" Gale took a step towards him. The only step he could take towards him without going through the man. He then whispered up to the beast. "I didn't tell you because you couldn't help me." The very thought of having to confess it made him grit his teeth. And as he continued, his over pronunciation of his words made him spit the bloody red saliva onto the man and onto himself.
"You petching couldn't help me, no one could. I couldn't even help myself. " His knuckles were white from his hands balling into tight fists. "The only way I could have been helped was if I actually did it. If I actually died." His gaze didn't deter from the man's blue eyes. "And if I wasn't dead for a second I swear to Laviku I was the closest there is to it." Using his wrist, he whipped only part of the mess that was covering his face, only to have it be replaced by the steady stream of blood that was slowly trickling out of his crooked nose. "I've attempted to die before, but before I could do it, some crazy bitch caught me, and waved her little knife around," he mimicked the waving, as if holding the dagger himself,"and threatened to take my life herself. And you know what that did to help me? Nothing." Of course it wouldn't. "I've talked to people about it, doctors, because apparently it's a disease of some kind to some crazy bitches, and they all have comforted me and said everything was going to be okay and had me do happy things." He put on a cheesy, bloody smile. "You want to know what that did?" he continued to smile. "Nothing!! Not a damn thing!"
Gale stomped his foot almost as to emphasize the word, but mainly because his head hurt so much he didn't know what to do,"The only damn thing that could help me was doing it, and being in the darkness that I had so longed for just to prove to myself it really wasn't that great after all! " Gale finally broke his gaze, but only for a second as he rubbed his throbbing temples"All it was was cold, Ricky, damn bloody cold. I wasn't even a corpse in that moment, I wasn't even a lifeless shell, I was the cold, the very thing that was calloused over my heart for years. "
He looked back up to him,"And thank Priskil and bless her soul that she saved me because now I know that I didn't want to kill myself, I just wanted someone who wouldn't die in my petching arms as soon as I started giving a shyke. "
His eyes locked onto Ricky's once more, and he finished,"Do you have any other pending questions you are dying to know the answer to?"