PM to join Life Laydown [Shakune]

Logan guards Shakune while she works.

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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Logan Storm on March 2nd, 2015, 4:58 pm

4th Spring, 515 AV

Logan leaned his back against the Sunset Quarter wall, right near the buildings entrance. His left leg was placed on the wall as well, giving him a comfortable position to rest. He had his arms folded, and his eyes watching everyone that passed by. He saw children playing along the streets, regular bystanders and criminals walking side by side. The sun had not rose fully, showing just how early of a morning this was. Logan wore his regular outfit, a white shirt and black coat with beige colored pants. His black boots made little noise as he shifted one leg from the floor to the ground, and the other from the ground to the floor. His brown eyes continued a scan of the area, looking out for anyone who could cause potential trouble. For the most part, these streets where safe, and only small gangs moved passed him. Little violence, a good sign.

Today Logan had to protect a woman named Shakune. They had met once before and he had offered her his services. Apparently she was very ill, and needed someone to watch over her while she did her dangerous work.

Now he waited for her outside as she gathered her material. He had already determined that it was safe for her to move around these streets, but he had worries that his sense of safety would die as they moved further into Sunberth. The worries wasn't a bad thing, it kept him awake to the true evils of the city and allowed him to do what he was set to do today, protect people from the true evils of the city.

While he waited for his client to appear, his mind began to wonder about her illness. Was it deadly? Did she need medicine or a reminder to take medicine while she did her work? Her health and her safety were his concerns, after all her death would spell a disaster for his work. Maybe he should evaluate her situation before their job began, or maybe that would seem a little weird and would creep her out. Only time would tell.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Shakune on March 2nd, 2015, 9:23 pm

It had been a difficult thing for Shakune to accept the need of a bodyguard. She had refused it for as long as she could, putting off her business as much as possible and accepting only the most basic of courier jobs. But now, her leg was healing nicely and she could now walk for a bell without needing to sit down or puke from the pain.

She was not of the woods yet, though; Shakune needed to take it easy, to not put too much strain on herself. Running was out of the question completely, but a few slow jobs here and there were more than possible. Perhaps accepting this latest job was too much; Shakune was to deliver a letter to an individual known throughout Sunberth for bludgeoning his enemies to death. One minute this fellow might be smiling nicely and laughing with you, and the in next wham, your skull's cracked and your eyes have popped right out of you head.

So she needed a bodyguard, to protect herself from this psychopath and to also ensure none of his people took a fancy to Shakune and decided to rape or kill her as she left. Even the Gods knew that she wouldn't be able to run away or fight off such a threat, so there was no real alternative. But that didn't make Shakune any happier about the situation.

With a hefty sigh, Shakune gathered her things - the letter, which she placed safety in the bosom of her shirt and her satchel bag that was practically empty - and finally exited her home. Her bodyguard stood outside, looking pleasantly un-menacing. Shakune didn't want the locals to know she had a bodyguard, of course. Her mates wouldn't let her hear the end of it. "Hey." She gave a stiff nod to the male, as if winning his friendship would make her weakness all the more obvious. "You ready?"

She began to hobble off regardless of his answer, assuming that he would follow her. Her steps were tentative and uneven; it was clear that she was in great pain despite the gash on her leg healing steadily. But already it was the silence between the two of them that made the courier the most uncomfortable. She threw the bodyguard a black, endless glance. "So. Y'lived in Sunberth for long?" Her gaze was steady, drinking in his features evenly. He wasn't bad looking, and if Shakune had met him in a tavern she probably would have had a go at seducing him, but the thought him being there to protect her just made the courier feel so... helpless. It was quite the turn-off.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Logan Storm on March 3rd, 2015, 12:18 am

She came out with nothing but a satchel. The woman named Shakune stood tall, but carried with her a limp that would make her fall in height for a short moment. So it was her leg that made her ill. Logan wondered what happened to her, maybe she had gotten into an accident, or maybe someone had done that to her intentionally. Logan wouldn't press her for an answer, but he still wondered.

She friendly greeted him then asked him if he was ready to go, but didn't wait for an answer. She walked away quickly, as if all that she did was just doing what was mandatory. This did not affect Logan, but he took notice of this. He concluded that she was either in a moody state of mind or she was unhappy with Logan being around.

He rose from his leaning position and began walking with Shakune. He moved quickly to her side then slowed his steps to match hers. He payed attention towards everyone around them; the store clerks that opening their shops, the citizens strolling towards the pair's direction, some with animals and some with children. Water dripped from top of buildings while puddles laid on the ground. The air was cool from last nights rain storm and the clouds still hid the suns light.

Logan shifted sides with Shakune, walking on the side where incoming bystanders passed. He had a good position to protect her from dangerous people in the streets, but he had a funny feeling that street threats weren't what he really needed to worry about.

After assessing this environment, Logan turned towards his client and nearly sweated from the look she gave him. Black voids that where her eyes stared at him, almost like she was staring at Logan's soul more than himself. He stared back at her only a little while with a raised brow before watching the world again.

"So. Y'lived in Sunberth for long?" She said to him after a long moment of silence. Logan did not look towards her, but he spoke loud enough for her to know his words.

"Been here since I was eleven," he said. "Before that I lived in Nyka. Gotta tell you, havn't met a city that hasn't not suck yet. What about you?"
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Shakune on March 3rd, 2015, 8:19 pm

His response was met with a surly nod from the courier before she briefly explained her history: "Been here for nearly two years, but visited Sunberth before that a few times." The majority for her personal story was missed out, of course. Shakune was not of these women who lamented her shitty upbringing or the difficulties she had experienced. In a place like Sunberth, nobody had a clean history.

She continued to hobble along beside her bodyguard, her pace unsteady and a little crooked. As they ventured further away from the city centre, she decided to explain this current job more clearly to Logan. "This guy I'm delivering to-" she began. Every other word interjected was injected with a sharp wince or gasp, but Shakune continued nonetheless, "I don't actually know him personally, but his reputation speaks volumes." She flashed the bodyguard a questioning look, as if she was concerned such a risky situation might scare him off.

It would just be my luck that my bodyguard is defunct.

"Anyway, I reckon the content of the letter I'm going to deliver this guy ain't gonna be pretty. Apparently he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, but he has muscle men who'll do it for him." She paused momentarily to run her thin fingers down the length of her calf. Again Shakune winced sharply, her eyes creased in pain. "I just want you to be fully aware of what I've you into." She seemed adamant to almost pretend her injury did not exist. Perhaps it would be like a naughty child; ignore it, and it will go. Shakune could only hope.

"It's important we're quiet, too, and don't draw attention to ourselves. This guy might have other muscle men with keen eyes." Again an endless gaze turned to her companion. If she didn't know him, Shakune wouldn't assume he was a bodyguard -- but to a trained eye, it was probably obvious. "We should continue cautiously."

She assumed he would be more than familiar the need of being inconspicuous, but Shakune couldn't be too cautious. A lot was riding on this delivery; not only her return to the business, but also her confidence. The last big-time delivery she had completed was when her leg had been torn open by a slaver who had decided Shakune's place was at the slave auction. The mere thought of the brutish woman's face sent cold shivers down Shakune's spine.

They were nearing the location where she would apparently find her client, just a few more twists and turns and she'd hopefully see him. So, Shakune came to a slow stop, leaning against the closest wall to gather her thoughts and strength. "Ready?"

oocIf you're happy to, I was thinking Logan and Shakune could run into some trouble after she's made the delivery? Might give you a chance to improve your unarmed combat skill?
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Logan Storm on March 4th, 2015, 7:08 pm

"Been here for nearly two years, but visited Sunberth before that a few times," she said.

"How informative," Logan replied, hinting specifically at how enigmatic her story was. He had at least given her some information for how long he had stayed. Maybe a little too much in his opinion. Had it been another day, he would have probably said the same thing she did, maybe even a little less.

'Been around for a bit,' end of conversation. He would have said that then stopped talking, continued looking, staring at every pathway, and at every person that he deemed dangerous. That was how he operated, give less information on himself and just do his job. If someone asked him anything, brush the question off then turn to silence.

So why did he say so much now? He didn't what people to know how long he stayed, where he been, the history he tried so hard himself to suppress. So why? Was it the female that inspired him to continue the conversation?

Maybe it was her atmosphere. The way she walked, looked and even spoke to Logan showed a sense of pride withering away. It made him uncomfortable, and do what ever it took to find comfort. Thus, he talked to her.

She moved and cringed at the same time, showing a small hint of pathetic-ness to her. Though Logan wouldn't call her pathetic, admiral would be the better word. The fact that she had incredible pain to her and she still continued to walk showed just how strong this woman was. Logan liked strong woman, very huge turn on, but if they where too strong then they would be a turn off. Too much of a good thing kinda explanation. He was unsure whether she was just the right amount of strong or too strong for her own good. Only time will tell, only the future will help him decide.

"This guy I'm delivering to-"

Logan turned to stare at his client. After grasping the amount of pain she was in, she continued. "I don't actually know him personally, but his reputation speaks volumes."

"Of course it does," Logan said under his breath as they continued their walk. Before she could look at his expression, he turned his head the other way. He was walking a little ahead of her, so how he felt from his facial features would be hard to tell, as if it wasn't already.

"Anyway, I reckon the content of the letter I'm going to deliver this guy ain't gonna be pretty. Apparently he doesn't like getting his hands dirty, but he has muscle men who'll do it for him."

He said nothing.

She stopped suddenly, causing Logan to stop as well. The protector finally looked her way when he noticed her rub the painful part of her body. Her calf was what was harmed, so if he could somehow find a way to get her off her injured spot, he and her could move quickly in case they where placed in a bad situation.

"I just want you to be fully aware of what I've you into. It's important we're quiet, too, and don't draw attention to ourselves. This guy might have other muscle men with keen eyes. We should continue cautiously."

Logan heard her, he fully heard every word, but he looked like he was barely paying attention. His eyes where to her injury, and he looked as if he was making full calculations inside his head. He only nodded to every word she said, showing that he understood.

They continued their walk again, but then she stopped, again. This time she leaned onto the nearest wall. Logan still stared at her injury, then sighed after she asked if he was prepared for what was to come.

"Listen," Logan said as she waited on him. He looked concern, almost fearful. He allowed her to collect her thoughts on what he would say, secretly collecting his as well. "If the time comes for us to run, i'm picking you up and carrying you off, as far as I can go. I don't care if you interject, or make a fool of yourself trying to fight against me. I will do it against your will if I have to."

He moved to her then offered his hand. If she took it, he would help her stand fully, then move her arms around his neck. His one hand would rest on her waste and he would begin to help her walk easily. It was clear that she was in pain, her act fooled no one, so it was best for her to save her walking strength for when she really needed it.

If she refused then he would place his hand down and back away. He would wait for her to peace herself together then walk behind her to the slaughter house.

OOCSounds fun. Let's make it challenging, but not something Logan and Shakune can't handle, lol.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Shakune on March 7th, 2015, 11:44 am

He didn't say much, and Shakune was unsure as to whether she appreciated this or not. Yes, she hadn't exactly wanted to have to employ a bodyguard, but she'd done it nonetheless. He certainly seemed to be the strong, silent type, who didn't particularly want to carry a discussion along with them. As long as he does his job, that's all that matters.

Though it wouldn't hurt the bloke to crack a bloody smile

"I see." Shakune said slowly in response his statement about carrying her if it were needed. She had placed her life in his hands, so what had she expected? If things turned sour at her delivery point, he would have to do his utmost to protect her, even if it was more in the interest of his payment rather than her actual safety. This was something she would not deny him, so eventually Shakune nodded and forced a smile on her lips. "I'll try not to fight too much." After saying this, she clamped her mouth shut, as if to stop the word 'but' from escaping from behind her lips.

But make sure you take the back alleyways when you're carrying me like a baby. I have my reputation to upkeep.

The offer of his hand was met with an equally slow, indecisive action. Shakune accepted it, and tried to look unbothered when his arm went around her waist and he placed hers across the back of his neck. When they began walking again, Shakune realised just how much easier the pain was. A wave of delight and relief washed over her. "I'm not normally this close to a bloke unless I'm naked and pissed."

The words blurted out her mouth before she could stop them. The half-breed was not use to having to be careful about what she said; amongst her friends, she shared any detail of her sex life openly. She had no qualms about speaking bluntly to strangers either, but this current dynamic was different to any other she had found herself in. "Sorry 'bout that." The confession was muttered, embarrassed. Shakune felt like a reprimanded child who had said a naughty word.

She ensured to say nothing else until they neared their final destination. At this point, the courier came to a steady stop. "We're looking for someone with a mohawk." Her words were a whisper. There were few individuals loitering around these parts, and she did not want to draw any attention to either of them. As she scanned the thin crowd, Shakune realised that there was nobody with a mohawk in the immediate vicinity. "We'll have to wander around, but without looking like we're searching for someone. Stealth, y'know?"

A few casual glances were thrown their way, and Shakune did her best to look blasé and unbothered by it all. One man glanced down her injured leg, but he soon returned to is secretive discussion.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Logan Storm on March 7th, 2015, 5:55 pm

She half heartily agreed to his plan, which made him a little calmer. Logan didn't know how he would keep her safe when she fully refused to keep her own-self safe. She also accepted his aid walking, to Logan's surprise. He thought her too proud-full to accept his help, but obviously she wasn't. Of course she wasn't, or else he wouldn't be next to her to give her help.

When they where close together she said something that made him pause and turn his head. "I'm not normally this close to a bloke unless I'm naked and pissed," where her words. Then she said, "Sorry 'bout that."

Logan choked then laughed hysterically. The hand that was free held his stomach, making him look like he was in pain from mere laughter. He wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes before he finally said something. "No, no, don't be sorry. I am just wondering why you're pissed and not horny."

He couldn't help himself, he was still young, and with much youth came much immaturity. He couldn't be able to hold back his laughter even if the situation was dire. That which Shakune said had not only lightened his mood, but gave him a good joke to tell to his friends later. He would be grinning now while on their walk.

When they reached their destination, Logan's smile turned and he became the strict male Shakune had met before. Logan turned to meet her face as she whispered to him.

"We're looking for someone with a mohawk."

Naturally, he thought.

Shakune looked around but Logan only stared at her. If they both began to search then everyone would get suspicious. It was the same principle as two people staring at one person while they talked. If the person saw them staring and talking, that person would know the two was staring at them. The person would then judge the look on their faces to tell whether the two where speaking highly or lowly of them.

Sunberth was a land where the tough where proven better than the weak. Some took toughness too far and abused their power only to feel more. If Logan and Shakune both looked, their eyes would meet someone who's tough exterior was their entire life. That someone would feel challenged, or want trouble, and come towards them with full attentions of harm. Possibly by themselves or with a gang.

Logan did not want that trouble, and neither did Shakune, judged by what she whispered to him next. "We'll have to wander around, but without looking like we're searching for someone. Stealth, y'know?"

Logan shook his head and sighed. "So here is what we are going to do," he whispered back to her. "We are going to walk, but we are going to make like we are the best of friends. You're going to search while I pretend that I don't give two shyke's. Don't tense up, and don't laugh a lot. Gotta pretend like we're tough SOB's. So, basically do what we were doing before,

"If I see that you do tense, I will pull you aside and kiss the petch out of you. Will either calm you down or give you a reason to be tense. Some will stare at us but most will turn their heads, hopefully. When you see the guy with the Mohawk, tug my shirt once. When you see possible trouble, tug it twice. Got it?"

Logan didn't wait for her to answer. He began to walk, his serious eyes watching Shakune's facial expression and anything else that moved. Sunberth's children where very watchful. It was only natural that someone would look at everyone around them suspiciously. If they pretended to be anything but watchful, it may lead to trouble coming earlier than expected. Look tough and look careful, it was the only way to stop some people from second thinking them as possible targets.

"So, I don't think I introduced myself before. The name is Logan, probably the only bodyguard in this city." This wasn't a whisper. He was actually conversing with her, showing the illusion that he wanted. He didn't stare at anyone's face, except Shakune, but turned his eyes towards their weapons, or body movements. If trouble came, he would at least know the amount of enemies and the tools they held.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Shakune on March 11th, 2015, 9:34 pm

The bodyguard had come with a plan, which relaxed Shakune a bit. She was familiar with the need to sneak around Sunberth, but not so much with an accomplice. But trusted Logan appeared to be subtle and smart enough to not draw attention to himself. She had not expected to come quite as well equipped; Shakune was impressed. Nodding along with what he said, Shakune tried her best to keep her expression neutral and relaxed, though her brows remained slightly furrowed.

"I can seem tough." she muttered despondently, but in truth she doubted herself. Shakune's confidence had taken a sever beating since the end of Winter, when she had secured a loan from Golddinger but had had to pay a hell of a price. Her leg ached just at the thought of what had happened that day. She winced.

His promise to kiss her stimulated a very different reaction, though. At first it was shock, followed quickly by mild amusement. "You make sacrifices for your work, eh?" She elbowed him playfully in the ribs, partly to upkeep their pseudo-friendship, but also to metaphorically step across that border and into realm of flirtation.

She acknowledged his introduction with a nod and genuine smile. After scanning the crowd briefly - there was no sign of anyone with a mohawk in the immediate area - she replied with her own introduction. "And as you know, I'm Shakune. Courier and owner of No Questions Couriers, which will hopefully be open sooner rather than later." Her black eyes flickered form his face to their surroundings once again. One bonus of pupiless eyes: it made it difficult for people to tell where exactly you were looking. For once, Shakune thanked her mother for their Chaktawe blood.

They continued walked for a while, heading slowly in the direction away form the city centre and towards the back alleyways of Sunberth. Eventually, Shakue saw what she had been looking for: a bald head, save for a flash of black hair approximately four inches tall that ran down the middle of the man's scalp. She gave the gentlest of tugs on Logan's arm and waited for him to spot their target. "He has friends." Her words were barely a whisper, but she hoped her bodyguard would hear them. Indeed: three brutish-looking men were accompanying the mohawked man as he stalked amongst a thing group of other, random people.
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Logan Storm on March 12th, 2015, 7:52 pm

"You make sacrifices for your work, eh?" Shakune teased as she nudged him with her elbow. Logan chuckled but tensed his face again to seem somewhat menacing after a sudden realization.

"No, don't make me smile," he said. "Tough SOB, remember?"

After he introduced himself, she introduced herself by saying, "And as you know, I'm Shakune. Courier and owner of No Questions Couriers, which will hopefully be open sooner rather than later."

"First you gotta learn how to walk straight and not wobble," Logan replied, making a small joke about her injury.

He went on to say, "It's good to hear that you're starting a business. Not most people follow through on their goals. Some are the- gonna make it big but fail miserably and give up- type. But if you're continuing your business, might be best to learn some fighting moves."

Logan continued speaking as Shakune looked around. He wasn't sure if she was listening, but he didn't lose the image they where trying to give. Just two friends out for a stroll, not searching for anyone or trouble.

"I can teach you how to fight some time, if you don't know how to. Proper techniques and all. But first, you gotta get that leg healed."

When they where leaving the city center, Shakune had tugged on Logan's arm. The man responded to this quickly and began looking around himself. It took him a moment, but he finally laid eyes on their target.

There he was, Mohawk proudly shown and dogs at his heel. Three dogs to be exact. The thought of taking on all four of them made Logan a little stiff. If the time came, only intelligence would help him protect his client.

Shakune said something under her tongue. She didn't speak loud enough for Logan to understand clearly, but he heard just enough to make out her words.

"He has friends."

"Of course, wouldn't be entertaining without them."

Logan stayed still with one of his palms still on Shakune's waste. He was waiting for her to make the first move, or think up the first idea. After all, he knew little about her business. She had to be the leader in this incredibly dangerous situation. But if he waited for her to make actions for too long, he would whisper to her, "So, how are we gonna handle this? Are we just gonna go in and give him the letter or do we actually have to talk to them?"
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Life Laydown [Shakune]

Postby Shakune on March 17th, 2015, 7:37 pm

Tough SOB, remeber?

Yeah, I remember
the courier thought wryly. She had once prowled the streets of Sunberth in that tough, nobody-can-touch-me way. But then someone had touched, dragged her down to reality. Slavers had targeted her - though not of their own accord, but this did little to ease the courier's anxiety.

"Learning to fight?" The idea seemed completely foreign to Shakune, but she learning to accept the fact that, along with not being untouchable, she was poorly equipped to defend herself. "I have a weapon. A khopesh." Her hands gesticulated to mime the shape of the curved blade, which she did not have with her today, "but I guess I could learn how to fight with my hands."

She imagined punching someone in the face. It would hurt, she knew almost instinctively. If there was ever a fight in the tavern, Shakune always winced whenever she heard that flat crunch of a fist connecting with someone's face.

"It's healing quite well." Shakune extended her injured leg out in front of her, almost showing it off to her bodyguard for inspection. She failed to mention the nights were she had laid in bed in a sweaty, shivering mess, "still a few to days to go, though."

Her attention turned to her target client. Logan postulated a choice: the silent delivery, or to make small talk. The former was more intimidating - or as intimidating as a half-crippled courier could be - but the latter created a positive, almost friendly, atmosphere. "We talk to him. Or, at least say something." In her experience, it was better to hide in plain sight, behind a shield small talk, than it was to try and come across as silent and brooding.

Shakune began to approach the male, unsure of whether to fully acknowledge Logan's presence or to simply treat him as a man-sized growth. She didn't want the musclemen to realise he was a bodyguard - that might be perceived as threatening or mistrustful enough to warrant an attack. But there was no denying his presence, either.

Before she could really decide, Shakune found herself standing in front of the mohawked male. "Letter for you." She said simply. She offered him a parchment sheet, but it was not his letter, "sign this, please."

He was a large man, not in height but in width. Shakune guessed him to be about forty years old -- but several of the lines on his face may not have been wrinkles, but scars, in which case she estimated he would be thirty-odd. Mohawk stared down at Shakune with an expression that was a mixture of disgust and confusion. Slowly, he took the quill and paper from her and squiggled his signature, a mess of shapes and curves that looked nothing like the Common alphabet.

"Here y'go." Shakune murmured, producing his letter and giving him the folded document. She skulked away quickly, hobbling slightly and wincing with each step.

Staring at the backs of the courier and her bodyguard, Mohawk flicked his left wrist sharply, signalling to his brutish-looking companion to stalk after the pair.
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