The Many Exciting Adventures of Kusuri! (History):
Once upon a time there was young girl, she was supected to die at birth and was abandoned. She was to young/forgetfull to remember where. She was taken in by an inn keeper, and became the poster girl for said inn. Wining customers with her "little kid charm". The Inn keeper who's name Kusuri has forgoten (What a shocker.) was a very strange man. Naming her Kusuri because it was the only thing he could think of with three sylables, since he wanted her to blend in with others of her race. He loved art and went to drastic lenghs to get rare pieces of it. He had zero art talent of his own so he paid for Kusuri to have art lessons from various artist that stoped by. Also he believed Kusuri needed to defend herself, "DISTRACT THEM WITH SMARTS, THEN KICK THEIR BUTTS!" is what was grinded in Kusuri's head. So he asked swordmen who stoped by to give her some lessons. Developing a drunken swordsman's style, since the "teachers" were all drunk when giving these lessons since the inn keeper didn't have to pay as much when they were intoxicated.
The big part of her journey kicked off when the inn keeper let Kusuri go traveling something she alway wanted to do. "Kusuri when I was a kid I always wanted to have an adventure, I know you do too. Now you have a chance, so make me proud and come back a strong girl." Those were the last words he told her before she left with that caravan. It was a lively group, comprissed of theives, slavers, dancers, warriors, everything imaginable. Kusuri was still farily young at this time, and felt out of place. Although there was another kid in their teens there as well. He was cold but became very attached to Kusuri, his name was Gaiven, and that's the only name Kusuri has remembered from her past.
Years of traveling later and Kusuri was about to return to the Inn. When a verry well known swordsman joined the group. Kusuri remembered the Inn keepers regeust to come back strong. She had been practicing her art but not practicing with her sword. So she became a student, sadly she didn't know how this choice would altter her future.
At first it was basic training, hard but still easily picked up. Kusuri was half way through her time with the swordsman. The training now was seriously straining, Kusuri has many scars from it. The biggest one is running down her shoulder which she got from going one-on-one with her teacher. He told her she had to laugh at death, so he pushed her closer and closer to it. The injuries she suffered got worse and her teacher seemed to be losing it, killing people in plain day light. Finaly the teacher straight out attacked Kusuri, Gaiven was horrified, and was about to kill the teacher, when Kusuri stoped him. He resisted, and Kusuri injured him badly as a result, it wasn't her fault though. He was saying such horible things. The teacher got away and masacared the traveling group instead.
That was Gaiven's family, since he never had a real one. The teacher returned later and told Kusuri he didn't do anything, she was relieved. But he just told her that so he could try to kill her again, she tried her best to survive but she suffered impact to the head which made her forget her time with him. Gaiven came after the teacher and is after Kusuri as well.
BUT, she's survived this long so we can assume Gaiven gave up, or has he?
Random questions, PART ONE!!!
Random questions, PART TWO!!
Random questions, PART THREE!!!