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Postby Kusuri on October 17th, 2010, 8:49 pm


Name: Kusuri
Race: Symenestra
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100lb

She really has a baby face for her age, hair is white but looks lavender in the moonlight. She often wears it down when. When down it's about five inches below her shoulders. She's petite. Has a giant scar running down the back of her shoulder along with many other scars. She wears a jacket that she cut in half she uses it's hood to hide how pale she is, a rufled purple top, and dark leather pants.

Laid back, very care free, imature, and hates serious people. Beleves it is hazerdous to your health to take her seriously. Loves fruits, and is a vegetarian. Likes to hide in high places. Often is fond in a tree or on a roof top. Also loves books and libraries. Has forgoten her intire past but has dreams about it. She wishes she was human and feels very alone. She usally covers up her emotions, then let's them out in private.
Last edited by Kusuri on December 24th, 2010, 9:10 pm, edited 20 times in total.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
User avatar
The Blossoming Artist
Posts: 64
Words: 16846
Joined roleplay: October 17th, 2010, 1:42 am
Location: On top of mount fudge watching all the ice cream melt
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet


Postby Kusuri on October 26th, 2010, 11:37 pm

The Many Exciting Adventures of Kusuri! (History):
Once upon a time there was young girl, she was supected to die at birth and was abandoned. She was to young/forgetfull to remember where. She was taken in by an inn keeper, and became the poster girl for said inn. Wining customers with her "little kid charm". The Inn keeper who's name Kusuri has forgoten (What a shocker.) was a very strange man. Naming her Kusuri because it was the only thing he could think of with three sylables, since he wanted her to blend in with others of her race. He loved art and went to drastic lenghs to get rare pieces of it. He had zero art talent of his own so he paid for Kusuri to have art lessons from various artist that stoped by. Also he believed Kusuri needed to defend herself, "DISTRACT THEM WITH SMARTS, THEN KICK THEIR BUTTS!" is what was grinded in Kusuri's head. So he asked swordmen who stoped by to give her some lessons. Developing a drunken swordsman's style, since the "teachers" were all drunk when giving these lessons since the inn keeper didn't have to pay as much when they were intoxicated.

The big part of her journey kicked off when the inn keeper let Kusuri go traveling something she alway wanted to do. "Kusuri when I was a kid I always wanted to have an adventure, I know you do too. Now you have a chance, so make me proud and come back a strong girl." Those were the last words he told her before she left with that caravan. It was a lively group, comprissed of theives, slavers, dancers, warriors, everything imaginable. Kusuri was still farily young at this time, and felt out of place. Although there was another kid in their teens there as well. He was cold but became very attached to Kusuri, his name was Gaiven, and that's the only name Kusuri has remembered from her past.

Years of traveling later and Kusuri was about to return to the Inn. When a verry well known swordsman joined the group. Kusuri remembered the Inn keepers regeust to come back strong. She had been practicing her art but not practicing with her sword. So she became a student, sadly she didn't know how this choice would altter her future.

At first it was basic training, hard but still easily picked up. Kusuri was half way through her time with the swordsman. The training now was seriously straining, Kusuri has many scars from it. The biggest one is running down her shoulder which she got from going one-on-one with her teacher. He told her she had to laugh at death, so he pushed her closer and closer to it. The injuries she suffered got worse and her teacher seemed to be losing it, killing people in plain day light. Finaly the teacher straight out attacked Kusuri, Gaiven was horrified, and was about to kill the teacher, when Kusuri stoped him. He resisted, and Kusuri injured him badly as a result, it wasn't her fault though. He was saying such horible things. The teacher got away and masacared the traveling group instead.

That was Gaiven's family, since he never had a real one. The teacher returned later and told Kusuri he didn't do anything, she was relieved. But he just told her that so he could try to kill her again, she tried her best to survive but she suffered impact to the head which made her forget her time with him. Gaiven came after the teacher and is after Kusuri as well.

BUT, she's survived this long so we can assume Gaiven gave up, or has he?

Random questions, PART ONE!!!

Secret :
Do you have any serious goals in life?
I want to become a ninja....

If you could change one thing about the world it would be?
It would be a less serious place.

Home is?
A safe place.

If you could do anything what would it be?

Why would you want to fly?
Cause it's fun......

Drawing, and looking at plants.

Something falls out of the sky. what is it?
An apple or a bird, they hate me for some reason.......

You live?

Is sleep important?

You fall out of a tree, for what reason?
Probably cause it was full of birds.....

Did you ever doing anything to make birds hate you?
How should I know?

Did you ever like insult there god or something?
They have a god?!

I don't think so......

Do you like being Symenestra?

Why not?
I can't eat sweets.

Should you really be alowd to eat sugar?
Probably not.....

How do you feel about animals?
There okay I guess....

They're easy to catch.....

How's your family life?
I don't know.

Do you ever feel alone?

Do you wish you weren't alone?

Have you ever been arrested?
Not yet, almost was once.

Favourite color?

Why black?
It's safe.

What makes it safe?
I don't know....

Do you want to answer more random questions?

You sure?
Yes, plaese leave now.

I thought you were going to stop asking questions.

I never said that.

Fine *Leaves*
Now I am alone again....

Random questions, PART TWO!!
Secret :
Why are you like that?
Like what?

You kciked me out early last time, are you always like that?

Happy to see me?
Not at all.

See! Your like that again!
Like what?!

A silent treatment, really?

It's all I got.

So do you like to draw?
Yeah, should I be conserned your taking an intrest in my hobies?

Well then I'm leaving.

But I have questions!
There all stupid....

Oh shut up!
You don't even have to ask.....

That's it I'm leaving!

Your mean!

*Leaves after crying dramaticly*

Random questions, PART THREE!!!
Secret :
Hey, i'm sorry about last time.....


So I have more questions.
Yeah I supected you would.

Umm, favourite type of art?
Contrasting usualy.

Ever seen magic?
Once, in my travels, or was that.....

Was that what?
Oh nothing....

Dislike anything?
Meaningless art, oh and *cough* you *cough*

.........I heard that........

So care to complete these scentences?

A wall is?

Your supose to complete that.
Fine, a wall is a wall.

No! Now the timings thrown off.

Kay next one, you feel like the world is?
Crashing down on you.

There is something?
Behind you.


Oh god! There's something behind me!!! *Running around screaming then leaves by runing out dramaticly.*
Last edited by Kusuri on December 24th, 2010, 7:55 am, edited 13 times in total.
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
User avatar
The Blossoming Artist
Posts: 64
Words: 16846
Joined roleplay: October 17th, 2010, 1:42 am
Location: On top of mount fudge watching all the ice cream melt
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet


Postby Kusuri on October 26th, 2010, 11:37 pm

    Acrobatics: 14 (+10 Racial bonus, +4 start up pack)
    Kantana wielding: 17 (+17 startup pack, drunken swordsman style.)
    Drawing: 10 (+8 Startup pack +2 TB)
    Stealth: 21 (+21 startup pack)
    Astronomy: 1 (TB)
    Interrogation: 1 (TB)
    Improvised Weapon (Sketch Book): 1 (TB)
    Running: 1 (TB)
    Observation: 1 (TB)

    Understanding of art
    Drunken Swordsman Style
    The Smallest Crack Can Foil You (TB)
    Stars Can Be Bewiching (TB)
    Everything Has A Price (TB)
    Don't Trust Sunberth Natives (TB)
    Anything Can Be Drawn (TB)
    You're Not The Only One With Claws (TB)

    Symenos: Fluent (Startup pack)
    Common: Basic, has an accent though. (Startup pack)
    Tukant: Poor (Startup pack)


Trusty Sketch Book

    Small sketch book that she got for her birthday. Wadged housing.
    Clothing, water skin, back pack which has:
    Week suply of food
    1 Eating knife
    1 Flint and steel
    1 Katana
    1 Fishing pole
    1 Fishing kit
    1 Bedroll
    1 Tent, one-person

Secret :
+100gm gold mizas.(Startup pack)
+500gm gold mizas.(Waged housing and horse)
-112.5 (Extra starting supies)

Current GM on hand: 482.5 gm
"Storms of flame and ash,
take all the colour away,
till I see nothing."
User avatar
The Blossoming Artist
Posts: 64
Words: 16846
Joined roleplay: October 17th, 2010, 1:42 am
Location: On top of mount fudge watching all the ice cream melt
Race: Symenestra
Character sheet

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