[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Gossamer on February 21st, 2015, 2:38 am

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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Keene Ward on February 21st, 2015, 2:59 am

Oh my lanta Akvin's gnosis. That's so cool. o-o

Haha guh-nat.

That sigh after Leth and Syna haha

You should add that Ovek explanation to his lore.

"She probably sold the baby" hahaha
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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Gossamer on March 7th, 2015, 7:43 pm

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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Ssezzkero on March 8th, 2015, 4:06 am

I love your videos, as I'm sure just about everyone does. I think this serves as a reminder to players to worry about the longer term rather than the short term. I guess it seems sort of daunting to want to be able to do all these great things because it looks impossible. But, you make it seem more... accessible when you talk about it. Now, I want to start to take my wild plot ideas a little more seriously... :ninja:

PS: I am soo jealous that you have no bugs up there!
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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Vizayas on March 8th, 2015, 6:45 am

This last video...wonderful. Very thought provoking. I love that you support plotting of all types, and being unique. I always kind of had a bit of fear, as you mentioned, that going against the grain when it came to aspiring for something great was generally frowned upon.

I was under the impression that this site is all about being an easily managed piece in someone else's plot. I'm glad that having other people making their own plot is what you want to encourage, and I'm so glad you realistically enjoy these things. There have been times where I didn't want to bother the HD lately since I know you are so swamped, what with my situation as the king of all procrastinators and my reputation as such.
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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Keene Ward on March 8th, 2015, 7:06 am

I think often, people take advice as a personal attack.

Getting strong enough to kill a god is really great, getting there just takes a lot of time. When people come in as a new character and say they want to build their own city and rule it with an iron fist, the end game plot is an interesting one. The problem arises when they want to do it "right now", or aren't really willing to take the IC steps to get to their OOC goals. When players present all these grand ideas, it's usually in the beginning, often when they don't understand the mechanics of the game very well or the sheer amount of work it will take to get there. When they're told it will be difficult and informed of the restrictions in terms of starting skills, lore requirements, and real world time needed to progress to the point they want to be, it can come across as "No you can't" when it's more of a "You can, here's how". I think Goss did a good job of presenting the major plotting like that.

"The pyramids weren't built in a day." so they say. :)
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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Timothy Mered on March 8th, 2015, 10:16 pm

Now I want to go cause more mischief, mayhem and misdemeanor!

But yeah, this video comes at the right time for me. For a long while my endgoal was becoming a Knight, but I think I might want to re-evaluate that. For the moment I think I am good; many plots going on, most are "medium" sized so to speak, and there's of course a biggie with Hirem.

Nevertheless, thanks to this video I've now started to think more about Tim's ultimate goal and where I want to take him. Revisting Kenash and causing some trouble there is definitely on my to-do list.

I confess I do have some sort of fear for big plans though. Largely because I feel they might be too much about just my character and his development, but I guess that's kind of the point...

Definitely some food for thought.
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[Goss' vBlog] Much Ado About Mizahar

Postby Sayana on March 8th, 2015, 11:21 pm

I came across an old vlog of Tarot's that discusses two types of PCs - plot producers and plot consumers. On the note of making grand plots and being a source of inspiration for other characters rather than a drain on STs, I wanted to post a link to this vlog.

Tarot's Vlog - Storyteller guide: Producers and Consumers

Even though this might be directed towards STs, it is very applicable for PCs and what makes a great PC (in the eyes of a ST).
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