Brigands and Baddies

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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Thalrick on March 8th, 2015, 7:54 am

Basically, my character, Thalrick, comes across a lot of bad and good men in his youth, most of which are outlaws. They're all based in the wildlands, but there's a chance they could spread further out across Mizahar. I was wondering what everyone thinks of writing up some groups of outlaws as solid lore? Each to his own purpose, with different goals for their groups. E.G. The Sovereign Company, who I've created in flashbacks, see Syliran Knights as bad, and think that killing them 'protects the wildlands', while another group (yet to be mentioned IC) called 'The Flayed Brothers' are basically a group of bandit savages who revel in killing and gore, and are generally bought out as sellswords by people who need them, even if their methods are disturbing. More could be introduced, I'm just curious as to what people think?
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Roderick on March 8th, 2015, 10:25 pm

Well I can say with some certainty that the Sovereign Company probably wouldn't fly very well, at least not anywhere in the vicinity of Syliras. Any kind of organized group of outlaws is just automatically begging to get its ass kicked by the Knights; since the Sovereigns apparently target the knights specifically, they'd be wiped out in no time. Now if they were to be located quite far from Syliras and they only killed straggling knights or squires on their Knighting quests, then that might be better. You have to remember though that most people gather in the towns and cities because the wilds are so dangerous.

As to The Flayed Brothers, that seems like a reasonable fit for Sunberth. The Syliran Knights would never put up with that and I imagine it would be the same for Zeltiva.
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Thalrick on March 9th, 2015, 12:00 am

I don't plan for the Sovereign to be big in any case, as their numbers are constantly run down by the knights (as is going to happen in my flashbacks involving them), it'd just be a small group of outlaws. Or, they could be run out of the wildlands by the knights and move elsewhere, where they're able to grow slightly bigger in number.

And yes, Sunberth does seem quite fitting for them I'll agree. :)
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Roderick on March 9th, 2015, 8:51 am

The latter option seems to be the most reasonable, at least for me. Like I said people live in the cities for a reason and the bandits would ultimately have to get their supplies from somewhere. I think having them anywhere near Syliras just introduces a bunch of different questions that you need to answer. The best option would be for them to be repeatedly accosted by the knights and they ultimately flee the area rather than face utter annihilation.
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Kailily Sinclair on March 16th, 2015, 4:41 pm

Yea the knights might grow really tired of that and could possibly capture you in there city. Smart money says get your supplies in Sunberth, hit those on route too Sylira then double back into Sunberth kinda like a marauding is that the word?
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Alea Davenport on March 16th, 2015, 11:48 pm

The way I see it, you can invent as many "gangs" as you want in your flashbacks, as long as they are short-lived ;)

Just going off of PC-gangs in Sunberth, I've seen plenty of occasions where a group of people are like, hey let's get together for fun and profit! And then a few seasons later they are dissolved or wiped out or whatever. So just apply that to any groups you meet in flashbacks! There could totally be a handful of dudes who were like, you know what? I hate Knights. I bet we could make lots of money killing and robbing them. So they form a band with a silly name, and start doing that. Then, within a couple of seasons, they realize it was a bad idea (probably because most of them are dead) and they disband and never speak of it again! ^_^

Just a thought anyway. There will never be a shortage of stupid people. Just make sure the consequences for them are realistic ;)
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Rewyn Horne on March 17th, 2015, 12:04 am

Yeah that's precisely what I mean!

I've tried to establish The Flayed Brothers as a kind of savage group in both Thalrick and Rewyn's posts so far, trying to create a small name for them. They're not entirely based in Syliras, often travelling around and f***ing shit up. But for the other groups, that's exactly what happens, they fight, they win a few, then they all die miserably, gods rest their idiotic souls.
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Brigands and Baddies

Postby Ashar on April 13th, 2015, 7:44 pm

It has been nearly a month, but I'd like to express my interest in creating a lore page dedicated to bandits and outlaws. Even if no region- or Mizahar-wide bandit or outlaw groups are added, it will at least be a good page so as to satisfy the curiosity of those meaning to include outlaws in their history, and will also serve to offer some finality as to what exactly banditry is like in Mizahar.
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