[Unverified] Ryu Tenko

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Ryu Tenko

Postby Ryu Tenko on March 8th, 2015, 2:02 pm

Ryu Tenko



Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthday: 16, Winter, 490 AV
Birthplace: Sunberth

Appearance: Ryu stands at six foot and two inches, with a fairly muscular build accompanied by green eyes and light brown hair. He weighs around 175lbs, and has a tanned complexion. Ryu has some light stubble around his chin and jawline, but prefers to keep it that way. There is a faint scar running up his left bicep, caused by a knife attack from a member of the Sun's Birth. Ryu also has the symbol of the Daggerhand tattooed onto the back of his left hand.

Character Concept

Ryu prefers to keep to himself, as he sees no need for companionship in a world that he deems is 'every man for himself'. He feels that having any kind of relationship with anybody will just hinder him from whatever goal he may have in mind at that moment in time. Although Ryu has this way of mind, he remains friendly and polite on the outside to avoid confrontation if it's not necessary.

Character History

Ryu Tenko was born in a small apartment in Sunberth in 490 AV. He was brought up by his father as his mother left shortly after he was born since she believed they would not survive the winter and intended on finding a better lifestyle elsewhere. Soon after though, news reached the household that his mother had frozen to death out the outskirts of the city while trying to find passage to Syliras.

Ryu was brought up in a very strict household from then on. He was awake from very early in the morning to very late at night, reading, writing and just generally learning skills his father deemed necessary to survive. Every day though, after the lessons, Ryu's father went out. He never told Ryu why until he didn't come back one day.

Ryu went out into the night in search, and eventually found him being restrained by two men in a tavern not far from where he lived. From what he was told, he was arrested for trying to mug a man sitting across from his father in an alley next to the building. Before Ryu could even get a word in, his father was whisked away.

Ryu returned home, upset but somewhat pleased that he wouldn't have to follow his father's regime. He loved his father, but didn't believe he had to resort to crime to keep his family afloat. Ryu searched his father's possessions and found a small handaxe, among other things. He took that, and other essentials, before leaving his family home before the rest of the men that took his father came looking for him.

Ryu eventually joined the ranks of the Daggerhands, in an attempt to track down his father, using violence and intimidation as his main tools if needed.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: N/A
Poor Language: N/A


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weapon: Handaxe 10 SP, 15 RB 25 Novice
Intimidation 20 SP 20 Novice
Forgery 20 SP 20 Novice


Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Lore of The Daggerhand


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: Handaxe


Location: Sunberth

House: An apartment in Daggerhand territory


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

Thread List

Date Title Status
6th of Spring, 515 AV Night On The Town Grading
51st of Spring, 515 AV Blades in the Dark Ongoing
User avatar
Ryu Tenko
We're all heroes in our own stories.
Posts: 9
Words: 4960
Joined roleplay: March 8th, 2015, 12:41 pm
Location: Sunberth
Race: Human
Character sheet

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