Closed Take your medicine! (Bran)

Day two of bat recovery

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 10th, 2015, 6:56 pm

The bat sneezed and for the life of her Drusilla couldn't help but laugh. "Aww, bless you Bitta! Was it my hair? Sorry. This was the only way I could think of carrying you. If it doesn't bother you being carried like this I'll leave the strap in my hair so you can come along with me." She handed him another moth. It was a strange feeling sitting among the candles and catching moths then every so often feeding one to the bat resting in her hair.

Drusilla looked out into the night sky. "Bitta, what's it like to fly? I asked a Kelvic Eagle once and she said 'freedom'. I wonder if you would say the same..." She gave him another moth. "I can put that stuff on your back again tomorrow and the day after that." Moth. "By then you should be almost back to normal." Moth. "Then I can...let you go. Don't get me wrong, I'd keep you if I though it best but..." Moth. "But it's best to let you go. Be free. Not trapped in the room of a monster." Moth. "I'll be fine up here alone. It's better that way, not getting attached to new people..." Moth. "I have brother and chickadee. I need no one else..." She sighed, "I'm a horrible lair aren't I? Anyone with half a brain can see... I'm lonely..." Moth. "But I'll always be lonely, no sane person falls in love with a Symenestra, and I refuse to go home and have some poor woman die so I may have a child. I'd be like my mom, give birth myself and die before killing anyone else." Moth. "Heh, why am I telling you all this? You're just an ear bat."

Once the moths stopped coming to the candles, Drusilla blew them out. "I'll feed you the rest in my room. It's chilly out here. But after I feed you I need to get ready for bed. I can't stay up all night with you."


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 11th, 2015, 2:52 pm

I'd rather ride on your shoulder, since that would be more comfortable and I can't fly anyway, but the sentiment is appreciated, the bat's mind replied, fully aware that she couldn't read nor hear his thoughts. It was more for himself than for her that he kept the ruse of having a conversation going. Without being able to fly or even move a lot, the only thing he could do was actually spend time thinking. Pretending to be able to actually answer by replying to her words with his mind was better than doing nothing, he supposed. Well, he could meditate -or try to at least- but it seemed so terribly dull that even talking to himself would have been better.

Hm, that actually is a good question... Wait, you asked a bird? Ha! Those feathery fiends have no idea what flying is, limited as they are in their maneuvers and franticly flapping their whole wings, wasting energy! Though yes, I suppose a bird would do just as well... even a fish would really. Or a Svefra. You see, having wings is akin to having your own boat; you can go wherever you want to, chase the horizon, if you please.... Actually, a Svefra did tell me that freedom was the ability to chase to horizon, or something like that. I liked her. But yes, freedom. Glee, joy. Though some may claim otherwise I have never really thought of it any differently than walking. Running.

You just go wherever you want to. You stroll through the wilds -if you like strolls that is, though I don't believe one can dislike strolls, or walking- and just … walk. It's the same with flying, only that you can just fly over obstacles and travel a bit faster, but it's the same thing to me. I bet that if I were a marine Kelvic I'd say the same thing, but with swimming instead.
He would have shrugged if he could.

Another moth was eaten thoughtfully as he listened to what the Symenestra woman had to say. Only three days of treatment and he'd be almost back to full health? Did that poultice work that fast or was the injury just less deep and serious than he had believed it to be? He hadn't seen it, so … it was possible... It didn't matter, it was good news. The faster he was healed, the faster he could go about exploring the city. She didn't seem all that happy though, Brandon suspected she was the kind of person who grew attached to people and animals she liked fairly easily. The mention of 'monster' would have been met with a quizzically raised eyebrow if he'd been human, but instead the bat just stared like he always did. Stammer and Blush would be really easy if he could play as a bat...

Brother... she had a brother? There was a Symenestra male living in Wind Reach? Well that was new. The Kelvic hadn't thought there were male spiders living anywhere but in Kalinor, especially if he considered the treatment they received in Lhavit -that is to say, at the gates. They never made it past them... Females, yes, but no males. Well, there was this rumor about them stealing away women after all... how his mother managed to live among them was a mystery, not to mention that she hated the race. Or at least disliked them. She had probably heard the rumors too.

A brother and a chickadee, whatever the latter was supposed to be. A brid most likely, it did sound like one. Not that he had seen a bird around the room yet, maybe Drusilla kept it someplace else, maybe because she thought it's songs might keep him awake. Lonely? You have your brother don't you? How can you be lonel- ah. That kind of lonely... Well, I suppose you're right about that. No sane person would fall for you. But don't give up hope; there's enough crazy people around, and definitely here. A city that worships birds! Ha! That's about as ridiculous as- well, I do suppose Lhavit is not better at all. I mean, they worship giant goats there... But they're blessed by Zintila, so... Does that make them less crazy? He pondered for a moment. Ah well, I wish you good luck. Don't get too desperate and use me as a replacement. After all, I'm just an ear bat... well, right now I am.

Credit goes to Engghaen
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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 11th, 2015, 5:03 pm

Drusilla returned to her room, now shivering from the cold air. She brought up a hand for the bat to move on to. "Come now, you still have to finish your food..." The bat was placed back on her bed and Drusilla happily fed him moth after moth. Why people hated bats was beyond her. They were lovable little things or at least she thought so. But she herself was weird, so maybe it was weird after all? She didn't know, nor did she really care. She'd never been normal and she wasn't about to start now. "There, that's a good little bat. I'd rub your belly but you'd bite me." The jar of moths was now empty and Drusilla hoped the little bat had gotten enough in his belly to keep him well until the next night.

With a sigh Drusilla got up from her bed and placed the jar on the shelf next to the arrows Azira had given her last Fall for her birthday. She stood there admiring them for a moment. After being sick all winter she was getting rusty no doubt and would need to practice even more in the coming season. She'd have to find where she'd put her bow first, though. A small chuckle rose from the Symenestra.

She turned back to the bat, "Anywho, I think I'm going to take a bath and try and get the chill of the night air off me. You can stay here or come with, I don't care either way." Slipping off her vinati she tossed it to the floor. "I don't get my hair wet so you could perch up there." She spoke to the bat, while gathering her long white hair on the top of her head in a bun which was held together by none other than her mother's hair comb. Now with her hair up she found it hard to turn her back to the bat, even though it was just that a bat. It wouldn't notice the lash marks that covered her back from her step-mom, heck it probably wasn't even paying attention to her. Kicking off her bryda she pulled a towel around herself. The scars still hurt, not physically. But mentally they burned, even more so when left uncovered. "So Bitta staying here or coming with. Just know if you stay and I come back to a trembling little bat, I'll be upset." Drusilla smiled.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 11th, 2015, 7:29 pm

The mention of him still having to finish his dinner -or breakfast, depending on how you looked at things- was enough to remind him of just how hungry he was. Bug after bug was consumed, the fact that most were struggling for freedom, kicking with their tiny legs and flapping their white-yellowish wings desperately not upsetting at all. Some would be repulsed by it, but not a bat, not Brandon. Then, the jar was empty and no more bugs were offered, leaving the bat a bit disappointed. He hadn't counted them, but he could say with certainty their number had not exceeded a hundred. Was it enough? No, not quite. This wasn't even a tenth of what he'd usually eat during a hunt, but then again, he wouldn't really have to do anything for the next couple of days...

However, even an unmoving, recovering bat had its limits, and Brandon was fairly sure that he'd be hungry all the time, and it would only worsen. Ah, such misery. If it wasn't owls wanting him dead, it was starvation plaguing him. Couldn't he just get a break from hardships? Perhaps meditation would be a good way to spend time... perhaps if he could get into a state of mind resembling deep sleep he might be able to slow his metabolism, as well as suppress the hunger from his mind. After all, it was mostly in the mind. Thinking about being hungry only worsened it.

Great observation! I'd bite you indeed, I do not wish to be patronized. I'm not a pet and I will never be, no matter how long I sit loafing around in cages.

Brandon shifted a bit at the mention of a bath. He'd seen enough water for the day, he'd rather stay dry now. Fortunately, it was for her and not for him. Coming or staying? It matters not to me, do whatever you please, either option is fine... No wait! The hot vapors of the bath might be a good aid for my focus. I'm coming. It was funny how clothes bothered the races that walked the earth even though no-one was around. Well, he was, but the Kelvic didn't exactly count. Drusilla didn't know he was Kelvic, so there shouldn't have been any need for her to feel ashamed or to cover herself up with a towel. Even if the bat had been human -as in a true human- he'd have walked around in the nude when going to the bath. This was the Symenestra's house, right? And there were no windows here either...

People were weird. It didn't matter how many times he noticed their embarrassment when they were in state of undress -partly or fully- it never got old to try and understand. Alas, he couldn't, but he was glad too. He didn't really want tot understand, imagine he too would be bitten by that bug of self-consciousness! If Dru would turn back to him, Brandon would slowly approach, his gaze never having left her, wanting to come along. He'd get to the edge of the bed and wait for her to pick him up and place him on her head, where he could sit quite comfortably actually. Yes, he liked that more than the braid. It should be noted that even though Brandon had seen her, and observed, due to his bat perspective he couldn't quite scrutinize as accurately as he could in human form. Everything was too large and the Symenestra herself appeared to be able to touch the heavens if she'd try. As such Brandon knew he'd not be able to trust on his sight to actually recognize people -well, Dru'd be easy because of her white hair- but his hearing was more than enough for that task. Plus, he had his nose as well. Sight was overrated. Well, not that he wouldn't mind being blind, it would be disastrous for sure, but to tell people apart he didn't need sight at all.

Once Dru was in the bath, Brandon felt the vapors gently passing by, warm and enjoyable, and scented. What was this? Lavender? Was there lavender oil or something in the water? That didn't matter, not at all. Instead of focusing on the water, Brandon shifted his attention to his breathing. Deep, slow breaths to slow down his heartbeat and relax him so he could empty his mind. Focus on the rising of his chest, on the way the air was exhaled and new oxygen was sucked in.

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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 11th, 2015, 10:09 pm

The way Drusilla saw it, bathing was a sign of status in Wind Reach. Endals had their own baths, and the deks cleaned the baths before Avora washed themselves. It was fitting the Symenestra thought. The higher one's rank, the better one's clothes, and the better one's hygiene. So the seamstress who lived under the roof of an Endal, bathed quite frequently. At least twice a day, sometimes more. It was soothing and helped the Symenestra clear her head, maybe not as well as at the lady but still pretty well.

"Everything okay up there, Bitta?" She asked the bat sitting on her head. While she could feel that he was still perched on her head, Drusilla hadn't felt him move. What was he up to? Hopefully nothing malicious or planning anything of the sort. He was a tricky little thing she had learned. While she was not allowed to pet him or have any interaction with him, he seemed to enjoy riding out her shoulder or head. It was like he enjoyed her company but. But, she was trying to rationalize a bat and it's behavior. Gods being alone up here in the aerie for almost 3 seasons was taking a toll on her. She had stopped watching the sky to see if Aponivi could be seen flying home. Maybe... it was a sign she should close up like before, before Turrin befriended her. Before she trusted anyone and simply did her work and disappeared into the shadows...

She had done it once, she could do it again. Shut down and not care, but her web... Her family... They could learn to do without her. But could she do with out them? Everything okay up there, Bitta? Because I'm not so sure about down here.

Abruptly her soak was over. Emerging from the bath and wrapping a towel around her torso Drusilla made her way back to her room. Once sufficiently dry, she placed the bat on the opposite side of the bed where she slept, "I won't put you in the cage as long as you don't try and fly. Just... behave okay?" Tossing the towel to the floor she climbed in bed.


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on March 12th, 2015, 3:59 pm

Breathing was just the beginning of meditation, and while properly focusing on it could be a difficult task by itself, once one was familiar with it, it made for a perfect start of a session. Of course, there were many kinds of breathing; there was normal breathing, shallow breathing, panting, relaxed breathing, and so many more For different tasks, Brandon used different techniques and ways to breathe. For running he usually inhaled via his mouth and exhaled via his nose, though only if he was not sprinting. If he was actually dashing, everything happened through his mouth, less controlled than at slower speeds, but that seemed to be the best way to run. When fighting, Brandon usually tried to be as calm as possible, breathing just as calmly. Some people believed tensing up was the way to go, but the Kelvic knew better. It only made you slow, for martial arts one had to be calm and relaxed, analytical too. Adaptive like flowing water, balanced and unforced. Actually, that had been one of the first things his mother had taught him.

The rippling of the water when Dru moved a bit actually helped to increase his concentration as well, though too much and it became distracting. Usually he would just go to a place where few people came, a place where he could be alone and at peace, in silence. No distractions, and no need to try hard to block them out, which was something he had to do now. As such, Dru's question was ignored, though it wasn't like she'd just expect him to answer anyway. No one expected animals to reply, and usually not a lot of people talked this much to non-humanoid beings either, just because of that. Humanoids usually wanted a conversation partner that could actually answer questions and help to keep the conversation alive.

This one was different though. Whether she was a bit broken in the head or just chatty in general he didn't quite know, but from what he'd hear he wouldn't be surprised if it was the former. Being forced to kill off your pets at a young age -though said age had been his mother's when he'd left Kalinor, which was pretty old to him- was no pleasant experience to go through. As a matter of fact, the bat supposed that the reason why the Symenestra seemed so worried for his safety might be a direct result of it. She finally had some sort of pet, and there was no step-mother to tell her to kill it. Perhaps this was a moment she'd been longing for for years... and that was pretty sad. For a tick he considered allowing her to have it her way, and let her rub his belly and pet his head, but that idea was quickly thrown overboard. A proud thief such as himself wouldn't stoop so low that he'd be treated as a pet, no matter if it was to please someone or make them feel better.

Quickly Brandon realized he'd been led astray by his own mind, carried away by the rapids that were his thoughts, while he should have been a boulder in the middle of the river. No thoughts, he had to clear his mind. How did one go about something like that though? Should he focus on something and then let go when he felt he'd gone sufficiently deep? Maybe that was the best way, focus on one singly thing; a word, an object, a color... What though? His mask? His friend? Engghaen's shiny blue eyes? Oh! His scarf! Yes, that was it, focus on the scarf. Slowly, Brandon imagined the shape of it, wrapping itself around his mind, keeping everything else out. The black color pierced his mind, and his mind replicated the scent that clung to it, the feel of the fabric when he held it... Memories flooded back to him, images, sounds, scents and tastes all invading his mind. Not good, no memories. An empty mind was what he needed, but he couldn't seem to get there.

One of his legs twitched, and Brandon snapped out of it entirely. It was always the leg! Always! Spoilsport couldn't handle being still for too long and decided to just ruin his attempts to meditate. Ah well, another time perhaps, he wouldn't have been able to hold on anyway, not when Drusilla's hands gently cupped around him and placed him back on the bed. She'd sleep? Now? Here? Wait, that wasn't too safe for him, he'd rather be in the cage -something he'd never expected coming from himself- where he could be sure he wouldn't be crushed by a Sym rolling over in her sleep. Brandon crept to the edge of the bed, having decided not to place his injured self in peril and gauged the distance to the floor. Could he handle that? Probably. He didn't even have to jump down, he could just climb down by hooking his claws into the bedsheets. And thus the Kelvic clambered to the floor.

Credit goes to Engghaen
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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Drusilla on March 12th, 2015, 6:34 pm

Watching the bat scurry Drusilla carefully picked him up and placed him in his cage, although she left the cage door open. Climbing back into bed she pulled the covers around her much like a cocoon, blocking the world out. Protecting herself. Only a small opening at the top could be seen, an air hole. But even wraped up like this as she did to comfort herself, she felt vulnerable.

As exhastion took it's toll her sleep was not peaceful. Memories and images bubbled up from her subconscious. Memories of Stella. The Swiata vo Viratas. Her father. and her, Sadannas. A woman who had become a thing of nightmares, always being twisted by her mind into something that matched her putrid self she hid so well. She was always twisting and shifting, crawling into Drusilla's dreams. There came times when Drusilla even wondered if killing her would stop the dreams, or if she'd torment the seamstress until she herself died.

However Drusilla wondered what her step-mother felt in her subconscious... Did she think of these same memories with glee? Or did they eat away at her already rotting soul? If she and Drusilla met tomorrow, who would survive?


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Take your medicine! (Bran)

Postby Verilian on April 20th, 2015, 2:37 pm



Thread Award


  • +2 Medicine
  • +5 Animal Husbandry
  • +1 Wilderness Survival
  • +3 Socializing
  • +1 Storytelling
  • +1 Sewing

Lores: Blood Stains are Hard to get Out, Poultices are Applied to the Skin, Memory of Stella the Sacrificed Bat, Medicinal Technique: Soak a Bandage Before Removing, Wilderness Survival: Using Flame to Attract Insects for Food, How to make a Bat Perch in your Hair

Expenses: -30 Pinions (Threw in the Krolar for free)

Loot: Sundyra Water, Krolar Poultice

Brandon Blackwing

  • +1 Medicine
  • +2 Meditation
  • +2 Climbing

Lores: The too Sweet Scent of Peaches, Attack of the Nightmare Owl, Cuddling Up to Drusilla, Drusilla must Truly Care, Stella: Dru's Pet Bat, Viratas accepts pet Sacrifices, Making a Non-Oath/Promise to Avenge Stella, Medicinal Technique: Soak a Bandage Before Removing, Being Hand Fed by a Symenestra, Drusilla is Lonely, Flying is like Walking, The Strange Habits of Non-Kelvics, The Many Types of Breathing, The Scent and Sound of Drusilla, Dru has a brother and a chickadee

Notes: Alrighty guys, I've edited this grade as well. Once again I'm sorry for missing stuff. Please feel free to let me know if there's anything else. Keep up the good work guys!

Also, please edit your post in the request thread to reflect that it has been graded.
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