by Gossamer on October 28th, 2010, 7:05 pm
May I make a suggestion or two here? You should probably appoint someone OOC to be the sort of 'secretary' of the circus. Keep track of the ledger, and organize folks OOC. Then, as you all come together IC and start working towards some of these issues being resolved, see what comes out of the story. Here is the core issue. No matter who you appoint, the story will take control of you. Right now, most of you have brand new PCs and you aren't sure where they are going or what they are going to turn out to be. Make the issue of a Ringleader a part of the plotline for your circus. Make the quest for one a core driving force in your PCs coming together and sorting it out IN GAME among themselves.
I think a PC leader is the best as an NPC leader does put a lot of unrealistic work on a moderator who is volunteering to help you all. The more control you guys can keep over the storyline, the better off you'll be. But that being said, the whole point in Mizahar's style of gaming is to let the story control you. This circus will become its own living breathing thing, and I think it will demand things none of you can plan for yet.
But don't let organization stop you. A great deal of this core 'circus' plotline isn't about a group of people getting together and putting on a show. It's about a group of people getting together and learning how to live together to make a common goal happen. Don't cheat the story for the sake of organization. A lot of this will be a brilliant read watching you folks in essence 'birth' this thing and breath life into it.