5th of Fall, 510 AV Summer had come and gone before she even realized it. But the passage of time was a good thing, or at least Cassandra thought so, for it meant she was rewarded her first salary for all the efforts she's poured in working in the Silver Sliver Tavern. The pay wasn't much but at least it allowed her to buy new things, such as new clothes to replace the deplorable ones she had before as well as the hand-me-downs she's received from others. It wasn't as if what she was doing was backbreaking work – serving tables seemed to be the same anywhere one went after all. Lousy tips, groping hands of drunks, and ogling eyes of the younger ones entering the pub...just like how things were in Syliras. It was all the same. This was not to say Cassandra was ungrateful, however. She had a place to stay to, and now money to support herself. Stepping stones for her to start a new life; never had she been without hope that things would turn out better in the future. Considering that her flight from Syliras had almost been the death of her, Cassandra was grateful for every little thing she received now, always thanking the gods, especially Priskil, for her blessings, though she always prayed in private for she had begun to realize how dangerous such a thing was in a city dedicated to Rhysol. Secretly, the young woman also prayed for the removal of the markings that tainted the veins in her hands a crimson shade. She had discovered that they were the source of the pain she experienced, from the headaches to the strange symptoms of heartburn, and its relief was somehow directly related to her hurting people. She got by by pretending to clumsily step on the tarvern patrons' toes, or “accidentally”scratching them with her long nails. The act of willfully exacting pain on another made her guilty, though she felt that she did not have a choice considering how much pain she had to suffer if she did not. Strangely, the pain people felt seemed to be more than what she inflicted warranted. The effect must be somehow related to the Gnosis mark. She resolved to discover more about the cursed thing. Tonight, however, Cassandra's thoughts did not dwell no such things. She had no need to worry about the mark's effects, having already “mistakenly” pricked one of the other serving girls with a kitchen knife while she was preparing the meal of the day. Besides, there were tables clean, food to ready, drinks to serve, and customers to please. It seemed as if the regular clientele were coming in tonight, though there might be new visitors with the changing of the season. Surely more merchants have brought new things in for trade. With an empty serving tray in one hand and a dishrag in the other, the barmaid scanned the crowd looking for anyone wanting to order or any table that needed cleaning. Thread Note :