I can feel the Anime hate going on in this discussion, lol. Almost makes me not want to post.
All I can say is that I have been that guy to apply an anime character into a face claim and, most times, I would imagine the characters as though they where in a real life movie.

This guy is Goku from an obvious Anime almost any anime lover should know (Stated only to avoid copy right infringement, hopefully). If I were to role play with him I would picture his clothing a bit darker in shade and hanging a little closer to his inhumanly large muscles. His black hair would be spiked but not to the extreme like the creators have made it, he would have some large bushy brows, and he would move like an actual human being. Imagine it as a cartoon character being made into a realistic movie.
If you can imagine Alvin and the chipmunks as a CGI instead of an original cartoon image, then you can probably imagine an anime character in real life.