Anime v Non-Anime Models

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Rewyn Horne on March 17th, 2015, 2:10 am

I am wondering how people feel about this, as in, when you're roleplaying with someone who has an anime-based character and you don't, and vise-versa. Do you picture your realistic human talking to a cartoon, and likewise? Every time I see a thread between them it just makes me think. @_@

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Cosmo Crocus on March 17th, 2015, 2:16 am

[O O C]


Personally, I always imagine everyone as some kind of hyper-realistic anime character.

Just me.


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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Gossamer on March 17th, 2015, 2:20 am

I can't stand anime. For one, most of them are the same model with different eye/hair color. The worst are the Big Eyes Small Mouth type models. All the art is copyright protected too so if someone is using one, odds are they are violating copyright.

I also tend to think anime PCs are ran by children or very young adults. I'm often not interested in roleplaying with these folks.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Rewyn Horne on March 17th, 2015, 2:22 am

Agreed, Goss. Personally I cannot imagine trying to create a story with someone sporting an anime model, as there would be no immersion. It'd feel like the 'Spongebob comes to real life' film that's coming to cinemas.

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Nivel on March 19th, 2015, 5:45 am

I don't care ether way, most of my characters use models except Nivel. In order to get an accurate model for her I would have to sculpt her by hand and then take pics every time she changes. Instead I just draw her avatars when she changes and hope people have enough imagination to picture what she actually should look like.

If you're at least interesting I'll thread with you. I can't really judge because I'm not the best writer but I've seen some pretty awesome writers on here with anime avatars and plenty not that great writers with non anime avatars.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Aventis on March 19th, 2015, 9:13 am

As have I but I see it along the lines of... Ah... Like using a caricature as your driver's license photo. I figure "Hey, whatever floats your boat" and just go with it.

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Roderick on March 19th, 2015, 11:57 am

I'm not really a big fan of the whole Anime avatar thing. It's not because they feel out of place - I can imagine them as looking like a normal human - it's more along the lines of what Gossamer said. To be succinct, I often mentally eye-roll when I see an Anime avatar, because like the good founder said, I automatically assume its a kid/teenager who is writing this character. That doesn't necessarily mean I won't thread with them, because after all I wouldn't want someone to judge Rod solely based on the faceclaim I'm using.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Ball on March 19th, 2015, 12:37 pm

I cant say much... Ball's current image is that of a character from Disney/Pixar's movie series Despicable Me. I can imagine tehre are some races that can be harder to find something realistic to use (Pycons do come to mind like Nivel said)

I am not one to usually put up avatars for my accounts on any site, but this one I did for I felt the images help convey an appearance and starting point for the other players. I usually try for statues and such, so I try to keep my characters in that realm of understanding... But Ball was such an odd to begin with.
Avatar CreditsMy lovely Avatar was drawn and created by the most awesome Nivel

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As Ball is getting closer and closer to maxing out Pyken as a skill, I would like to request that in places where Ball is not doing enough to constitute Pyken XP if Pyken technique lores could be issued instead.

Examples of proper XP level for Pyken would be: Ball developing or refining his technique by adding new thing against an actual moving target, not a dummy.

The use of basic skills alone are not enough to accomplish XP at Ball's current level of Pyken.

Thank you.

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Timothy Mered on March 22nd, 2015, 6:03 pm

I really dislike the style. Characters in Anime tend to have all kinds of superpowers or weird abilities, so when I see an anime model I automatically assume that players will RP their character under that assumption; that their character is super special in some way.

I guess what puts me off is that it just doesn't look realistic in any sense of the word. If people want to watch anime and enjoy it, by all means, have fun, but it's not for me, it's to me what Modern Abstract art is to others: utter gibberish.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Logan Storm on March 23rd, 2015, 6:00 pm

I can feel the Anime hate going on in this discussion, lol. Almost makes me not want to post.

All I can say is that I have been that guy to apply an anime character into a face claim and, most times, I would imagine the characters as though they where in a real life movie.


This guy is Goku from an obvious Anime almost any anime lover should know (Stated only to avoid copy right infringement, hopefully). If I were to role play with him I would picture his clothing a bit darker in shade and hanging a little closer to his inhumanly large muscles. His black hair would be spiked but not to the extreme like the creators have made it, he would have some large bushy brows, and he would move like an actual human being. Imagine it as a cartoon character being made into a realistic movie.

If you can imagine Alvin and the chipmunks as a CGI instead of an original cartoon image, then you can probably imagine an anime character in real life.
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