Okay, so I've been here for a while now, and I figure it's probably time for me to start a scrapbook. I doubt that many of you really know much about me, or that many of you actually care, but a place to post things about my life and ideas, and my works in progress sounds like a really nice idea.
Here are some basic things about me, the general "I'm a person" type thing.
Name: Jamie Age: 18 Gender: Female Location: Texas, US
And here's a little more in depth stuff... I've always been a creative person, and my interests definitely reflect that. I'm an artist, a gamer, a roleplayer, and a writer. I've mostly been known for my art, my drawings, paintings, graphical editing, but probably unknown to most people around me, I'm very muchly a writer. I've always had a love for writing, whether it be poetry, short stories, or novels, and a very profound love for roleplaying, including Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and other forms of roleplaying, such as instant rp and minor forum RPing. Mizahar is the first RPing forum I've ever really gotten into though.
Other stuff about me: I work at a place called Chicken Express, and desperately wish I could get a better job. I plan on going to college again in the Spring for Sonography (Medical imaging via sound waves). I spent most of my time with my amazing boyfriend, who also roleplays on Mizahar, and taking care of my cat or playing random videogames. I live with three other people, so more often than not, I'm at my boyfriend's place.
Likes, dislikes, and things that make me angry: As has been stated before, I like cats, roleplaying, books, writing, videogames, and all that fun stuff. I'm also very fond of music, dragons, things that smell good, shiny things, and collecting various things, such as foreign moneys, boxes, incense, blank books or journals, and other random things. I like to draw when I have time, and have been keeping a small book of drawings for my boyfriend. Maybe I'll post some of my work on here from time to time, but that's not very likely, though I will probably post my digital images that I've done work to up here.
I don't like fish, spiders, other bugs, large dogs, buses, bridges, or deep water. I'm sure there's quite a bit more that I haven't listed, but honestly...I don't care to list everything I don't like here.
Things that make me angry include people being too controlling, especially of something I am involved in or really like. I don't like people who are arrogant, or people who think that everything they do is the absolute best. I don't like people who don't care either, some amount of devotion is good, just not too much. People who are unnecessarily mean, harsh, rude, etc are really just...angering, and I feel that I have no use for them. People who think they have the right to be 'elitists' because of their writing style or how long they've been in a particular place annoy me as well, that's just retarded people. Despite my having described all of this, I do, however, really like people who are harsh, rude, arrogant, and think they know everything and everything they do is the best...if... they are correct about it, or have a sense of humor about it.
Anyway, here's a few rules about this scrapbook, now that you know my life's story: 1. No rude comments 2. I don't care when or what you post, I love comments and hearing what others have to say. I like random bits of writing, poetry, art as well, or whatever else you'd like to put up. 3. If you do post anything, please do it with good grammar. 4. I will post everything here, from my life to my ideas, art, and writing. I'll probably post any works in progress I have here, just as an update and a reminder to myself. |