Anime v Non-Anime Models

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Rosela on March 24th, 2015, 4:39 pm

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't personally mind it...if the style used has some actual personality.

On Mizahar, I acknowledge that it's clearly a bit weird to use drawn characters because everybody else uses photos, unless, as in the case of Pycons, it's not feasible. While I think a lot of visual personality can be added in a drawn character, the disparity in avatars between a photo and a drawn character does create a mental disconnect for me, as other people have mentioned, when picturing the two characters together in a thread. However, maybe because I'm also an anime fan, I wouldn't necessarily avoid threading with someone because of their avatar, but the style they chose to represent themselves with may make me take a look at their CS and past posts with a more skeptical eye.

I would also like to expand the distinction between drawn characters, anime style, and what I like to think of as the caricature of anime style, which is what I think a lot of people here are thinking of. Below are three images, the first two of which are actually avatars I've used on other sites:

Image Image Image

They are all drawn avatars, but in widely different styles:

The first is more of a painting, and I probably wouldn't think twice if it was used here on Mizahar alongside photos. It's got detail, personality, and obviously took some skill to create.

The second and third are anime-style. The second, I get that a lot of people wouldn't like at all, but I think it has more detail and personality than something like the third. It would still be weird to use it here, but I would have more of a problem with an avatar having fluorescent eyes rather than the simple fact that it's drawn in anime style.

The third is what I think everyone thinks of when they think of anime-style. It's generic, it's boring, and the only thing it says about the character is, 'OMG SO KAWAIIII'. There's not much that can be said about it.

Not sure what to say in conclusion, other than that's just my thoughts and I can honestly see why there's such dislike for anime avatars. I just don't personally feel that strongly about it.

Have a moment? Maybe drop by and leave a peer review?
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Thohorn Riverbed on March 24th, 2015, 5:01 pm

I'll jump in for this one.

Given my experience with animanga communities, I can tell you there's a definite requirement in being able to sort out the "Generic anime dude/chick" claims from the ones that say something about them.

The second picture is, although still somewhat stereotypical, a much better image than the third. It has a level of individuality to it outside of the cute red head in a kimono. You see a lot of pictures like the third one for a number of reasons, none of them that good for using a particular claim or character to further the expression of your own ideas.

Since I'm not that sort of artist and couldn't make one for myself, I tend to find a claim first and work off of that--that way, the appearance is always adding to my concept and not something I have to work around.

For a community like Mizahar, however, we're grounded firmly in a non-animanga setting and I'd find it weird to use such a claim or character here. It just doesn't fit with the atmosphere in my mind.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Lazuhly on March 24th, 2015, 7:57 pm

I am probably the biggest minority by saying that I do not care for avatars in general.

I feel that a desire to write with someone comes from reading there stories and what they bring to the table as a writer.

I percieve avatars as a way for authors to force or push what they want on a reader without relying on literary effort to establish it.

At the end of the day what matters is content.
If my writing buddy has a thing for anime and it puts them in there zone so be it and vice versa.

An example of why none-anime bugs me
Actors and Actresses and known Models and the photos of people rockin 21st century gear that don't look like they have any clue what pre-valterian means. (Pssst why does that avatar have a guy using a cellphone? Is that an Ipad? Digital watch much? Are those oaklys pre-val? Can you point me to the tailor that made you that armani? Am I really doing a dungeon crawl with that guy from the crow.)

An example of why anime bugs me
What doesn't bother me should be the real question. That Evangelion is not your plate armor, you got cat ears and a tail oh your a neko mix breed. That sword would snap your wrist if you tried to wield it etcetera

I just imagine them as cosplay I guess.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Demitri Maebourne on March 24th, 2015, 10:42 pm

I tend to agree with Lazuhly there, at least on the main point. It does bug me a little when there are modern things in the picture because it breaks the illusion that the image is meant to create. Still, what's important is content. I also think that imagining every visual aspect of the two characters should take a backseat to imagining the scenario itself. I've RP'd with a lot of different people, some with anime avatars and some with realistic ones and some with just a paragraph description. I haven't really seen a distinctly bad or distinctly good trend in how any of these people write, and honestly I wish that the image was less important.

That's not to say I don't think it can help a little. The character I used to play here (before I lost my password and my email ;-;) never had any picture to go with her, and it kinda bummed me out. I knew what I wanted but I couldn't find anything like it, and it might've been even more annoying being that I'm an artist who draws mostly anime/manga (I know there's been a lot of hate flying around but I like it and it's how I got started). I wanted to draw a really good realistic image of my character, but I didn't want it to be some typical anime screen-grab that would get judged at face value, and I didn't feel skilled enough to put together a realistic depiction. Honestly I wish I'd have been less worried about that stuff, because I feel like any sort of image is helpful to other people when they're trying to get a feel for your character. It's not the most important part of writing a story, but it never hurts.

Clearly I'm not the most skilled or experienced writer, but I just think there are a lot of things that matter more than a picture next to your posts. It's easy to judge by the first thing you see, but usually giving people the benefit of the doubt has worked in my favor.
I used my own picture for my avatar. Is that weird?
I was sick of not having pictures...
Oh well.
Also isn't it funny how you can make someone look completely different just by changing the lighting and upping the contrast?
Anyways, hi!
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Aventis on March 24th, 2015, 11:01 pm

I completely agree! Like I said, whatever floats your boat. I don't mind but I won't do it. That being said there are certain things that should not happen. I really really don't mind, let me reiterate. But there are things that should not happen. Cellphones, flat brimmed hats, iPods, what have you, should not happen. Along with that, katanas, elaborate and expensive clothing, huge spiky hair, magic that does not exist in Mizahar should not happen. That's where I like to think the line is drawn.

Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Elias Caldera on March 24th, 2015, 11:30 pm

I'm of the opposite side of this argument.

My only other experience with a RP forum was with an anime site, which means Japanese schoolgirls and doey eyed ninjas are what I've always known when it comes to avatars, and that was for years and years. So when I first started here on Mizahar, I was actually a little put off by all the pretty, perfect faces staring back at me from the left side of my screen. Even now really, it sometimes still bothers me despite being more acclimated to it, but more so when I come across a recognizable actor's picture being used as they so often are, because to me, using known faces is as bad as using anime inspired ones. Its difficult not to immediately associate what that player and his character are bringing to the thread with what you know of that actor or that entire anime attitude.

Like if I see another Jason Momoa pic, my first impressions are of aqua man at the head of a dothraki horde. If I see an anime, I'm already cringing and bracing myself for when they start referring to me as Elias-chan-sama-kun or whatever.

Basically what I think I'm saying is, this hawt digital art I'm rocking is the best of both worlds. Deal with it.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Aventis on March 24th, 2015, 11:37 pm

^ Love this guy

Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Nivel on March 24th, 2015, 11:43 pm

can we just all agree that if you have a problem with someones avatar you just politely decline their request to thread. This really shouldn't be as big as issue as this thread is making it out to be, They are just tiny little pic's that accompany our posts.

Roderick wrote:Edit: I think you could also argue that these characters obviously bring in a Japanese flair to Mizahar, which is rather out of place since to my knowledge Mizahar doesn't have a place that is like Japan.

I'm pretty sure Zeltiva is supposed to be loosely Japanese inspired with words like Shinya, Shinyama, and Yokomo being thrown around a lot. Also while it would be silly to make a Samurai or a ninja, there is katana and throwing stars in the price list so if some one wanted to make a mercenary who uses these weapons they could, anime avatar or not.
(sorry I know I shouldn't reply but that comment just really bugged me)
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Zhol on March 25th, 2015, 12:25 am

I try not to look at avatars as being "exactly" right. Maybe the hair is off, the expression isn't what you want, the eyes aren't quite right, the clothes are wrong, the background is too modern, they're someone that people might recognise... it's not perfect, but it's "close enough".

I think of it more as being like the artwork on the cover of a book, or as being the character that was picked to play them in the movie adaptation. In the case of anime avatars, that's just "fan art" or what have you. It gives me a starting point, but it's up to my imagination and your writing to fill in the blanks.

After all, the avatar is only there as a crutch, right? Most of the fiction we read doesn't have pictures at all, and we seem to cope with that pretty well.
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Anime v Non-Anime Models

Postby Demitri Maebourne on March 25th, 2015, 12:46 am

So when I first started here on Mizahar, I was actually a little put off by all the pretty, perfect faces staring back at me from the left side of my screen. Even now really, it sometimes still bothers me despite being more acclimated to it, but more so when I come across a recognizable actor's picture being used as they so often are, because to me, using known faces is as bad as using anime inspired ones. Its difficult not to immediately associate what that player and his character are bringing to the thread with what you know of that actor or that entire anime attitude.

Like if I see another Jason Momoa pic, my first impressions are of aqua man at the head of a dothraki horde. If I see an anime, I'm already cringing and bracing myself for when they start referring to me as Elias-chan-sama-kun or whatever.

Yes actually, very yes. Like five pictures of Lindsey Lohan will not help me picture your character growing up in Wind Reach. It will make me regret the number of times I saw Mean Girls when I was little. Again.

*throws in another two cents with dramatic flair*

And as for what Nivel was saying, I kind of agree and disagree. It shouldn't be a big issue. The thing is, it's sometimes really hard not to make immediate judgments based on what you see. Maybe I'm noticing it a bit more because shameless bias and all that, but people have been saying "when they see this, they think this." They're automatic reactions that we're programmed to have, and if the reaction is negative then it makes it a little harder to be open to writing with someone. That's really a bummer for people who spend days figuring out their characters and then hardly get to play them because the first impression didn't go too well. It shouldn't be important, but it is. And it's a big problem, especially for beginners.

Also interesting thing with Zeltiva, I hadn't really thought about it. Might have to do a little more reading~ ^^

And you have a point, Zhol. Still, the same kind of thing happens there, and then people can only picture the character as that actor, or even that cover art.

Also I usually really don't like cover art. Unjustified but unrestricted irritation, 'cause I want to imagine what Kitiara Uth Matar looks like (yes I am the biggest dork).
I used my own picture for my avatar. Is that weird?
I was sick of not having pictures...
Oh well.
Also isn't it funny how you can make someone look completely different just by changing the lighting and upping the contrast?
Anyways, hi!
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