[Unverified] Amalia Ire

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Amalia Ire

Postby Amalia Ire on March 25th, 2015, 1:23 pm

Amalia Ire


Race: Eypharian
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: 46th day of Winter, 497.
Birthplace: Sunberth

Height: Five foot seven
Arms: Six
Weight: One hundred eighty pounds(She blames the arms)
Clothing + Armor:The armor that Amalia wears usually rests under everything save for her undergarments which consists of a long pair of green cotton briefs and a black sleeveless shirt. Above this, is the form fit, nearly skin tight, Chitin that she puts on every day in order to work on her training. This chitin is a white color, along with the leather straps that help keep it all together on her body. And despite how many Eypharians would cringe, she covers each arm in the armor as well, all the way just past the elbow, the armor being what she considered her main portion of clothing. The Chitin is smooth and rounded looking and hugs her body beneath the clothing she wears over them.

Over the chitin armor is a simple set of clothing, a burlap brown colored shirt with six sleeves, three on each side that allow her to keep each arm covered from the sun, and to hide the chitin armor, as the sleeves go to her wrists, while her pants are a sild white cotton of poor make, making them a bit scratchy, if not for her armor underneath, and instead of shoes, she wears a leather band about each foot that covers all but the heel and the toes, allowing for slightly better grip on the earth.
Body build
Body build wise, she is certainly a bit more tones that some people for her age, having an athletic body and strong looking arms, she has toned a majority of the fat from her body which if not for the light bulk of the chitin armor that she hides under her clothing, she would seem a bit scrawny but well built for her age. As for her "assets" one would almost think she were a boy in terms of body build, her body being a straight line and a bit of a washboard, not that she minds, she sees it as less of a liability.

Facial features: The only thing really distinguishing her as a female, being her light and lifted cheekbones and pinkish lips being the only thing particular feminine about her, apart from her voice, which even then carries a harsh crassness to it whenever she is talking to most people due to her social skills not being the best in the world. Her eyes, carry a harsh look, but are a solid light blue color, that for the most part hold the look of a fight in them, but lighten up a bit more when in a social situation, as she is often rather uncomfortable with them.

Hair: Not a lot of it. What Amalia does have in hair is very short cut and typically a bit spiked or slicked back due to her wiping a hair through it while she is sweaty after working or from battle. The color of this hair is a typical black.

Character Concept
The basic concept of this Eypharian is to break from the normal Eypharians with a character that never grew up knowing the life style of her more whimsical members of her race, and takes more to a street thug style of life, using her many hands to dish out pain with her gauntlet covered fists. While there is one part of her kind that carries, and that is her pride. She carries a strong sense of pride with her fighting and seeks to be the strongest brawler in Sunberth and dedicates herself to her training and he studies to become a more efficient fighter.

Character History
It's not common that a six armed woman would be beating the life from someone in Sunberth, but this, is Amalia Ire.

Several years ago, although not so long to the longer living species, a bet was made with a Eypharian man and woman who were traveling through their lands, their child swaddled in linen in the mother's arms. The bet, was from a man who had only a single arm, who challenged the male Eypharian to a duel, a sinple fight where if the Eypharian won, the one armed man would hand him everything he had on his caravan, while if the one armed man won, He would make a single request, and the Eypharian would have to comply. When the Eypharian agreed, the one armed man asked for help placing on his gauntlet, a spiked thing that the Eypharian scoffed at, but complied, out of a sense of honor, and pride that this man would not even get to touch him, but the moment the gauntlet was placed on the man, a swift strike was sent to the Eypharian's stomach, sending him to the ground blood dripping from his stomach as the toothed gauntlet rend his thin clothing and flesh open enough to send the man to the ground.

While the two gawked at the man, he simply smiled to them, saying that the battle started when they agreed, and offered to give the man help right there and then if they gave him the child. The two were reluctant, but to lose the man's life, along with possibly more if they refused, they agreed. The man had the man lie on the ground and wrapped his wounds tightly before holding out his gauntlet covered hand to the baby, who was sound asleep. The woman reluctantly walked past the man and placed him in the cart, causing the child to cry lightly, but the man only nodded to the woman, unstrapping the gauntlet with his teeth as he hopped onto the wagon and grabbed the reigns with his one arm all in one swift motion and nodded to the two Eypharians.

Flash forward a few years the young girl punched the hand of the one armed man while wearing small wooden gauntlets on her hands, back handing the one armed trainer's palm and giving solid punches to it as she bounced on her feet a bit, but didn't really have a stance so it looked more like hopping in place. This was the normal hours of the day the young girl spent in Sunberth with her master who many called "Ghestrak Silver Arm" A name that the older man scoffed at every time he heard it and would promptly pat his protoge' on the back, before going back to train. It wasn't uncommon that some days she was sent to one of his friend's houses to train, another battle instructor who hid out in the city, but it was when she was fifteen, that she received the news that her defacto father, had died of a heart attack. Although, this news didn't weigh to heavy on Amalia, knowing that the man was old, but she hated that he had to die such a human death, as opposed to dying while fighting.

Flash forward further, Amalia fights each day, usually getting into one brawling ring or another, wearing her gauntlets, but rarely feeling the need to use her other four hands, sticking to the basic gauntlets to fight as she would fight people her age to test who was stronger, although she found many times she was outmatched, beaten many times by people who were simply faster, or where more skilled than her in the art of battle. But she presses on each day to increase her skill.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: -
Poor Language: -


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Wrestling 5 SP 5 Novice
Blind Fighting 5 SP 5 Novice
Acrobatics 5 SP 5 Novice
Endurance 5 SP 5 Novice
Body Building 5 SP 5 Novice
Unarmed Combat 5 SP 5 Novice
Weapon: Gauntlet 10 RB, 20SP 30 Competent


Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Lore of Sunberth Culture


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Sand colored Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100(lowered to 78 after purchases) Gold Mizas

Heirloom:Toothed Gauntlet(Cold Iron, normal cost is 30):Given to her by mentor.


Location: Sunberth

House: Travels about, usually stays with people


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
House Cash in +500 GM 600 GM

Gauntlet | 2GM |598
Gauntlet | 2GM | 596
Studded Gauntlet | 5GM | 591
Edged Gauntlet |8GM | 583
Spiked Gauntlet | 5GM | 578
Form Fit Chitinous Armor | 350 bas cost plus 175 for not being in homeland | 53
1 Person Tent | 2GM | 51 GM
Bedroll | 1gm | 50 GM
Winter Blanket | 5 GM | 45 GM
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Praise be to Aventis who gib me an avatar.
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Amalia Ire
When do we get to the punching?
Posts: 6
Words: 5044
Joined roleplay: March 25th, 2015, 8:37 am
Race: Eypharian
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