I remember reading up on stuff like that Lazuhly. From what I've heard, any metal available in Japan isn't of particularly high quality, which is why smiths would fold it over so it didn't suck quite so much. The idea that a Katana could get through plate armour is just downright ridiculous; it was designed in an environment where plate armour didn't exist and besides the late Samurai and late full-plated knights weren't even contemporaries so that entire argument is basically invalid. So yeah the argument of the katana being OMG awesome at cutting through plate armour is ridiculous since it was never designed to do that. I mean the western sword was used alongside plate armour but everyone knows they can't
cut through it - I mean the stuff was designed to protect against that kind of thing. Using a sword - or a dagger - against a plate-wearing knight basically involved you either trying to stick them in the armpit or groin where there were gaps in the armour, or literally
gripping the sword by its blade and clubbing them with it. I'm not kidding, it's called half-swording:

Anyway that went really off topic there - my apologies for that. I like history discussions.