Location The Inked Pen

An unassuming tattoo parlor

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

The Inked Pen

Postby Nightmare on March 28th, 2015, 8:24 am



Nestled on the fourth-tier of Stormhold castle, an unassuming booth presents itself to all those who pass by. A small sign that drapes from the large wooden table that makes up the booth, proclaims it to be named 'The Inked Pen', in large sloppy lettering.

Uncovered at the top, the small tattoo stall, consists only of a not quite illustriousness wooden chair, which is tucked behind a heavy table, upon which various open sketchbooks of alternating size and color sit.

It is here, in the small chair that sits behind the booth's table, that one can get a tattoo, have an existing piece of body art edited or added on to, or even attempt to have a gnosis mark embellished. Depending on the size, and area of the tattoo, the resident tattooist will have a person sit in the chair in any number of ways; and has even been known to lay on the floor, while working on a patron's calf or foot.

As for the owner of the stall, he is a former drifter, a Sverfa who has traveled far and wide, and a tattooist who is rumored to have studied under the legendary Zarryn Skyglow of Avanthal. Though, while the quality of his work may indeed warrant such tittle-tattle depending on who you ask, the man has never confirmed or denied the rumors, at least not to anyone who has spread such a confirmation or denial.

Unfortunately for those who wish to get a tattoo at certain times of the year, the owner's adventurous spirit and Sverfa heritage, drives him to depart on his Casinor 'The Blubbery Dolphin', to the Anchorage Flotilla on the onset of every Fall. He does this to reconnect with his kin, and practice his skills, on skin that is more akin to his own. Luckily, Lichenan always returns to Syliras at the end of the next season, refreshed, and perhaps even more well-practiced in his arts.

As for where he returns to; Lichenan has worked out a deal with the Bazaar, to allow him to take up his stall yearly, upon his return. He has secured this right, as a regular and profitable businessman, to make sure would-be repeat customers can find him again, and possibly even refer others to his booth, without much trouble or fuss regarding directions. When he is not present in the city, his stall is left free to be rented by anyone with the mizas. But said renters, are always informed, as to how long the booth will be available, and made to agree that they will be gone or move to a new booth, at said time.

Price List and NPCs

Price List
Name Price
Uncolored Tatoo(Small) 4 GM
Uncolored Tatoo(Medium) 6 GM
Uncolored Tatoo(Large) 8 GM
Colored Tatoo(Small) 8 GM
Colored Tatoo(Medium) 12 GM
Colored Tatoo(Large) 17 GM

Notes on Size:
Small- Equating to no more than a shoulder or calf.
Medium- Equating to no more than a single limb.
Large- Equating to no more than the chest or back.
Anything Else- For full body tattoos or art that covers more than one limb, separate the prices. For example, a tattoo that covers the shoulder, and stretches on to the back slightly, would be considered two small tattoos. Meanwhile, a tattoo that wraps around and covers both the chest and the back, would cost the price one would pay for a large tattoo twice over.

A Note on Large and Colored Tattoos:
Depending on the size of a tattoo, one may need to have multiple sessions. The same is true for colored tattoos. For example, whereas a small colored tattoo would really only take one visit to complete, a large one would likely require multiple, due to the time involved, and the pain such drawn-out art would no doubt inflict. The same can be said for a unusually large uncolored tattoo; such things take time, and an average person, can really only take so many pricks of a inking needle. Additionally, prolonged tattooing can result in a weakened body, and may affect the healing process; for this reason Lichenan would not recommend, that one sit through such a long-winded season, unless they have regular access to a healer, or are one themselves. Ultimately, just use your discretion, and be reasonable in your writings.

Lichenan Tidalcatch
ImageName: Lichenan Tidalcatch
Race: Sverfa
DoB: 3rd of Summer, 449 AV
PoB: Suvan Sea
Title: Tattooist/Commoner
Skills: Tattoo 47, Drawing 30, Storytelling 20
Additional Info: Born on the Suvan Sea, to a the Tidlecatch pod, Lichenan even in his old age, is a talkative and adventurous sort of Sverfa, and is easy enough to get along with. He can commonly be seen smoking his driftwood pipe, and cleaning or drawing up designs on a sketchbook, when not attending to visitors of his stall.

As for the kind of work he does, and is willing to do; Lichenan is a tattooist, capable of drawing just about anything. The man has no qualms about sketching up obscenely vulgar or risque tattoos, after all, he doesn't have to be the one wearing it on his skin, for the rest of his life; and he's definitely no prude. The tattooist will practically ink anything on even minimally workable flesh; he has even been known to try and hide scars and burns, underneath beautiful arrays of varied color and lines, to varying degrees of success.

Overall, the process of getting inked by Lichenan, can be described as a generally easy-going experience. The man has been known to mirror the moods of others, which tends to put most visitors at ease. If someone proves to be a talkative fellow or lady, then they'll have quite the storyteller on their hands. The Sverfa isn't above relating his tales of adventure, if a customer is at all willing to listen to them.

Meanwhile, if a patron of his stall is more of the shy sort, Lichenan has been observed to simply get lost in his work, appearing as if he has no qualms with a lack of conversing. If possessed of an uninformed eye, one might even guess, that the Sverfa is shy himself, in such a situation.

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Location credits to Lorden Ladis
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