Closed Who Needs Cupid?

Khara and Zhol practice archery together

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Zhol on March 29th, 2015, 10:16 pm

Well this wasn't going to plan at all.

Admittedly, it wasn't an elaborate plan. It wasn't a well thought out plan. In fact, there were only two simple thoughts that had brought the plan into existence, and everything else was just a crude bandage to mash those two notions together. The first notion was a simple one: Khara was far better at archery than he was. There was no contest here, no challenge. He was new, whereas she had years of practice. His longbow was still new to him, harder to draw at all, let alone consistently; her shortbow had been her mother's, and it was as comfortable to her as a pair of old boots. There was absolutely no logical way that Khara would not win.

The second thought was a strange blend of selfish and selfless. Despite all the progress the two of them had made, despite the fact that Khara almost never treated him as anything but the man that she loved - in private, at least - there was still an imbalance; she was still utterly willing to do absolutely anything Zhol asked her, and yet almost entirely unwilling to ask him for anything. He would tear down the night sky one star at a time if she asked him to, but she never did. Company at the market, help with something small; those she did reluctantly, and it was always something practical, never anything personal. Zhol found himself utterly devoted and desperate to do anything for a woman who couldn't bring herself to ask. It was one of the last few obstacles between them: one of the last vestiges of Avora and Chiet that lingered.

It should have been a foolproof plan: Khara would win, and then she would have to ask for something; would feel entitled to ask for something. It wouldn't matter that he was an Avora, a prize was a prize. True, she'd probably try and squirm out of it. She'd ask for a gift that was clearly for the benefit of both of them, or she'd ask him to spend time with her doing something they'd both enjoy. She wouldn't be able to help that; she was too selfless to do anything else. But he'd insist that wasn't the right sort of prize; he'd make her ask for something she wanted for herself. He'd get his chance to do something that was only for her. He'd get the chance to start making up for the fact that there was no way he made her feel even a fraction as wonderful as he felt every time she glanced at him, or smiled; let alone the way he felt when she did anything else.

That was how it was supposed to be, but it wasn't. He had done something wrong. He had jeopardised the plan already. Was she too nervous at the prospect of having to ask something of him? Was this her birthday all over again, the surprise with the sleigh, an idea that had seemed so perfect at first but had left Khara nothing but anxious and frightened because he hadn't thought it through well enough?

He readied an arrow and raised his bow. He could fix this. Khara was a little off her game? No problem. All he needed to do was shoot worse than she had: that was easy, right? He shot poorly all the time; he could do it again. He began to make subtle errors on purpose - not overt enough for Khara to notice, but enough to throw him off. Shoulders a little tighter than they were supposed to be. String not quite drawn back as far as it should. Aim a little off, trying to do worse than Khara had. Lungs not quite emptied all the way. It was as terrible as he'd been when he'd started. This would be simple. He'd fire this arrow, and it'd miss; land in the outer ring, miss the target completely; something.

It didn't. To Zhol's utter horror, it didn't. Yes, the shot was undeniably terrible. It probably would have been a complete failure if he'd been aiming for the centre of the target; but he wasn't; stupidly, he'd been aiming for where Khara's arrow had struck. Yes, his arrow had missed that objective. Yes, it was low and left the way his shots always were; in fact, more so than ever. Unfortunately, it had been sufficiently low and left to skip the centre of the target completely, but not quite far enough to reach all the way to the outer ring. The arrow loomed, protruding ominously from the next ring in; a higher scoring shot than Khara had achieved.

The blood drained from his face. Oh no. Oh shyke no.
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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Khara on March 30th, 2015, 3:08 pm

An entire tumult of mixed emotions came over her, and not all of them were things that Khara was proud of. First and understandably so was surprise which was quickly followed with a feeling of pride that made her look to Zhol with widened eyes and a beaming smile. Next came a wave of relief that Khara found confusing at first until she realized that if Zhol did win that she wouldn't have to try and come up with something to ask of him; she knew there were a other reasons aside from the simple fact she was having trouble coming up with anything, but those thoughts were far too deeply buried. The last few emotions to be added in, the one that churned with the rest and forced her to look back to her target for fear of Zhol seeing them lurking behind her amber colored eyes, were far less appreciated. Jealousy, envy and defeatism boiled to the surface no matter how much Khara tried to scrape them away.

It wasn't right to feel that way, to hear the way her thoughts turned - not on Zhol - but squarely upon her own failure. And you thought you'd ever be good enough to be a hunter. Stupid chick, even the outsider is better than you are. At least the thought hadn't tried to disguise itself in her own voice, that would have been too much. The fact even part of her, even veiled in the belittling and hate filled tones of an Avora who lingered in nightmare and in every imagined shadow in Wind Reach, would refer to Zhol with that word made the mountain of emotion that loomed over her become capped in a blanket of guilt. She should have been happy for him, not this.

The spark of pride and wonder that had first came upon her was grasped at, cupped in imaginary hands to protect it from the onslaught that threatened to batter it away. As Khara glanced back towards Zhol with a self-conscious attempt at another encouraging smile she imagined herself blowing gently into that feeling, like one would encourage embers to take flame or even as if she was forming a small glass ball like a miniature sun until a comforting glow resided in her grasp. It was barely there, but it kept the darker things at bay for the moment.

"See? I said to you that you would get better." Khara commented and found herself surprised at how sincere she actually sounded. There had been an expected undertone of everything else but it was undeniably absent. Maybe there really was something to the visualization she'd done - something to keep in mind for later- it would be difficult after all, to hold a fragile tiny sun in her hands and a bow at the same time.

A quick and heavy sigh was let go of as she picked the next arrow and turned her attention back towards the target waiting for her. She focused her gaze intently on the arrow that had sparked this entire thing, the one that skirted against the center most circle. You did it once, you can do it again. It was a far more agreeable sentiment that came in the far more agreeable sound of her own voice and for once Khara decided she needed to listen to it.

Another deep breath left her as arrow and string were pulled back and she watched for a moment as her left arm made the subtle shift from being locked to her elbow bent just slightly. The sensation ran it's course down the rest of her, causing tension in her shoulders to release, felt herself stand just a bit straighter as other muscles went to work to hold the draw. Her gaze returned to the target and she tried to block everything else out. So what if she won this? She could always ask him for something simple, something that Zhol probably would do on his own anyway, right?

The breath in her lungs was released slowly and the three fingers that held onto the bowstring released as her arm drew back just a bit more. She didn't dare take another breath, however, until the sound of the arrow meeting the target came to her. It was better, that was for certain, but it still fell outside of where she wanted and still off to the right - Really need to start trying to adjust for that - and just a little further near the center than Zhol's last shot.

This time when she looked back to him it was more an embarrassed smile than any margin of upset. "I think I do not do so good under..." A crease formed across her brow as her lips pursed together as Khara tried to think of the word she wanted. Her free hand made a gesture like she was trying to pat or flatten something. "Weight?"

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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Zhol on March 31st, 2015, 2:25 am

"Pressure?" he suggested, as gently as he could. Adorable as it was for him when Khara stumbled over her words, he knew it could frustrate her at times, and hoped that his attempt at help came across as such.

He shrugged, though he didn't feel nonchalant or unphased in the slightest: Zhol couldn't tell what Khara was thinking or feeling, but he could tell that she was trying to hide it from him; trying a little too hard to avoid his gaze, a little too careful with her tone, a strange calmness to her replies that had plenty of sincerity but far less of the enthusiasm and brightness that her words usually had.

"I don't think I'm getting better," he counted, as he retrieved another arrow, and settled it into place on the string. "Just getting lucky." He raised the bow, settling back into a comfortable but not meticulously calibrated stance; he allowed his limbs to fall where they were inclined to, and wasted no effort on checking or correcting if that was the appropriate place.

"After all -" He glanced in Khara's direction for a moment before he drew back the string, careful to adjust his other arm to dodge the bow string, but leaving everything else up to instinct and chance. His voice turned quieter as he sighted down the arrow so as not to throw off his aim too much; he focused on the centre of the target, working on the premise that the more successful he tried to be, the more likely he was to fail. He couldn't help a small flicker of a smile as he finished his sentence though. "- you fell in love with me. Can't get much luckier than that."

Zhol didn't bother to breathe out, allowing the launch of his arrow and the thunk against the target to punctuate his statement. The arrow struck the target low and left - thank the gods - but to Zhol's surprise it wasn't quite as terrible as he'd expected. Confusion swept across him. Had he been right; was luck favouring him for some reason today? Was it something that he was doing? Had all of his practice paid off, and allowed a proper stance to come naturally? Had his efforts before been marred by muscles that were a little too tense; something repaired by his casual, cavalier efforts?

"See?" he said, trying to mask his surprise. "That one was much worse. You're the one with the actual skill; it's just that every time you smile at me, or every time I get to hold you in my arms, I become the luckiest man alive... and it seems like that luck is rubbing off elsewhere every now and again."
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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Khara on April 2nd, 2015, 4:37 am

If it hadn't been for how he phrased everything, the quiet "Not so much skill as you seem to think I have," that left Khara would have had far more conviction to it. As it was, it came out mumbled through a secretive sort of smile that Khara couldn't quite contain. Whatever god or goddess there may have been that held luck in it's domain, Khara wished it would be a bit more fair with it's giving nature. Though considering what had transpired far earlier in the season and the near impossible to comprehend shots she had made on a moving hulking target, maybe the simple fact was that Khara had used up all her good luck for a season. They were both still alive after that little wayward adventure, after all.

"I am glad you think as such," Khara said softly as she readied her final arrow. "You are the only one who has ever said..."

A slight blush crept into her cheeks, echoing the tinge of pink they might normally have after a bell or two out in the cold Winter air. What she was about to say was entirely redundant. Zhol had heard her say it more than often enough to know that he was the single person in her life that had ever made her actually feel like she was honestly valuable. What had he said on her birthday that he wanted to treat her as? An Endal Princess? The concept was guilt ridden and the words sounded so very wrong together, even more so when associated with her, but the fact that Zhol saw her as such... Well, it proved how very little he really understood about the castes in a way, but it also never failed to let Khara forget about how insignificant everyone else saw her as - if only for a little while.

"I am glad you think I am luck," she rephrased and cast a small smile over to him. It tried to fade only slightly as her mind wandered but returned full force as it completed it's journey. The last arrow's shaft twirled between two fingers, the fetching spinning one way then the other as she considered her words and how best to phrase the admission she'd shied away from. "I don't think I ever thanked you for this. Archery means very much to me, it was the one thing I always enjoyed doing, even if I was too self thinking to really pay attention during lessons. I haven't been able to do it so much, though."

Her eyes dropped away and she shifted where she stood slightly. "I can still go to the Yasi range, we have an area that is specifically set aside for us - Chiet, that is. It has an indoor lake you must cross over to get there and it isn't so bad, not really. But it's a bit out of my normal way and I don't... I do not like wandering by myself so much."

A rather forceful breath left her as if it would shove aside all the thoughts that went with that last statement. It may have been entirely unnecessary, but it did let her imagine that the small orb of light she had been picturing earlier suddenly grew larger, the glow it cast spreading across and through her.

"So yes, thank you. I like that this is just for us," Khara finished, looking back up to Zhol before a small laugh followed her. "If I had one with me, I would place a red piece of fabric in this place."

It didn't need to be elaborated, nor explained. Zhol knew the significance of such a thing now and the way she saw understanding in his eyes was more than enough to settle that she had spoken more than enough. The idle twirling of the arrow in her hand was halted as she finally set it against the string, turned her focus back towards the target Zhol had set up for her, and raised her bow.

Once more Khara set her mind to feeling the weight shift from arms to shoulders to back as the string was drawn back as a deep breath was drawn in. She could feel how her bow arm was bent just slightly and her elbow placed to draw an imaginary line to run straight to the ground. Another breath was taken as she lowered her right elbow, trying her best to make sure that her draw arm was forming a straight line from her wrist back. It was a mix of focusing on the way the air was pulled and released from her lungs in a steady rhythm and the adjustments she had to make to settle into what was considered proper form - or at least the best she could approximate.

Finally the target was sighted and her mind was strangely helpful for a change, chiming in about her tendency to hit towards the right of the target. Her aim was adjusted just a bit to the left and one final steady exhale left as he released the arrow. The follow through motions came far more naturally than they had when she had been over thinking them and her body was still slightly in motion even as the satisfying thunk of the arrow finding the target was perceived. A small tug of a smile formed as she noticed the arrow was quite a bit more centered on the target than it had been, still a touch to the right, lower than the perfect middle, but within the ring that surrounded the bulls-eye.

Khara didn't bother to try and hide the sense of satisfaction she had. It wasn't probably good enough to win, especially not someone whom the gods apparently were favoring that day, but she had beaten herself in a way and that was more than enough. "Maybe I am borrowing some of your good luck, after all."

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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Zhol on April 3rd, 2015, 9:17 am

I am glad you think I am luck.

It wasn't quite what Khara had intended to convey, Common once again providing an obstacle that Khara's adorable word choices dodged their way around; but even more than usual, Zhol liked this one. It was truer that Khara realised; she was luck, the actual embodiment of his good fortune, not just a gift that had been conveyed to him by it. She was not a symptom of his luck, she was the entirety of it; everything good about his life, every positive experience and emotion, was all because of her. He was lucky to have the life that he did; and he had it because she was part of it. He wasn't sure if there was such a thing as a goddess of luck; if there was not, then that could only mean that Khara was his own personal goddess of good fortune.

He stayed silent as she spoke, though he couldn't help a smile as she talked about marking their makeshift archery range with one of her ribbons of safety. A flood of sentiments flooded his mind. Perhaps the entire stables deserved such a ribbon, tied to the outside so that she saw it as soon as she returned to the city? Perhaps Zhol should work them into the braids of Smoke and Solo; the two horses that Khara had learned to feel comfortable around? Did his room need one, to show she was always welcome? Did his bed?

There's already one around your wrist. You could just take her in your arms, and refuse to ever let her go - that way, she will always be where she is safe.

Zhol tried to ignore that thought, but it was far too enticing. His eyes waged a war, desperate to gaze in her direction despite the insistent urging of his mind to pay attention to the target. One more shot, he reminded himself, and then he could hold her again. He studied the arrows on his target and hers, tried to calculate how poorly he needed to shoot in order to ensure that he did not win. It should not have been difficult with his lack of ability, but apparently his archery skills were so poor that he could not manage to miss deliberately with any real success.

There was a slight nervous tremble in his muscles as he readied the final arrow and raised the bow, going through all the proper motions. It took a little extra effort to keep the arm that restrained the bow secure as he drew back the string, his elbow wanting to twist itself in ways it shouldn't. For a moment he considered letting it; allowing the bow string to strike his arm would surely throw off his aim, and he did have his arm guard now protecting his skin from the worst of it. He was better than that though, at least marginally; and Khara knew he was. His pretending to be worse was a deception - a lie - and while Khara might initially feel glad at having won, Zhol knew how quickly that would dissolve into guilt at having beaten him, and then there would be the both of them feeling terrible. Yet, if Zhol allowed himself to win - or at least, allowed himself to try; there was certainly no guarantee even now that he would - Khara would be left feeling further from her destiny as a huntress than ever, and Zhol would be entirely to blame for that. How had he thought this would be a good idea? How could he possibly -

Zhol let out a slow breath, carefully choosing which muscles held tension and which ones relaxed. He closed his eyes for just a moment, calming his mind, focusing his thoughts, pushing a wave of tranquillity through his body. His eyes opened, and then after a brief moment of pause, he shifted his aim, shifted his arm, and launched his last arrow hurtling towards Khara's target.

He didn't bother to look where it landed; as soon as the vibrations in the bow had ceased he set it gently down on the sand beside him, and crossed the few paces to where Khara stood. "I wanted you to win," he said quietly. "I wanted you to realise that you can ask anything of me, and that I will willingly do anything for you. I wanted -"

His voice faltered, the words waiting on the tip of his tongue not quite the ones he wanted to say. He took a breath and tried again.

"You already won, Khara. Seasons ago you won my heart, and yet even now you do not realise that is what you have done. I am yours. I love you. I will try and give you the world if you wish me to; all you need to do is ask."
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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Khara on April 4th, 2015, 3:53 am

It wasn't a strange thing for Khara to find herself completely confused on what to feel in any given situation, especially if it was particularly unusual. And this was unusual, sort of. Zhol encouraging her to understand his willingness to do just about anything for her wasn't exactly unheard of, but this more forward approach at making her accept it was... Different. The things he had done for her birthday earlier in the season had been a total surprise, never anything she would have asked him for, and Khara had spent a good portion of the time simply trying to come to terms that someone was actually willing to do such things for her. This though? She couldn't try to shrug it off or make up a reason or try to rationalize it in any way that fit with how she had always been told she deserved to be treated and how she should treat others. This was just Zhol being Zhol, honest and endearing.

She glanced at the target down range and for an instant thought of pointing out that there had been no rules set for which of the two targets they had to shoot for, or that he had cheated by not sticking to his own and had to take another shot. Anything to avoid having to make some sort of decision. The look that Zhol was giving her and the all he said though made such an effort seem entirely horrible and some small sort of evil compared to actually accepting what he was trying to do for her.

"But I do not know what to ask for," she admitted as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other and tried to resist the urge to bring her hands together, the bow she still held helped greatly with that. "I can't think of anything."

A small smile tugged at Khara's lips as she brought her eyes back to him from where they had started to wander across the riding area's floor and walls. A realization had occurred to her, starting somewhere in the very back of her mind until it slowly pushed forward. It was okay that Khara didn't know what to ask for, it was okay that this was entirely unfamiliar and she didn't know how to proceed. She had help, all she had to do was ask for it.

"Wh-What do people usually ask for when they win this sort of thing?" Khara asked, the curiosity she felt somehow making it past the reluctance and nervousness that still tried to hold onto her.

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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Zhol on April 4th, 2015, 4:22 am

The obvious answer to that leapt enthusiastically into Zhol's mind; a moment later his face turned a bright shade of red. Those sorts of requests might have been typical, especially in a city like Wind Reach, but they were well beyond the scope of their relationship so far. Even mentioning such things was far beyond. A note of panic began to ring out in his chest, as his mind stumbled for an appropriate answer to give.

He took a cautious step forward, his hand gently brushing it's way down Khara's arm until it could gently ensnare her fingers. "Something you've thought of," he said quietly, far too much timid caution in his voice for his liking, "But never mentioned. Something that you thought it was silly to ask for, or that it wasn't the right time. Something that perhaps you felt you shouldn't ask, because you didn't realise you could ask me for absolutely anything."

He hesitated, not entirely sure where to look. He knew his words were too vague to be helpful, yet at the same time he was worried about making suggestions that were too specific, not wanting to entice Khara's mind into latching onto a typical request, rather than something she actually desired. He hadn't thought this far ahead; hadn't considered the possibility that Khara might not want anything from him at all. Perhaps she did not think of him that way. Perhaps there was nothing about him that she desired. Perhaps -

"Is there something that I have not done? Something we have not done? Somewhere we have not gone? Something that you wish for us to do again, something you wish for me to know that you liked, but were too nervous to say anything at the time?"
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Postby Khara on April 4th, 2015, 5:17 am

Khara averted her eyes as her features slightly scrunched in thought. There weren't many things that instantly came to mind, even with Zhol's suggestions. She'd never wanted anything from him that was more than he had already done and there wasn't anything that they hadn't done together that she could think of as secretly wanting to, either. Well, maybe there was, but that would take far more than just asking him as she first had to get her own permission and that wasn't something Khara could quite yet bring herself to do.

Her mind tried to think of other things, the things they had already done, the things she had liked that maybe he hadn't known. It wasn't the easiest thing to be honest with Zhol since she was so used to bottling up her feelings, especially the more positive ones, when around others but that didn't mean she didn't try. Even if it was just a tight hug, Khara always tried to let him know when she was happy about something. Maybe that wasn't enough, though.

A cautious glance was tossed back to Zhol before she immediately looked away again. Khara continued to let her thoughts wander, finding that they tried to remember the first time she had really hugged him, the first time that she had managed to display any sort of actual affection for the boy. It had been the night of the season change to Fall, hadn't it? The first and last time she had asked him to accompany to her to the Wind Tower to watch it change colors. A ghost of a smile formed as she remembered the way the torchlight had cast shadows and light across his face; how she had said more than she had meant to and ended up stumbling and falling for her trouble; of the way they had shared their past and embraces and finally watched the watchtower's gem flare from green to red.

A small flash of crimson came into view and Khara felt her attention drawn to the thin piece of fabric she had tied around Zhol's wrist. The comfort of seeing the small token was more than enough to drive off whatever mixed emotions came from the fact that the two of them hadn't managed to see the change from Fall to Winter, something Khara vaguely remembered saying was well worth the icy and therefore more dangerous trek.

Khara tightened her fingers around Zhol's just a bit before she finally managed to look up at him once more. The small squeeze set off a small series of unconscious other things; her thumb began to softly run back and forth against his hand, her feet shifted weight from toe to heel to create the subtlest of rocking motions and her grip on her bow was constantly adjusted. More nervous ticks, but somehow they didn't bother her in that instant, it felt more like she was trying to contain a sudden flare of energy rather than give her body something to do while her mind stumbled over itself.

"If it is okay with you," Khara began, realizing that probably wasn't entirely how you were supposed to start a request that Zhol had already agreed to. "I would like it if we went to the Wind Tower again, when it changes from blue to green? When Spring comes?"

She couldn't manage to hold his gaze for very long and it kept drifting away and returning as Khara continued. "It's just, I thought it would be nice. We didn't get to go at Winter and when we did in Fall we both were sort of... Hiding? It is kind of a special place to us, I think, but we didn't do it right the first time and... Yes. That is what I want."

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Postby Zhol on April 5th, 2015, 5:09 am

Of course it would be something like this. Of course Khara, given the power to ask Zhol for absolutely anything, would choose something sweet, and heartfelt, that Zhol would have agreed to in a heartbeat regardless of the situation.

A gentle smile formed on his lips as he brushed stray strands of hair away from her face, utterly powerless to stop himself from gazing into her eyes. She was so perfect. So kind, and careful, and considerate, so tender and tentative with her affections, so oblivious to how wonderful she was. She could say a single word, or even none at all and just smile, and it would make his insides turn to liquid and begin to ooze their way out of his boots. She could have asked him to cut off an arm, or gouge out an eye, and he would have done it then and there. She could ask for everything if she wanted; every pinion he ever earned; every item he ever owned; every secret; every thought; his heart; his soul; his name -

That stampede of thought came to a crashing halt, everything cascading off the cliff of realisation it had stumbled across save for that last one. His name? Really? Khara Emberwing had a certain elegance to it, true, but no. Giving her his name meant other things, things that they didn't do in Wind Reach, things that were hard to explain, things that were even now steadily making his face several shades redder merely because the thought wafted across his mind. He fumbled them frantically away, to be reconsidered at another time; or never.

"I -" he tried to speak, but paused, and reconsidered his knee-jerk words. "I am would be love of that," he fumbled out, a sheepish look forming on his features, broken only for a moment by his head lowering to Khara's, to plant a gentle kiss against her forehead. His voice turned into a whisper. "Please yes."
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Who Needs Cupid?

Postby Estrellir Konrath on May 20th, 2015, 7:27 pm



Observation +3
Weapon: Longbow +5
Flirting +2
Rhetoric +1

Love is more than a word
Love lightens life’s burdens
Khara: Wants you
Confident Khara is attractive
Khara: Not selfish enough
Khara: Your luck
Archery: Trying to miss


Flirting +3
Weapon: Shortbow +5
Observation +2

Love is more than a word
Love lightens life’s burdens
Wanting Zhol
Challenging Zhol at archery
Archery: Shooting distracted
Learning to ask Zhol for anything


You two are simply too lovely and cute together! The only thing I missed was the difference between their archery techniques since Zhol uses a longbow and Khara a shortbow (according to your CSs). Shouldn’t it have impacted the nature and outcome of their competition? Anyway, PM me with any questions or concerns!
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Estrellir Konrath
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