The Mischief There are many strange things both above and below the waters of Mizahar, but there are none that are like The Mischief. Whether illusion or simply defiance of natural world, The Mischief is never the same, much like its first mate, it wears a new face for every day. Sometimes the changes are subtle, a blue deck that reflects the peaceful sky or sails that are translucent like a spider's web. Other times, the masts become slender trees sporting massive blooms over a beautiful and elegant hull, or a mess of nets and birds, pulling the ship along its course. One thing remains constant, however, the ship is always large, and it is always impressive. The naval pride of the city of illusion sails with a grandeur befitting the god who so graciously blessed it with the ability to manipulate its own appearance. While in port, the ship often becomes something far more stationary, be it a floating island of stone towers or a gossamer frigate of light with wings that flutter peacefully in their vertical rest. A massive Mizaharian with a crew of 200, The Mischief travels leaves Alvadas in the Springto return in the Winter. At each stop, those aboard the ship take advantage of the opportunity to perform for those curious enough to stop by. Anything from dancers to actors to acrobats to masters and novices of illusion take part in the festivities. Those who never knew the warmth of the spotlight or weren't quite able to find a place in the Inverted pay their way onto the ship in hopes that their talents may be discovered elsewhere. During the The Mischief's voyage over the sea, these performers practice: singing, dancing, rehearsing lines, perfecting illusions. It is a rare day for the deck and floors below not to be filled with the natural merriment of Alvadas, though it is highly ill-advised and uncommon for any of The Mischief's passengers to disturb the crew in a meaningful way. They bring with them excitement, intrigue, and the bright hopes for a future out of reach back in their beloved city of illusions. While not the stars of the ever changing streets, few pay their way onto The Mischief without the talent to back up their claims and desire for glory. Performances are never constrained solely to ship. Typically, theatrical performances as well as the more complex aerial acrobatic routines can be found on the upper "deck", its appearance never quite the same each day. Below, there are rooms for fortune tellers, slight of hand, and storytellers of all shapes, sizes, and experience. Acrobats, dancers, and a those of a more artistic spoken form of poetry can be found throughout the cities that permit them, often serving to draw more attention to the ship itself. The performances are always augmented by those blessed with Ionu's mark. From illusionary backdrops to sound effects and sensations, The Mischief is a carnival of delights and discoveries. Those who look closely will be hard pressed to find the thin line between what is real and what is nothing more than a waking dream. The Mischief's trade route is as follows with time allotted for storms or swift winds as well as rough values for distance:
In Riverfall, Kenash, Black Rock and Lhavit, The Mischief puts on a festival to attract attention as well as to celebrate with the various denizens of the other cities. These are relatively large events with much merrymaking and an exciting time for all. In the Myrian outpost, these celebrations are usually limited to crew members doing small shows for those interested without the typical Alvad grandeur. It should be noted that these times are fluctuation - STs of the specific cities have the final say in how long The Mischief stays in their city and how long the festivals will last. If you are unsure, please PM the ST of your city. "Officers" ![]() Eudora Cathcart
Race: Human Date of birth: Spring 480 AV Place of birth: Alvadas Title: Captain of the (SS Alvadas) Skills: Leadership 75 Sea Navigation 45 Tactics 63 Sailing 71 Swimming 51 Weapon: Rapier 34 Languages: Common, Fratava (fluent); Myrian (basic) Gnosis: Stormwarden(1), Illusionism (2) Bio: As wild as the winds and as predictable as an ocean storm, Eudora constantly looks to the horizon. Her wit, while biting, is only matched by her ability to solves problems in the most peculiar of manners. Rarely, if ever, does Eudora find herself at a loss of what to do; if something can be done, she'll do it, but you can bet it won't be quite what you were expecting. Some would call her half-cocked; they may even call her a bit batty, but none can deny that she has a way at the helm, a way that - even if it's not quite clear what exactly she's doing - inspires those around her to follow. She speaks with a dreamy sort of wonder, her voice often distant and estranged. Her memory, too, is rather lacking in the areas of things she doesn't deem important; failures, for example. Constantly moving and always scheming with a thoughtful grin upon her sunkissed features, Eudora firmly believes that while many paths might lead to the same destination, there is always one that will be the most exciting. Vertiline Newcombe
Race: Human Date of birth: Fall 487 AV Place of birth: Alvadas Title: First Mate and Head Merchant Skills: Sailing 45 Persuasion 73 Negotiatoin 51 Planning 42 Rhetoric 71 Subterfuge 45 Acting 63 Swimming 30 Weapon: Knife 15 Languages: Common (fluent); Symenos, Tukant (Basic) Gosis: Minting(1), Illusionism(2) Bio: There is something decidedly unnerving about Vertiline, though if you were to ask around what it might be, the answers would vary. She is, without a doubt, a silver tongued young woman with a sharp mind for business. Beyond that, however, she is anyone's guess. Vertiline makes it a point to hardly ever be the exact same person twice. One day, she may be filled with a bubbly sort of laughter, finding in each and every thing hilarity that should be celebrated. The next, she may be a biting cynic, only sneering at the most foolish of idiots. She is constantly changing, a social chameleon. Whatever her true nature was, it has been lost behind the ever changing mask she wields as easily as a seamstress a needle. There is, however, a constant to her endless array of personalities: her appetite for mercantile conquest is insatiable. Deckhands ![]() Klaus Boffard
Race: Human Date of birth: Spring 475 AV Place of birth: Alvadas (Patchwork Port) Title: Deckhand Skills: Cleaning 31 Singing 25 Storytelling 33 Investigation 43 Languages: Common (fluent) Bio: Klaus appears a simple man with simple needs and desires. He is quick to smile, slow to anger, and rarely passes up the chance to jest. In his simplicity, however, lurks a sharp mind and even sharper hearing. There is little on the ship Klaus does not know, and like the gossip he is, he freely shares it. He does tend to elaborate, however, so whatever he says is often taken with a grain of salt. Morty
Race: Human Date of birth: Winter 467 AV Place of birth: Alvadas Title: Deckhand Skills: Bodybuilding 46 Endurance: 34 Woodcarving: 26 Swimming: 30 Languages: Common (fluent) Bio: Morty lifts heavy things. Morty doesn't think heavy thoughts. Morty likes pretty things. Morty doesn't like freeloaders. Slow spoken and not one for philosophical debate, Morty is generally found in the cargo area, making sure everything is secure and safe. He has a jovial sort of disposition, and he loves to talk - though what he loves to talk about is usually limited to fitness, ship safety, and a single story about his childhood in which he fought off a pack of wolves to protect a baby. He does, however, have a soft spot for poetry. Lily Petes
Race: Human Date of birth: Spring 495 AV Place of birth: Alvadas Title: Swabbie Skills: Cleaning 42 Singing 26 Brawling 27 Swimming 31 Bio: Lily is a girl with big dreams and a bigger problem with procrastination. She isn't lazy, so much as intentionally forgetful, especially when it comes to her duties. That aside, she's extremely friendly. In fact, she's so friendly, she tends to talk to people rather than to get her job done. Few complain about her, however, as she does have a penchant for stimulating conversation: something that can sometimes be difficult to find at sea during the longer stretches of the journey. |