[Pitrius City] A man can change his stars

Merunir begins his journey to becoming a Sentinel

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The Kingdom of Sultros is made up of five cities; Sultros, Vizerian, Coglias, Terras and Pitrius along with their own Citadels. In addition, the Kingdom encompasses hundreds of square miles of mountainous, nearly inhospitable land. Trading posts, border posts and a number of unique, exotic and often dangerous sites exist both above ground and below.

[Pitrius City] A man can change his stars

Postby Merunir on April 2nd, 2015, 6:43 am

8th of Spring, 515 AV



Sparks flew with every strike, spraying out in a shower of red and gold as hammer met glowing iron. The Isuran bent over the anvil was young for his kind, yet he showed no hesitation as he hammered away, shaping the metal gripped in his obsidian-like left hand. Merunir smiled as the rod gradually thinned, stretching longer and wider under his careful strikes. Horseshoes were simple to make; there were plenty in use around the kingdom that had come from his fathers smithy. Many of the more recent orders had been made by Merunir himself, now that he had mastered the basics of the craft and no longer required direct, constant supervision.

The striking paused. Tilting his head to one side, Merunir brought the strip of metal up to take a closer look. While it had lost plenty of its heat from being out of the forge, he could still see the distortion of the air from its warmth. "Too thin. Well, that's one more for the tool pile." He looked to his left, and then to his right. On either side of the workbench the anvil was mounted to were discreet stacks of iron strips. Those to the left were shaped to a precise set of dimensions, and were by far the most numerous. To the right were the 'discarded' lengths, those Merunir had drawn too far, or had otherwise struck too far out of shape to be corrected. His father never liked to let any metal go to waste. If the failure could be turned into something else, then all that was really lost was time. Every tool was useful, either to his people or the other races who came to buy the fruits of their labors at the trading posts. It was almost ridiculous how much some merchants were willing to pay for Isuran crafted goods, though they were worth every gold rimmed miza.

Still, something was wrong. Merunir knew everyone made mistakes. Even the craftsmen who has mastered their field near unto perfection had a mistake every now and again. So it wasn't his lack of 'perfect' performance that bothered him. No, it was something else. Something magical.

As he grew up, Merunir was exposed to and instructed in the same things every young Isuran was taught. 'Mundane' craftsmanship of all kinds, including blacksmithing. Especially blacksmithing. Every Isuran knew the basics of how to work a forge, shape iron and other simple metals, and pound out a rough object with heat and hammer. Some excelled at architecture, some leadership, combat, even animal husbandry. Merunir was a Pitrius; manipulation of Djed flowed naturally through him.

The Coldforge family had a history of magecrafting and Merunir was no exception. Because of its utility and generally benign nature, the Sentinels rarely monitored magecrafters of any capacity. As such, his parents had declined to take him to the Silver Tower for an apprenticeship. Recently, though, the djed had begun singing to him. Besides Magecrafting, which he had been taking lessons on from his father, Merunir was also showing a talent for auristics. His mother was the motivator there. More and more he had been asking them for instruction, and while he had managed a few magecrafted items (a pair of knives that are sharper then usual, useful for cutting food,) there just wasn't enough that they knew. There was more to the world than a forge. Much more.

Calmly setting the hammer in his right hand down in its slot on the hammer rack, Merunir turned to his father, working at another anvil in the smithy. There was no room for doubt in his heart, he knew it would happen even if no one else did.

"Father, I am going to join the Sentinels."
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Joined roleplay: February 18th, 2015, 8:26 pm
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