Timestamp: Spring 7, 515 AV Spring had been birthed anew, and although it had only been Kailey's second, she could feel it upon the winds. Its ethereal hand caressing her bare flesh, lifting her dress away from her legs, as it forced her hair to sway back and forth across her neck. She could sense it within her sight, as grass sprouted from the soil, and flowers and vines began to blossom here and there- wherever they found space. Taste it within the air; that sort of faint, fresh hint it seemed to carry with it. Smell it with the change in cooked foods, and hear it in the way the waterfall crashed as it overlooked the city. Feel it as she skipped along the few tiers that made up Riverfall aimlessly, as she had yet to be in the city long enough to come to the point where she always had a destination in mind after having left the warmth of her bed for the day's happenings. As she moved along, Kailey hummed a merry little tune to herself, and held the edges of her dress, as though she were collecting it for the purpose of gathering things in the little pocket it had formed. It swished around her as light filtered down through the waterwall, and onto portions of each tier she moved through, allowing her to travel through both light and shadow as she came upon the third; one level with a strip of the docks. There, she noticed a few different things that seemed to be shops, with their intricately carved signs, (or even simply carved, or painted ones). She smiled gayly as she looked upon each one, and then, shrugging, pushed the door of another open at random. The moment she had, and the heavy door had shut behind her, the Kelvic's nostrils were assaulted by a multitude of smells. So, she sniffed the air, her tiny nose twitching as she absorbed a great number of scents. Some she thought she recognized, and others which seemed exotic, foreign, and generally intoxicating, if not a tad intriguing. So, she walked forward, guided into Alements by what felt an invisible string. The Kelvic looked left to right, then up to down, frantically. Not sure where she should allow her eyes to settle as there was just so much to take in. Rugs in many colors. Greens like the grass, blue like the sea, and another like the night sky, oranges like pumpkins, and yellows like daffodils, and then so many other things in-between, in hues the girl couldn't quite describe. Then there was this big reflective thing, which showed a picture of everything else, and her in their midst, and if she walked up to it, or poked it or anything, her image got bigger and bigger, until she felt like it would eat the whole darned thing. Kai wondered vaguely what that was. But then shrugged it away as she caught the scent of more herbs. Clovers, she thought, and something else, which had a soft, sweet smell, and seemed as though it could be yummy. The Kelvic followed her nose, and noticed that a lot of the things she thought might be yummy seemed to be way up high, in or next to these little window-like thingies. "Now why would you be way up there?" Kai asked, as she cocked her head and blinked a few times, all the while wondering if she could jump high enough to get at them and take a bite. Kai started hopping. Such a shame, because nope, she couldn't, which, not so surprisingly, made her want all the leafy greens she saw even more. As she was musing on how she might acquire them, she heard footsteps and laughter, and began to notice the shop's other patrons and occupants. Most specifically, a lithe-looking man with a goat's horns, which made her feel as though the shop's layout had now been explained. Because goats weren't exactly the type that liked to share. |