To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)


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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Aventis on November 13th, 2014, 9:10 pm


90th of Autumn, 514 AV

The autumn air bit and nibbled with a tedious and unrelenting cadence on the lone squire’s exposed skin as he followed, ever so carefully, the road of dirt and faded hoofprints before him to the Mithryn Outpost. Seeing as the squire, so brave, so ready to fill his own boots, had never seen it before in his nineteen years of living in Syliras, he figured it would be fitting of him to at least do a patrol or two around the general area.

The days had progressively become shorter, night descending quickly upon the city, but not quite yet. It had been about half a bell from noon and Aventis could clearly see the sun was in a very different position than it had been a bell and thirty chimes or so ago, when he had left the city of peace, and he regretted greatly not taking up the opportunity to buy a horse right then, because, to be quite frank, his feet felt like raw shyke by now. But, alas, Aventis had no method of returning, and so he didn’t intend on it yet. He intended on doing a few rounds and begging one of the locals to ride him home, which was his only option next to spending the night in an inn, seeing as the road at night was a completely different trek than the road during the day, Aventis ran the danger of getting himself mauled by who-knows-what, and he wasn’t sure if the outpost even housed an inn.

What an undeniable hero I am… Aventis thought, cursing his thin legs for carrying him with such weak stamina, his feet moaning and his bones aching as he continued along the path.

The outpost had come into view a bit ago, but Aventis was an estimated five chimes or so from reaching the outpost itself. It wasn’t as impressive as Aventis had thought. Its walls were not grand, but enough to keep the night away. Its roads were certainly not paved in gold, but Aventis never truly expected that. It was but wishful thinking. It wasn’t as… Spacious as Aventis had originally thought. Merely enough for the livestock and the common areas. It wasn’t glorious, nor was it grand. The only way to properly describe the Mithryn Outpost was… Enough. The guard towers that decorated the wall weren’t extravagant, weren’t impressive, but they were enough. Perhaps I could spend the night patrolling… Aventis had thought, considering the option with intent as he stepped up to the gatehouse of the outpost, nodding politely to his superiors as he stepped inside the iron clad doors and into the modest outpost. The streets were near void of residents, who were most likely inside enjoying the evening or tending to livestock, rather the knights on their respective rounds, of which there were many more than Aventis had initially thought, which did little to ease his mind of unrest.

From his knowledge of the Syliran city, he immediately recognized the area he found himself in to be the market and business place, which would explain the excess amount of knights and members of the order to protect it. It might be better to do rounds where knights are near, the squire thought to himself, immediately picking out a route. He traveled along a somewhat shorter road which seemed to run through the bulk of the business place, a bit around the inn, and back to the gate. It was small, incredibly so. Aventis debated the relevance of his route after travelling it for a bit, no more than two or three rounds, arguing that the knights had populated the area already, and began to set off towards the civilian portion of the outpost.

He had travelled just a short distance into the civilian area before his feet simply ached too much for movement. He leaned against the nearest wall, sighing deeply, hoping that no knight could see him relieve himself of pain, hoping with a greater caliber that the owner of the house he leaned against did not see him. But more than anything, the squire needed rest. He was beyond lucky that no knight was nearby at the moment, lest he be embarrassed in front of a superior. But resting felt too good. He stood there, watching the light blue sky move slowly in accordance to the clouds.

Or was it the other way around… He thought.

He didn’t know. For the moment being he was content. He was happy with the world and all it was. He watched the sky roll by.


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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Katelyn Marks on November 17th, 2014, 8:33 pm

It was a gruesome sight, but Katelyn couldn't look away. He'd asked her to investigate, and she would. Really it wasn't any different than an animal just plain being butchered, but it didn't feel right. It was dirty, and wrong. It didn't feel necessary. Just senseless slaughter. The young man who'd came to her earlier hung back now, distressed and disheartened.

"What do you think?" he asked miserably, unable to look at the mess.

Katelyn shook her head, at a loss for words. Two cows lay dead before her. They had been living in a pen behind the young man's house. A large dairy cow and her young calf. Both of their heads were severed, and their bodies had been arranged to appear almost like they were sleeping. Except their heads were gone. Old blood had pooled and dried under their bodies, and streaks of it stained their black and white sides with rusty brown.

"I think you should go find someone of authority," she supplied slowly, feeling her skin crawl the longer she looked at the poor beasts.

The calf he'd said was no more than a few days old. The thought disgusted her, and her heart swelled with pity. Finally, she tore her gaze away and put the gore at her back, giving the young farmer a firm, level stare.

"Go now. I'll stay here and keep watch over the bodies."

When he was gone, Katelyn turned back to the mess and frowned. It took a few moments to muster the courage to approach, but she finally inched toward the two dead cows and crouched to examine the calf. His legs were folded up underneath him, seemingly natural, and his headless neck stretched out on the ground, as if it would be resting. She tried not to look at the fact that its head was gone--hacked away by something that seemed to have caused a lot of trauma. The wounds were messy and gored. Kat shuddered and touched the baby, feeling her skin crawl.

Carefully, she nudged it onto its side. It flopped lifelessly onto its ribs, and she paled whenever its belly was exposed. Its organs were gone. A messy tear had been opened, and its empty rib cage gaped up at her, red and raw in the sunlight.

OOCWe can assume this farmer stumbles upon you, Aventis.
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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Aventis on November 18th, 2014, 8:53 pm


It had been but a moment before Aventis shut his eyes, drifting softly to sleep. He had woken up before the dawn that morning, strapping his weapons and walking rounds earlier than normal. He was tired, now. Unusually so. And… Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if he just…

Hey! HEY!

He heard it before he saw the source of the noise. The caretaker of the home - a young-ish farmer around the age of thirty - was now walking towards the drowsy squire with a quick and angered cadence of step.

Aventis, now standing at attention, as he would do if addressed by his patron knight. He stood straight, holding his hands behind his back. The squire knew he had authority over the farmer, but Aventis didn’t look much like a squire at the moment. His armor was concealed by his cloak and he wasn’t on patrol. The only thing the farmer knew was that his day had been interrupted by a man who was relaxing on his property, and he had a right to be upset. The respectful thing to do, Aventis figured, is to take his tongue-lashing respectfully.

The farmer took little time in marching up to the squire. “You ignorant petching twit.” He spat at the squire, a drop of saliva shooting from his lip and marking the squire’s cloak with a dark dot. “You walk onto MY property, and decide to just place your wiry ass wherever you want!? How about on my boot, you lousy petching pinprick?

It was about this time that the farmer had noticed the shining hilt of Aventis’ rapier. He looked at it not with surprise but with anger. The farmer locked eyes with Aventis, his anger evident. “KATELYN.” he yelled, his eyes shifting quickly between the man’s weapons and his eyes. “KATELYN. I NEED YOU, PLEASE.” he yelled again.

Aventis sighed. He should’ve just left right then. But he didn’t.


Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Katelyn Marks on November 24th, 2014, 6:06 pm

It would be impossible not to hear the shouts from around the other side of the farmer's home. Apparently someone was around that shouldn't be, and Katelyn stood from investigating the carcasses. First everything just seemed angry. Kat heard garbled insults and winced internally at their vehemency, feeling a little sorry for who was on the receiving end. But it seemed that things turned around, because soon he shouting for her--fear laced in his calls.

"Shyke," she muttered and dashed after him.

She was confronted by a very strange, unfamiliar sight. The farmer turned to her when she came around the house, and the frantic anger etched on his face made her uneasy. Katelyn gave the stranger before them a hard, level gaze. He was tall--tall enough that she had to look up--and armed, she noticed when the hilt of his blade caught her eye. He was a very plain looking man though altogether. Uncertain, Kat finally spoke.

"Who are you?"

Straight to the point.

"What's with all this commotion?" she added, shooting the farmer a glare.
Last edited by Katelyn Marks on December 1st, 2014, 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Aventis on November 26th, 2014, 12:43 pm


OOCSo... If I didn't mention it, and I'm just being absent-minded, I'm sorry, but Aventis usually hides his arms. Again, apologies if I don't have the right information. Also, apologies for what I’m about to do. But it’s fun. Since he’s a throwaway character.

Quickly the scene seemed to escalate. The farmer stood, staring at Aventis and his weapons with crossed arms and a cross glare. After a moment of silence, a girl ran from behind the home, presumably the farmer’s backup if something were to go awry.

Who are you?” the girl asked simply. Aventis was about to respond when the farmer did for him.

No petchin’ idea, Kate. No petchin’ idea. I walk o’er here and see him leaning on my petchin’ house, Kate. My house. I start’d repremandin’ him and notice he’s armed to the petchin’ teeth. Look’a that!” He said, shoving his hand in Aventis’ direction to indicate his danger.

What’s with all the commotion?” She growled again, glaring at the farmer, who took an offended expression.

Kate, ya’ can’t blame me. Look’at him! He was snoozin’! On my petchin’ walls! Why, Kate? Why woul’ som’on do that shyke!? Another question, why is he armed to take down the entire petchin’ Ebonstryfe? An’ usin’ that shyke to poke ou’ of his stupid li’l cloak and scratch th’ paint on my home!” He yelled. “It does not make sense, Kate. No sense whatsoev’r.

Aventis sighed, not breaking his stance as he said, loud and clear, “My name is Aventis. I am a squire under Patron Knight Ser Utis. I took a repose against this gentleman’s house. Frankly, the hike here is tiring. And the patrols moreso. Nevertheless, I apologize.” the man barked, trying to be as formal as possible.

The farmer sputtered, his eyes bulging, barely believing what he saw. “You’re kiddin’. This is insane. Absolu’ly petchin’ insane.” He nearly yelled, his volume slowly inclining. “You were tired, so inst’ed of simply hikin’ your squirely ass up to th’ inn and takin’ a nice nap there, you decided to park yourself on my home? My abode? My little peace of mind? I assure you, a man’s home is his castle, and you just press’d your ass up on mine and decided to snooze! Oh, but I’m supp’osed ta’ follow ya’, eh? You’re a squire and I’m just a little farm’a doin’ his work and you decide t’do wh’ev’a you decide ta’.


No! I don’t want a single word to leave those filthy li’l lips. Not ONE. You think I’m a peas’nt, then? Do ya’?

“No, ser, I would never-”

Oh so y’do, eh?

“No! I just told you I wouldn-”

Go on, then. Slap me.


Go a’ead. I’m just a li’l farmer, right? Jus’ a li’l farmer that feeds you and the rest of yer’ petty squire friends, right? Slap me.” The man exclaimed in a righteous manner, holding his cheek out.

Aventis looked on in disbelief, beginning to regret his journey to the Mithryn Outpost. Rounds can be done in the city, right? They can be done nearly anywhere else. And this is what happened. Aventis closed his eyes, counting back from ten to calm himself.

“I am not going to slap you.” He calmly told the farmer.

Oh! OH! And then you don’t fulfill your duty? Surprise surprise.

“What? How is that my duty?”

I’m a citi’zen. I’m in danger. You help me.

“How is that danger?”

I need to be slapped!

“You most certainly do not.”

Sure I do! I’m being disorderly! Oppress me!

“Please help me.” He said, turning to the girl.

Help him!? Help me, Kate! D’ya not see him disobeying his knight’y code and whut’ot?” The farmer yelled again, turning to the girl.


Last edited by Aventis on December 27th, 2014, 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 1st, 2014, 6:42 pm

The farmer gave their mysterious guest no chance to reply. He dove into a fierce tirade, cutting the young man off and talking at whirlwind speed. He voice steadily rose in octave, and his face grew red with outrage and frustration. Katelyn knew he was distressed from the cows so she pitied him slightly, but when the young man finally found room enough in the conversation to introduce himself and received another backlash in reply, the redhead was a little taken aback.

She raised her hand to the young farmer to try and catch his attention, perhaps stop his ranting, but he forged on without a single glance her way. He was a one man army besting the both of them. Kat couldn't fight the amused smile that crept its way across her lips. The more the idiot ranted, the more it grew. She covered her twisted mouth to mask a snicker, but her eyes were crinkled with obvious amusement. It was quite the tongue lashing the tall young Squire was receiving, but she knew the idiot dairy farmer wouldn't do anything rash. She was here to stop him if he grew too overzealous.

At the climax of their argument, they both turned to her to make the big decision. Her face was pink with suppressed laughter, but with one good look at their expressions, she lost her precious hold on it all. Kat cackled at the two of them for a few good long chimes, much to the distress of the farmer. He watched her, insulted and wounded as great peels of laughter shook and rocked her body. He might think this was a crime against himself and his property, but he was also an idiot.

When she was able to finally rein in on her mirth tears pricked the corners of her eyes and she struggled to calm her breathing. Pink cheeked and smiling, she managed to muster a semi-serious tone and speak.

"You're a right dumbass, you know that?" she accused the farmer bluntly, and his jaw dropped.

"W-What?" he sputtered, and she held up a hand to silence him before he could try to argue.

"Don't be such an idiot. The poor young man was just resting. How was he supposed to know the situation? And I wouldn't call a sword being armed to the teeth," she snapped, finally sober from her prior merriment.

"I think you should go inside and cool down. He may be able to help out back. I'll show him the situation and see what can be done. If we need you, I'll come get you," she continued slowly, trying to speak to his more reasonable nature, but apparently reason was on vacation.

The dairy farmer's face twisted, obviously unhappy with that idea. When he opened his mouth to argue, Katelyn silenced him with a furious shout.


Starlings that had been roosting on his roof cried in fright and took flight in a whirl of wings, fleeing the sound of her impatient anger. He looked rightly chastened and pale at this point. Shooting a glare at the squire, he mumbled something that much have been assent, because he stomped to his front door, threw open the door, and slammed it behind him. When the latch clicked, the breath left Katelyn in a heavy sigh.

She turned back to the Squire and offered an embarrassed smile.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I promise that his behavior is from stress. My name is Katelyn. I was helping him with a problem out back. Two of his cows were found dead in their pen. Beheaded." Her face twisted in distaste. "You're on duty, right? Perhaps you could give me a hand?"
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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Aventis on December 4th, 2014, 12:24 am


OOCHey, Kate. So, I’m very sorry for the post, but I figured it would be a tad easier to do a somewhat shorter one and let you take the reins. Once Aventis is introduced to the issue it’ll get better. PM me if you don’t much like this and I’ll do my best to change it. Thank you kindly.

The squire watched as the farmer that had just a moment ago verbally lashed Aventis with ferocity likened to an angry jackass, and the squire couldn’t suppress the thin smile on his lip as he watched him hang his head in shame and drag himself back into his home. Aventis couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for the man. Aventis really did do something wrong, and it was definitely reprimandable, but the poor farmer took the blame. Aventis was honestly sorrowful.

For like a second.

I’m sorry,” the girl said, earnest in her apology. “I promise that his behavior is from stress. My name is Katelyn.

“Well, um… Thank you, Katelyn. It’s a pleasure.”

I was helping him with a problem out back.” She said

Yes! the squire immediately, thought, jubilant. Could be my opportunity to help…

Two of his cows were found dead in their pen. Beheaded. You’re on duty, right? Perhaps you could give me a hand?

Both her face and that of the squire’s contorted in disgust of the very thought, and Aventis honestly considered turning on his heel and walking out right then. His disgust in the matter was clear on his face, and his stomach churned with the very thought. He was not an undertaker and he didn’t much want to be, but he knew he had to swallow his dignity and help the girl, as was his duty.

“Yes, miss. I am on duty. And I can help… But… Beheaded? Pardon my ignorance, but I don’t believe that’s typical of predators. I’m not a detective. I can’t do much to help. I can certainly try, but…” He glanced up at the horizon. Sunset was closer than he thought. “But I need to get back to the city before sundown. And I only have my own feet. I’m not sure how long I have.”


Credit to: Rhys for picture edit, Redd and Estellir Konrath for Boxcodes, and Fallon for Signature

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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 27th, 2014, 2:49 pm

He didn't seem to much like the idea, and Katelyn couldn't blame him. Yet she needed his help with this, and so she smiled apologetically.

"You're right. This isn't the work of a predator. I feel as though someone did this. Of course I have no idea who else they would already be turned in. That's where I was hoping you could help. As for getting back to the Outpost, we can find you a ride. That won't be hard. You should be able to use a horse from the Garrison, right?"

Katelyn folded her arms across her chest and jerked her head in the direction of the back of the house.

"We can figure it out later. Right now you're here and I need your help. Follow me, if you will."

She didn't waste much time. Kat turned on her heel and marched back the way she'd come, expecting him to follow. This wasn't her department. She wasn't an investigator. Smart maybe. Intuitive perhaps, with a decent eye, but she couldn't disect a crime--a crime this was for sure.

Katelyn showed him the pen in the back and both of the bodies. The calf's empty belly was still exposed, gaping and raw in the sunlight. She climbed through the fence but other than that hung back this time, giving him the floor.
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To Cry Wolf I (Katelyn)

Postby Marrick Corvis on April 5th, 2015, 12:48 am

I Bring You Grades


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Social Lore: Katelyn Marks

Notes: All land, and property in Syliras is “owned” by the Knights (this is direct from Nightmare) the people would know that. Especially a farmer, who was enlisting the help of a squire or knight. I also highly doubt they would try to start a fight with anyone in the Order as the knights do have the right to arrest people and there is little to know concern about repercussions of such an action. A little reminder - Ticks/Chimes/Bells. “For like a second.”

All in all it was a good thread. I enjoyed the read. I’m sorry it was cut short.


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Notes: As usual, a pleasant read. Keep it up.
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