A curious ship comes ashore, leaving Kiva to meet its residents.
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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...
Moderator: Gossamer
by Kiva on April 1st, 2015, 12:50 pm

31st of Summer, 511 A.V
Falyndar Coastline
Kiva crouched, unmoving with a long stick in her hand. She was completely focused, dark eyes fixated on the dark hole in front of her. As quiet as she could, she shifted her weight so that she was behind the burrow. Nothing moved, but she knew there was something nasty in the earth. She had saw it go in, she knew it was there. She noted the wavy tracks in the ground, how they arched and curved. She saw the hunter disappear to steal another’s offspring. Nasty creatures.
The sound of a small struggle sounded beneath the surface, muffled. If she had not been listening for it, Kiva would have missed it. Still, she knew the snake that had disappeared within the depths was successful in its hunt. As such, she also knew it would be the most lethargic. If she was going to do this, it would have to be now before luck left her.
“Caiyha, give me aid and I shall return your child to you,” she whispered, quickly analyzing the tool in her hand. The stick itself forked at the end, just big enough for its purpose (she hoped). Chimes passed. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the serpent began to poke its head from the hole. It slithered forward lazily, and Kiva could see the lump in its stomach. She struck.
Taking a sharp breath, Kiva aimed and wasting no time she shot out the stick, landing the fork on either side of the creature. Instinctually, it began to shuffle backwards, and lady luck smiled. The head was too big and it caught, causing the animal to hiss furiously and thrash. Kiva steeled her nerves, wrapping her hand as best she could around the creature’s body. Nearly losing grip of the stick with the other, a moment of panic ran through her when the idea of getting bitten manifested. She was too far from Taloba. If something bad happened, she wouldn’t make it in time.
Moving her hand upwards, she reached the base of its head and her fingers found either side of its jaws. She squeezed, keeping a firm grip. The serpent’s mouth froze, and its beady black eyes stared up at her with hatred. She smiled smugly, “Not so tough now, are you?” The markings of the snake were brown and black with some white. Kiva began to examine them closely, grabbing a part of its body and examining the pale yellow underside as well. Finally, Kiva reached into her bag, keeping the snake at an arms distance, and pulled a jar with leather stretched tightly over the top. She pushed the snake’s nose towards the canister.
“Let’s see if you’re useful to me,” She muttered, tempting the animal to bite down on the opening. It resisted at first, taking a minute for the fangs to protrude from the top of its mouth and sink into the leather. Finally, when it did, Kiva waited. Nothing. She frowned. “C’mon.” Feeling with her fingers, she felt a slightly enlarged area around the serpent’s jaw and pressed on it. Yellow venom dripped from the veins and Kiva grinned, “There we go! Almost thought you were dried up.” Kiva kept the pressure a bit longer until the fangs stopped dripping liquid and nodded. Not as much as she was hoping for but it was enough. It was likely the animal had already used some of its poison to take down its most recent kill.
As promised to the goddess of nature, Kiva returned her jar to her bag and went to the bushes to release the animal. She looked it in the eyes, and almost felt bad for the creature. She had ambushed it and stole its poison. She had rendered it helpless and it wasn't a Dhani, “Go home.” Kiva let go of the snake and jumped back, expecting a counter attack. Nothing came, and the animal was gone in the blink of an eye. She nodded, turning. Sounds of the ocean played in the distance and after collecting her things, Kiva headed in that direction. She wasn’t done.
Last edited by
Kiva on April 6th, 2015, 12:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Kiva - Player
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by Telor Riptide on April 6th, 2015, 1:37 am
OOCSorry for the (extremely) late reply. I'm afraid my muse had died for a bit there.
However, everything should be back in full swing now. And, do you have a date for this thread, or do we need one?
Telor ran his hands down his face. He pulled at his hair until it felt as though he might pull it out. He clenched his fists and stomped his feet to rid them of their shaking, but nothing could calm the turmoil in his gut. Nothing could fix the anxiety and apprehension that was eating him alive.
Nothing could help him now.
Telor watched as the boat bobbed tauntingly with the up and down sighs of the waves. From here, he could almost pretend it wasn't stuck on the rocks. If he closed his eyes, he couldnt tell that he had stupidly run ashore and likely damaged the hull of his casinor. In fact, if he laid down on the ground and moaned loudly to cover up the sounds of the wildlife around him, he didn’t even know he was stuck in Falyndar- the wildest part of Falyndar,of which he had zero knowledge to be exact.
So it was just that Telor did; he closed his eyes, laid down, and gave his loudest moan possible from the comfort of the ground. It did make him feel a little better,however, it helped his situation not one bit.
Finally calming down and thinking rationally, Telor moved toward his ship. Wading into the water, the sailor climbed back aboard and searched about for materials he could use to repair any broken strips of wood from the hull. The unlucky Svefra was left with little more than an eating knife and a handful of spare wood pieces. Although, he did have a shirt he could ignite and a flint and steel. The real question was, was it worth it to signal for help?
Taking one look at the heavy ship and knowing he would never be able to push it back out to sea, the man climbed back into the water with the necessary materials in hand and waded back in the direction of the land.

Telor Riptide - Player
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by Kiva on April 6th, 2015, 12:34 pm

As the young Myrian began approaching the coast, the jungle began growing scarcer and she lightened her footing. Dark soil was soon replaced by cool silt, and the sensation was not lost on her feet. Kiva weaved between the trees, stepping over thick roots and ducking under vines. She bought her chest lower, bending at the knees to control her movements. In times like this, she felt like a tigress, crouching through the jungle, but at the moment, Kiva had no prey. It was for her own safety. The coast had just as many dangers as the thick of the jungle, and she was aware that to keep ones life, sometimes stealth was necessary. Trying her best not to step on any twigs or break any branches when she moved, she wanted her movements to be untraceable. When she was close enough, Kiva poked her head from the foliage of the jungle, her dark eyes scanning the open beach for any large creatures walking along its length. No whiptails. Not yet, anyway.
When the "coast was clear", Kiva lifted a foot to step into the open, but quickly stopped. Down the water was a structure... a ship? She had only heard of them in stories from her father. The Myrians had similar creations for when the floods came, but they were different. Kiva stared at the oddity for a long moment, quickly drawing her kris. She ducked back to the shadows of the trees and started moving closer, making an effort to keep her weight on the balls of her feet. She wanted to be as quiet as possible.
As she was moving, Kiva heard a loud, pained sound groan through the air. She stopped, blinking. What is that? Was it a strange new animal? Was it human? Myrian? Kiva picked up her pace, inwardly cursing when she began making more noise. She forced herself to slow down once more. Finally, when she was close enough, the young female stepped from the cover of the trees and into the open. Like a skittish rabbit, albeit one that had a fierce bite, Kiva approached the ship. So fascinated, she barely heard the sound of someone or something swimming over the waves. Her eyes widened and she nearly ran to press against herself against some of the coastal rocks. Ducking, she bit her lip, noticing the footprints she had left in her wake.
It was too late. She'd have to wait it out. Kiva took a deep breath waiting for whatever was in the water to emerge. When it did, she paused. It was a... man? She leaned forward, suddenly extremely fascinated. He was wet from the water, but his hair was... his hair was like inside of a mango fruit. Yellow, and short. Kiva's own was long and glossy. Black like the night. Kiva continued to keep her position, although any fear she may have harbored in her pocket soon vanished. Why should she be afraid? It was obvious that whoever this man was, he wasn't Myrian and those were the only true formidable foes.

Kiva - Player
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by Dravite on July 10th, 2015, 1:58 am

XP Award:
- Stealth: 1
- Observation: 2
- Unarmed Combat: 1
- Wilderness Survival, Jungle: 1
- Caiyha: The first Witch
- Beware of strangers on the beach
Notes: Hello, Kiva. Oh my goodness there are so many things I need to cover here in so few posts. Firstly, you must play to your skill level. Kiva does not have the skill to wrestle with or milk poison from a snake, (nor does she have the equipment for that matter, I see nothing posted in possessions to say she has a jar with leather stretched over it), throw a weapon accurately, or cover her footprints (which starts once someone is a master tracker).
This is straight off the Price List page:
Snake venom can be collected from snakes for use by poisoncrafters. To collect snake venom and/or craft antivenom, one must possess at least an L1 in Animal Husbandry and an L1 in Poisoncrafting with more deadly types of venom requiring higher skill levels. Even then, if collecting from a live specimen, chances of getting bit with only the minimum requirements are VERY high. Antivenom costs the same as the actual venom. On average, 5 doses of venom can be harvested from a single snake. The following is a list of common types of snake venom.Have a good read of the lore and make sure you study any prerequisites you need for a certain skill. Sorry I couldn't offer you much in the way of skill or lore this time round. Let me know if you think I have missed anything here and be sure to edit your grading request!
- Dravite
- Ra’athi of The Watch Troha to Tavehk
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