Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, Lelio, and Tohka))

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Seliarus on October 29th, 2010, 7:33 pm

The Dhani was actually quite confused. Confused and angry. Who was this little brad anyways, who dares to call him, a Dhani, funny. Had he no real reason to live on. Was he really that careless to throw his words aimlessly around however he saw fit. He couldn't believe that. He might not be exactly happy with the way the world treated him, but he was proud on that what he is. His glare continued. Yet, what happened then, was shocking. He couldn't even, in his wildest dreams imagine that. Was that a Kelvic, threatening another Kelvic, for his sake? Seliarus had nothing more to say. His mind became void at the very same moment that event occurred. Did he just got...protected? His eyes traveled to the Panther Kelvic, as his glare vanished. he still couldn't believe that.

He nodded at her question. But it was more a nod in a dazed state than a clear minded one, but well, a nod was it anyways. If they made the way to the Center, they might as well explore the places. Of course, -after- the majority of the crowd goes home. Thinking about that, he realized that he did something not really good. He had not known that feeling too good, but, he could tell it was guilt. After accepting Nidae's offer, his glance turned to Nehsmay. Not intentionally, but he did offend her with his words. He almost felt like Lelio at this point, saying everything without thinking about it. He blinked rapidly. "Nehsssmay. I apologizssse. I didn't wanted to offend your people. I...uhh...well..It was.. Uncalled for. I am sssorry." He muttered, trying to not be as cold as usual. He then turned his attention towards Nidae, and after a moment, spoke again. "...My gratitude for thisss. Much, much... appreciated." He finished, even though a late reply, to his two friends. He finally managed to think again.

His attention then gazed at the other two Kelvics, the quite strange child Lelio, and the, newly arrived at the scene Tohka. She did sound a lot more mature than his acquaintance, as he figured they might know themselves, as Lelio was shouting her name just minutes ago. He returned back to his usual watching stance now, pushing all thoughts aside, and following the actions of the not yet known Kelvics. He decided it would be for the best if he would simply make a few steps backwards, as he was after all invited to go back to the gates. He nodded lightly again at the two. He was ready to move.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Nehsmay on October 29th, 2010, 8:28 pm

Nehsmay was slowly loosing her patience even after having dealt with two younger siblings of her own. The imp was quite rude even if he didn't understand that. "Hey..." she poked him in the arm "You're rude. Saying people are funny is more of an insult than a compliment and saying someone talks funny is just downright insulting. Just because he's not like you doesn't make him funny." She glared at the young boy and found herself wishing she had fangs like Nidae to snarl at him. Oh how would Shade have loved to nibble on his hair... HARD...

"It's ok Seliarus..." she reassured him "You don't know Avanthal and you hardly know how Vantha are like. It's a shame you don't like the cold, because I'd love to take you there one day."

Upon seeing the new Kelvic join their party and take care of the small boy, Nehsmay stepped backwards a few steps hoping to make a dash towards the gates as soon as possible and leave the madness of the city behind. She would come back to find a job and maybe sleep in a bed a day or two, but that was all. She couldn't wait to head to Zeltiva.

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Nidassasyae on October 30th, 2010, 7:04 am


OOCSorry guys, no more Ms. Nice Nidae ;)

Nidassasyae snarled, standing between Seliarus and stranger, and took one measured step forwards. She looked as though she were about to pounce on the boy, regardless of being in her human form. "Insult my companions once more, boy, and I'll rip your throat out," she hissed, tensing to strike. There could be no misunderstanding her intentions now. Regardless of having Nehsmay standing right there, Nidae would not have anyone insult her Dhani friend. The Kelvic girl had no concept of morals, and she would not back down from this boy's 'challenge', or so it seemed to her. Wild animals had no morals, no matter if she had appeared concerned for the boy before. She would tear this insolent little cityboy apart, if it came to it.

Nidae glanced at this 'Tohka', giving the other female Kelvic a warning glare. "Do not interfere, this is not your fight," she would say to Tohka calmly, her eyes fixed on the strange boy.

"Do not presume to call me 'Sharp Teeth', unless you wish a closer look at my fangs," Nidassasyae growled to the wounded boy.

The leopard suddenly straightened, casting a bewildered look to the Dhani man behind her. She nodded, gave him a small smile, the resumed her predatory stance. The Dhani man's kind thanks only served to reinforce the vehement glare she shot at the boy.

OOCNot gonna post much today, my b-day celebrations gonna get in the way :)

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Lelio on October 30th, 2010, 8:07 am

OOCThat's what we're talking about! Fun times :)
By the way sorry people I'll probably be away until Tuesday :/

Tch tch tch tch tch... Some people just get angry so easily. Funny people are funny, be that an insult or a compliment - he didn't mean either. Rude? Insulting? Gah, adults and their inflated ego.

Oh. he said as if he now just understood the gravity of the situation.

Is that so? he went on merrily.

Something was wrong here. His smile, no longer a childish and innocent one, had turned into some kind of strange unsettling grin almost bordering maliciousness. His gaze fixed on Nidae did not show any hint of fear and were just down right creepy, as if one couldn't read what he was thinking for there seemed to be no intention of fighting in these green - and now primal - eyes of him.

That unpleasant moment didn't last though. Within seconds, his smile switched back to a joyful one like nothing ever happened.

Oh but I do wish to take a closer look at your fangs, missie! he said with a hearty laugh.

That is, if you can catch me.

That being said, he jumped from his position with incredible haste and quickly dashed into the crowd. Lelio did know predators well, and he would take no chance in letting his opponent turn into her primal form. As long as she was "human", would Nida try to follow him he had little doubt she would get lost - but still, he would slow down his pace once he got away from the little street. It would be way more interesting to have her chasing him a tad bit longer than loosing her in the first moments.

Bah, maybe she wouldn't follow him after all. That would be a shame, but adults had their fits of anger, and perhaps she wasn't boiling hot with rage.

... Yet.
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Tohka on October 30th, 2010, 7:49 pm

Well this situation was getting out of hand. Tohka watched as Lelio ran away ready to dash after him if the fanged kelvic did. She tried to calm the kelvic down, it probably wouldn't work but it was worth a shot. "Look, I'm sure your pissed off at him, but he didn't mean any harm. He's just......... Clueless......" Yeah that was the best word to describe him, she thought.

Well if this situation got worse Tohka would step in, hopefully she wouldn't have to. This was defently not what she thought would happen when she came to the city. Then again the forest wasn't what she expected either.

Maybe people were just crazy.

Tohka was having a hard time understanding people. What they did, the way they acted. Then again Tohka did have a short temper, and would probably try attacking people too if they got on her nerves...............

Man, this was counfusing.
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Seliarus on October 30th, 2010, 9:24 pm

Something was telling him, that he should do something now, The Dhani was now protected by both of his friends. And he felt really grateful for that. But, he couldn't leave others take care of him. He was probably older than all of them combined. But why couldn't he. Was he really that useless, that he couldn't even take care of himself. That made him think about everything. There is no way. Just no way that this could be actually happening. He knew better than that. He killed. He knew how to deal with people. But why is this happening. Why does it seem so hard. It seemed impossible. He felt weak. Useless...Useless...Useless.

All he wanted now is to get away from the town. He seen Lelio run away, and then he looked at Nidae. "Leave it...Let'sss jusst go. It'sss not worth it." He muttered, before turning to Nehsmay. Even she, weak of health as she was, decided to stand for him. "Pleassse..." He muttered, somehow begging them to leave. He couldn't stand it anymore. He was about to hurt someone if this continued. His while body shook at the thought of that. Why not...It was almost a day since he last felt blood on his lips. No, no no. He shouldn't think about that. He is supposed to control himself. But, why. Hearing someone's scream is music. He should do it. But no. The fight inside of him raged on, as he looked at Tohka for a moment. Was she also here to fight. He hoped it wont be another drop in the already full barrel.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Nidassasyae on October 31st, 2010, 3:14 am


The leopard glared back at the boy, unfazed by the odd expression. She was so furious now, that even his malicious stare did not bother her. The predator lunged forwards, preparing to shift.

Nidassasyae stopped, freezing in mid lunge. Seliarus' words were the only thing preventing her from sprinting into the crowd. As the anger started to abate, clearing her mind, she realized the folly it would have been to chase. She would have gotten lost, and even if she had caught him, humans didn't like people killing other people in broad daylight. She wouldn't have thought of that before, the fury clouding her vision and thoughts. Nidae was a creature of instinct, not one to think things through before she acted.

"I- then let's go," Nidassasyae nodded to Seliarus. Loyalty, that was what really kept her back from pursuing the boy. If he or Nehsmay had asked her, she would have gladly raced into the crowd, searching for the stranger. Any unbonded Kelvic wanted a someone to follow, and here Nidassasyae had two! Though she wasn't sure if what held her to them was friendship, or the beginning tugs of the bond. To the Kelvic girl, inexperienced in anything but survival, all this was sometimes confusing.

"Thank you," Nidae replied to Tohka. The strangers words hadn't been those that had calmed her down, but if Seliarus had told her to leave the situation be, she wouldn't snap at the stranger.
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Nehsmay on October 31st, 2010, 9:38 am

Nehsmay gazed at her friends with sadness clouding her eyes... she wasn't fast enough to stop the argument and she was grateful that Seliarus had stepped in... This was her fault, entirely her fault. She had proposed to go to Syliras, she had dragged both her friends into this mess and a brawl nearly started. What had she been thinking?

"I'm sorry guys, I dragged you here. This is my fault." She sighed then perked up a bit "Let's get out of here fast. I don't like this place anymore than you do... I'll race you there." She stopped a bit and frowned "On the other hand, that wouldn't be too smart of me to do."

The Vantha turned around and started walking towards the gates... she felt like turning back and going to Avanthal, but she had promised Nidae to help her find her family and she too had a special someone to find before her two years to travel had passed. Afterward she would never see him again... It was futile, she knew it, but maybe... She shook her head an glanced back at her friends.

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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Seliarus on October 31st, 2010, 12:48 pm

The Dhani would slowly turn around now. He had absolutely nothing against going to the gates. But he did cringe as the Vantha said racing them to there. For a quick moment, he grew a bit scared of having her get lost again. He couldn't even think straight anymore if that would be the case. He was already on his toes, trying to follow her if she would ran away, but, luckily, Nehsmay kept her common sense it this all, and realized the idea was bad. Terribly bad. He sighed in relief as he shook his head. "It'sss not your fault. You didn't know." He said in return. If he remembered her enthusiasm back in the woods, he was quite sure that what happened here wasn't what they expected. He couldn't hold her responsible for that. All they should do now is just be gone from this cursed place.

Seliarus peered once more at his Kelvic friend, and then nodded in return. Of course they should be going. He didn't care anymore for anything else but for them to get closer to the exit.
"Who knows? Life is like a roll on the dice. You can’t know if something is a good, or a bad roll until it already happened."

The CS moding, framing, editing, and making it look awesome = Copyrights; Nidassasyae Iskedarst
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Unfamiliar Streets (Nehsmay, Seliarus, and Lelio)

Postby Nidassasyae on November 5th, 2010, 1:51 am


OOCDisappeared :( *slaps self* Sorry guys!

Nidassasyae shook her tangled ebon mane. "It's not your fault, Nehsmay," she said, still staring at the direction that Lelio ran off to. Giving herself a shake, she turned and faced her two companions. Nodding her head, she gave a small smile. "Yeah, let's get out of here." It couldn't possibly be Nehsmay's fault, the girl couldn't predict the future.

The leopardess nodded to the strange girl, Tohka. It was the only way that Nidae could say goodbye, and still remain civil. If she spoke, Nidae wasn't too sure if she could control her tone.

Running a hand absently through her hair, the wild girl moved closer to Seliarus and resumed staring at the buildings with a look of hate and fear. When the two began walking, she'd follow. If Nidae even tried to lead, she'd probably get them all lost.
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