Personal Preparation


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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Personal Preparation

Postby Thomas Cosa on August 9th, 2014, 12:31 am

"No incident as of yet," Thomas replied airily, too distracted by the busyness of the spacious lab and his own poorly withheld excitement. He remembered himself, and only just, as he almost ran after Rayage -- when the pulser caught himself mid-stride, and not very gracefully, managed to bring himself to a more respectable pace.

"I wouldn't have dared bring myself to make an appearance, especially considering I'll be working with you, Master Rayage," Thomas stressed the 'with' happily, perhaps assuming too much of a partnership with someone so much more accomplished and well connected than he, "I doubt I've ever been more prepared for anything, ever, and seeing how impressive the experiment is, and the what it could bring out of it, well," he paused, allowing himself a breath as he wondered how high the results would toss his own career and standing within the Citadel, "It would be a folly to come as anything less."

Thomas smiled smugly as he pulled out a small piece of chalk -- he had said he had come prepared -- and quickly began noting down the corpse's instructions. "Twenties copies of the original...five whole copies today, plus the five copies sans personas," Thomas muttered, trying his hardest to keep his mind in the present and not in the possibilities. But how could he not? This magic, what the two of them planned, what Rayage'd planed -- it was enough to capture the gods' attention, and definitely more than enough to capture the eye of the master's circle. Not to mention the pure innovation of the idea; truly manipulating the soul. Not an imitation, but the real thing.

And hopefully, Thomas thought, helping in this experiment would not only give him a little bit more sight into the workings of an alchemist, but to that of the soul itself -- something he had been wanting since he first discovered animation on it's own.

"The copies, at least the first ten will take me the better part of the day," Thomas sighed, not expecting Rayage to enjoy the delay, but he expected the master to at least understand; after all, he practiced a world magic too. Theirs wasn't a flashy, quick thing -- but a wonder of creation, of permanence. "It would take longer, normally, but Cid, in Lab 15, taught me to do copy animations -- so something like this," he paused, calculating, "Maybe would've taken a week," he shrugged.

"So it looks like you picked the right animator!" He smiled, excited. "But I think the copies will take a day, understood?"

And once Rayage gave his OK, he would begin his work.

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Personal Preparation

Postby Rayage on September 28th, 2014, 2:54 am


It seemed that Rayage’s enthusiasm was present in Thomas as well. It was nice to see the young human in such rare form. In all the time she had known him she had never seen the boy move so fast towards a nuit. Usually he acted disgusted, as if he were somehow better than them, better than the nuit, even though it was far from the truth. Everyone had their perspective though, and Thomas was one of thousands who were skewed. The nuit of the isle of Sahova did not act such ways because it benefitted them. No, it was for the island. It was the islands fault; it was the research that drove them to such cold hearted ways. If they did not forego their emotions for the sake of the island, then there would be no advancement, and it seemed that the young human was beginning to understand the consequences of going further into the rabbit hole that is magic.

The almost run towards the nuit wasn’t missed, and indeed Rayage stared at Thomas with her usual vile smile. Poison seeped into the wizards experession as she listened to Thomas, nodding when appropriate, she noted the chalk. ”Half of the lab is yours.” she announced, pausing, choosing her words carefully she considered the phrase, ”Half to do with what you will, as long as you get me the best copies you can create. A single flaw, a single notion of error is all it takes to tip the scales against us, and to deny us the favor of good fortune. World magic, as you very well know, is a fickle thing, and it demands preciseness else the experiment wont turn out. I have drilled this into you, but a final word of caution is everything. Keep it fresh in your mind that your performance within the next couple days directly affects mine. If you do not do your part properly, mine will not turn out. We will have wasted time, money, and valuable living resources. I wish to keep waste to a minimum.” She explained to him, casting a glance at the golems in the room still situating the lab.

However after a couple more chimes and loud bangs of wood on the stone floor, everything was set into its proper place, and the lab was organized for this experiment specifically. ”Ive taken most every precaution to make the lab as spacious as possible to allow for the maximum amount of working area. I do not know how much space you require, but if you can do what Cid can do in a week, in a day then show me your great talent, young Thomas. Back up your words with action and get going already.” The nuit did not mean to sound harsh, but she was eager to get to the meat of the experiment and explore the ideas further. However it couldn’t happen unless they completed this first experiment properly.

”I believe everything you need is within the lab.”

If she had to wait a day to start her initial experiments, then she would rather have the human start sooner than later.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Personal Preparation

Postby Thomas Cosa on October 11th, 2014, 1:39 am

"There will be no flaws in my work," he stated flatly. The very idea he would be so careless, especially considering the repercussions of giving a master a faulty product, insulted him. Still, he took care to reign his emotions, and nursed his slighted pride in silence.

Thomas nodded, "I am fully aware of how dependent the experiment is on my work today," he paused, hesitating -- he wanted to quip back, make a sarcastic remark; he wouldn't though. The pulser was all to aware of how lucky he was, of how greatly he would benefit from the shared experiment. And besides the obvious, Thomas wanted to be there. He'd come to Sahova to change things, to define new boundaries of animation and magic. What Rayage was doing, what he was helping to create -- this was what he craved out of life.

The corpse walker could keep his condescending tone. Thomas wouldn't react to it. He wanted a good relationship with the master, but what he needed more were end results.

9 Bells

Thomas finished the last of the circles, placing the tenth piece of blank paper in the middle. He had marked what copies would have a persona with a 'P' - easy to tell apart from the ones that didn't. He stepped backed, admiring his work. It was a standard coping set: The source, the obvious bigger circle, and a direct line pushing away. 5 circles were then arranged about six feet away from the original source. These all contained one piece of paper, and were organized in a half circle. They each had a line spilling from the center, connecting to the original line that had sprouted from the source circle.

Happy with his work, Thomas began to add the glyphs.

This was never quick work, unfortunately. He stalled, and questioned his own work, his need for perfection filling him with doubt. Daek-yak was simple, he'd been using the glyphs for use; even still, it would take him several chimes to paint them over the circles.

He curved a hard line over the edges of the source circle, the dog resting quietly in it's cage. It was a mutt, unlucky enough to be caught and sold to one of the ships heading to the CItadel. It was starved, and wouldn't last the next season, Thomas thought, sadly. He'd always liked animals.

He reinforced the line with another, lighter curve. It was softer in it's design, made with the smaller edge of the chalk. Together, Daek-yak had always reminded him of a quotation mark. He would repeat the mark around the circle, encasing it in a greater circle, with a squarish edge, giving it corners.

It's purpose was simple -- to contain the Djed throughout the animation, encouraging it in the same direction, making it flow easily and rapidly through the magic. He repeated it throughout all of the circles, insuring an easy flow.

He then traced a simple Daek ruin along the lines, a hard, thick line topped with an arrow that would shape the flow along the connection line.

Finally, he placed a copy glyph in the final circle. He drew down, hard, producing a thick chalky line that curved slightly at the bottom. He mimicked this line again, as perfectly as he could, producing a mirror imaged. He then connected the two with slimmer pieces of chalk, making light wavy lines.
10 Bells

He inspected his work again, and again, ensuring nothing had broken. The circles were in tack and connected, the glyphs were clear and concise -- he would allow Rayage to look over his work, if he was so inclined, otherwise, he would start.

He hardly thought about the blood sacrifice, anymore. He used to always question it, contemplate the need for something that seemed so ordinary. Thomas had supposed it once appeased some kind of deity, but now he believed it only established his connection -- and control -- with the wild djed that permeated the isle. It made sense; why else would his magic work so much better here, be so fluid, than when he learned it in Syliras?

Quickly, and without much thought, he nicked his finger, tiny beads falling against the cold marble of the lab. The circles responded almost immediately, the chalky white curves and lines blushing to a deep scarlet.

A sudden wind tore around him, silent to the world. His ears popped against the magical pressure, his body tensed; but he was calm. Thomas breathed in deeply, exhaling slowly. He was in control. This was something he knew, something he could control, something he understood.

This was his magic.

He swept his hands towards the caged dog, pushing the Djed against the connecting lines, walling up like a wave before collapsing around the source. He willfully pulled and tugged at the spinning magic, encouraging a gentle cycle. Thomas forced the Djed around the cage, whisping around and snatching bits and pieces from the laying dog. He was surprised how calm the animal was; not that he was complaining. A forced animation, one performed without a willing source, was never pleasant; for the animator or the source. There was also the slight problem of accientally transfering the residual emotions of the source -- as well as several others.

But this dog had to have been used as a source before -- it looked bored, even.

Thomas shrugged it off, gently teasing the energy towards the animal. It pushed and prodded on a spiritual level, bits and pieces memorizing the soul core that made up the animal's being, that would serve as a base for his animation.

He breathed in slowly, holding his breath in for a few ticks before exhaling. It was a simple meditation technique, something to allow him to focus more before pushing the life principle through the circles and towards the end circle.




And then he tugged. As gently as he could, the dog was well behaved or just extremely used to this type of behavior, and he didn't want to upset it. Slowly, he dragged the magic though the dog, the energy collecting and memorizing everything that made a soul a soul. The very thing that made something alive.

He felt a brief release in the friction, a small ball of light pulsating throughout the stream of Djed -- only visible to him, and perhaps, those with auristics. He guided it towards the end circle, allowing it to hover simply above the copy glyph -- he wouldn't need it yet.

He stepped out of his circles, removing the ones that only needed the soul core. He set those off to the side.

11 Bells.

He allowed the stream of pure, sparkling magic to flow without disturbance; the persona would be the hardest to develop. Luckily, nothing so complicated as language would need to be incorporated in the animation. Rayage had only wanted something to be dog-like -- Thomas could, instead, take a hand full of dog like behaviors, and re enforced them with memories. If anything he could install a loyalty to him and the nuit, but he would decide on that later.

Now, to start to build a dog.

He knew dogs barked, so that would be important. He wasn't sure cats could bark, biologically, but maybe. So he drew from the source, focusing on it's memories of barking, of howling, of whining. There was a wealth of emotions to draw on, to label a sound to -- hopefully, instead, he could just switch the cat's emotional responses with a dog's.

Hopefully something he could fix with the directives.

He focused on sounds, and those were the memories he got.

He breathed again, focusing the memory, bringing it's aura out to view. It shifted, shaking in the violent curls of Djed; Thomas knew the only thing keeping it intact was his will, and using Auristics was perhaps unwise, but he needed to discern emotion -- he knew he was getting a sound memory -- but as to what noise, or what emotion it was tied to, only auristics could tell him; or even his gnosis he supposed.

The memory sounded, a low growl whispering in his ears. A loud whine followed, and a growl again. The memory's aura shook, it's coloring popping a bright purple with the line, falling to a deep violet, the aura tensing, small squares forming at it's edges. Defensiveness? No, fear. It had delivered a warning with the growly, but the sickly purples and hard edges gave the aura a negative feel, the small squares hinting at a warning -- it tried to defend itself and it's aura responded; but the total emotion was fear. So he had a fear response. He would unfortunately have to use his own memories to provide how to react to a fear response.

No worries, though. He supposed that was, in part, one of the reasons he'd always preferred to source his own animations instead of using others.

He dragged another memory related to sound, a slow, glowing one. Warm and soft and chocolate with tones of amber. A pleasant, peaceful memory -- the glowing tones of amber swaying softly in a sea of chocolate browns and sweet smells. It was silent, besides the soft sound of breathing. This, Thomas smiled, knowing he could switch it for a purr.

Again, he reached into the deep well of shinning light that danced around the dog; it was unfortunate that his magic wouldn't allow him to skim the dogs memories - his gnosis, would, and perhaps later, he could use it.

He tugged at the source, his will disturbing the calm flow; it spluttered uglily, the speeding stream breaking against the dog's aura, it's memories, forcing a piece lose and into the animation. It fluttered, quickly, up and down in the flow. Waves of heat pricked as his skin, his magic tingling; pinks and roses clashed prettily, bubbles forming and popping as the colors touched. Excitement, happiness. Short barks rang out, one fading quickly.

He paused -- the colors flickered, the world dimmed, his vision tunneling; he blinked. His power was growing, but still, he had to remember his limits.

But he could do one more.

With a thought, he drew out another sound. This one lazed in the vibrancy of the magic, dull, and dark. A low whine poured out, a deep blue sluggishly following after the sound.

Last edited by Thomas Cosa on December 11th, 2015, 1:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Personal Preparation

Postby Thomas Cosa on March 8th, 2015, 7:09 pm

- 23 bells -
Thomas chewed on his lip, his face scrunched up in thought. He'd realized only half way through the creation of the persona that he wouldn't actually need any directives, other than to be a dog -- and from what Rayage had explained, alchemy would esentially wipe out the whatever it needed to and replace it with the persona he created. Still, he would add a simple obedience -- to him, first, as master, and then to Rayage. The alchemist might anger, but it wasn't like he was going to find out.

It was simply an insurance to Thomas. If Rayage tried to keep all the credit to himself, well, Thomas could simply override anything the nuit had done. And then keep whatever it was they were creating to himself.

He closed his eyes, breathing, first giving off images of himself, his voice, all bits of pieces of who he was. He allowed the magic to swoop into him, taking merging with his own Djed, his soul, his being, so to allow the creature a more detailed understanding of who he was, and less likely to be tricked. Rayage would only have an idea of the bodies Thomas had seem him in, his gait, his lifelessness, his voice. Enough to prove himself, but the whatever-it-would-be could still be tricked by a smart morpher, ot even a disguise artist.

On a whim, he added an authentication phrase, "From alchemy and animation you were created, to alchemy and animation you are bound." He was beginning to get a bit too dramatic with those, he decided, smirking at his own ridiculousness. Still, he doubted many would guess such an overly dramatic phrase.

Remembering himself, he silently swore as he almost forgot the shutdown -- "Dusk comes, Dust comes, The end," it was a little much, he decided but it would do. He tied the phrases together beautifully with the soulcore, lining it for extra security.

- 4 bells - (the next morning)
He was tired. It had been a day, almost by his own estimation, but the astral body was complicated. Was it even necessary? Rayage hadn't explained it it was, but Thomas hadn't stressed how important it would be -- he only hoped that an astral body shaped over the paper would be fine. Hopefully, if worse came to worse, he could always edit the thing before Rayage used it. It would take long, not a simple edit.

The collective blob of information over the paper stretched and pulled with his mind, pushing it down until it molded with the paper. He hoped Rayage's magic would take care of shaping it like the cat -- it was only then he realized how little he knew about alchemy.

- 6 bells -
With a slight push, the glyphs activated, copying his work into the extra pages, and esentially filling out the oart he needed to play. He sighed heavily, and tired, weighing his hand downs against the breeze of Djed, signaling his animation at it's.

"Master Rayage? I finished. There was a bit of a complication -- though something that could be completely edited if it's an issue," Thomas added in quickly, wanting to cover his ass before the master raged, "The astral body. I understand what you want to do, essentially with the experiment, but animaton calls for the creation of an astral body -- so the automaton understand how to work it's physical body and interact with the world around it," he paused, biting his lip in thought, wanting to phrase everything he said intelligently, "But considering what we are planning to do, since you want to edit an already living soul, with it's own astral body, does that mean the astral body I've created was essentially not necessary? You just needed the persona, correct?"
Last edited by Thomas Cosa on December 13th, 2015, 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Personal Preparation

Postby Rayage on April 10th, 2015, 3:43 pm


The time had went by so smoothly. When preparing for the experiment time seemed to move even faster than it normally did, going a pace faster than it once was. Thomas had been sent to do his own work, and Rayage needed to prepare for her own part in the experiment. In this sense it seemed that she had the easier job, for she did not have to compile the animations used to nurture and change the soul to be. Instead she just waited, and waited she did.

To pass the time she went over her own notes, her own expectations, her own theories in her head. She played out the scenes, the transmutations in her mind, trying to guess what would happen and the progression of things. Would it be an immediate change? Would it be sudden and shocking, or would it be more of a gradual thing, the bits of the soul implanted with continuous and ongoing transmutations? Frankly, she could see it going either way, but the latter seemed more obvious. Never, except in the most basic changes, was the task accomplished in a single transmutation. Change was gradual, and she needed to keep that in mind. Would the cat survive the transmutation? Would it behave like a dog, or be conflicted by the new information, falling somewhere between?

She continued her ponderings while setting up the alchemical circle, the alter of change, where she would perform her art. Once it was set up she walked to the keystone and shed some of her ichor. Wounding her finger, she placed the appendage gently on the circle, feeling the blood-connection, before placing her hand more firmly onto the stone itself. She willed the energies within the circle to spin, calling them to action, springing them to life as her mind clawed at the external world energy around her. It was almost as easy as breathing, this test, which she had performed countless times before over the centuries.

The energies ran the parameter of the circle, dancing on the edges of the metallic and d-wire coiled ring. The energies ran again, having a certain polarity to them, something that the alchemist can sense as it passed through the keystone, through the connection which she had made with the alchemical device. There was a pushing and pulling force inherent in the energies that danced, opposites uniting to bring the magic of Alchemy to life. The pushing force, Rayage recognized, was to be the fount side. The pulling or attractive force that the alchemist felt was to be the filter, as it kept properties within its confined, as the energy rant through and penetrated the other side, making the djed flux more and more with each rotation.

Soon the alchemist had figured out which side was which, what side of the circle held the fount and the filter. With that knowledge in mind, the alchemist began to consciously slow the stream of djed which she had willed into action. She focused on reversing the direction of the flow, the initial act was much more demanding on her mind as it involved trying to slow a steady current that she had set into motion. The djed dragged at the circle as the mental will was applied. She braced herself, steeling her will, holding onto the energy as best as she could. Thankfully this process was much easier when the circle was not charged with anything, the resistance felt would be nothing compared to fully loaded circle.

The stream had slowed considerably, the djed welling against the will of the wizard, and soon enough the alchemist had a finer grasp over the process. The djed slowed even more, and the current became gentle, like the soft running of a stream through a forest, but the alchemist stilled the energy even more. She willed it to a halt, and then proceeded to stand. The circle had been tested, and she knew which side was the font and which was the filter. With that accomplished, she now waited for Thomas’ part to be complete.


When Thomas approached the Master she would be at her desk, scribbling away her thoughts and expectations of the experiment, finalizing the design of her bold formulas. She was a wizard who would change the world with the power of her formulas, manipulating the very soul with the might of her mind, and the thought alone brought her much joy. She smiled as she worked.

The voice interrupted her, and she just listened. She nodded at the boys concern and turned to him with a slight frown, ”Is that all that you are worried about?” she asked, her tone dismissing as if it were a trivial detail, ”You are correct. All I need is the persona. As long as all the copies have an astral body, then we should be fine. My magic can deal with the astral body. You do remember the basic lesson on fonts and filters, right?” she asked wondering if Thomas was really listening to her when she had been so graceful as to teach him some of her art.

She had been fidgeting to get the show on the road, ”I am to assume that you are done then, with your part?” she asked, before glancing away at her notes, ”I am about ready, boy.” she said, looking at the still wet ink on the parchment outlining the process in more detail. If this experiment was a success no doubt would she have to send these to Qiao, ”If so,” she said setting the quill down, and placing a stopper on the inkwell, ”would you be so kind as to get the cat into the alchemy circle?” she asked, ”And hand me the pages. Which ones have the persona and which ones are void of them?” she asked.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Personal Preparation

Postby Thomas Cosa on December 13th, 2015, 5:08 pm

Thomas nodded, "I do. Founts are like sources in animation, the alchemist takes whatever they like from the font, the magic allowing it to be placed on their end product," he paused as he tried to remember what a filter did; it seemed obvious, but he was almost certain there was a trick to it. "A filter...a filter filters the stuff you don't want out?" Thomas guessed as best he could, remembering how Rayage had described the end product. A cat with all of the persona of the dog, combined with the directives he'd added.

Which reminded him.

"To the copies with Personas," he started, lifting the small stack of five in his left hand, making to give them to Rayage, "I added a small directive, obedience -- to us, of course. I assumed -- forgive me if incorrectly -- obedience might be something we'd want in the final product." Thomas also waved the stack of five in his right hand, "These are the ones without Personas, just a soulcore and an astral body. They aren't marked with a 'p' like these, see?" He gestured with his left hand, perhaps too much for the nuit. It was obvious to the animator which was which, but he wanted to make sure the alchemist knew for certain.

This was not an experiment he was willing to risk.

Thomas walked off to push the caged cat -- a regular house tabby, and like the dog, just as calm. Thomas wondered how the cat would fair, it obviously wouldn't die, they needed it for the final product. He wondered if it would stay calm during the transference.

"I also added a temporary shut down and a end phrase. I'm not entirely sure if that would kill the creature - in an animation, it's simply something used in emergencies. Not that we have much to fear from a tabby, but still."

And then he waited eagerly for Rayage to begin.


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Personal Preparation

Postby Languish on September 17th, 2016, 9:14 pm

Name:Thomas Cosa

XP Award:
  • Shielding + 1
  • Auristics + 2
  • Meditation + 3
  • Animation + 2
  • Rhetoric + 1
  • Rayage: Looks Alive
  • Animation and Alchemy Combined = Altered Life
  • Animation: Taking Credit for Creations
  • Master Rayage Needs Me


XP Award:
  • Philosophy + 2
  • Rhetoric + 2
  • Intimidation + 1
  • Helping the Less Fortunate
  • Magic Requires Passion
  • Animation Takes Time
  • Thomas Cosa: Animator, Aurist
  • Killphrase for Emergencies

Penalties/Rewards :
Thomas will suffer a headache for the next three days after using Auristics so heavily. His vision will blur on and off during that time period.

Comments :
Don't forget to edit or delete you request. If you have any questions or feel I forgot something, please contact me via PM.
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