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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
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by Shakune on April 11th, 2015, 9:19 pm

28th Spring, 515AV
The Drunken Fish was disappointingly quiet that evening, much to Shakune's disappointment. Only one of her regular drinking pals was present, and Lenny was too busy crying over his pint to be any fun. The black-eyed courier gave her a friend an unsympathetic slap on the shoulder and finished off her pint. "Look, I don't see why you're so upset." She placed her tankard down on the table beside her and gestured to a passing waitress to retrieve another. "Sarah's a fat hog, she'll always be after the biggest cake she can find."
The large man threw his friend a mithering look. He did not appreciate the love of his life - who he regarded the woman in question to be - spoken about in such a manner. "You don't know 'er like I do. She's sweet, a beautiful girl."
Shakune rolled her black eyes "No she's not. If she were that nice, she wouldn't have shagged that other bloke, would she? Like I said, I don't get why you're that bothered anyway."
Lenny sniffed and wiped his nose. He looked gross; all snotty and teary like a sobbing child. "That's because you're dead inside, Shakune."
Was that a smile she saw on Lenny's pudgey face? Either way, the waitress had bought over Shakune's fresh pint of ale so she was too busy downing half of it to truly care. Lenny was a tragic soul, but a kind friend to her. His obsession with the repulsive woman known as Sraa had ended as Shakune had expected: with him being a slobbering great mess and with Sarah in the arms of another man. "Hey, I just refuse to fall in love with someone who's only gonna upset me at a later point. I call that smart, not dead inside."
Her friend disagreed and shook his head to indicate as such. Then he stood up, wiped his nose, and slapped a leather cap on his head. "I ain't up for this, Shakune. I need to head home and think."
More like cry like a girl and write poems.
"Alright, you big arse. I'll see y'around."
The friends bid goodbye to each other, and Shakune sunk down in her chair, now alone with her pint. She sometimes envied her married and loved-up friends. They had someone to go home to every night, someone to love them and care for them when they needed it. But other times - particularly on occasions at such as this - the courier felt nothing but smugness at her single lifestyle. How many marriages had she known to include some kind of infidelity? The answer was many: Gods, even Shakue had been the dirty mistress to two married men. She enjoyed the sex and the company of married men because they expected no more from her other than a quickie and a dirty joke. They had their wives at home who could provide all the love, affection and kids they could want.
"I just need you, in my life." She murmured romantically to her ale, finishing her fourth pine off and ordering a fifth.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Logan Storm on April 12th, 2015, 1:20 am

Logan needed a drink. He had had another rough day filled with busting the heads of dangerous people. His job was protection, and in his line of work he had met some very intelligent people who had put a new meaning to the word 'Hitman.'
Today was no exception. He had dealt with a poisoner who managed to place a surprise into his clients meal. Logan's client suffered greatly from the meal, and died within one chime.
Can't save them all, he thought and felt a little piece of his heart shatter. Failing to save a life took a large toll on him. He needed to forget this day, and drinking was the best source of amnesia.
As he walked through the streets, the moon glistening in the skylight, Logan noticed a man walking towards him in a leather hat. When he looked closer he could see the man whimpering and slowly streaming in tears. He continued walking as they past each other. When they came close he looked away from the man uncomfortably, silently asking the gods not to draw attention to this other poor soul.
When they passed, his shoulders relaxed and his uncomfortable mood ended. He looked over his shoulder to the man when he heard the word 'Sarah.' "We've all been there buddy," Logan said in a whisper, feeling the same pain that the man felt.
Logan made his way to the entrance of the drunken fish, automatically recognizing the same smell of sweat, men, tobacco, and booze he came to enjoy. He readied himself to head to the nearest table, but decided not to when, out the corner of his eye, he spotted a familiar black eyed lady sitting alone with only a cup of liquor for company.
What's the use in drinking alone? he thought to himself as he strolled over to his old client, one he had somehow managed to protect.
How long had it been since their job? Ten days maybe? Logan didn't remember when he met her but he did remember the day. It was one of the greatest days of his life. He was reminded of the last thing they did together, of the way her lips felt to his, of the way her body felt on his, and of the sweet passion which they had shared in the alleyway. He had a fond memory of that day, and thinking about it made this day a little better.
When he made it to Shakune he took the seat next to her, making sure that he was a little comfortable in the wooden chair. When he was situated, he called to the slave who was serving Shakune. "I'll have what she's having," Logan said while pointing to Shakune's mug.
"You know," he said to her when the slave left. "Scientific studies show that having good sex while you're sad will make you incredibly happy after you have an orgasm."
"Of course, those studies were made by me, but it does work." When he finished talking he smiled at her. "What do you think about my study?"

Logan Storm - Player
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by Shakune on April 12th, 2015, 10:47 am

The courier glanced up sharply at the sound of his voice. She greeted him with a confident smile, extending her legs outwards and twisting around so she now sat facing the man who had once protected her.
Ah, yes. Their business deal had taken a surprising turn for the better at the end of the working day. Shakune recalled how roughly he had kissed her, pinned her against the wall and truly taken charge of their situation. It had been hugely arousing, and even now as she remembered his lips and hands, Shakune could feel hot lust creeping up her spine.
To cool herself off, she sipped her ale. But her black eyes never left the bodyguard's face.
"It sounds pretty accurate based on my previous experience." She offered, placing her tankard down and licking the froth of ale from her top lip. "But I reckon further study is definitely needed."
And she would be more than willing to offer herself as a participant. If that fact wasn't obvious enough, Shakune pulled her seat closer to Logan's, her long legs touching his in a very purposeful, implicating way. When she spoke again, her voice had lost his comedic edge and was quiet, more conspiratorial. "I recently conducted my study myself, y'know. I wanted to find out whether it was possible to combine work and play together successfully."
She allowed this statement to linger for a tick or so, before she continued speaking in the same sultry voice. "I concluded that yes, with the correct amount of hair pulling, a dark alleyway and dirty words, it can be really quite pleasurable." Another sip of her ale punctuated her speech before she finished: "what do you think of my study?" She pursed her lips and tilted her head, waiting for his response.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Logan Storm on April 12th, 2015, 1:20 pm

Logan was the type of guy who couldn't get enough of a woman. From their sweet smell to their smooth skin and warm embrace. If ever he were given the chance to, he would do more than just enjoy the accompaniment of a woman.
Now was his chance, and he was loving every minute of it. The first thing Shakune did that drove him crazy was turning to him, her dark eyes that seemed devoid of an Iris seductively meeting his. However, Logan couldn't help but stare down at her body and remember what she looked like without clothes. He loved the way she looked like without clothes.
She went along with his words and returned his first flirtatious wordplay with her own. She said how she conducted her experiments and subtly reminded him of their day of passion. As if he needed her to remind him. When ever he looked at her that day becomes sketched into his head. When he thought of her, and even dreamed of her, his memories would bounce back and he would remember every detail of what they did, how hard they did it, and how good it felt.
Currently, as he stared at one of the only women that had given him enough of a good time to have everything about her burned into his mind, he was wishing that he could go through that experience again.
Then she did the second thing that drove him crazy. She sat closer to Logan and her smooth legs, which Logan began to adore, started touching his.
Oh how much the passion deep inside of him wanted to take control, take her now. A wild demon was locked in his heart and banged violently on its prison bars, yearning to be let out.
On the outside Logan looked as composed as ever. He kept an eyebrow raised and his mouth shut for a tick. Within that tick his eyes wandered all over her body. They watched her rich pink lips then fell to her chest. Slowly they edged close to her thighs, then her legs. In his mind he pictured his rough fingers going from one part of her to another, then stopping at his most favored spot, between her legs.
The slave who had took his order placed the cup near his fingers on the table. Logan broke his trance of her and turned to the mug. "I don't know," he said. "It doesn't sound accurate. You are going to need to provide me with some evidence." he finished talking then took a large gulp of his ale.
The liquid ran down his neck, providing him with the enriched drug which he first craved. It tasted horrible and was such a hard beer to swallow, yet he couldn't get enough of it. However, after the third large gulp he realized that he wasn't satisfied. He craved something else, another drug unlike any other.
Logan looked to Shakune again with a sign of lust beaming from his eyes. He moved his fingers to one of her thighs, tracing with his palm the curves of her luscious legs. He also picked one of her legs up and guided it to his lap.
"Now is the best time for me," he said to her, watching her while his lips forming a dangerous grin. "But only after we finish our drinks."
He kept one grip on her thigh as he turned his attention back towards his mug of ale.

Logan Storm - Player
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by Shakune on April 12th, 2015, 3:26 pm

His touch sent shivers down Shakune's spine. She shifted herself forward so she sat on the edge of her chair, moving his hand further up her leg so it brushed the innermost part of her upper thigh. Her own fingers landed on Logan's chest, trailing down and further down until they hovered just below his bellybutton. She licked her lips. How she wanted to tear off his clothes off with her teeth, to let him plunge into her body as he had done last time.
Where was the closest alleyway?
But no. He wanted to wait, apparently. She withdrew her hand, lips pouting in pretend sulkiness. "I don't like waiting. But if we have to," Shakune crooned in a low voice, "we may as well make it fun."
She raised a hand, waving the slave waitress over. "A bottle of wine, and two glasses. Make it the good stuff." When the waif had bought over the luxurious-looking bottle, Shakune uncorked it with her teeth before pouring out two glasses. She raised hers in a toast, "to business and pleasure."
Speaking of which...
She drank the wine, swallowing deeply, and unlike the watered-down ale, its alcohol content was much higher. Her mind became blurry, but her hot lust and desire remained at the forefront of her conscious. She observed Logan again, teeth grazing her bottom lip as she resisted climbing onto his lap there and then.
"Do you know any drinking games?" She gave a playful smirk, raising her glass to her lips yet again. As much as Shakune enjoyed sex - and Gods, she certainly did - she relished in general drunken debauchery as well. Combining the two would create her ideal evening, particularly if the sex was with with her favourite bodyguard.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Logan Storm on April 12th, 2015, 10:57 pm

Shakune's seductive form was making him mad. He didn't want to wait to rip her clothes off and do to her what he did in the alley. The only reason he did offer waiting was to see her go as crazy as he was now. It was a game to Logan to see which person would give first. Would Shakune do what she wanted and climb on top of him, or would Logan give into his instincts again and have her on the table? Of course he couldn't do her on the table, that wouldn't be public decency, but at this moment he didn't care.
Shakune pouted when Logan said that they could have their fun when they finished their drinks. She reluctantly accepted, but decided to make some fun out of drinking. What she said made Logan curious, so he watched her while she ordered a more potent source of alcohol.
The slave brought a large expensive bottle back to their table. Shakune took the bottle and used her teeth impressively to uncork it. Logan's eyes widened to this and he held in his chuckle. She poured them both a glass then held hers up to toast. He did the same, freeing his hand from Shakune's inner thigh to raise his glass. "To pleasure mostly," Logan said after Shakune made her toast.
He waited to finish his glass of whine so that he could observe Shakune suck down hers. Everything about her was enticing, and the more he stayed next to her, the more he wanted his animal side to come out.
Shakune asked if there was any drinking game he knew, and he let out a slight chuckle. His digits moved to the bottle and snatched it. He pouring its liquid contents into his glass until his glass was full. "What drinking game do I not know?" Logan said circling the top of his glass with his forefinger.
Logan had been out drinking with friends before, half the time he did there was always a game to be played. It was his friends law to make the most out of drinking. His favorite drinking competition was one he and his companions made, named 'Get A Kiss.'
One person would get a kiss from their preferred sex with their friends watching. If the person got the kiss the person won the round, if the person didn't then the person took a shot. It was a type of game that worked well in a packed bar, or a party. Not perfect for a slow moving night like this, so he wouldn't offer it to Shakune. Besides, he didn't want this scrumptious woman to be tasted by anyone but him.
So, he thought of a different game. "I know one. It's called, I never. I am sure you probably heard of it, and played it. I tell you what I had never done, and if you did do it then you take a sip and do the same to me. If you didn't do it, you don't take a sip and it's your turn."
This was the most embarrassing game to Logan. Half the time he did not want to partake in this type of fun because of the many things one could get out of their opponent. There was no winning or losing to this game, only finding out the most effective way of getting the person next to you drunk. The key was to start with something small, like listing a meal Logan never tried that Shakune may have. Once she became tipsy, the truly intimate questions were asked.
Logan didn't feel like following the key today, so he said, "I'll start it off. I have never given a guy a blowjob, thankfully." He paused to wait for a reaction from Shakune. Would she drink, not drink, or get offended? In his head he was hoping for the former.

Logan Storm - Player
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by Shakune on April 13th, 2015, 11:46 am

Shakune's enthusiasm for the drinking game was obvious. She laughed heartily before raising her wine glass in agreement with the proposition. "Oh, I like this game. You can learn a lot about a person this way."
Next, she wondered what tactic she would use for this game. Would she be clever, and ask questions that she knew would make only Logan take a drink? Things like never have I pissed standing up or never have I been kicked in the balls. He had entered the tavern later than she had; he'd need to increase his alcohol-to-blood ratio quickly in order to keep up with her drinking.
Or perhaps she would be direct, and ask those dirty secretive questions one always wondered about a friend (I guess we are friends, she decided). But playing the game this way had a habit of biting Shakune in the ass: there wasn't much questionable things she hadn't done, given her attraction to both men and women and her incredibly open mind. Three characterises, she had found, that resulted in some truly fantastic stories.
And of course, there was the other, more important game going on between the courier and her companion. This game was titled 'who can wait the longest before losing control'. Shakune wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out in regards to this game; her chest fluttered with arousal whenever Logan spoke, and her loins burnt with lust.
But she would resist, and she would keep control of herself. If she wasn't going to win one of his games, she was damned sure she was going to try and win the other.
Sex is all about tactics, anyway, she decided upon taking a sip of her wine in response to his starting point of the game. "That's not fair. My skills are renown throughout Sunberth" she groaned, her hand sneaking up his left leg and coming to rest on his inner thigh. As Shakune spoke, her index finger started to stroke what lay in the middle between his legs, a gentle touch that she hoped would tease and taunt her bodyguard, "but fine. If that's how you want to play."
She retracted her hand sharply, that dangerous smirk back on her lips. Shakune considered what her offering to this game would be, and the decision took several chimes. But finally, she said: "never have I ever had an affair with a married woman."
Just for good measure, she took a sip of her wine.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Logan Storm on April 13th, 2015, 11:30 pm

"That's not fair. My skills are renown throughout Sunberth," Shakune said as she took a drink. Logan had hit the nail on the target with his guess, and he smiled widely at that.
"Oh, I hope so," he said in the same way he had been speaking to her before, teasingly. As Logan waited for her turn to give him a reason to drink, Shakune did something very unexpected. She slowly skid her fingers to Logan's thigh. And when he thought that was enough to arouse him, she gently maneuver'd her hand on and around his crotch.
There had been a wall inside Logan when he had walked into this bar. As he began speaking to Shakune, it started cracking slowly. Now, after what she had done, it was as though a giant wrecking ball was crashing through him, causing chaos and lust to go mad within him. As Shakune retracted her fingers from him, he fought the urge to take her, rip off her pants and underwear, and have her in this establishment for all to see. He needed to get her out of here, fuck waiting.
After Shakune took her turn, Logan took a giant gulp of alcohol, but not from his glass. The source of wine which he drunk came from the bottle. He held his hands around the bottles neck so hard till his knuckles turned white, then placed the opening between his lips. Within a matter of ticks the liquid depressant was creating lump in his neck as it ran down. One gulp turned to two, which then turned to three. He was now tipsy, maybe even more so than his drinking mate.
He placed the bottle down and thought about licking the liquid from his lips. However, he quickly thought of another use for his lips.
Logan leaned over to Shakune. One hand moved around her body and touched a cheek of her butt; although, he didn't grab her. He just placed his hand on her seat for support, but so close to her butt cheeks to where they touched. He then moved his other hand to her crotch and brushed his fingers between her legs. Although, he wasn't applying force to where she could feel it. He was just wiping his fingers on her clothing and making sure she could see.
His lips ran to her ear and he turned his voice into a deep whisper. The vibrations of his vocal cords could probably be felt near her ear, and the hot alcoholic air he blew could definitely be felt on the back of her neck.
Silent to everyone else but her he said, "I never had sex with a sultry woman in my own bed. Would you like to be my first?" Then he pecked her lips with his alcohol stained bottom lip, pulling back before a serious kiss could be initiated.
Without waiting for a reaction, Logan stood up and grabbed the bottle. He took a sip of it then began walking to the door, not looking back or waiting for Shakune.
"Put our drinks on my tab," Logan would say to the bartender as he walked out the door.

Logan Storm - Player
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by Shakune on April 14th, 2015, 6:37 pm

And it was the bodyguard that gave into his desires, not the courier. This surprised Shakune: she was not known for her self-control.
There was a smirk on her lips as she watched Logan drink the wine deeply, from the bottle and not the glass. Good, he was catching up to her. She admired his drinking technique, how quickly he finished off the wine and how his jaw tensed and relaxed as he sucked and swallowed.
After he had polished the wine off, Logan turned his attention to Shakune, and she suddenly felt like a rabbit hunted by a lion. The look his eyes were dangerous but arousing, and Shakune's skin prickled as he touched that hot center where her thighs met. She gasped instinctively, but her body reacted differently; it pushed up against his hand, begging for further contact.
And then he came closer, breath on Shakune's neck and words in her ear. She gave another whimpering little gasp, full of arousal and excitement. All previous games and mind tricks had ceased. Now the courier simply wanted to have Logan take her, to fulfill all those dirty little desires she possessed. Nothing else mattered to the starved Shakune, who regarded Logan with pure wanting in her eyes.
"Come on."
Her short reply to his offer was not an invitation or an acceptance. It was a demand. She needed him to lead the way to his home, to his bed. Perhaps Shakune's approach to romance and love was cold-hearted, as Lenny had earlier suggested. But to the courier, sex was something separate to love. The first time Shakune had any awareness of intercourse was when she was a child - thankfully nothing involving her. But her mother had been a whore, a desperate one who sold her body to any diseased or lecherous man in order to make money. All her earnings would then be spent on drugs. So to Shakune, sex was something a woman did in order to achieve what they wanted, and to some degree with mentality had remained.
The courier had never exchanged money for sex, but Shakune did exchange favours. A business deal, perhaps, or a particularly lucrative client. Whereas her mother had received a high from her pills and powders, Shakune got high on her profit margins. Sex was a tool, albeit a fun one.
Focus on the here and now she told herself, desire flourishing all the more as she followed Logan outside the tavern. What purpose would the sex tonight serve? Well, Shakune may need Logan's service in the nearby future, so there was that. And it would also fulfill her sexual need, of course.
So there were many boxes ticked by what would happen later tonight, but for the time being Shakune was too busy to consider them. She pressed her lips to Logan's, body sliding against. "Lead the way," she murmured against his mouth before toying with her shirt buttons to get the sexual proceedings started.


Shakune - I drive a hard bargain.
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by Logan Storm on April 15th, 2015, 7:48 am

The hot blooded tanned-skin woman followed Logan outside, and he stopped to allow her to catch up to him. When she did, her body brushed against him and her lips played with his. Logan could feel her desires radiating from her, strengthening his passions past his limit. He looked towards the nearest alley, thinking to have her there, but passed the half empty bottle of wine to her and gave her a seductive grin instead.
They would have more fun in his home, where screams of agonizing pleasure would not need to be muffled. Although, Logan would admit that there was something arousing about knowing that someone could walk on them at any moment and witness the types of fun both Shakune and Logan could have when in heat.
Yet still, he did not want there to be muffles. He wanted to finally know what this seductress sounded like when he touched her in all the right places. He wanted to bare witness to her feral side, and show her his own without public restriction. To be able to show all the lust this woman gave him from just kissing her, that was what he wanted.
He began walking, making a good pace that both Shakune and Logan could match in their state. He made sure to keep one arm around her neck, and also keep her body close to his. When Logan felt like it, he took his eyes off the road to give Shakune a wet passionate kiss, or reach for the bottle of wine and drink its contents.
They made way to the Sunset Quarter where his home lied. It was one of the closest to the Drunken Fish, so the walk was not long. When they arrived, Logan released himself from Shakune, their whole body separating for the first time since they met today.
Logan pulled out his key and slid it into the lock. He twisted the metal until he heard a click, then his fingers pressed against the door, opening it easily. He stepped inside his home, which seemed like a dark empty space.
All this time Logan had sexual frustration build inside him. Now, as he would stand in his home with the woman that was the cause of his stress, all he wanted to do was let that frustration go.
He quickly wrenched off his shirt, revealing his bulky flesh. There were windows in his home that allowed the moonlight to illuminate the various rooms. Under it his skin glistened.
Logan looked to Shakune with the same dangerous eyes he had given her when he had decided that he wanted her body. "Clothes. Off. Now. Don't walk into this room until you're naked," he demanded, then started to his bedroom, unbuckling his pants and waiting for the seductress to follow him.
Tonight he would have her until dawn.

Logan Storm - Player
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