"To hunt is to live." Slaughter Zith (Kalean), 13, Male 55th of Winter, 501AV 1st mark of Krivas - Pending
Knowledge & Training Possessions Housing & Family In terms of the size range for Zith, Slaughter pushes the largest and the tallest parameters. He is not of an abnormal size for a Zith, but he is certainly on the upper end of the scale. Although he looks very thick and meaty, he is actually very light and relatively brittle - as are all Zith - so that he is physically capable of flight. His apparent muscle isn't used for grappling with his prey, but instead for propelling his claws to make fatal gashes in his target's skin. His eyes are a soft amber color, further adding to his predatory appearance, and his jet black fur makes him difficult to see at night - which is his favorite time to hunt. ![]() Kalean History
Slaughter and his twin, Savage, were born to a small colony of Zith in the Kalean Unforgiving, in the peaks near the Ahger coast. Their colony had evolved culturally to use bows and fear as powerful tools against their prey, pursuits that Slaughter had taken a particular liking to. In other fields, his curiosity proved to be much more aggressive than had come to be expected from young broodlings in the colony. Most driving was his desire to see the Sebakem, developed from watching the waters of the Ahger wash up on the rocky shores day after day. So with very little ceremony he set off on a vast journey to satiate his curiosity. His journey took him through the Unforgiving and many other Zith colonies, requiring a noticeable detour around the citadels of Sultros, before he found himself in Taldera. Talderan History
Taldera was majorly different to Slaughter than what he was used to. The mountains were familiar, but they were just as cold without being just as high. The trees grew sparser and the breeze from the ocean - or sea, as some called it - was warmer than that of the Ahger. Uncharacteristically of Zith, Slaughter allowed himself to be distracted for some time in the southern areas of Taldera, especially around Karjin and the surrounding areas. Of equal interest to him was the differences between himself and the Zith broods he found in Taldera, which prompted a number of intense interactions with the native Zith - both hostile and passionate. Syliran History
Once again, crossing the regional border brought with it distinct but not overwhelming changes. There were still mountains and trees and fleshy things to eat, but things had gotten somewhat more tame. To an extent at least, in that the 'civilized' people managed to be civilizing more area slowly. On the plus side more food, on the down side more people with swords trying to stab him. There were always colonies willing to house (i.e. tolerate) him though, and under the cover of night he was able to move unperturbed by the people. Eventually Slaughter reached the Sebakem, and elation at having accomplished his goal filled him. It did not last though, and before long he wondered if he'd gone far enough. So he followed the coast southeast, ending up in a slummy city that was as far east as he could manage. Though he still felt accomplished at having achieved his goal, it did not feel as filling as he had hoped, and so he lingers about in Sunberth wondering what he should do next. Character Overview
Slaughter prefers to think of things in simple terms, such is his primitive inclination, though the complexities of civilization do interest him. This means that he does not see the Zith as 'superior' to the other races, just that they are considered too close enough to Slaughter for him to consider eating them. While other races don't begin in this category, individuals from those races can reach that point, such as a human who saves his life or a Dhani who teaches him how to track. Everything is measured in fact and capability, what is concrete and real as opposed to immaterial values assigned by society or an authority. What this means is that he will always do what he wants, regardless of what people think of him. ![]() Spring 515AV