53rd of Summer, 515 AV
Jessor laughed loudly, her hands waving about and nearly spilling her drink in the process. No one seemed to mind though. After all, they were just as piss-drunk as she was.
It had been far too long since she had gotten a night out on the town. She had been stressed, working far too hard, far too long, and far too often to enjoy herself at all. Hannah of Killroy's Kennels was working her dead, and despite the girl's fiery nature, Jessor had gone along with it. After all, she did love her job most days.
But tonight, work was the farthest thing from her mind. She was drinking like she had never had a drink in her life and gambling away as though she were the best gambler in all of Sunberth.
"Two Golds!" She declared, throwing in her ante and picking up the dice. The others matched her price, and the girl shook the dice vigorously to the sound of chanting drunks. She threw them up in the air with bravado, letting them come down in a shower of dice. They landed all over, and everyone scrambled to read them.
"Two!" Came the voice of one man off to her left.
"Five!" Said another- this one to her right.
"Six!" Called a woman.
I thought we were playing craps. Isn't there only two dice? Just as Jessor was about to voice her thoughts, something caught her eye over by the slag heap fire. She squinted in confusion at the figure and nudged the nearest fellow.
"You see that?"
"What?" He asked. "I'm not falling for that trick again."
"No really! There someone...flyin'."
The man's eyes widened as he caught sight of the figure. He called out to the others with rising urgency in his voice. "Hey! Do y'all see that too?"
Jessor laughed loudly, her hands waving about and nearly spilling her drink in the process. No one seemed to mind though. After all, they were just as piss-drunk as she was.
It had been far too long since she had gotten a night out on the town. She had been stressed, working far too hard, far too long, and far too often to enjoy herself at all. Hannah of Killroy's Kennels was working her dead, and despite the girl's fiery nature, Jessor had gone along with it. After all, she did love her job most days.
But tonight, work was the farthest thing from her mind. She was drinking like she had never had a drink in her life and gambling away as though she were the best gambler in all of Sunberth.
"Two Golds!" She declared, throwing in her ante and picking up the dice. The others matched her price, and the girl shook the dice vigorously to the sound of chanting drunks. She threw them up in the air with bravado, letting them come down in a shower of dice. They landed all over, and everyone scrambled to read them.
"Two!" Came the voice of one man off to her left.
"Five!" Said another- this one to her right.
"Six!" Called a woman.
I thought we were playing craps. Isn't there only two dice? Just as Jessor was about to voice her thoughts, something caught her eye over by the slag heap fire. She squinted in confusion at the figure and nudged the nearest fellow.
"You see that?"
"What?" He asked. "I'm not falling for that trick again."
"No really! There someone...flyin'."
The man's eyes widened as he caught sight of the figure. He called out to the others with rising urgency in his voice. "Hey! Do y'all see that too?"