Spring 50, 515AV – Outskirts of the Bronze Woods Devi stopped again, eyeing her baggage with nothing short of loathing. She balanced the weight against her hip and used the opportunity to shake the stiffness out of her aching arms. It was a mild day, not quite achieving the heat that the summer season would bring but pleasant nonetheless. It was warm enough that her coat lay slung across the strap of her bow-case. The corset secured snugly around her waist warmed her abdomen uncomfortably but she knew it would be beneficial to her later. The young woman loved being outdoors after the enclosed spaces of the stronghold but hated loose clothing that flapped in the wind and chilled her skin in the process. She took a deep breath and lifted the weight leaning against her once more. It was an archery target and a sturdy wooden frame with which to hold it. After she had begun actually hitting her makeshift tree-target more often she realised that even the exposed softer bark of a tree was too hard a target to use. She had begun breaking some of the arrow shafts trying to loose them and had been damaging the tree to boot. So this morning she visited the Bazaar and had bought herself a proper archery target. The store owner had also sold her a length of canvas with which she might cover it when not using it, to protect it from the elements somewhat. Devi knew she wouldn’t be able to haul the thing out here every time she wanted to practice but the last time she had been out here she spotted just the place to keep it hidden. Devi struggled on, body protesting, and finally reached the grove she had taken to practice in. With a deep sigh of relief she finally set down the target and her bags and stretched her arms, rolling her abruptly weightless shoulders. She dug into her rucksack and pulled out the water skin she’d brought along. Thanking her earlier foresight she also pulled out the small packet of Tolm leaves. The infusion wouldn’t work as well on cold water but the herb would help ease the aches in her muscles regardless. She sprinkled a dose into her water and drunk some, resting a while before she began with her practice for the day. A familiar dusting of white flowers caught her eyes in the trees to the side of her target and she smiled. Setting down her waterskin she ambled over to them and knelt down. She picked through the flowers carefully, taking a small amount from each larger plant so as to ensure each would keep growing. If she was going to continue visiting then it would pay for her to look after the little patch of Vyfox. Devi made regular use of it in her day to day work so she would take any opportunity to bolster her supplies. That done, Devi turned her attention to the main reason for her visit. She fitted the light leather archery glove over her fingers and re-slung the strap of her quiver across her front. She gripped the wood and bone bow with her left hand and breathed deeply, spacing herself from the target and gauging the distance carefully. She pulled an arrow from the quiver and fitted it in place. Standing side-on from the target she pulled back the bowstring, feeling the relief of the Tolm-infused water she had drunk on her arm and back muscles. She breathed in as she drew, the intake of air lending strength to the motion. As she aimed she let a little of the air out, slowly and steadily, until the core of her abdomen felt strong and still. Then all at once her right fingers released the arrow and bowstring and the rest of the air in her lungs slipped out. When she eyed the arrow it lay stuck in one of the middle rings of the target, quivering slightly after the impact. |
Receipt-18GM for archery target
-5SM for 5 square yards of canvas