[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Flashback summer 5th 505 Av.

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:49 am

Today, Holland had just arisen from bed, and strolled out of his room casually. He yawned and stretched as per usual. Holland took several steps before he realized something. His father wanted to train him today, and he didn’t have on proper attire to battle in. Holland immediately threw on a few articles of clothes and rushed out of the door. Rolandor waited patiently for his son to exit the house, and Holland wore typical garments. Holland was clad in his fathers’ old back-and-breast armor which was layered atop a coarse thick wool-shirt, with black boots and trousers. Rolandor spoke as he watched Holland walk out of the door.

“So now you’re awake, Holland?! Time for your training to begin boy! Don’t you hesitate and don’t you hold back! Less’n you be plannin’ to face the consequences of your failure! Hurry up and get offa’ that porch so that I can swing at ya’!”

Rolandor exclaimed before he drew his weapon without hesitation. The rapier held in Rolandors’ hand became luminous as he waved it about. Holland’s heart skipped a beat and he felt the sheer tension from the distance. The battle would begin the moment that they were approximately twenty paces away from one-another. Holland knew his father well enough by now, and that was the rule of thumb. Holland immediately clasped the haft-length of his weapon. The pappen-heimer guard of the weapon shone brightly as it reflected the suns rays off into the atmosphere about his embodiment. Holland didn’t bother to take up a stance because he didn’t have time. The young teenage boy simply lunged forward without a moments-notice. Rolandor followed the motion which started with a thrust; Rolandor was a left handed man. Rolandor extended his left arm outward to the fullest of its length. His shoulder rolled off into the strike which only increased the distance the blade traveled.

As Holland observed his fathers’ ferocious strike he reacted with quite a bit of caution. With a swift movement of his own Holland not only cut off Rolandors motion, but closed the gap between them. Holland immediately threw two simultaneous strikes, the first of which was a punch with his left and unarmed hand. The punch was directed toward Rolandors chin, and Holland’s shoulder rolled into the motion. The fist collided with his opponents chin, and the second strike however wasn’t successful at all. Sparks flew upon the collision of blades, and the rapier held in Hollands hand trembled as metal met metal. The sharp sound of the forceful impact of the blades was incredibly high pitched. The first exchange had virtually been completed, and Holland had been baffled when his father counter-attacked. Rolandor made use of the momentum of the swing of Holland’s rapier. As Holland swung the rapier about attempting to slash away at Rolandors throat he was counter-attacked.

Rolandor deflected the blow with ease, and made use of the guard of his rapier. Rolandor twisted his weapon and allowed the tip of Holland’s rapier to slide in with ease. Rolandor disarmed Holland swiftly and effortlessly all at the same time. The counter-attack was effective and yet simplistic. Holland didn’t know how to react, but he watched as his father threw a follow-up attack.

Last edited by Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:50 am

The second strike came quickly like a gale force wind. Rolandor shrugged off Holland’s first strike as if it hadn’t even hit him. Holland immediately leapt backward as his rapier flew from his hand and impacted the ground. Holland swiftly avoided the strike to the visage by his fathers’ hand by ducking downward as fast as he was capable. Holland was driven by the sheer will-power he had to defeat his father. The crown of the weapons tip embedded itself in the ground as Holland attempted to wrestle his father to the ground. Holland immediately wrapped his left forearm around his fathers’ right thigh. Rolandor reeled backward in shock of the sudden motions.

Holland uplifted his father and struggled incredibly hard to do so, but he had no option being that he didn’t have his rapier in hand. Holland forced himself to stand as he slung his father over his shoulder, and tossed Rolandor backward. Rolandor instinctively slammed the pommel of his rapier into the back of Holland’s cranium. As Rolandor fell backward and impacted the ground with a hard thud Holland screamed at the top of his lungs. The sheer force of impact behind the strike to the back of his head was absolutely horrific. Holland felt his pulse as it drummed away within his cranium and he begun to lose focus on the task at hand. His father was grounded and regained his balance immediately. Rolandor rushed forward and still clasped onto his rapier tightly before he threw a multitude of strikes. Approximately ten strikes had been thrown in rapid succession. Holland hardly knew how to react at all, but after a short observation of the movements he managed to leap backward and narrowly avoid the first slashing motion. Yet, his hair paid the price and was cut short a bit by the wide slash his father gave off. Holland fell backward and grasped hold of the haft length of his rapier, and attempted to fight back. Rolandor hacked and slashed away at the young boy, and Holland finally retaliated. The second of the strikes was blocked, although Holland struggled to pull it off. Holland extended his right hand which held the rapier and swung it violently in an arc from left to right. Holland swung and as the blades impacted one another Rolandors attempts to defeat Holland were thwarted.

As the second strike was redirected and thrown off, Rolandor fell horribly off balance. Rolandors eyes widened as his equilibrium was thwarted by his much younger son. The blades slammed together once more during the third strike which came in the form of a thrust. Rolandor put quite a bit of dedication behind the third strike, and didn’t bother to think about the fact that he may hurt his son. Hollands arms burned stung and trembled he wasn’t used to battling for this long. Endurance was quite the useful skill at times, and he just now learned that. Holland didn’t expect his father to go easy or be merciful in any case at all what-so-ever. Therefore Holland charged in with all of his might and staggered to his feet whilst he ran toward his father. Holland threw an incredibly vicious punch in the most bestial of manners. Holland’s left hand entered a collision course with that of Rolandors nose. Rolandor reacted immediately only to block the punch and Holland became confused instantly. Holland had never seen someone block a punch using their forehead.

Rolandor spoke although he was short of breath in order to give Holland a swift verbal lesson.

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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:51 am

“I believe that the hardest part of the head is the fore-head. Use it to block punches and attack opponents at short ranges! Any part of your body can become a weapon when you are fighting unarmed!”

Rolandor exclaimed as he pushed Holland’s left hand back with an incredible amount of force. Rolandor required no more then his forehead to block a strike, and was truly a weapon all on his own. Holland thought about the fact that he had been under-estimating the human body all this time. For multiple years Holland saw the body as nothing more then a tool to be used for combat. Yet, he always thought of humans as fragile creatures who could be injured by the point of a sharpened stick. Holland learned yet another lesson today, and that lesson was that human bodies aren’t fragile at all. The body is quite the efficient and deadly tool when made use of properly.

The fourth strike came swiftly and the crown of his fathers’ blade was proven once more to be effective. The tip of Rolandors silver and luminous rapier slashed away at the flesh of Holland’s right cheek; directly beneath the eye. With his flesh slashed and his body beaten and battered Holland wanted to simply give up, but he knew that he couldn’t. Holland endured and withstood the blow very well despite the fact that his body practically screamed in agony. A cold breeze blew about through the air and whip-lashed the entirety of the vicinity. A sigh of relief exited Holland’s lips. He’d been incredibly hot for the duration of the battle. Salty sweat and blood leaked from his visage as he continued to fight on. Holland seized the day as Rolandor thought that the strike would make Holland cease. The battle only continued as Holland attempted something new. Holland knew Rolandor was well aware of all of the tricks he had in his sleeve, and could practically predict what would come at any given time. Holland sprang into action and leapt to the left side of Rolandors thrust before he pulled backward. Holland extended his left hand grasping hold of his fathers left wrist, and pulled back. As Holland yanked back the boys’ wrist he once more tried to wrestle with his father. Rolandor looked very well shocked as Holland reacted so swiftly. Holland spoke whilst he threw outward his right arm with the rapier still in hand. Holland attempted to slam his forearm right into Rolandors throat.

“I call this, the pull-strike! “

Holland exclaimed as the forearm snapped into Rolandors throat swiftly. Rolandor gagged upon impact and fell backward. Holland successfully landed the blow and thwarted Rolandors equilibrium. Holland ceased his charge and slid forward in order to stop himself. Holland kicked up dirt and dust, the winds only carried it about further and soil landed in Rolandors eyes. Holland observed the fact that he accidentally made use of his environment during the course of the battle. Holland brandished his rapier and brought it about in a full three-hundred-sixty degree motion. He clasped it within his right hand and brought the cold crown of the steel blade forth. The tip of such steel could be felt against the flesh of his fathers’ forehead. Holland thought he’d won and yet he was wrong very wrong indeed. Rolandor immediately threw upward his palms and slammed them against the flat sides of Holland’s blade.

Last edited by Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:52 am

Holland had been taken by storm as Rolandor thwarted Holland’s equilibrium. Holland tumbled over and fell upon his back immediately. Dust and dirt traveled upward into the air as he tumbled away like a weed. Holland rolled upward and gained his balance once more before charging back at his father again, and he suddenly stopped in his tracks. Holland attempted to think up another quick-tactic to get him out of his current situation where he very well could lose. Holland became dizzy dazed and confused all at the same time. He’d been disarmed and thrown over by Rolandors ability to catch his weapon bare-handedly. Holland was left with only two choices, one of them was to retreat and the other was to battle on. Holland wasn’t too keen on being a coward and saw those who fled battle as skittish dogs. Holland is now left to defend himself from an onslaught of attacks. Rolandor swung his weapon and Holland gulped upon sight of the shiny blade. As Rolandor swung the weapon at Holland; Holland knew he had to do something, but what? Holland swiftly rolled to the right as the blade descended toward the ground directly beside his cranium.

The dirt was impacted and Holland observed as his father moved in for yet another strike. Rolandor moved in for the second strike as Holland grasped hold of the haft of his rapier. Because of the fact that Holland wasn’t quite as skilled as his father in terms of combat Holland came up with a tactic. Holland learned through the course of this battle that skilled fighters have several weaknesses. The first downfall of being incredibly skilled is that a skilled fighter expects another fighter to use technique. Holland thought to himself after he made an observation. “What if I didn’t at all make use of any technique and focused much more on striking my opponent versus executing an attack properly? Perhaps that would mean that he wouldn’t expect what I was doing because it isn’t very skillful. Yet, at the same time it isn’t filled with honor.” Apathetic Holland grew as he came to realize how good of a tactic this actually could be. Even masters and experts in combat had weaknesses and downfalls it was time to test his theory. Holland immediately threw the most preposterously awkward attack he could possibly think of.

Holland snapped his elbow upward whilst he remained upon the ground before he kicked both his legs upward simultaneously. Holland made use of the momentum as he kicked up his legs to stand again. The Rapier held within Hollands hands felt natural and sang with the winds as it sped away toward Rolandor. The strike was false at first and appeared as if it were intended for Rolandors face. Yet, the strike suddenly changed directions with a flick of Holland’s wrist and sped toward Rolandors right knee. Rolandor made use of one of the several flaws in the rapiers design. When the rapier was initially invented of course it wasn’t for thrust-attacks. The rapier was invented as a weapon made for slash-attacks and was particularly heavy at first. Yet, duelists began to change its design so that rapier-fighting became more stylistic. Therefore the rapiers became elongated and flawed due to the length. Rolandor stepped inward, and cut off Hollands attack before he pushed Holland backward with the palms of his hands. Holland staggered backward before he leaned forward throwing out a punch using his left hand, and in his right hand he held the Rapier. The first punch was a fake, and Holland figured that using deception in unarmed combat would help him.

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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:54 am

The second punch however directed itself at Rolandors chin. Rolandor was surprised that his son could deceive him. Rolandor spoke the moment he had been struck and stepped backward for a moment in order to deliver a short speech.

“My boy, it seems like you’ve finally learned one of several important things in unarmed combat. That is to deceive and trick your opponent when your opponent can be tricked. If you can trick your opponent you can defeat him. Deception one of the strongest factors in terms of unarmed combat. Why? Because when you trick an opponent you make them think you are doing one thing, and when you do another thing they are often surprised and taken by storm when you do it! Good job, Holland. “

Holland inhaled and exhaled rapidly, heavily and relentlessly. Salty beads of sweat formed upon his face and caressed his skin as they flowed downward. Holland nodded in response to his fathers’ short-lived speech and continued to fight on, and this time he threw a kick despite the fact that he didn’t know how to properly throw and or execute one. The kick was high and Holland felt his hips as they rotated into the kick; his left foot soared through the air toward his fathers’ skull. Holland missed the strike and Rolandor stepped back before he lunged forward and attempted to strike Holland from behind. Holland used the aforementioned momentum of the kick and continued to rotate. Holland swung his right arm outward and the pommel of his rapier collided with his fathers left cheek in a back-handing motion.

The satisfying sound of a crack filled the air. Holland claimed jaw and bone from his father or so it seemed. Rolandor scoffed and immediately grasped hold of Holland by the throat, whilst Holland attempted to throw yet another strike. Rolandor cut off the boys’ motion almost instantly, and upheld Holland by his throat. Holland grasped hold of Rolandors wrist with his left hand. He attempted to wrestle his fathers hand away from his throat which constricted his air-ways. Holland began to lose consciousness as the moments passed. “I can’t… I can’t get away… If I… I…. I’m going to…. Lose… is this… it? “Holland thought to himself as his body became limp. Holland didn’t want to lose the battle this way. Holland knew that he would sooner die then be dishonored and defeated in a dishonorable way by anyone. Anyone including Rolandor his father and protector simply wanted to teach him to be strong. Yet, Rolandor had very questionable methods of training. Holland thought about the fact that he wasn’t afraid to lose the battle. Holland was more afraid to stop having the ability to fight for what he believed in. With the very last ounce of strength he could muster; Holland lashed out and struck his father in the nose. The pappen-heimer guard of the rapier slammed into his fathers’ nose and Holland continued to hold on to his fathers’ wrist as Rolandor released his grip. Rolandor grasped hold of his face immediately, and aqua-de-vitae leaked from his face, coupled with sweat.

Holland chose not to let go of his fathers hand so that he may defeat his father. The question now would be did Holland have the will power to do so? Holland flashed teeth at Rolandor in order to intimidate Rolandor. He didn’t know what else to do at this point, but he knew that he was the victor, and Holland lashed around his rapier one more time for yet another strike.

Last edited by Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Holland Rolandus on April 26th, 2015, 1:55 am

The strike impacted the very hand Rolandor used to cover his face. Rolandor staggered backward and raised his hands simultaneously in-front of himself. Suddenly Holland ceased his attack when he heard his father speak again. “Finish it boy, finish me.. Do not show mercy to an opponent because mercy and kindness are the very things that can and will get you killed. If you do not finish me boy then I will finish you, and attack you viciously. I will beat you like you are a bandit who stole something precious to me if you do not finish me off, boy! Never show mercy, mercy is what allows an opponent to spring a sudden attack against you and triumph over you! Winning, is nothing, losing is nothing, but your life is what could’ve been on the line just now! Hurry up and defeat me, finish the fight!”

Rolandor exclaimed in the angriest tone Holland ever heard him scream in through the course of his entire life.

Holland knew what had to be done, and his father gave him directions. Holland knew that he would be punished severely if he didn’t follow commands appropriately. Holland stepped forth and pulled back his fathers hand toward his pectoral muscle. Before Holland threw not one, but two vicious boxing-style punches first he leaned to the left and threw out a one-two punch combination. As Holland leaned to the left he threw out his right hand which still held the heavy-steel guard of the rapier, and it connected with his opponents chin. Holland leaned to the right and threw out his left hand and balled his fist simultaneously. The fist slammed into his fathers’ visage and Rolandor fell upon the ground, Holland struggled to so much as move. That was the first time he’d thrown a combination punch in his life, and he knew that it was incredibly improper. Despite that fact Holland knew that he probably injured his father. He felt incredibly guilty, but what his father said was it true?

“F-father! No oh my goodness.. Father are you okay?! Answer me Rolandor answer me now!”

Rolandor coughed a bit and wasn’t at all unconscious, but he was indeed in quite a bit of pain and didn’t wish to show it. Rolandor spoke again and delivered a short speech not to Holland, but this time to thin air.

“Priskil, may your guidance give both me and my son the strength to carry on with our tasks on a day to day basis. Goddess of light, with all of your beauty shall you bless us both with your protection...”

Holland replied to his father.

“Priskil? Who is priskil, Father?”

Rolandor simply spoke a few words once more.

“The goddess of light, the one who loves and cares for us all equally, and I know that in my heart she has blessed me with her gift. Sagallius is the one I vow to some day slay for her.”

Holland spoke again..

“Then I will follow this priskil and become an enemy of this Sagallius as well, Father!”

Rolandor replies with a few words, before he passed out in the center of the grass.

“Yes, my son is a follower of priskil and you must some day visit her tower, it is located in a place called Zeltiva. The place is called “Priskil’s spire” You must some day go there and learn more about her.. She may even speak to you if you give her enough time to do so.”

Holland dragged his father into their home, and placed him in bed before he rested for the remainder of the night. He knew that his father would want to train in the morning, and went to sleep for himself.

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Holland Rolandus
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[ The bronze woods] The Lost Cause Part 3

Postby Sayana on May 18th, 2015, 12:07 pm



Skill EXP
Weapon: Rapier +5
Observation +3
Unarmed Combat +5
Tactics +3
Boxing +5
Acrobatics +4
Wrestling +3
Bodybuilding +2
Endurance +4
Brawling +1
Intimidation +1
Socialization +1

  • Tactics: Methods of combat after being disarmed
  • Any part of the body can be a weapon
  • Unarmed Combat: The pull-strike
  • Tactics: Use unconventional or awkward techniques to surprise experts
  • Tactics: The feint
  • Endurance: Fighting onwards while being choked
  • Boxing: One-two punch combination
  • Priskil: Goddess of light
  • Priskil: A goddess to follow
  • Sagallius: A god who is an enemy
  • Location: Priskil's Spire is in Zeltiva

Comments :
Great thread. I love your use of multiple types of combat while Holland is fighting his father. Just keep in mind to play at your skill level for some of the types of combat (like wrestling) in which you don’t have many skill points in. Another example of this was when Holland aimed a kick to Rolandor’s head without apparently knowing how to kick. A kick to the leg or stomach might have been more reasonable here.

If you’re going to continue training with Rolandor in flashbacks, please make him a proper NPC. As a grader it’s hard to know how his skills compare to Holland’s skills and therefore it’s tricky to know if Holland is actually playing to his level or not. Additionally, I wasn’t sure if Rolandor has Priskil’s mark since there were two occasions in which his rapier was described as ‘glowing’. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that this was merely an illusion from rays of sunlight bouncing off his sword. If Rolandor does have a gnosis mark it really should be documented.

Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request in the grade request thread. However, make sure to keep the link so that the DS can review graded threads with ease.

If you have any questions or concerns about your grade please feel free to send me a message (like really, I’m all ears if you feel like I missed something).

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