[Verified by Crosspatch] Kentsa Knights

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Kentsa Knights

Postby Kentsa on May 10th, 2015, 4:13 am

Kentsa Knights


Name: Kentsa Knights
Race: Human, Mixed - (Small amount of Inarta on his mother's side.)
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty three
Birthday: 4, Winter (December), 491
Birthplace: Sunberth

Appearance: Kentsa is quite tall standing at 6'4 with slightly spiky dark brown hair that has deep crimson highlights that are hard to notice unless in direct sunlight. Ken has complete heterochromia with one eye being a dark shade of green while his other eye is the color ice.
Ken is built like a warrior with many scars that he has received from past battles. Ken is often considered to be an imposing sight due to his height and muscle mass from being inside the forge and helping his father create new weapons as his striker, this caused his arms and pectoral areas to become heavily muscled and he often had to help move the weapons in large crates in short distances to the carriages where the horses would then bring the weapons to the cities that had bought the weapons and this caused him to gain more upper body muscles and lower body muscles also. Ken looks older than he is due to the fact of the constant stress that he has had on his shoulders since he was fourteen and he has finally started to look his age but he still appears to be a year or two older than he actually is.
On his back and chest there are scars from a whip and there is a large demonic-looking brand with a pentagon in the middle.

Character Concept

Personality: Kentsa is quiet, foreboding and socially awkward, unable to start conversations and he has a really hard time making friends. Ken is at times considered to be a mean spirited and pessimistic individual said person would not be far off, he is very sarcastic and is always looking at the bad side things that have happened or might happen and he rarely ever looks at the good side of things. Ken is a very smart individual but he rarely applies himself in things aside from training, black smithing and inventing new things. Ken feels at home while he is on the battlefield or in a forge, he loves physical activity and the adrenaline rush you get from fighting, this could be why he has thought about becoming a mercenary and is why he is training whenever possible. Ken has a fairly low self esteem when it comes to himself in general because of the fact that he was often attacked by his father mentally and not just physically after his mother passed.

Despite this Ken is very loyal, loving and caring to his friends and family. Not only that but he is very chivalrous, always defending what he believes in and people who cant defend themselves. Ken is also very polite and he always holds the door for the person behind him and he always tries to make a good first impression.

When summarized Ken is thought to be a nearly broken but nice and kind person that isn't afraid to do the right thing but is fiercely loyal to his friends and family until the end.

Likes: Ken is an adrenaline freak that thrives on the rush of battle or the heat from a forge. Ken enjoys dried venison to be exact the really chewy meat from the legs. All through out the day Ken can be seen chewing on mint leaves, he does this for three reasons. One, he loves the taste of mint. Two, it gets rid of bad breath. Three, it helps him concentrate. (One or two after each meal and maybe two more at sporadic times through out the day.)

Dislikes: Ken dislikes mushrooms of all kinds and watermelons to a degree. But he HATES centipedes and cockroaches.

Character History

Ken had a very rough childhood filled with bumps and rough spots. His father was a blacksmith that would sell his wares to Syliras or wandering merchants, Ken's father was loved by the other villagers and they thought of him as a great man who was a decent father. Ken's mother on the other hand was a meek but smart woman that loved Ken and her husband with all of her heart.
Ken would always help his father in the forge as his striker and assistant, due to this he and his father had a close bond but he was a very strict and demanding father that wanted nothing but the best for his son but when he made a mistake he would be punished, severely. Unfortunately, Ken had a talent for making his father angry or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or place where he would make him angry enough to strike him or if it was bad enough the belt would be used. Ken did not resent his father for this but he still loved him and this only spurned him to do better but it did not have its draw-backs on his young psyche.
On the other hand his mother was very kind and loving to Ken, always supporting him and helping him with his projects by throwing out helpful ideas and helping him with blue-prints, after all she was a talented artist and a very creative person. Him and his mother had a very close bond, she was the first person he would go to if he was in trouble, he never lied to her and he never wronged her and in return she gave him the same treatment and multiplied it tenfold.
When Ken turned fourteen his mother became very ill with a terrible case of an unknown disease, due to this Ken and his father's relationship became worse he would now punish him for the smallest things and would deliberately insult his son hoping to make him react. But of course his dying mother knew nothing of this treatment. In her last couple of days on this world Ken never left her bed side and held her hand until her very last moments, he wished to be with her for the better and for the worse, after all she was his mother and his best friend, he valued her even more then life itself.
--An excerpt from Ken's journal--
Mom is getting worse and I don't know what to do, I don't know how to act I don't know if I should cry or try be strong for her sake. After all she wouldn't me to be sad over her passing but, how could I not be she is my mom and my best friend. Why her? WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER?!
On the day she passed Ken cried and screamed cursing every god and goddess he knew of talking of how cruel the world was and how she didn't deserve the fate that was brought unto her. On this day something broke inside of Ken, Ken would never be the same happy child he once was and he would never be the man his father wanted him to be.
After his mother passed Ken's father became much more violent and began to use the belt more occasionally use other ways to torture him physically and mentally. He would often say that Ken was a disappointment and that he wished that he could have a more talented son. With each lash of the belt and each cutting remark Ken was thrown deeper into his depression.
One time Ken fought back when his father struck by swinging back but this only ended with Ken on the ground again with fourty lashes from the belt. This day was the breaking point for Ken he no longer trusted his father and he started to feel a growing hatred growing inside of his chest.
--Excerpt from Ken's journal.--
DAMN HIM. Why is it that he wont leave me be I want to make mom proud, I really do but how can I do it with him attacking me and leaving me in a state where I cant even move? I don't know if I can handle this anymore I might need to leave but...how?
But this was not only Ken's breaking point but his father was now planning on ways to get rid of Ken without his neighbors thinking worse of him. Fortunately for Ken's father and unfortunately for Ken a group of slavers were roaming a few days away from his home and the man had a terrible and heartless idea.

Ken's time as a slave was relatively short lived only lasting for three years. He was allowed to leave the life of slavery because of the fact that band of slavers allowed their slaves to leave after three years if they were relatively liked and well behaved.

After Ken was released from the slavers he made his way back to Sunberth to find his father and to exact his revenge. When he found the man he found him completely wasted but he was somehow managing to create weaponry. After he confronted him Ken proceeded to give his father a verbal onslaught and he then proceeded to kill him with a weapon of his own creation, a cold iron Kama that could barely be considered a Kama.

As soon as he did the deed Ken left Sunberth as quickly as he came but not without stealing some of his father's mizas. After Ken left Sunberth and wandered around the Sylira Region while travelling with bands of merchants. While Ken was traveling his mind was blank and he had no set destination his body was on auto pilot, he had terrible flash-backs and nightmares of his father and of his time as a slave. But this changed when he settled in Zelvita his mind was finally accepting what had happened and he finally came to terms with what had happened.

Sometime after this Ken found himself back in Sunberth, honing his skills as a warrior and as a smith.


Fluent Language: Common


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Weapon: Bastard Sword ** 18 Novice (18 SP)
Weapn: Kama ** 7 Novice (7 SP)
Meditation ** 5 Novice (5 SP)
Blacksmithing ** 20 Novice (RB 5 SP)
Wilderness Survival ** 5 Novice (5 SP)
Body Building ** 5 Novice (5 SP)
Intimidation ** 5 Novice (5 SP)


Religion Lore: Sunberth Culture

Location Lore: Sunberth Street Layout


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt (Beige)
-Simple Pants (Brown)
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak (Hooded) (Black)
-Simple Boots (Black)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
64 Gold Mizas
85 Copper Mizas

Heirloom: A cold steel Kama that Ken's father created before he was killed by Ken. This Kama is different from all other Kamas because of the fact that the shaft is longer than most kamas, it is made out of metal and it is bladed on one side while the scythe-like part is more akin to a hook.


Location: Sunberth

House: Sunberth housing package.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Steel Bastard Sword -35 64 GM
Mint (5 ounces) -10 CM 63 GM 85 CM

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Other: Ken's Wilderness Survival is more based around forests.
Last edited by Kentsa on May 26th, 2015, 8:41 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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A Wandering Smith
Posts: 17
Words: 6193
Joined roleplay: May 4th, 2015, 4:29 am
Race: Human, Mixed
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