When two meet at the hotsprings....
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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.
by Avanze on April 29th, 2015, 12:08 am

He raised an eyebrow as she said she didn't like him; well, petch. He liked her, but obviously it wasn't returned..... Etnava always seemed to muck up things. Always..... Though he felt the insecurity running rampant throughout his Other, Avanze still became a little angered at the dark brother. Why couldn't he be nice? Because I don't want to, Etnava snapped, sending mental glare-daggers at his brother. Avanze recoiled slightly from the attitude of his brother, his Other's mood growing ever darker.
His brow furrowed as he pondered her words. He could easily keep that promise, at least when he was around her. He didn't want to keep Etnava in the dark forever, suppressing him..... He wasn't a Cerulean. And never would be. Etnava would always get his chances at walking about the world in control, instead of having to watch everything Avanze did on the sidelines. No one, not even the crying half-Dhani in front him, could change that. Nor could she take them from being closer.
He looked down at her as she walked in front of him, her eyes tinged with red. She didn't seem the one to cry, with her tough exterior and all. He pondered whether he would see her cry more, or would he always see the rougher side of her, the one he had been wrestling with earlier? Before he could think anymore, he felt her arms around him, grasping him in a hug.
He took a small step back, taken aback by her actions. He thought it would be the last thing for her to do, to get close and actually touch him. He briefly wondered what he should do, before the obvious came to his mind. He bent slightly, wrapping his arms around her. He left it loose, as he didn't want to be the one to cause a slightly awkward situation should she feel like breaking the contact. Honestly, women are so confusing sometimes, he thought briefly, looking around. He set his chin on the top of her head, before voicing his concerns about the promises she wanted him to make.
"I can't promise you that. Etnava will always be able to take control, when I feel like he should.... Even though I can't, nor will I, hold him back and suppress him, as I'm not a Cerulean... And never will be. He gave a small sigh, pondering his next words for a few ticks. "I can, though, promise that he won't be around whenever you are near me.... And as for you trusting me.... This he took longer thinking about, as he didn't want to sound... He didn't know what he would sound like, should he say she could trust him. "You can trust me, or you can't. You decide," he finished, before starting to hum softly, as he always did when he didn't know what else to do.Tukant | Common | Avanze Thoughts | Etnava Thoughts

Avanze - Big Blue Squire
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- Joined roleplay: April 12th, 2015, 10:06 pm
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by Asen on April 29th, 2015, 3:07 am

The weight of his chin on the top of Asen's head and the feel of his arms around her was soothing, and for as long as she could she pretended Avanze didn't share the same body as his brother. She turned so her cheek was pressed to the Akalak's skin, sniffling loudly again.
"I en't gonna trust you, an' I sure as Hai don't know what a Cerulean is. If at some point I do wanna trust you, you're gonna hafta let him know that I was true on my word. If 'e comes out again when I'm around, I'm cuttin' 'is throat. That means your throat, too. So you'd best keep 'im collared as long as possible an' not let 'im out," she informed him, hoping Etnava was listening as well.
"I en't some glass girl, y'know. I don't make empty threats. If your brother wants to live, he'd better stay where 'e belongs around me," she hissed. Etnava was a disgusting prick who didn't deserve a life. Avanze, however...
Avanze was clearly kinder, but even as the half-Dhani hugged him her entire being was screaming to get away, to run as far as she could. She slowly let go of the Akalak, slipping out of his embrace with his shirt still in her hand. No, she couldn't trust him. Not yet. She wasn't strong enough to deal with Etnava, she wasn't fast enough. She wasn't skilled enough.
A sudden burning began beneath her breastbone, a sensation she named determination. Yes, that was a good name for it. If she wanted to stop being so helpless, so useless, she would have to train herself. The blonde stared at the shirt in her fist, tightening her grip on it. With a sigh she balled it up and tossed it back at Avanze.
"I can wring out my shirt an' put it back on, it en't too wet," she said, scooping the article of clothing up and twisting the water from it. She was Determined, with a capital 'D', to get better and stop being the fragile maiden everyone thought she was. She wanted scars to prove it, too. She may be thin, she may be pale, but she is not a porcelain doll.
Asen slid the damp shirt on over her head and pivoted on her heel. "I'm leavin'," was the short, curt explanation as to why she was walking away.

Asen - Kintsugi
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- Joined roleplay: September 16th, 2014, 11:41 pm
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by Avanze on May 1st, 2015, 10:45 pm

He gave a slight grunt as she mentioned slitting Etnava's throat; and his throat, too, as she had stated. His lips flicked into a small smile of respect for the half-Dhani; not many people would threaten him, and this little one had. Etnava was listening, too, and when he heard what she said, he fell back into a barrage of mumbles and insults at her, his mood growing darker by the chime. I swear, if I see her face again... Avanze gave a small chuckle, asking his Other what he was going to do. When Etnava said nothing, Avanze's grin widened, which made Etnava get even madder. Now, instead of insulting Asen, he came at them both, mentally muttering in a low voice.
He let his arms fall to his sides when the half-Dhani let go of him, breaking the hug. He watched her, his unusual eyes scanning her blue orbs. He wondered what she was thinking as he watched her, what was going through her head. Sometimes, he wished he could read everyone's minds, like he did with Etnava. Ugh, everything would be so much easier if I could... Etnava gave a mental grunt commenting on his brothers thoughts. Yea, and you'd know lots of stuff you shouldn't.... After thinking about this for a tick, Etnava gave a small, creepy mental grin, wondering how he could learn this 'trick'.
Avanze was brought back from his Other's musing when he felt his shirt hit him, bringing his hands up to catch it before it fell to the ground. He looked at it, a pondering expression on his face as he listened. When she retrieved her shirt, he was slightly confused. Now, who would want to wear a wet shirt? Hmph. People these days. He really didn't know; he'd rather wear someone's dry shirt than his own wet one. To each their own.... He gave a mental shrug, about to put his shirt on.
He had it around his head and on one arm when she turned, stating the she was about to go. Short, quick, and to the point. He blinked, watching as she walked away. He wondered if he should also leave, but they were going to the same place. He doubted she would want to walk with him, no matter if they had just hugged. He looked around, before removing his shirt again. He might as well sit in the hotsprings and wait for a good bell. Maybe get the rest he was looking for when he first got here.
Lowering himself into the water, he watched her before she was swallowed by the trees, before turning back and contemplating while he soaked.Tukant | Common | Avanze Thoughts | Etnava Thoughts

Avanze - Big Blue Squire
- Posts: 58
- Words: 52037
- Joined roleplay: April 12th, 2015, 10:06 pm
- Location: Syliras
- Race: Akalak
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