Thaloyss and Richard traipse about the city with their new bottle of absinthe.
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
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by Thaloyss on May 22nd, 2015, 3:57 am

Thaloyss took another drink of the absinthe while waiting for her partner. She nearly sprayed it into the air when she heard her name being called. The kitten had crawled onto her head and sat there mewling.
She took Tascha off her head and handed her to the Spiritist. "Her name iss Tascha," she said. A spark of irritation lit inside her as she took the kitten back unusually quickly, holding the tiny thing in the crook of her arm. She peered at the 'sweet goodies' he had 'scored' them.
The Dhani transferred Tascha back to her shoulder as she plucked the vial from Richard's fingers. Pulp? Her brow furrowed in confusion. What was pulp? Some sort of drug. Part of her was tempted to try it, but the other part was saying 'no' because suddenly she had a kitten. She could control herself enough to not tear apart the tiny thing while drunk, but when she was on a high? She didn't really trust herself.
And yet she really, really wanted to. As long as the mercenary could hold herself together long enough to know that the kitten was not food she could take the drug. After a bit of mental nudging from herself she decided that it was worth the risk.
She uncorked the vial and tipped her head back, washing the drug down with absinthe. "How long doess it take for it to sstart taking hold?" she asked, patting Tascha on the head. It was probably best for her to know when the effects would start kicking in.

Thaloyss - Player
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by Richard Blow on May 22nd, 2015, 4:56 am
"Dunno." Richard said with a shrug as he mirrored her. In the back of his mind, he noted that his waterskin was starting to run empty. "Pulp's not very predictable. Darrel said it wouldn't make us curse the waking realm, n' I'll believe him. Fer now, we needa getcha something to hold Tascha..." The Spiritist wheeled about, trying to locate something suitable for containing a kitten. Eventually, he chanced upon a stray dirt-streaked orphan with a coat a size too large for him. As the child moved to pass, Richard seized hold of his jacket with what he hoped was an intimidating growl, knowing the street urchin's defensive instincts would make him ditch the jacket and bolt. Now in possession of the dusty garment, he tied the sleeves together, fastened the buttons on the ends, and presented it proudly to Thaloyss. "Kitty bag!"
Whether or not the bag was acceptable, Richard forged onwards. "I bet they got Suvan candles where the firecrackers're at..." he mumbled with a smile. About five chimes and another swig of absinthe into looking for the fireworks stand, the Spiritist began to feel a change, as if his grip on the earth got simultaneously lighter and his body heavier. He swore he could feel the heartbeat of everyone in the market. He could sense every little bump and patch of softness under his feet. He could see the air. The Spiritist spun his head around to look at Thaloyss, and realized he could see every single freckle on her face. She seemed to blink in slow motion. Focusing, he could hear the Dhani's breathing. A warmth coated his skin like a fuzzy blanket, and all the colors he could see seemed the same, yet somehow more intense. "Darrel you magnificent bastard..."
Richard looked down at Tascha, and giggled unevenly as he scratched the adorable thing's ear. "Woah... I can feel every individual hair. What 'bout you?" he asked cheerily, looking into Thaloyss' eyes and admiring the fine details of her irises. |

Richard Blow - Really More of a Ghostwrangler
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by Thaloyss on May 22nd, 2015, 5:40 am

"Kitty... bag?" repeated Thaloyss as she took the makeshift bag from the Spiritist. It seemed relatively sturdy, so she placed Tascha in it and ducked her head through the tied sleeves so that it rested on her hip. That way if the kitten fell she'd feel it.
She took a couple more swigs of absinthe. How would the drug and the alcohol react with each other? Hopefully not too badly. The strength of the drink was only just beginning to take hold, the effect so minute she hardly noticed it.
The Dhani absentmindedly rubbed Tascha's head with the pad of her finger, smiling at the kitten who was purring contentedly. She glanced at Richard, somehow sensing the drug taking effect on him. He looked alright so far. He'd taken the pulp after her, though, and she had yet to feel anything. Did drugs even work on her?
"No, not yet. I find it ssomewhat odd tha-"
She stopped midsentence. The drug hit her like a Nandhai, crashing into her from her blind spot. The world lit up in a thousand different shades, the once dull colors becoming brilliant jewel tones. Richard was rendered in intense browns and blacks that reflected the stones of the mountains, citrine and quartz and jet and onyx. She wanted to touch him and the faceted gems that created him.
Thaloyss managed to drag her gaze from the Spiritist and brought it to Tascha, whose pearly claws and opal teeth glowed in spite of the inky fur that surrounded her jade eyes and the bright moonstone markings on her face. Her own eyes were wide with wonder. How had she not experienced this before?
She turned back to Richard, pulling her limbs through the thick molasses air that somehow simultaneously felt too thin to breathe as if she were standing on the highest peaks of Kalea. Her feet were both sinking into the ground and rising from it, a strange longing tearing her in two. It weighed heavily in her heart, but she grabbed her partner's hand despite that and dropped down so she was his height.
"We sshould go to the brothel. The besst place you know of." If they were going to be drinking and take drugs all night, they might as well have a little extra fun.

Thaloyss - Player
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by Richard Blow on May 22nd, 2015, 6:05 am
If Richard was still perfectly lucid, he would wonder if it was wise to touch someone tripping balls whilst trying to ask them something. Richard was not lucid, however, and instead asked "Woah... When did you get so soft?" The Spiritist sensed even the slightest twitch of Thaloyss' muscles, and he marveled at the contrast in texture between the rough inside of her hands and what felt like baby smooth forearms as he ran his free hand over them. Fortunately for Thaloyss, his ears still worked, and he looked back up at her with dilated pupils and an exaggerated frown after a tick delay. "A brothel? A good 'un... Pass me that bottle... Oooh! I know the perfect place!" he chirped gleefully, hopping a little. "We gotta be quick, though. Petchers close at sunset." Without any more preamble, the wizard took off in the direction of the Gated Community, relying on Thaloyss to keep up (which, considering her longer legs and slightly less intoxicated state, honestly wasn't the biggest challenge.)
When they reached the eponymous gates Richard stopped, held his hand out, and dug out the other two drugs he had bought. "So we got these tablets that'll apparently send your mind to another dimension, an'... I'unno what the powder is. Somethin' about dancing an' honeys. Which 'un you want? Whichever one she chose, Richard puffed himself up cheerfully after they took it, stumbling in a small circle as a result. "Ya gonna love Ruby's... Her shows are fine art, I tells ya. Best in th'city!" |

Richard Blow - Really More of a Ghostwrangler
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by Thaloyss on May 22nd, 2015, 6:52 am

Thaloyss practically purred at Richard's gentle caressing of her arms. Her eyes closed blissfully, recalling the times her unfortunate victims -- her food -- had done the same. Thinking of them reminded her that once again, she hadn't eaten a full meal since she'd gotten fired.
Well, okay. There was that one guy who thought that grabbing her backside was a good idea, but he was hardly even a snack. She noticed that Richard had disappeared into the crowd, though after a few ticks of searching the glowing crowd she spotted his bobbing dreadlocks and pushed through the throng.
When they arrived at the aptly-named Gated Community the Dhani stared at her faceted friend while he dug the other two drugs out of his pockets. She took Tascha out of the satchel and perched her on her shoulder, finding that she enjoyed it there. Nothing like a six-foot-three viewpoint when you were a tiny kitten.
"The- the honeyss," she slurred, gripping the absinthe bottle with both hands as she drank from it. Her tongue darted out from her lips, tasting the powdered drug thoughtfully before she dumped it into her mouth. She lapped up what was left on her hand and grinned at the Spiritist.
"Le' uss go, then," she said, swaying gently on her feet.
Unfortunately the pair were tossed out of the Sanctum just a little while later for thinking one of the performances was a bit more hands-on than it actually was. A few nasty words were exchanged and they were forced to leave.
"'Ey, it iss not my faul' sshe wa' getting closse enough to touch!" shouted the mercenary, shaking her fist angrily. There was no retaliation, verbal or otherwise, so she waved towards the Sanctum dismissively.
"Bahh, we do not need them to 'ave a good 'ime, Richard!" she said, patting the kitten on the head, "An' we sstill 'ave Tasscha!"
The drug they'd taken before entering had mostly worn off, at least for the Dhani. She was still feeling the tremors of pleasure shiver through her body from the softness of her pet's fur. It took a lot of self-control to not grab the nearest person and engage in rather primal acts of a salacious nature in the middle of the street.
Thaloyss turned to her partner -- her friend? -- and put a hand on his shoulder, taking a drink of the absinthe again. It was less than halfway full, but it failed to alarm her. There was a bloodthirsty glint in her eyes as she spoke. "Le' uss visit the Blood Pitss. I am sstill hungry, an' it would be an easy meal to get. We migh' ge' ssome money, too."

Thaloyss - Player
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by Richard Blow on May 22nd, 2015, 9:41 pm
The Spiritist was dubiously used to getting kicked out of places by snooty thugs, and so simply made a very rude gesture at the gentlemen who chucked them- quite literally- out of the Scarlet Sanctum. "Shyeah. The hookers w're all a buncha prudes 'nyways..." He muttered sourly in agreement. The Inartan club drug was wearing off, but the Pulp was just starting to peak, and the powder seemed to have left it a couple hickeys. In addition to being enhanced, everything was now subtly sexier. The air had a faint pink tint to it, and everything seemed to come with its own innuendo. Part of it was no doubt the unintentional tease of being denied a drug and booze filled orgy as well.
Richard looked over at the woman when she touched him, missing the gleam in her eyes on account of being distracted by the rest of her. His wasted mind wondered why he never noticed how perfectly sculpted her legs were, or how full and tempting her lips were. "Blood pits?" he said absentmindedly, touching the arm holding him just above the elbow and sliding his hand up to her shoulder. "Blood pits..." he murmured thoughtfully, brow furrowing slightly as he slowly took a step toward her. "Oooh... Tha's smart!" said the Spiritist with an impressed smile. "You're smart!" He brushed his thumb against her cheek and the underside of her jaw, fingers grazing her neck. "So smart..."
Briefly, Richard wondered if he was doing a smart thing as his other hand glided over Thaloyss' thigh. Blitzed out of his mind on one hundred ninety eight proof alcohol and an international coalition of drugs, the answer was... Yes. This was the best idea in the history of ideas. "So smart... an' gorgeous..." he breathed before pulling Thaloyss' head down and locking lips with her. After a few ticks, Richard broke away and said seriously. "We're gonna clean out half the city." |

Richard Blow - Really More of a Ghostwrangler
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by Thaloyss on May 23rd, 2015, 12:26 am

Thaloyss tensed at Richard's touch, lips parting in a gentle, quiet gasp. If her pupils weren't dilated already, they definitely were by the time his hand had slid up to her shoulder. He was going so damn slow. It was torturous and annoying, how he was teasing her.
She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding when his nails dragged deliciously across her skin, and air hissed through her teeth again when his other hand brushed across her thigh. Her grip tightened on his shoulder and she arched her back ever-so-slightly into him.
The Dhani glanced down at her partner with a loose smile upon her face. She was cold, Richard was warm, and she needed the heat. She was completely willing as her lips met the Spiritist's. She was prepared to go further, to take him in public if they couldn't get back to the Sunset Quarter fast enough. Her nails raked across his shoulders and arms in desperation.
When her partner broke away she growled hungrily, holding his wrists tightly even though the absinthe bottle was still in one of her hands. Her breathing was ragged, coming in short pants that betrayed her need, eyes focusing slowly as she pulled herself out of the haze of pleasure.
The mercenary released her crushing grip on Richard's wrists with an apologetic look, hoping she didn't bruise him too badly. "The Blood Pitss," she murmured, "Yeah."
She pivoted and began heading towards the Pits with an easy lope. She'd been there before, though not as a contestant. It was one of the first places she thought she could make a living at, until she discovered the Pig's Foot. The tavern had a much more steady flow of food for her and there wasn't as much a risk of dying.
Thaloyss arrived at the Blood Pits, skidding to a stop and whipping her head around to look for Richard. "Come on, let uss go ssign me up!" she said, motioning towards the arena.

Thaloyss - Player
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by Richard Blow on May 23rd, 2015, 2:25 am
Richard was grateful that he was wearing a coat, the bite of the Dhani's nails blunted significantly by the thick fabric. The Spiritist's hand slid to the inside of her thigh, and would have traveled up if she hadn't grabbed hold of him. When she started walking, the wizard bit his lip to stop a chain of curses. First the pile of hookers, now this? This was just too much for a mortal man. Now exceptionally blue-balled, he stood there fuming for a tick before his booze-blasted brain creaked to life, and an impish grin spread across his face. This was no longer about mere satisfaction; it was a matter of principle.
"Best I hold ont' your purse." Richard said unevenly once he caught back up to Thaloyss, a mischievous glint still in his eye as he threw his arm around her waist and slipped a thumb under her belt and skirt. "Wouldn' want anyone feelin' up your clothes." he said playfully, his free hand gliding under Thaloyss' shirt and across her midriff until he found the belt buckle and worked it open. "'Specially if y'had anythin' they really wanted hidin' in there."
He waited a couple chimes after he'd taken the belt and purse to start again, not wanting to work her up too much. "Sooo, why a brothel?" he purred as he ran a hand from her hip to her knee, snorting and muttering "All right, all right... I'll play nice." when she slapped it away. The Spiritist continued to tease her, albeit somewhat more lightly and with longer breaks, until they reached the Wolf's Den, where they were greeted by two teenagers stabbing a fat woman to death. "Huh. We should come by here with a wheelbarrow some time." Richard said thoughtfully, taking a swig from the now third-full absinthe bottle as they passed the grisly scene.
The process of entering was almost as simple as one suspected. The duo simply walked up to the arena and snapped for the Hound's attention. "She wants in." Richard deadpanned before taking the absinthe and the kitten from Thaloyss and clambering into the makeshift spectator bleachers. As the previous combatant's corpse was being taken off, the Spiritist hunted for someone taking bets. The minute he found one- an old ex-sailor with a hook and blind eye- he wagered literally everything- including the kitten- on Thaloyss' victory. Once enough loud-mouthed denizens of the Den had taken him on (often based on his accusations that they had no testicles) and thrown their bets into the pot, the Spiritist sat back, rubbed his hands together, and enjoyed the show.
As was expected, the enemy combatant- a massive bald bear of a man- didn't take into account that his opponent was going to turn twenty feet tall and scaly and the wizard was one of the only ones getting up and cheering when he inevitably got the shyke murdered out of him. It was about halfway through his collecting his winnings and Tascha that he realized the majority of the Pit was staring at them. He quickly scooped up most of what was left, thanked the old sailor, tossed him a gold Miza, then scrambled to the pit and did his best to tug on Thaloyss with panicked hisses (upgrading to shouts if she didn't listen) of "Time to go! Grab your meal and let's scram! It's time to go!" while Tascha mewled and the crowd shifted to furious curses and accusations of cheating. |

Richard Blow - Really More of a Ghostwrangler
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by Thaloyss on May 23rd, 2015, 4:18 am

Thaloyss allowed the hand working at her belt to take her coinpurse, knowing full well that if it wasn't Richard she would simply dislocate a shoulder or break an elbow. It was easy enough for her. She mostly ignored -- or tried to ignore -- him until his fingers got a bit too close, which was when she slapped them away. It wasn't because she didn't want it, no. It was so she wasn't distracted before the fight.
His roaming touch kept her pleased, for the most part, until they arrived at the Wolf's Den. She frowned at the morbid scene before her. Normally she had no qualms about killing people, but in her alcohol-drenched mind it almost made her sad.
Richard was rather good at demanding things. Perhaps she'd do it herself later, though at the moment she was handing the absinthe bottle and Tascha to him. Before she knew it Richard was gone, disappearing into the crowd. There was no doubt he was betting on her.
Now with her source of humanity gone, the Dhani could really let herself go. The first thing she did was peel off her clothing, folding it neatly and setting it in a small pile outside the entrance. She closed her eyes for just a moment, taking a breath to soothe her nerves before she allowed the shift.
She was still in the clutches of the change as she slithered into the arena. Ohh, she could smell her prey and the fear that suddenly tainted his skin, barely masked by the sweat and brashness that oozed from him. Thaloyss tasted the air again, practically drinking the wonderful scents that hung in the air. Blood, pain, death.
Despite his terror, the man whom she could hardly call her opponent charged her. He'd expected a lithe woman and got a massive snake creature whose coils filled half the arena. She could admire his courage, though it might be better labeled as stupidity.
The sword was the first problem; it was quickly solved. Her prey was so easy to toy with. She grabbed his sword by the blade and tossed it behind her. She held his arm gingerly and gave him a knowing look, tongue flickering out to slide across his face. He tasted so sweet.
And then she snapped his arm at the elbow. His cries of pain were almost erotic, shuddering through her scales in a way that made her pupils dilate and a delighted hiss slither from her lipless mouth. She wrapped him in her tail, eager to get this over with and to eat.
Thaloyss squeezed. She tightened her coils around her prey until the life left him, then tightened them further for good measure. There was a feral smile on her face as she began dragging the body out of the arena.
Just as she was about to unhinge her jaws she felt Richard tugging at her scales. She looked down at him, the bloodlust fading from her eyes. "Oh, ssshyke."
The Dhani grabbed Richard and placed him on her back, shoving her clothes into his hands and using her one free hand to pull herself along the ground for extra speed. Dragging a dead body and having a live one on your back definitely hindered your movements, so she (regrettably) let go of her prey and slithered along as fast as she could until they were in a relatively safe region of the city.
She nudged the Spiritist off of her coils as gently as possible, rolling onto her back so she could shift back into human form. She lay on the ground with a heaving chest, completely disregarding the fact that she was nude. After a chime she sat up and motioned for her clothes.
The mercenary pulled her skirt on wearily, almost failing to get her head through her shirt. She stood with wobbly knees, using Richard for support. Fighting and running just sucked the energy out of her. She nearly fell against him. "All of that, and I sstill did not get my food," she gasped.
"G- give me the abssinthe," she said, grabbing the bottle from his hand. With a shaking hand, from both the adrenaline crash and the sheer exhaustion from lack of food, she downed a good bit of what was left and let it drop from her fingers.
"There had better be a body around that corner, otherwise I will collapsse here and now and make you drag me home."
Last edited by
Thaloyss on May 23rd, 2015, 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thaloyss - Player
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by Richard Blow on May 23rd, 2015, 6:00 am
"Damn..." the Spiritist muttered with a frown as he took the bottle back. "Shoulda given you more steaks." Checking the aforementioned corner, Richard shook his head. "Nada. Y'did a good job losin' 'em." The Spiritist frowned as he took stock of where they were; peeling wallpaper, shattered windows, and the stink of dust and moldering wood. "Petch. We're in the rotting ruins." He hadn't expected Thaloyss to burn herself out so. Perhaps something to do with Pulp and Dhani? He wasn't sure, but he did know dragging heavy snake lady faint from lack of food was bad. "Imma see if there's a larder t'raid." he said with a resolute nod. "Y'best stay here wit Tascha. 'F I'm not back in ten, get th'petch outta dodge." And with that, Richard took the absinthe bottle, poured the dregs remaining into his waterskin, and set off into the forest of dying houses.
After a few chimes of searching, Richard found a decently large house with a visible larder surrounded by a rotting picket fence. With a grimace, he grabbed hold of a slightly healthier picket and heaved himself over. He landed on his back with a thud, a tired groan escaping him as he sat up and rolled his shoulders. And then he heard a growl.
Slowly, the Spiritist turned his head. A wild-haired mutt with a frayed collar was staring at him with burning eyes. "Don't move. They can't see you if you don't move." his blitzed mind suggested. "Don't breathe."
"You breathed."
The wizard's face broke out in a terrified grin, hoping maybe the dog would think he was friendly and leave him alone. The growling got louder. Richard sighed in resignation. "I'm gonna fight a dog while drunk and high." he thought grimly to himself as he got to his feet, gripped the absinthe bottle like a club and muttered "Come at me bro."
The dog obliged, lunging furiously at Richard's throat. The wizard threw his arm up instinctively to protect himself, the mutt bowling him over and seizing hold of it a few inches from the wrist. Richard immediately seized his shirt to avoid getting his arm waved around, and swung viciously at the dog's head with the absinthe bottle. The first swing slowed it slightly. The second swing bloodied it. On the third swing, the bottle shattered, raining broken glass on them both. The dog let go of Richard's arm, deciding his face would be a preferable target. As it lunged for it, the wizard stabbed at its mouth. The dog reeled back with a pained whine, the jagged bottle lacerating its tongue deeply and tearing a gash in its lips. Seizing hold of its collar before it could flee, Richard pulled himself into a sitting position and stabbed at its guts, not stopping until the dog collapsed and spilled its entrails on the grass.
Discarding the bloody weapon, Richard stood, shook the glass off of himself, and sighed at his bleeding arm. Rolling his sleeve up first, he pulled out his waterskin and bit into the fabric of his coat. The burn of the absinthe on his wounds penetrated even his drunken haze, ripping a loud moan of pain from his lungs. Having nothing to wrap it with, he simply tied it off with the remains of his shirtsleeve, hefted the dog onto his shoulders with his free hand and marched back to Thaloyss.
Eight chimes after he had set out, Richard shuffled back to the corner and dropped the dog at Thaloyss' feet with a wet thud. "Sorry I couldn' fin' sometin' meatier." he said blearily. "Got anythin' t'wrap this with?" |

Richard Blow - Really More of a Ghostwrangler
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