Closed The Phantom Man(Bran)

Is he real, or just a dream?

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Drusilla on May 12th, 2015, 3:59 pm

18th of Spring 515AV

Drusilla returned to her room bundle in hand and bat on head. She took the bat out more, now that he was pretty much healed up. Placing the bundle on her nightstand, she raised a hand to the bat lowering him onto her bed. She smiled down at him. Since recruiting the deks to help catch moths the bat had be eating much better than when only she caught them, and with this increase in food the bat had become friendlier. Maybe he simply knew his time with the Symenestra was growing short and that he'd be released soon. That was a bittersweet thought.

She sat down on her bed making sure not to sit on her small friend who liked to crawl in circles on it. "You're time with me is almost up little one. Your wings look good and your back is almost all healed. Soon you'll be free. I doubt you'll even remember me... But I'll always remember you." She reached over to play with the bat who as of late had let her pet him and rub his full little belly. Sometimes he'd attack her hand in a playful fashion. With a sigh the Symenestra retracted her hand, not because of the bat but because of the bundle she had brought with her from the kitchens, tea. She unwrapped the pot of tea and fetched a cup.

Drusilla yawned, she wasn't sleeping well and supposedly this tea would help. As she undressed and climbed into bed she sipped the tea and played with the bat. A smile crossed her face. She'd miss this little guy.


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 14th, 2015, 4:32 pm

Riding on Dru’s head was a fun way to move through the city. It trumped sitting perched on her shoulder, and of course it was better than staying in the cage all day. At least he’d get a bit of exercise –even though it was minimal. That he was taken out during the day was too bad, but Brandon was already used to daylight, so he didn’t really mind much. Well, it still was a little too bright for his night attuned bat eyes, but he could handle it. And the majority of Wind Reach consisted of tunnels anyway, so it wasn’t that bad.

Today they’d gone to fetch some tea or so, among other things he couldn’t quite remember. He’d been sleeping for a large part of the day. But the tea was obvious; the smell was familiar, it reminded him of Lhavit. Now he thought of it, Lhavit had kind of smelled like the tea they cultivated. It had been faint, in the background, and Brandon had stopped noticing it after a couple days in the city. Idly he wondered if the tea Dru had brought with her had been imported from the starry city. It was very much possible.

From the Symenestra’s head the bat crawled onto her hand, being lowered on the bed where he could move around freely. Since his back did not give him all that many problems anymore, Brandon had started to get more and more exercise, usually in the form of clambering onto stuff or crawling around in circles. The bed was one of those places. Dru’s hand closed in to pet him briefly, something he’d allowed since a couple days. To be completely honest, there was some satisfaction to be found in being petted, just like in getting a massage. He’d grown rather comfortable with the seamstress, and as such there was a certain bond of trust the bat felt had grown between them.

When the woman stood up and walked away for a bit, Brandon clambered off the side of the bed, his little claws hooking into the fabric of the sheets easily. Soon he had reached the floor, crawling underneath the bed for a brief couple moments, then he emerged from his hiding spot, climbed back onto the bed and deposited himself on the pillow.


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Drusilla on May 17th, 2015, 4:17 pm

Drusilla could only laugh at the bat's antics. Up and down the bed then in circles... She scooped him up and looked at his back, "Everything is looking good. How are your wings? Have you got full feeling in them both?" She smiled and sipped the tea and placed the bat back down on the bed for him to crawl around and do his laps. Watching she counted the circles he crawled, six.

The Symenestra blinked her eyes a few times, she was getting a weird lightheaded feeling. Maybe this tea would do the trick... Her focus turned back to the bat and her hand closed in, rubbing his belly and playing with the small creature. Sure he still bit her but they were more playful nibbles. It seemed that she and the bat had reached an understanding of some kind. A concept that no Inarta seemed to understand. Then again, neither had her father as a child...

Sipping the tea, the room seem to move around in an odd way. Fearing the bat too would drift off and away Drusilla herded him closer to her petting him again. It calmed her down, gently petting the small fuzzy creature. Slowly her will to keep her eyes open was lost and first time in what felt like forever she drifted off into a restful sleep, her hand laying next to the small bat. Normally she'd of moved the little bat somewhere safe and told him goodnight.. However lucky for him, the Symenestra rarely moved in her sleep unless instigated.


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 18th, 2015, 8:11 pm

Soon enough be it because of the tea or because of being utterly exhausted, the Symenestra fell asleep, movements ceasing. In the quiet Brandon could easily hear the woman's heartbeat, noticing it slow down just like her breathing, assuming the restful rhythm of sleep. Making use of the opportunity, the bat crawled to the edge of the bed once more, careful not to prod the Sym too much; no-one slept very deeply only chimes after drifting off. Once Brandon had reached the edge, he clambered down quickly, the task easy because of the fabric of the sheets and his neat little claws.

He shifted then, growing into a man with a soundless though extremely bright flash of sparks. It lasted for just an instant, probably not even enough for a sleeping person to register it. Throwing his arms in the air, Brandon stretched for a long couple of ticks, enjoying the sensation. It felt like waking from a long night of sleep, though the bat merely hadn't been able to get much exercise the last dozen days. One arm pulled the other over his head, and then they switched roles. His legs came soon after, and then his neck, making a rolling kind of motion with his head. “Damn, my body's all stiff. I feel like a rusted hinge,” the Kelvic muttered silently.

To prove his point, the thief bent over to touch his toes with his fingers -keeping his legs stretched- and much to his surprise he found that he was still able to do it with ease. “Maybe that wasn't as bad as I thought it was...” Brandon frowned, “but it still was pretty horrible.” Deciding to further test his flexibility he bent backwards then, placing his hands on the floor and forming a bridge. “No problem either...” His back did sting a little though. Then he went even further, letting his chin and forearms touch the floor while his legs still stood there. Except for some minor pain he did not really find any signs of impairment in the flexibility of his back. “Well that's good then,” the bat mumbled contently.

Unfurling himself by letting his legs push themselves away from the floor, and already using his arms to haul himself back to his feet, the bat got up as if undoing a handstand. Another couple stretches to make sure he wouldn't be like a wooden board the next day, and then he padded towards the door quietly, making sure not to disturb Drusilla's sleep. It wasn't because he didn't want her to see him like this, but because she was tired, and he found he should let her rest. Opening the door quietly was no problem at all, seeing as Brandon had done that sort of thing many, many times back in Lhavit. He closed it just as quietly, then looked around the dark room.

He didn't really remember having spent a lot of time here the past few days, but it mattered little; darkness never had given his nocturnal eyes much trouble before. Soft rugs under his feet muffled his steps even more as he maneuvered through the room and zigzagged between the tables, picking up a soft, fuzzy fruit from one of them. He bit into it immediately, the sweet juice running over his chin and dripping onto the floor. Peach; finally he could eat one after having been teased with it the first day. A sigh and he took another bite, chewing it slowly as he strode through the room and entered another set of doors, finding himself in a chamber with a pool. The water was warm and Brandon washed his hands there with a couple quick motions after having eaten the whole peach, dropping the stone-like seed onto the ground by accident. It bounced once and then fell into the water. “Well petch, I'm not going to get that.”

Next room was linked to the outside world, with lots of glass things hanging from the ceiling and a huge mirror on the wall. Brandon turned his back towards it and glanced over his shoulder, sighing deeply and running his fingers over the huge scar. “That's one giant scar... Actually, it's more scar than back I see!” He cursed the owl then, many times and each swear was more rude than the other, until he finally decided to go away, going to visit the other places in Dru's home. Another bedroom was found, this one adorned with furs and weapons; Brandon raised an eyebrow. Who the heck lived here? Dru had said she was lonely, there was no way there was someone else living here...

Closely inspecting the bed and furniture, Brandon spotted a thin layer of dust on the wood, and no crumples whatsoever on the bedsheets. This room had gone unused for a while, though judging from the minimal amount of dust he guessed Dru cleaned it every so often. Swiftly Brandon went through the drawers and closets with the ease and efficiency of an accomplished thief, making sure everything was returned to its original state before he moved to the next location to search. When he left the room, Brandon was ten feather-shaped glass coins richer. The money had been stuffed in a sock, and he wore the other one. He didn't really know why he'd put on the sock, but he thought in necessary to remove a pair of socks as opposed to just one.

And then he returned to Dru's room, entering sneakily, hiding the sock with coins under her bed, stuffing it between two slats. Once that was done, Bran lowered himself on the bed, crossing his arms and watching the Symenestra sleep, studying her face with human eyes. With the tips of his fingers he gently stroked a lock of hair out of her mouth and nose. Then he turned back, staring at the wall. “It's almost time for my release eh? You might be in for a pleasant surprise when that happens. Or maybe not. Depends, I guess.” He grinned. “Either way, I'm not going anywhere for a couple seasons. Aren't you a lucky one?”

NOTEThe coins stolen are taken from Turrin. Turrin has agreed to this. The changes have been made in both our ledgers.


credit goes to Euthisa
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on May 21st, 2015, 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Drusilla on May 21st, 2015, 12:10 pm

Drusilla had fallen into a lovely dreaming sleep, her hand twitched once in a while. But besides that she lay deathly still. That is, until the man climbed onto her bed and brushed away a lock of hair. The movement triggered a strange reaction from the Symenestra. Her body lunged at the warm object next to her and wrapped her arms around it, snuggling close to the warmth.

Back in her dream Drusilla wandered a strange forest which had just warmed up nicely, despite the lack of sun. On her head rode her newest little companion, the bat. The Symenestra reached a nice clearing and sat down removing the bat from her head and placed him in front of her. Then, something strange happened her little bat... spoke.

"It's almost time for my release eh? You might be in for a pleasant surprise when that happens. Or maybe not. Depends, I guess."

They Symenestra cocked her head in her dream and responded to her bat, except her responds reach the her bedroom and the strange man. Sleep talking. Looking at the little bat, "Bitta, you sound much different than I imagined, but then again who knows what a bat will sound like?" She shook her head, "Of course, I have to let you go. As much as I'd love to keep you, it's not right. Plus I've already proven I can't keep you fed like I should..." Her smile faded. "I'm sorry I can't catch as many bugs as you need. I tried."

Drusilla picked up the bat and gave him a look, "A pleasant surprise? What are you up to?"

"I'm not going anywhere for a couple seasons. Aren't you a lucky one?

She blinked, "But you have to get home! Don't you have other bats waiting for you somewhere? Won't they worry about you? Plus you have one heck of a story to tell your friends. I didn't know if you would make it through the first night... I'm glad you did. Turrin has been gone so long. I was happy to have your company, it made me feel better. So thank you, Bitta. I love you, silly little bat."Drusilla smiled and in her bed she cuddled closer to the warm person.


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 21st, 2015, 6:44 pm

Brandon had definitely not expected this. How could he have? The sudden lunging of the Symenestra who was supposed to be sleeping, the wrapping of her arms around him. The Kelvic froze for a tick, then he relaxed a little, twisting his neck in an effort to look at the woman's face, but it was no use as Dru had hidden herself in a blind spot. But vision was not always needed, with the Sym so close he could actually feel her heartbeat, and the rising and falling of her chest. Still asleep. Gods that was surprising! Is she' a sleepwalker? I've never seen her do anything like this before? Is it a reaction to my presence maybe? Whatever it was, it seemed that even his words had reached her, as she replied to them, still slumbering.

First she expressed her surprise, then reasoned with herself in the same breath, justifying why he sounded different than she'd expected. Then she apologized for being unable to feed him enough bugs. Brandon let out a small chuckle. “Don't be. You patched me up pretty well, I owe you my life.” He smiled a thin smile, staring at the wall again, counting the cracks idly.

“I'm not going back after having gone through all the trouble to get here, Dru. Besides, I didn't hang out with the other bats much. It's hard to miss and worry over someone you've barely become acquainted with.” He would have shrugged if not for the woman clinging to his back. Sleep hugging, sleep talking, she was full of surprises, but actually being able to have a conversation with a sleeping person? Ridiculous, and yet, it was happening right now. That Dru was a bit of a strange one he'd known from the start, but this? He'd never expected this.

“Not being able to make it through the first night? Hey! I'm tougher than I look okay?” He laughed then, the sound rolling off his lips. Odd as it was, it didn't change that it was very entertaining. And it felt really good to be able to have a conversation with someone again, even though she was sleeping. “Turrin is the one who uses the room next to yours I assume?” Probing answers out of her wasn't perhaps not the nicest thing to do, but hey, she'd just believe it to be a dream, if she'd remember at all. “I love you too Dru,” in a more friend-like way, or familial, she kind of was like a sister, an older, worrywart of a sister.

The spider snuggled closer to the bat, tightening her hug a little bit and rubbing her head against his back. “Even though you can't sing for shyke.” Brandon laughed again at that, though briefly and growing a little more serious quickly. Just a little. “Sorry, but I had to tell you. You need to practice more, you have a good voice for singing, but you need to work on it. Take it from me, I have an ear for that kind of thing.” A chuckle.


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Drusilla on May 22nd, 2015, 7:47 am

In the forest where she sat within her dream, Drusilla gently held the bat in front of her, "Bah, I'll I did was wrap you up so you couldn't fly and reopen the wound. You're a feisty little bat as I found out, my fingers may never be the same." She gave a small chuckle, "So many little bat bites..."

Drusilla loosened her grip on the man's torso, and took to clinging to his arm. "You know my name..?" She blinked surprised at the bat. "Hey it was a really bad gash. Anyone would of worried. I don't think I slept at all that night, I kept checking on you." The bat laughed which made the Symenestra smile and giggle as well. "You have a wonderful laugh... I'm sure you have a pretty little girl bat waiting for you, with such a nice laugh... That's right! I've called you Bitta this whole time... But, do you have a given name?" She tilted her head to the side looking at the bat.

She sighed and looked away, "I live in Turrin's Aeries, I'm the closest to family he has... But he's always gone and I'm all alone up here... But having you around has made things better..." She giggled happily at the bat's reply.

"Hey your squeaks aren't really a harmony either. I don't sing often, okay? Just to calm you down." She admitted timidly. She stood up and brushed off her skirt, ushering the bat back onto her head, "Back on my head you go!~ As nice as this forest is, we should be heading back home..."


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 22nd, 2015, 8:54 pm

Brandon hoped for a brief moment that Dru would just go lie down like a normal sleeping person as she let go of his back, but his hope was short lived as she grabbed his arm instead. Sleep talking, sleep hugging, sleep snuggling, even holding a conversation while asleep... What could she not do when sleeping? Brandon would dare to bet all his newly acquired money on Dru being able to mend clothes asleep as well. He sighed; she'd probably wake up in the morning feeling as if she hadn't slept at all, being tired all day. “I do. My name is Brandon. Brandon Blackwing. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” A grin.

“I never claimed I could sing. And squeaks are not really suited for that either,” Brandon retorted, pondering whether to poke the Symenestra in the ribs playfully. Maybe better not to, it might really wake her up. Though then again, if she didn't wake from hugging maybe..? No, no better not try. Dru needed her sleep. “Home, eh? Yeah, that's probably for the best,” Brandon agreed, gently attempting to free his arm from the spider's grip. It was no use though, with every try it just seemed as it the Symenestra held on tighter and tighter. Now this was a problem; Brandon wasn't really planning on sitting on the bed all night.

For now though he'd stay a bit longer. “Say,” he started, “your pet bat -Stella, was it?- what was she like? Was she the same kind of bat like me or a different species? There's a lot of different kinds of us you know.”


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Drusilla on May 29th, 2015, 10:35 am

Drusilla blinked a few time and chuckled in her dream, "Brandon. And I see even bats have surnames too. I'd never guessed." For some reason she found this amusing in some way... "Bats have surnames...." Another giggle. "Is Brandon a common bat name? Somehow I doubt it... You seem like a strange case. Brandon..."She repeated the bat's name a few times and grinned. What a strange little thing this bat was.

"Huh? Stella? Oh, she was like you. But not as pale more brown than grey. I was taught the grey ones were special, there aren't nearly as many greys as browns. So we were taught not to keep them as pets. My father told me one day if there were more grey bats people might be able to keep them. But until then they had to be free. Nobody understood me as a kid..."

Drusilla released the arm she had held hostage and rolled over, "Nobody... Ziths live in Kalinor too. While both bats and Ziths are fuzzy, a Zith can't hang upside down. But Symenestra are both fuzzy and able to hang if one so desires... We aren't that different or so I thought." The sleeping Symenestra went quiet for a few ticks. "I was afraid to leave the cave.. But, I wanted to fly outside with the bats. If I was with Stella and her friends, I'd be safe."


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The Phantom Man(Bran)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on May 31st, 2015, 5:29 pm

Brandon’s arm was released and Drusilla rolled over, much to the bat’s relief. To prevent any further clingy situations, he relocated himself, stalking to the foot end of the bed, and settling down there. A small sigh. “You wanted to fly with us? ” Somehow that was a pretty weird thing to want. Brandon was aware humans had a desire to soar the skies, but he had no idea even Symenestra wanted the same. Perhaps even other humanoid earthbound races had the same desire? It was possible, except for their appearance they usually were not that different, even though they did not seem to realize themselves.

“I’m not sure if humanoids are all that similar to animals…” Brandon stated, “Though I guess some people are more bestial than others.” A pause lasting just a tick. “And others are more… what’s the word? Humane? More humane than others. That is not always a good thing though. Animals are straightforward creatures, most of them. Humanoids are not. And those in between… well, I guess we can be either. Depends on the person.” Another sigh. “It was good talking to you Dru. We’ll meet again, though not immediately. Not like this anyway.”

Standing up, the bat watched for a little bit as Dru laid there in her bed, keeping quiet for a while, not really knowing anything else to say. Conversing with a sleeping person wasn’t really his forte anyway. Eventually, Brandon just walked to the door, and froze in his tracks when he touched the knob. Should he shift and stay? No, he wasn’t really sure whether the sleeptalk was a result of a light sleeping state or not; he wasn’t going to illuminate the room for a tick and risk waking her. He’d rather go someplace else, shift there and find a comfortable spot to sleep himself… well, by the end of the night, that is. No need to hurry. With that thought the thief turned the knob and opened the door.


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