90th Spring 515 AV
There was something slightly intimidating about the idea of being called by one of Zeltiva's powers. It made her palms sweat slightly, the gentle rise of adrenal that continued to climb. It was in her grasp that she held the sealed missive, the request with the wax seal stuck to it - the guard of all things, she could not help but feel slightly uncomfortable over the entire idea. Of course, she knew and understood on why she had been requested - or at least partially. The letter she had grasped between her digits signified that much - they had pulled in a suspect for a crime, and it was up to her to interrogate and investigate. While she did not have complete and utter free reign upon the case, she was still allowed her moments it seemed - and the thought continued as she approached the main establishment for the day, the head quarters of the Zeltivan Waveguard. With a clear of her throat she entered, barely a blip of time as she crossed the threshold of the station and was before the desk. The clerk, a man dressed in the same azure uniform as the others of his ilk raised a brow to her.
"Morning gentlemen, Miss Skylar of the S.W.I., you sent a missive to me this morning requesting some help with an investigation," She placed the letter down then between them, allowing him the chance to lift it and inspect it with a raised eyebrow. With a scan of it he looked upon it in silence, lips occasionally twitching as he silently spoke the words. It was then, slowly that he spoke "I see. It is good of you to join us. I am guessing you know not a lot on the situation at hand?"
"No, short of you wanting me to investigate something. A crime I am guessing?"
"Essentially, yes," There was a pause as he passed the letter back to her, "Everything seems to be in order. We have him currently in one of the holding cells while we conduct further investigations. He is just a suspect and we would like to have as much evidence as possible before we subject punishment."
"Sounds fair," Fallon tucked the letter away inside into one of her pockets. She watched the guard shift out from behind one of the desks and gesture for her to follow closely, "So, you going to tell me about them?"
It was through one the doors and downwards into the basement that Fallon was lead, the voice of the guard quiet as he tried to explain the situation the best he could - though she could not help but detect the uneasiness in his voice, "Yes. He was one of the workers on the Falconer's estate, Allan Cox. Found him with one of the keys to their private library and discovered one of their books were missing. Only one that seemed suspicious and had no one speak up for him, no one had seen him all night long until the morning," He took out a wrought iron key to one of the cells then, a wooden door with a grill in the top. Along the corridor was the jail keeper, a quick approach as he looked Fallon up and down before at last nodding, "This the inspector."
"Got that right sir," she answered, and offered her hand forward to shake. He took it, and then looked down to the weaponry upon her, "Going to have to ask you to leave your sharps outside the cell though, security and all that."
Her lips gave a purse into a line, a moment of begrudging flaring up at her as she unbuckled the kukri harness and passed it over to him. With a nod he spoke firmly, "I'll return it when you leave. Got it covered here deskmate," The guard gave only a nod then and quickly pivoted around on his heel back on out. With a raise of the brow Fallon gave an incline of the head to the door.
"So, how is he?"
"Quiet. Bit broody. Looks a bit rough around the edges," came the response as he sifted through the keys to the door. He spoke up then, "Stand clear of the door! Stand clear!"
"Standing clear..." came the sighed, gasped response from behind. Hinges gave a groan, the wood and iron swinging inward to give her entrance to the cell. There in the corner perched the man, dishevelment beginning to creep in with a hand cupped lightly over his nose. A lack of chains and manacles Fallon noted as she stepped in, catching a flicker of surprise in his gaze. It was with blocked tones that he spoke, "You're not the same interrogator as before."
"Got that right. But you are Allan Cox," She offered her words as the jailed door was shut, "So, shall we begin?"
OOCPermission received to run a self moderated thread in this location and later the Falconer's Estate, with use of NPCs for basic functions to further personal plot provided by Perplexity. For a brief outline of the plot: Visit the Jail, interrogate suspect, consider further investigation points, approach estate, be greeted and given more information carry on investigating and reach conclusion.