[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 4th, 2010, 9:37 pm

Vendaril was so tired he was prepared to pay just about anything for a good sleep. Still, the proposed prices seemed reasonable enough, and he didn’t need a fancy room. “I see. The single room seems good enough. I don’t intend to be spending much time sitting around anyway. As long as it has a bed, I’m satisfied!” The forced enthusiasm would ordinarily have filled him with shame, but right now he didn’t care. The sooner he had that apartment, the sooner he could sink into a blissful and uneventful sleep.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Haeli on November 5th, 2010, 6:01 pm

Timestamp: 60th of Fall

The term street urchin came to mind when the young woman's shadow crossed the threshold of the Cosmos Center. She took a long moment to study the place and in turn let its denizens study her. Saying nothing at all, she came forward looking for all the world like a skittish cat ready to bolt at any moment. The truth was, four walls, especially of the strange material the entire city seemed made of, was odd for her to see - almost oppressive. Yet in the same light, it almost felt safe as well. Safe. There was life everywhere here, but not like there was in the swamp. Life was orderly in Lhavit, not piled upon itself all fighting for a chance to overcome unusual odds.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the girl came forward. "I have come to the city to learn new things. I do not have much money or many possessions, but I am competent in Herbalism and seek a place to sell herbs, spices, and perfumes that I gather or make - the word is apothecary I believe - with a small corner to place a bed pallet in. I would not mind working for someone else, but I would feel more comfortable with my own place. I know many small cures and seek to expand my skills with people since I have lived remotely for most of my life. Lhavit has drawn me since I heard of it from the traders and sailors I normally do business with. My name is Haeli and I am from the Gyvaka. I was apprentice to the Gyvaka witch for all of my life until her's ended. She grew very old and went back to make her peace with Caiyha. I wish to continue my studies personally here." Haeli said softly, eyes glancing around as if she came from a place where danger was constant and one had to look out for oneself all the time.

"Can you help me?" She asked, her accent strange, as if she spoke another language first before common.

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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 6th, 2010, 2:16 am


Youchi laughed, “Of course it comes with a bed, don’t worry about that.” She picked up some parchment, a quill then gestured for Vendaril to follow her, “It won’t be far, the SWA is right up ahead, right on the outskirts of Surya Plaza.” Once they had arrived there, Youchi pointed to the doors marked with a small light hidden behind tinted glass, “That means it’s occupied, go ahead and pick a vacant room on the first floor, those are the simple ones, then I’ll write you up, you’ll hand me 30 kina-oops, miza, and I’ll give you your key once you’re ready.”


Haeli did indeed draw plenty of attention to herself, what with her odd mannerisms and strange appearance. Still, the Cosmos Center addressed all, took in all, and helped them as best as they saw fit. It was not Youchi today that approached Haeli, it was a younger woman with dark, nearly black hair and stood at a meager 5’2”. She smiled up at the Swamp Witch with bright eyes regardless of Haeli’s background, “Welcome to Lhavit, my name is Chaya,” She said in her own Lhavitian-induced accent, “We’re exceptionally glad to have you choose our humble city as your new home! You’re looking for an apothecary? We have one known store, or since you have chosen interest in finding your own, we might be able to establish something for you. There is, at this time, a vacant building near the Koten Temple that has yet to be used for anything, it even has a rather spacious back yard to grow any variety of herbs, somewhat similar to the Herbal Emporium. Would that be something you would like? If so, I could give you a tour of the place.”

Chaya paused for a moment, tapped her lip, then smiled, “Oh, and don’t worry about the money, we compensate people in return for paying back the debt owed over time. Once you get your business booming, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of kina to pay us back.”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 6th, 2010, 2:35 am

Stumbling up the stairs, Vendaril reached the nearest door not illuminated from within, and stopped. His shoulders slumped as they shrugged his heavy bag ontop the ground with a loud thump.

With a sigh, Vendaril reached into his pack, pulled out 30 golden discs. "Here," he said. "You write up the neccessary papers, and I'll go sleep. I'm sure you don't need my help with that. If anything need signing I'll do it in the morning."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 6th, 2010, 2:48 am

"You've chosen apartment A2, so that will be your home from now on, remember that. You have a month free, and rent is paid to a man that comes down each month. Just give him your money owed." Youchi accepted the money, then wrote in her small parchment paper, "No need to sign anything, and make sure to change currencies at the Cosmos Center anytime." She waved at the Symenestra then was off.

oocCongratulations on your new home! Remember to pay 21gm at the end of each season or simply deduct how many months (about 30 in each) you have been living in room A2. You don't have to rp the currency out, just change it in your CS, then change it back once you leave Lhavit. Enjoy! :)
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Haeli on November 6th, 2010, 8:11 am

Haeli shifted on her bare feet, scrubbing first one foot against her opposite leg, then shifting her balance and scratching the other. She reached up and brushed her long slightly tangled hair behind her right ear and smiled at the woman that introduced herself as Chaya. She looked thoughtful a moment, as if searching her memory for the proper response to a greeting, and finally applied what she knew.

"It is nice to make your acquaintance."
She said softly, glancing around as her eyes took in the four walls, slightly unaccustomed to being indoors. She carefully listened to what Chaya said, nodding slightly as she took in the facts, and bowed her head. "The place you describe sounds exactly what would suit my needs. However, I do not wish to be in competition with anyone who might already have a business. I am only interested in selling herbs, spices, medicines, incense, soaps, lotions, and that sort of thing. I am also learned in perfume making, so that would be something else I would offer for sale. A yard to grow things would be a very large bonus in my mind for I could bring some of the flora of the swamps here. The swamps have potent plants that are not found at these upper elevations normally." Haeli said softly, her gaze somewhere in the neighborhood of Chaya's feet. She simply didn't know where to look at the woman. Her face? Her hands? She'd have to do more watching of people because in the wild, some animals would attack one another for looking directly in another's eyes.

The swamp witch waited, wishing she didn't feel so out of her element here. She thought nervously about turning tail, growing wings, and heading back to the swamp once and for all. The building scared her. The woman in many ways scared her as well. But she was tired of being alone. Waiting for traders was a chore that exhausted her soul. She longed to know people, to learn from them, to have someone simply to talk too.

Haeli waited. The next move was the woman's. If she wanted to show her the building, the girl would carefully follower her and see what there was to see.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 7th, 2010, 8:31 pm

Chaya gave a light laugh at Haeli’s response, “Competition! Herbal Emporium holds the only monopoly over the entirety of Lhavit! They could use with a sister store or at least to take off the load they have on festive days.” She winked at the strange girl, “You definitely look and sound like you know your stuff. You would be a great addition to Lhavit!”

Chaya turned to pick up a blank piece of parchment from the desk, as well as a light quill. “Might I ask your name, please?” Once Haeli did so, Chaya nodded, then walked past the girl and out the door, she gestured for the swamp witch to follow, pointing at the various landmarks, “Over there is the Solar Wind Apartments, since you’ll be having your own abode, I don’t think it will be necessary for you to live there. Over here is the Surya Plaza,” She gestured toward the expansive plaza packed with people, small carts filled to the brim with merchandise and chatter, “Right across from where we stand is the Koten Temple, home of the Star Lady and our Anchorite. And right beside that,” Chaya pointed to the right of the grand building, “Is your future home.”

The building was large, quite large, in fact, and had three stories topped with the usual Lhavitian-style dome, but this one seemed to suit Haeli‘s needs quite well, as it was made of glass. Chaya motioned for Haeli to follow as she pushed aside the sliding door and the various curtains that marked the entrance, “This place was once used as an observatory and research center, tis why the ceiling is made of glass. Iraltu’s Observatory bought out the people working here so it’s been up for grabs since. There’s three stories, the ground level, as you can see, is quite large, very spacious indeed.” Chaya motioned for Haeli once more, “This is the backyard, quite the marvel isn’t it?” The hallway leading into the backyward was topped with archways that opened out into a rock garden complete with a small tree set in the dead center.

“If you follow me upstairs, you’ll see this floor has a lot of rooms, they used this as the research center. Most of the researchers shut themselves up here for quiet and meditation. And right up these stairs we’ll end up in the room with the magnificent glass ceiling. See that depression in the center? It used to house a magnificent quadrant, now it’s just one of many in Iraltu’s observatory. So, what do you think? To your liking?”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Haeli on November 7th, 2010, 11:27 pm

Haeli blinked, looked about to bolt, then stammered out her name. "Haeli. I have no other name." She said quietly, a little overwhelmed by the whole experience. Ozantha had claimed if Haeli had ever gone into a city, bad things would happen to her. People would take her coin, hurt her in other ways, and most importantly be less than cordial to her. It had kept her away from civilizations for along time, especially dhani settlements, where Ozantha cautioned her it would be worse.

Haeli followed Chaya's words, noting the landmarks and the proximity she pointed out. Then her eyes lit on the building that Chaya said was up for grabs. She walked with the woman to the location, passing down the streets and through the plaza to stand for a moment before the building. She followed the woman through the glass doors, still staring upwards at the ceiling. The place was a marvel of glass and stone, its obvious stories soaring far grander than anything Haeli had seen before. The swamp witch said little following the woman through the rooms, looking first on the ground floor, then the second, and looking at the gardens. "There is an underground floor then? That would be perfect for storage. Dark and dry places keep herbs longer." Haeli said softly, her bare feet silent on the stone floor.

"It is lovely. Far more than I need, but all the space I can use eventually. And there's more than enough room everything I have planned, for certain. However, I would owe a lot of coin for this place, would I not? I would love to say yes. It is a lovely place. But I would like to start paying it off immediately once I open my business. I would like to know how much debt I am getting myself involved in. And then, if you are agreeable, I would like to say yes."
She said thoughtfully, looking around and getting a feel for what she had planned. Outside definitely needed some water, perhaps a large pond, so she could grow some of the swamp plants from back home.

Haeli stood silently, waiting for Chaya's answer, excitement starting to fill her clear up. This would be a good life here, perhaps, a life she could live for herself among humans like herself. For some unexplainable reason going to Lhavit felt like somehow she was going home.

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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 10th, 2010, 9:39 am

Chaya nodded at Haeli, "Yes, all Lhavitian homes have underground cellars for storage. It keeps things nice and tidy. This one is no different, the researchers used it to store their equipment. It's off by the backyard, there are very distinct stairs leading to it."

Then the small guide smiled at the strange young woman, "The entire establishment is 3000 acres, quite a large place, yes, but it is also used. All in all, it would cost you," And here she paused, scribbling notes onto the parchment whilst she leaned against a counter, then she tapped her lip with the end of her quill, "3112.5 kina. You'd save 1037 kina by purchasing a used building. If you're short on money, the city is willing to loan you the required amount to begin your business, or you could head over to the Dawn Tower and inquire with Matriarch Sousa about your situation. She is known to be quite generous to those in need of help. Whatever you decide, I am willing to compromise."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Haeli on November 10th, 2010, 4:17 pm

The swamp witch said nothing for a long time, walking forward and slightly away from her guide as if surveying the building again. Chaya could tell Haeli was deep in thought, her warm citrine eyes casting about as if seeking the right answer written in the stone of the strange glass-ceiling business. Cautious, but ever mindful of this move being something she desperately needed, Haeli finally nodded.

"It is exactly what I need. There is much work that will need to be done here to get it to a place where it can be productive, but I am no stranger to such things." There would be no more storms here, ravishing the coastline and flooding out her home. There would be no more monsoons and blistering hot days that baked ones brain just for going outside in the summer. They were too high up in the mountains, too far from the water table, and cooled by the winds aloft.

"I do not have the coin, however. I would prefer to borrow it from the city itself rather than an individual. I am confident I can make this place pay back its cost if I work hard enough. Charity is not something I would be comfortable accepting."
Haeli said thoughtfully, turning to Chaya and making her final decision.

"Yes. I like it. It would work nicely. What is the next step?"
She asked.

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