More than Rocks Pet Store
IC: More Than Rocks is Crook's sole accomplishment in a life of abandonment and hardship. Being a half-Zith, the boy has not always been tolerated, and may not be ever, were it not for his choosing to live in Black Rock, and his knack with animals.
Others simply cannot seem to handle and care for animals the way Crook can, and so, he offers his services to the city of Black Rock, in the hopes that his small addition will make him more accepted and more well-loved throughout the city.
OOC: More Than Rocks will be a large addition to Black Rock, as it has very few businesses to start with, let alone PC-run. In addition, Black Rock is a wild place, with many animals of rich diversity, which I would like to allow the citizens of Black Rock to enjoy. I have already discussed the location with Traverse, and have gotten the a-okay to set up the shop as long as the business plans are approved.
Business Type: Goods
Items Sold*:
Sikuva - 5-10 GM, depending on size
Boa Constrictor - 5 GM
Cotton Mouth - 20 GM
Pen (Adult Female) - 8 SM
Cygnet (Immature)- 2 SM
Cob (Adult Male) - 1 GM
Giant Frog - 4 GM
Duck - 6 CM
Lizard, Iguana - 45 GM
Songbird - 1 GM
Boar - 15 GM
Cage, Medium - 10 GM
Cage, Small - 5 GM
*Other pets may be requested by name privately, for a fee
Base Income: Animal Handler 5 gm/day
Skill Bonus: Competent Animal Husbandry 2 gm/day
Sale's Bonus 0 gm/day
Total Income: 7 gm/day
Giant Frog - 4 GM
Duck - 6 CM
Lizard, Iguana - 45 GM
Songbird - 1 GM
Boar - 15 GM
Pen (Adult Female) - 8 SM
Cygnet (Immature)- 2 SM
Cob (Adult Male) - 1 GM
Sikuva - 5-10 GM, depending on size
Boa Constrictor - 5 GM
Cotton Mouth - 20 GM
Shop(Simple) - 600 GM
Cage, Medium (7) - 70 GM
Cage, Small (6) - 30 GM
787 GM and 1 Silver Miza to the city of Black Rock