Orin's reassurances --tinged dark with something that sounded faintly of pain, and then, later, hate-- did nothing to placate the worrying Nuit. In fact, if anything they increased her anxiety. Not only did she want Aren back with the group, but she was also concerned about Orin. She had been since the incident --attack?-- with his horse, but he'd said he was fine. But he wasn't. Not at all. He sounded like he was hurting, in more ways than one.
Crossing the river seemed to emphasize her thoughts. Both Sayana and Orin made it across behind her, though the panicked look in the Eypharian's eyes had almost prompted Isolde to go back in after her, just to make sure she kept walking. Once out of the water, however, Sayana seemed to bounce back, and began tasking out things for everyone to do, acting as a natural leader. Orin, though...
Isolde had already looped Gretta's reigns to a branch, and now did the same frantically with Sayana's horse --Cinnamon?-- when she saw that Orin had fallen, hearing him utter a short, pained cry. The Nuit rushed over to his side, asking, "Orin? Are you alright? What's wrong?" Obviously he wasn't alright. "Hold on a moment," she said, then grabbed Orin's horse's reigns just as she had Cinnamon's --his horse was called Marigold-- and trotted her over to the others, flipping her reigns over the same branch. She knew that none of the horses were properly tied and they would need tending to, as Sayana had suggested, but Orin was more important. She hurried back to him.
"I'm going to take your hand, okay, and try to pull you up to your feet. You can loop your arm around my shoulders if you need to." His legs seemed weak and wobbly, probably a result of the riding, especially the fast gallop that he'd been unprepared for. Her own legs felt adversely stiff in the hips, loose and painful in the knees, and altogether bruised, but she thought she'd be strong enough for him to lean upon as she took him... where? Where would be a good place for him to sit down? Somewhere not too far, but back enough from the water's edge and the mud...
Okay, there. A rock, nearby. Large enough to sit comfortably on, not too far a walk away, and rounded from the weather so it would be smooth and wouldn't poke into Orin's legs and worsen his pain. If he was agreeable and had gotten back to his feet, Isolde would do her best to carefully escort him to the rock and sit him down.
"Don't worry about Marigold, I'll take care of her," she would pant out once he was seated. "Um, I don't really know what's wrong exactly. The bruises, from before? Or something else?" Her worried gaze flitted from him to the horses and back. If it was the bruises, or maybe some strained muscles, she didn't really know what she could do for him. "Just... just rest for now, okay? Maybe try to stretch your legs and see if that helps. And if you have any problems or the pain worsens or anything, just call. I'll be right back. But for now I need to make sure the horses are tied properly so they don't wander away." Unless Orin protested, the Nuit would turn and jog back to the small group of animals tied to their one, tired branch.
Halfway there, however, there came a cry from the woods, "Sayana!"; Isolde nearly leapt out of her boots, and then stood frozen, head pointed in that direction. The shout had sounded like Aren.
With a look back at Orin, Isolde set her jaw --mostly to keep it from trembling-- and put her hand once again on her dagger. "Sayana? Aren?" she called, in a measured tone that sounded less frightened than she really was. Her mind was racing. She had not been a squire long now, but... but if something had happened to either of them, then it was her responsibility to get Orin out of danger and then go in after them both. The Nuit finished crossing to the horses, and noted that they seemed mostly unconcerned. Was that a good sign? Surely if there was danger, they would hear it? Unless it was something that could not be easily heard. Some kind of monster? A ghost?
Quickly as she could with her shaking fingers, Isolde separated Marigold's reigns back from the others', then turned back to Orin. As calmly as she could muster, she said, "If we don't hear anything from them in another moment or two, I'm going to give you your horse and then I'm going to look and see if they're okay. Will you be able to climb into the saddle again, or no? If not, I'll help you up. Then I'll go in. If you hear anything that sounds bad, I want you to ride away." She paused, then faced the woods again and called, more loudly this time, "Sayana? Aren? Everything alright?"
Isolde felt scared almost to sickness. All of her muscles were tense; her legs burned with it after the long day of riding. Compounding the fear was her previous feeling of dread, which had risen up in full force, prickling her skin.
At the same time, she felt a weird core of serenity that she could not recall having experienced before. It almost reminded her of the white fog that would threaten her consciousness, threaten her very identity when she was feeling particularly dispirited... only this was different somehow. The same, but... this feeling of peace was the opposite in that it was what kept her moving, what kept her voice steady. Without thinking about it, she'd drawn the dagger slightly out of its hilt.